Law assimilation has always been something Yu Ziyu was very afraid of.

As for the things that he is afraid of, Yu Ziyu will naturally try his best to deal with them.

And like Qinglong, who did not hesitate to die and turned into nine wishing beads, so as to cultivate the power of humanity and deal with the way of heaven, this is also Yu Ziyu's plan.

This is not just to help Qinglong achieve enlightenment.

To a greater extent, it is also to help Yu Ziyu's body resist the assimilation of the law.

Borrow the power of humanity to contain the power of heaven.

Thinking about it, the power of humanity can also restrain the assimilation of laws.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also felt more and more terrible about the"power of humanity".

It’s no wonder that along the way to humanity, there will be so many amazing and powerful people....

And now, with the help of the great supernatural power to transform the three pure beings in one breath, Yu Ziyu has felt countless human power coming from the body of the blue dragon.

"Shenlong, I want to resurrect my dead wife"

"Shenlong, can you help me become stronger?"

"Shenlong, I want to be the most beautiful man in the starry sky..."

One whisper after another is the heartfelt desire of countless creatures under the starry sky.

And these creatures are all chasing the nine wishing beads.

Although, the individual wishes of these creatures are somewhat insignificant.

But precisely because of these thousands of creatures chasing the wishing beads, Yu Ziyu felt a mysterious force pulling him.

It was also because of this pull that Yu Ziyu realized that he was still himself, not the law, let alone the so-called heaven and earth.

As for this pull, what is it?

That is naturally a kind of human power, which can be called 'willing power'.

The purest and most complex power

"If it weren't for this human will, I'm afraid it wouldn't be long before I would be assimilated into heaven and earth."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also continued to have an epiphany.

However, at this moment, what Yu Ziyu didn't know was the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings. He couldn't help but opened his mouth with a look of stunned expression on his face.

"Was this the epiphany?"

"Just because of my words, you had an epiphany?"

"This this...You don’t deserve to be a tree anymore, right?..."

He exclaimed repeatedly in his heart, and the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings were also dumbfounded.

This epiphany is something the world can only dream of.

He's quite good. He has an epiphany....

Moreover, he had an epiphany right under his nose.

The corners of his eyes twitched again and again, and the Imperial Soldier Sacred Izayoi remained silent.

No wonder, Yu Ziyu can try to carry the 'Supreme Law' while turning his body seven times.’...

It's not because of how terrible his opportunity is.

It's because this guy's talent is truly a monster among monsters.

There are only a few people like him among the Imperial Soldiers' Sacred Ten Memories.

One is the first person in the Taoist sect, and the other one has an innate Taoist body, and his enlightenment only takes a moment.

The second one is Sakyamuni of Buddhism. He is a born divine person who sits under the bodhi tree and asks questions....

However, these two people, for eternity, are monsters that are lurking in the extreme....

And now...Yu Ziyu, a little guy, actually...

"Could it be said that he is the next existence comparable to the founder of Taoism?..."

With a murmur, the Emperor's Sacred Sixteenth Wing looked at Yu Ziyu with an unspeakably complicated look.

He didn't dare to say anything else.

But in Yu Ziyu, he saw this possibility.

Moreover, compared to the number one person in the Taoist sect and the Buddhist Sakyamuni, this little guy has one thing that is even more terrifying.

That means taking every step and being cautious.

And this, in the eyes of the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings, is truly terrifying.

It is clear that Yu Ziyu now has the strength to unify the Western Star Region, but he takes the initiative to calm down and practice hard in seclusion....

"Tsk tsk..."

Smacking his mouth, the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings were also amazed....

And just when Yu Ziyu began to retreat, deep in the Nine Realms.

Nine Tails, Bull Demon, and other strong men also chose to practice hard.

"Master, when you come out, I will definitely let you see a different me..."

With a murmur, a figure standing quietly on the lake with a veil on his face also raised the corners of his mouth slightly, forming a smile.

She is Di Ji Linger...

And now, she chose to retreat in a small lake at the deepest part of the small world of life.

And this lake is extraordinary.

It is even more mysterious and unpredictable than the Lake of Life in the outside world.

Not only is there a surge of rich vitality, but there is also the growth of countless spiritual energy.

And this is a spiritual lake carefully built by Yu Ziyu, the 'Lake of Living Things'.

A lake filled with vitality and aura.

Vitality comes from the small world of vitality and has endless potential.

The aura comes from the well of elements, the treasure of the elemental clan.

The two are intertwined to create this spiritual lake.

With this spiritual lake, Di Ji's cultivation speed may be hundreds of times faster.

However, not only Di Ji, but every strong person under Yu Ziyu's command, Yu Ziyu has prepared a very good training place for them.

Like the red lotus platypus, this guy who practices the way of volcanoes and understands the ultimate explosion, Yu Ziyu changed the world for him in the small world of flames, creating the most terrifying active volcano in this world.

The everlasting flame ignites in the center of the earth.

The blazing high temperature distorts the air.

And this red lotus platypus is just like this, quietly entrenched deep in the active volcano, and its heart rises and falls with the fluctuations of the volcano.

In a trance, his whole body turned into an active volcano...

And on the other side, the small world of extreme ice,

"Master, I will definitely work harder."

A clear chant, but it was an ice dragon, swimming and galloping from the endless glaciers.

This is the ice dragon, also known as the white snake, the protector of the demon court.

It merged the blood of the dragon clan and the elemental clan, two powerful clans.

The strength is also It is extremely terrifying.

However, even with outstanding bloodline, it is difficult for the ice dragon to stand firmly at the top of the Demon Court where there are so many strong people.

And there is no way.

As the Demon Court becomes more and more powerful, geniuses are also emerging in large numbers.

And like The Thunder Dragon Xiao Shi is like the Nine Tails. In terms of bloodline, they are no worse than the Ice Dragon. In terms of talent, they are slightly better than the Ice Dragon.

No wonder, even though the Ice Dragon is chasing after them desperately, they can only see theirs. Back view.

But...This time it’s uncertain.

As if he thought of something, a glimmer of light flashed in the depths of Bing Jiao's eyes.

And for a moment,


With a dragon roar, an ice-blue ball the size of a fist, exuding an extremely cold aura, gushes out from the mouth of the ice dragon.

Ice Soul - the top secret treasure from the ice element family.

And if the ice dragon can be successfully refined, it will not be difficult to reach the sixth level.

And this is the greatest confidence for Bing Jiao to catch up with the eldest sister Jiuwei, Xiao Shi and others. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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