So, this is not just a retreat for Yu Ziyu.

It is also a true penance for all the demon court masters.

And this time the penance...It is very possible to create a truly immortal legend of Demon Court.

As for why?

Naturally, it is because now that all the races in the starry sky have just conquered the Tongtian Sacred Tree, the strong men of all races are heading towards the starry sky.

One strong person after another moved the stars.

And those unknown strong men are naturally unwilling to accept it.

They want to compete, not only for fame, but also for luck.

As a result, chaos in the starry sky also appeared.

Just before Yu Ziyu went into retreat, Yu Ziyu had received news about the massive expansion of the Dragon Clan and Phoenix Clan.

Moreover, the God Clan seems to have the intention of expansion....

And at this critical time...The powerful people in Demon Court actually chose to practice hard in seclusion.

Moreover, it is not one or two years.

It is very likely that it will take a hundred years or even a thousand years.

From this, we can imagine, what does this mean?

Not to mention anything else, just let the demon court masters continue to practice like this. A hundred years later, the entire starry sky will see the demon court sixth level masters springing up like mushrooms after a rain.

As for the seventh-level powerhouse, there is no need to think about it.

Today is the era of sixth-level experts, and seventh-level people are too far away from most people.

Under the starry sky, only the Dragon of Dreams, the genius of the Kunpeng clan, and Ni Shang of the Phoenix clan have the possibility to reach the seventh level in a short time. so...‘If the Demon Court is a sixth-level powerhouse, and it really springs up like bamboo shoots after a rain, then it is conceivable that the Demon Court will dominate all races.

And this was another success that Yu Ziyu gained in the battle against the Tongtian Sacred Tree.

He became famous in one battle and forged his reputation as the 'Number One in the Starry Sky'.

All races were afraid of Yu Ziyu, so that few people dared to provoke the Demon Court.

Although the current Demon Court is still limited to the Western Star Region, the entire force is somewhat transcendent in the Western Star Region.

The Angel Clan, the Titan Clan, these top forces all respect the Demon Court.......

There are no other forces to provoke, and there is no civil strife within the Demon Court, and they are practicing hard in seclusion.

Then, being strong is inevitable.

However, exactly how powerful it can be depends on the talents of Nine Tails, Emperor Crocodile and others.

If the talent is good, everyone can transform into a dragon and reach the sixth level of the extraordinary.

At that time, dozens of extraordinary sixth-level statues were flying across the sky, and Yu Ziyu could truly compete with all races to compete for the great destiny.

If it fails, it will naturally continue to survive and grow.

When it comes to growth, Yu Ziyu will never reject it, let alone reject it.

Whether it is an individual or a force, development is always king....

And this can be said to be Yu Ziyu’s wishful thinking....

"Master, when it comes to grasping the overall situation, he has never disappointed anyone."

With a chuckle, Jiuwei, who was lying quietly on a cliff peak, saw a hint of understanding in the depths of her eyes. She pondered for several days and thought hard for several days.

She finally understood the true intention of her master.

Let everyone Forced penance training is secondary. The real purpose is to prepare for the competition in the starry sky in the future. However, Jiuwei is a little worried about whether Demon Court, with all the core experts leaving, can still support the 'Western Star Territory'. The prestige of a force.

In a short time, fortunately, the Angel Clan, Titan Clan, and other forces in the big star field will not find out that the strong men of the Demon Court are gone.

But in the long run, they will definitely be able to detect it.

At that time, it would be the real test for them.

That’s why Kyuubi was worried...

She didn't want to see the Demon Court in a mess with ruins after leaving the seclusion.

I don’t even want to see the deceased one after another die.

Losing the prestige of Demon Court is a small thing, but damaging the foundation of Demon Court is a big deal.

After all, relying on strong men alone cannot support a truly powerful force.

Such as the third-level powerhouse, the fourth-level powerhouse, such middle-level people are indispensable.

They are all good seedlings worth cultivating!!


With a sigh, Kyuubi suppressed the worries in his heart and chose to retreat.

Now, it is useless to think too much.

All she can do is practice hard and practice hard again.

Everything has to wait until the retreat is over before we can make a decision......

And when most of the higher-ups in Demon Court were following Yu Ziyu in retreat, no one knew that...The Demon Court, which was already a 'castle in the air', actually has several amazing geniuses who are slowly rising.

No one knew that one day, the little guy who would be called the 'Little Demon King' would also open his eyes.

"I will always wait for you...In this mortal world you mentioned...Waiting for your return..."

With such a sentence vaguely reminiscing in his ears, a very handsome young man with blood hair couldn't help but clenched his fists.

He finally made a choice

"Ha ha..."

With a sad laugh, Yu Ziyu's second disciple, Bo Xun, who had embarked on the 'Path of Six Desires' and was supposed to be practicing in the world of mortals, actually had blood and tears streaming down his eyes.

He had no tears, only blood.

Therefore, all he shed was blood.

After all, he is not a human being, so how can he shed the weak tears of a human being.

But why, why?

Lust in the world can be so confusing.

She was obviously just a little girl, but it made him, a heartless person, feel a twinge of pain in his chest.

"This is what humans call 'inseparable feelings'.."

With a sigh, as the spiritual power surged, the blood and tears disappeared, leaving only an indescribable deep light flowing in the depths of the eyes.

Only then did Bo Xun notice that he was lying in a pool.

This is the celestial metamorphosis pool, which can nourish the body

"Brother, you are finally back..."

A sudden voice sounded in my ears.

Looking in the direction of the sound, Bo Xun noticed that not far away, there was a girl with black hair reaching her waist, leaning on the corner not far away, waiting for him quietly.

"Where is the master? How long have I been gone?..."

Questions came one after another, and the memory in Bo Xun's mind was a little messy.

"You went to Blue Star and refined your heart through the world of mortals for more than twenty years....And just over half a year ago, Master took Sister Jiuwei and the others to retreat to practice hard...."

"Today's Demon Court is no longer the same as before. Only a few of us remain...."

Listening quietly to Shi's voice, Bo Xun's messy thoughts were sorted out.

Then, with one hand holding it up, Bo Xun also took the initiative to receive the information from Shi.

Some things cannot be explained in words.

Therefore, memory is more effective in conveying

"I see..."

After a long sigh, Bo Xun also had a complicated expression.

I didn't expect that so many important things would happen during his absence.

The Tongtian Divine Tree located in the central star field was actually beheaded by his master.

And his master actually became the number one person in the starry sky......

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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