Galloping among the stars, what Yu Ziyu has to do now is to rush to the Milky Way Star Territory.

It’s been five years since I came back again and again.

And in the past five years, I don’t know how the Demon Court has changed?

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also showed his wings behind him


With a roar, Yu Ziyu broke through the space and flew towards the end of the starry sky.

Break open space...For a higher level of use of the imperial weapon's sacred sixteen wings.

The sacred sixteen wings are known as the 'Wings of Freedom'.

No one in heaven or earth can stop it.

Its space can naturally be broken open.

To put it another way, it means teleportation.

However, this teleportation is not that teleportation.

This is a space teleportation across the starry sky, referred to as 'jump'.

As for such a method, only Yu Ziyu's body of the void elf in Demon Court can do it. He has already condensed the law seal of the space law, and can make the jump with the help of the rhombus crystal.

But now, Yu Ziyu's Seraph body can also do it with the help of the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings.

In this way...In just a moment, Yu Ziyu could cross several asteroid belts.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu was also somewhat satisfied with the current methods.

If so, he can incorporate the seal of space law condensed in the body of the void elf into his main body in the future....His mastery of the Imperial Weapon's Sacred Sixteen Wings may be improved by several levels.

Imperial Soldier...No matter how powerful it is, it is still a weapon.

As for weapons, it depends on Yu Ziyu's use.

If Yu Ziyu is good at time, he can bless the time gear. If Yu Ziyu is good at space, he can bless the seal of the law of space....

Different strengths will give different powers to the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings.

According to legend, the wisps of storm lingering at the end of the Imperial Arms' Sacred Sixteen Wings were the previous generation of the Imperial Armed Forces' Sacred Sixteen Wings, who were good at the law of wind and then became permanent....

This is also the biggest reason why the Imperial Army would choose an excellent leader.

The better the leader, the greater the help to the imperial soldiers.

What's more, it will also promote the evolution of imperial weapons.

And this also means that God’s weapons are different from the cultivation methods of all races.......

And just when Yu Ziyu rushed back to the Galaxy Star Territory...

In the deepest part of a certain star field.

The huge trees connecting the sky and the earth rely on the nine worlds, and sit high on the throne of the sky. A vicissitudes of life looks down at the world, watching the world below indifferently.

And below him...The branches of the giant tree spread in all directions, but each held up a world as huge as a planet....

Every world is colorful and brilliant...

And this is the world of gods...

The place where the gods dwell.

But now, in an extremely bright and glorious world


The heartbreaking roar suddenly echoed in the starry sky.

Looking up, I saw that the extremely bright and glorious world was actually filled with endless radiance, and a hazy figure tens of thousands of feet high emerged.

Badsa, god of light...Pantheon, the third most powerful god.

The Holy See of Light under his command is spread all over the Star Territory, with tens of thousands of followers.

When it comes to preaching, no one in the entire divine race can match it.

But such a powerful god actually lost his composure at this moment, looking up to the sky and roaring

"What happened?"

Amidst the sudden confusion, the old figure sitting high on the throne of heaven, holding a scepter in one hand, was also a little stunned.

"Report back to your Majesty...It is said that the God of Light Badsa sent his most powerful divine body to the Western Star Territory....Now it seems that something has happened."

While slowly speaking, this god also raised the corners of his mouth, sketching a smile.

The God of Light, Badsa, is so powerful that many gods are displeased with him.

Now, I am afraid that many people are applauding for the sudden heavy damage....

"Rush to the Western Star Region..."

In the faint voice, this vicissitudes of life slowly opened his one eye.

Yes, one-eyed.

If the God Clan, the successors of the God-King lineage, want to inherit the position of the 'God-King', they must destroy their own eyes in order to inherit the 'Eye of Destiny' passed down by their lineage.

And now...Slowly opening his one eye, there are vicissitudes of life and ancient legends deep in his eyes.

And at the next moment, as if he had seen through the long river of fate, an illusory scene actually appeared in front of this figure.


In the sudden shock, many gods saw that in the illusory picture, the starry sky was gradually dyed purple.

The deep purple exudes extraordinary and mystery.

Along with it, an indescribable aura filled the starry sky


A sudden dragon roar shook the earth and the earth...It actually shook this place.

Visible to the naked eye, there are ripples.

An earth-shattering dragon roar echoed in the God Realm.

What's even more suffocating is that this world is trembling again and again, as if being eroded, with purple meaning spreading.


With a cold snort, the scepter stood still.

In an instant, thunder raged and roared continuously.

The spreading purple meaning was fierce.

However, this is not the end.

Just because, at this moment, a voice that was so cold and emotionless echoed in the God Realm.

"How dare you peek at me without my permission?"

The voice is faint, but it is getting colder.

Even the space is trembling.

Looking carefully, the spreading purple meaning is constantly twisting, as if something is gushing out.

Yes, something is gushing out.


Amidst the terrifying dragon roar, a lifelike purple ferocious dragon head has appeared in the sky of the God Realm.

"This guy..."

With rare dignity, the figure on the throne of heaven also chose to close his eyes.


As soon as his eyes were closed, the world became clear.

Even the spreading purple spirit is slowly fading away

"God of Light, defeat is not unjust..."

With a sigh, the King of Gods had to admit the terror of the Void Emperor.

Obviously only level six...The method is so weird.

He was actually able to step out of illusion and come to reality.

It also has the terrifying ability to erode everything.

This kind of existence is really terrifying...

In this way, it is conceivable why Badsa, the God of Light, failed miserably.

Being targeted by such a being...Don't say he has a divine body, even if his true body comes...I'm afraid I'm going to suffer a big disaster.

And at the same time, somewhere in the deepest corner of the void.

Yu Ziyu, whose consciousness suddenly came to the body of the purple dragon, also frowned slightly.

Who is it, with such means, who can travel hundreds of millions of miles to see his true identity?

If he hadn't noticed in time, Zilong might have exposed some secrets.

At least...It is possible that the 'Supreme Infinite Law' that he is carrying now cannot be concealed.

And then, I'm afraid the entire starry sky will shake.

A void creature actually has the tendency to"carry the supreme and infinite laws"...

This is more than just a slap in the face of all races.

It will become the biggest threat to all races.

Just because, as the Purple Dragon, burdened with the supreme law, grows up, half-step eternity is destined.

At that time, all races in the starry sky will be shrouded in the fear of the void.

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