"Can't stop it?...

With a sigh in her heart, Kyuubi was also preparing to use other methods... she was not good at defense....

If you can't resist it, you will naturally have no choice but to find another way.

For example, the sealing technique that seals the sky and suppresses the earth.

However, just when Kyuubi came up with this idea, a low roar suddenly sounded in Kyuubi's ears.

"Sister, let me come..."

When the words fell, I heard only a roar


Along with the terrifying roar, a figure as huge as a mountain crashed into the violent giant ape not far away.

Emperor Crocodile, ranked fourth among the top ten mythical beasts, cultivates the physical body.

But now, seeing Black Gold's violent posture, Emperor Crocodile is naturally eager to try.


Like a dragon roaring...The entire body of Emperor Crocodile exuded bright golden light.

And this, surprisingly, is the small magical power cultivated by Emperor Crocodile - the indestructible body of Vajra.

Now, it seems that the indestructible body of Emperor Crocodile has become a small success....

The whole body has a metallic texture...


Just hearing a loud noise, the world was shaken.

Looking up, at the center of the world, two extremely terrifying creatures had collided.

Unimaginable roars echoed in the sky.

Terrible wind and waves rolled up one after another, spreading in all directions like ocean waves.

And looking at the terrifying aftermath, not to mention the ordinary fourth-level and fifth-level strong men, even those as powerful as the Nine Tails, Di Ji's pupils shrank.

Simply because this is the purest physical collision.

It is also the most brutal confrontation of forces.

The sixth level is already close to the mythical level...

And now, in the small world of life, there are two top-notch sixth-level life forms, fighting in a terrifying battle between life and death....

"Tsk tsk...The fighting power of these two guys may be more terrifying than I expected."

Praising secretly in his heart, it was rare for Yu Ziyu to witness such a rare battle.

After all, it is rare for Black Gold to lose his mind nowadays.

And Emperor Crocodile has always been famous for its coldness.

In this way, it is natural for the two to fight. Will not hold back.

As for whether there will be an accident, there is no need to worry.

With the strength of the two, even if the heart is pierced, it can be recovered.

Moreover, there are terrifying existences like Yu Ziyu.

Although, Yu Ziyu has not yet It is easy to resurrect others, but in a short period of time, it is not difficult to kill flesh, bones, and the living dead.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also looked not far away, trying to stop Zhan Wei and Ling'er and said:

"Let them fight, it will just give you some relief

"Yes, master."

In the chorus of responses, Di Ji and Ling'er also slowly stepped aside....

And when Yu Ziyu rarely wakes up,...One of the most ancient forces also experienced a violent shock.


There was a mournful cry like a dragon's roar, and golden clouds appeared in the sky.

However, if you look closely at the golden cloud, you can suddenly find that a corner of it is suddenly missing.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"...

Exclaiming one after another, this force also had countless streams of light flying out.

Among them, several streams of light are as bright as the scorching sun....Do not look directly

"This is..."

With a sound of surprise, a figure with a white beard also changed his expression.

Just because, at this time, he had discovered the reason why the Dragon of Fate screamed.

However, before he could say anything, a voice sounded in his ears

"Mr. Xing, why did this dragon of luck suddenly scream in mourning? Moreover, for some reason, I just couldn't help but feel nervous. Something bad seemed to have happened."

Listening to this inquiry, and feeling the eyes looking at them one after another, the figure named Xing Lao also took a deep breath....

Then, he said bluntly:

"Someone took away our luck..."

"Stealing luck?"

With an exclamation, everyone around them changed their expressions when they heard this.

Just because luck is the most mysterious.

But it is also the most important.

And now, someone actually takes away luck?

Moreover, they also take away their heaven. luck

"Do you really think that there is no one in our heaven?"

With the angry shouts, the Red Emperor, who has been famous for a long time and is wearing a yellow robe, has an ashen complexion.

"It sounds like there are real people in our heaven."

A sudden rhetorical question, not far away, a figure said with a strange aura.

This is the Qing Emperor, one of the five emperors of heaven, and the most difficult to deal with the Red Emperor.

And all this is only because the sixth-level Red Emperor once lost to In the hands of the Sky-Shaking Demon Ant, who was only at the fifth level of the Demon Realm, the whole Heaven was humiliated.

And for this, the Red Emperor not only did not reflect on it, but also shied away many times... which also made the Qing Emperor start to get angry.

Even, both of them It was because of this that they formed a rift.

Not only did they not deal with themselves, but even their subordinates began to fight openly and secretly.

And now, the Qing Emperor was just unhappy with what the Red Emperor said and made sarcastic remarks.

But at this time, feeling the surroundings Looking at him with doubtful eyes, Qing Emperor also felt that it was necessary to explain.

Thinking of this, Qing Emperor snorted coldly and said bluntly:"In the past hundred years, everyone in the world has known about the Demon Court, but has forgotten the name of my Heavenly Court. This Isn't a little enough?

"If there are really people in our Heavenly Court, how can we be in such a state of desolation? Everyone shouts and beats us, hiding here and there. Just wherever the Demon Court passes by, our Heavenly Court will avoid several star fields.……"

"This this……"

It was a rare excitement, and Qing Emperor was particularly unwilling to do so.

You know, they are the heavens, the absolute overlords of the previous era.

But now, we have ended up in such a miserable situation


At this time, listening to Qingdi's words, many figures could not help but remain silent.

Indeed, if there were really people in their heaven, they would never be like this.

Therefore, Qingdi's words are correct.

The facts are before our eyes, and even the Red Emperor is unwilling to refute this point.

However, at this moment, as if he noticed the weirdness of the atmosphere, Black Emperor also took the initiative to change the subject and said:"The most important thing for us now is to find out who stole my destiny from heaven."

After saying this, Black Emperor also changed the subject. He turned around and looked at Mr. Xing who was not far away and said,"Mr. Xing, I wonder if we can find out who did it?" ps:------------Ask for customization------------

These pictures are a little overdone. After all, they involve thousands of years, and they are also about carrying the supreme law. Skipping a sentence will lose some flavor. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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