And, more importantly, out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at two figures not far away, and Yu Ziyu also narrowed his eyes slightly.

"In this way, they won't suspect anything."

Smiling in her heart, Yu Ziyu heard a worried voice coming from a distance.

"You are hurt?"

With an exclamation, even the face of the Holy Angel changed slightly.

The fifth Seraph Wing can be injured. Are you kidding me?

His existence?

But...Looking at the scar like a cross on his palm, the Holy Angel couldn't help but remain silent.

"Badsa, the god of light, is truly terrifying."

Sighing slightly, in response to the holy angel, Yu Ziyu slowly raised his eyes and glanced at the deep starry sky.

Then, he continued:

"Now the Protoss’ supreme heritage, the Spear of Destiny, has returned....The Gods also have a tendency to regain their former glory....Get ready"

"Prepare, what preparation?"

Clenching his fists, Seraph also growled unwillingly.

A god of light made them so embarrassed.

If the gods and all the light gods were attacking, how could their angel clan resist?

You know, The light god system is only one of the nine major god systems of the gods.

Among them, the dark god system, the chaos god system, and the god king lineage among the nine god systems are all no less than the light god system....

And in this way, you can also think of how terrifying the gods are.

No, it should be said that the return of the Protoss’ supreme heritage, the Spear of Destiny, has caused a qualitative transformation for the entire Protoss.

Otherwise, with the strength of the God Clan, even if it surpasses the Angel Clan, it will not surpass it by much.

"Ha ha..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also heard the unwillingness in Seraphim's words.

Not only was there unwillingness, there was also humiliation and resentment.

There is even a trace of self-blame.

Are you blaming yourself for not being strong enough?

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu said bluntly:

"Don’t forget that our angel clan is now a member of the Fighting Alliance....It is the principle of the Fatian Alliance to advance and retreat together among the members."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu's voice also became more playful:

"So, you understand..."


There was a moment of silence, and the bodies of the seraphim and the city lord of Angel City were also shocked.

Advancing and retreating together?

Does this mean that the Demon Court and the Titan God Clan will also be dragged into the water?

Thinking of this, the Holy Angel's expression also became indescribably weird.

Then, he hesitated and said:

"Isn't this not good?"

"What's wrong?"

As a rhetorical question, Yu Ziyu also stood from the standpoint of the angel clan and said bluntly:

"Don’t forget, it was the Demon Court who first asked us to join forces to conquer the Heavenly Court. Now that the Angel Clan is in trouble, they naturally cannot stand idly by....So...If necessary, we can sacrifice some interests and let the Demon Court temporarily protect us...."

What Yu Ziyu said is right.

At least from the perspective of the angel clan, there is nothing wrong.

But the problem is...What the Angel Clan doesn't know is that the current Demon Court is 'ambitious' and has long thought of starting a war.

In particular, the Lord of the Demon Court, Shenmu, who is Yu Ziyu himself, is eager for a real invasion.

But now, the God Clan suddenly took action, giving Demon Court a good excuse.

If the angel clan takes the initiative to seek help from Demon Court,...Yu Ziyu would only be polite, and then lead the entire Fatian Alliance to declare war on the Gods.

In this way, Yu Ziyu not only had an excuse to launch a war, but also was able to win over the hearts of the angel clan.

In time, it is not surprising that the angel clan will become a subsidiary race of the Demon Court....

And this can be said to be a deal that kills two birds with one stone.

As for now, Yu Ziyu is just using the fifth Seraph Wings to guide the entire angel clan to make the most 'correct choice'. believe...The angel family will not let him down.

But at this moment, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu raised his steps


In an instant, time and space were reversed, and Yu Ziyu, who was carrying eighteen golden wings, was pulled to the side of Seraphim.

Raising his hand and gently pressing on Seraphim's shoulder, Yu Ziyu said softly in a serious tone:

"What I chase is only strength...The angel clan is still relying on you..."

As the words fell, the figure gradually disappeared, leaving only the golden angel feathers falling in the starry sky.

And shortly after Yu Ziyu left, Seraphim and Holy Angel looked at each other with complex expressions in their eyes.


After a long sigh, Seraph's whole body became a little rickety, as if she was getting older.

"I lost..."

In the bitter voice, Seraph's eyes couldn't help but become a little distracted.

He lost.

What loses is not strength.

But the state of mind.

Just because, as the leader of the angel clan, he was blinded by jealousy and resentment, and he was repeatedly jealous of the most mysterious Seraph Wings....

But now, Yi's words were like a heavy hammer, waking him up.

So, he lost...Total loss...

"Are seraphs so easy to fool?"

A voice full of playfulness sounded in the depths of the starry sky, but it was the sigh that the departing Yu Ziyu made when he noticed that Seraphim was distracted.

"Ever since you took away the imperial weapon, you have become the inner demon of the Seraphim for hundreds of years....It would be strange to leave him such a sentence now and not break his state of mind."

With a sigh, the voice of the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings was also a little helpless.

Seraphim are really good.

At least among the Seraphs he has seen, Seraphim are ranked among the best.

But, how could this happen? Was he born in the same era as Yu Ziyu, a monster?

Now...The fifth Seraph Wing, transformed by Yu Ziyu, struck him to pieces, and even left this sentence at the end: 'What I pursue is only strength. '

Isn't this a change of direction, saying that the seraphim judge the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain?

But, that’s okay.

If it were a little guy like a seraphim...If you can overcome this demonic obstacle, you will truly make further progress.

If not...Then forget it.

Under the leadership of such a clan leader, the decline of the angel clan is inevitable.

And this is also the reason why the Imperial Soldier’s Sacred Sixteen Wings did not stop Yu Ziyu...


Touching the wings of his nose, Yu Ziyu also pretended not to hear the voice of the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings.

Now, he likes this feeling very much.

Play with everything, take control of everything.

With the fifth seraph wing, a few casual words can influence the entire angel family....This feeling is not ordinary wonderful.

I believe that not long after, the entire angel clan will seek help from the Demon Court.

And at that time...He then put forward some conditions as the Lord of the Demon Court, Shenmu....It can also further consolidate Demon Court’s position in the Western Star Region.

As for why, you don't just use the fifth Seraph to unify the angel clan, and then lead the angel clan to join the Demon Court?

Sorry, can't do that.

Yu Ziyu didn't have the time to unify the angel clan, let alone take care of it.

Even the Demon Court was handled by Jiuwei and Diji, so how could Yu Ziyu personally manage the Angel Clan? and...

In this way, we guide the angel clan step by step and follow the steps of Demon Court....Actually it's the best.

The twisted melon is not sweet after all.

And like now, loyalty is at least guaranteed.

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