Chapter 639 Preparing for God’s Battle

The first point is the original function of the artifact, and the second point is the repair function, which has also been strengthened. It can directly interfere with any place on the main material plane through the artifact, including the function of changing the climate, which is quite magical.

But the most powerful thing is the third point. Through this artifact, he covered the magic net of shadow on the main material plane, which directly overlaps with the magic net controlled by the god of magic. In the future, the main material plane can also use the shadow magic net. , This is absolutely not allowed for the god of magic, and it can be foreseen that the god of magic will launch a battle against the dark gods in a few years.

It is worth mentioning that this function can only be detected by the magical god and the three strong god-tiers in charge of the magic net, but other true gods cannot be detected.

These three points are only temporary functions of this artifact. As his strength increases, the power of the artifact will also increase.

But in any case, this main artifact is just an auxiliary artifact and cannot directly increase his combat effectiveness, so in the future he will need to forge another combat artifact.

Reaching out to grab the magic net planet, the golden artifact quickly flew towards him, disappearing in the palm of his right hand, and then a tiny pattern of the magic net planet appeared on the back of his hand. If you don’t look closely, you won’t notice it.

He stretched out his palm again, and a golden light flew out from the back of his hand and turned into a pure golden light ball hanging in front of him slowly. With a finger, the dense rune on the surface of the light ball flew out and diffused, quickly transforming into a huge virtual main material plane. Topographic map.

In the center is a very large main continent, surrounded by endless oceans, dotted with large and small islands, the largest with an area of ​​several million square kilometers.

It can be seen from the virtual map that there is a subcontinent that is only about one-fifth of the area of ​​the main continent above the sea that is extremely remote to the east of the main continent.

That continent is full of poisonous insects and poisonous fog, which is not suitable for the survival of many intelligent creatures on the main plane. Only the edge of the island is scattered with some savage races that are resistant to poison. There is no true god who is interested in developing beliefs there.

Lin Xiao quickly retracted his gaze to this main continent, which was larger than the total area of ​​the entire earth. He stretched out his golden finger and tapped a little on the main continent. The map in front of him quickly zoomed in, and the area of ​​his finger appeared in front of him.

This scene reminded Lin Xiao of high-precision satellite monitoring of the planet, which can accurately locate any location on the planet with an error of no more than one centimeter.

His artifact possesses this function and can accurately locate any location on the main material plane. The key is that this positioning function is realized by the shadow magic net covering the main material plane. In theory, any place covered by the shadow magic net Can be observed.

In other words, as long as the lens is pulled close enough, he can observe the internal situation through this artifact even in a thick castle, which is very powerful.

With the fast-moving lens, the gaze swept across the main material plane, and the images of the lens were quickly swept across.

Mountains, rivers, forests, castles, farmland…

A group of knights riding war horses and wearing thick armors rushed towards a group of peasants wearing linen clothes with Damn forks, wielding war blades, and a cruel slaughter was staged in front of him.

When these farmers were about to be killed, there were chaotic shouts in the distance, and more farmers rushed over with pitchforks and sticks.

“Peasant uprising?”

The camera has been shot for a long time, and this scene still remains in Lin Xiao’s mind.

Compared with the peace in the faith area he manages, even the life of the caveman is Wu You, and the human on the surface is still Life. In the dark age of the Middle Ages, the nobles and churches were the rulers, and the serfs and slaves were the oppressors.

The wild aliens and Magical Beasts stared at each other. The ambitious ambitions started the war, the descendants of the aliens competed for faith, and the whole world was in chaos.


The fast-sliding camera stopped and quickly returned to the sky above a city. Lin Xiao’s gaze fell on the huge church in the center of the city, the familiar emblem from the god of magic. This area was ruled by the god of magic system. area.

Although it is not the core faith parish of the god of magic, it is also a secondary area.

Because of the particularity of the god of magic, the main believers are wizards and sorcerers. The number of believers is very small, but the quality is very high. His beliefs are all over the main material plane.

Because of its mastery of the magic net and special priesthood, believers basically do not conflict with other true gods. Most of the churches of the gods of magic are located in the parishes of other gods. Its core parish includes an empire, five kingdoms and a dozen principalities, and the dark gods. The followers under his command had to deal with the armies of this empire, five kingdoms, and a dozen principalities.

The Cryptman Kingdom is building a huge underground fortress and several sub-fortresses, as well as a huge logistics area near the underground passage not far from the main parish of the magical gods, on the first floor of the Dark Territory. Now five of them have gathered there. Millions of cavemen soldiers and more than one million soldiers of underground races.

There are countless powerhouses of various races, and there are more than 20 legendary powerhouses alone, including eleven black dragons and six red dragons, all of which were found from various places in the gloomy region over the past two centuries. Xu Yizhong promised to sign the dragon clan covenant.

Among them, the ones that Lin Xiao valued most were a cave giant with a total number of more than 500,000, and a group of more than 300,000 shadow wizards.

In order to accumulate more strength, Lin Xiao relaxed the communication conditions of the Shadow Magic Net, allowing cryptic people with certain qualifications to communicate with the Shadow Magic Net and gain the ability to cast various shadow spells.

Although the five generations of cavemen have incorporated some of the characteristics of Heart’s Demon, Xiantian’s spiritual power and mental energy are stronger than ordinary humans, but it does not mean that they can become a mage.

No matter where you are, the mage is synonymous with wisdom. The key is to be smart. You cannot become a mage even if you have an excellent mental energy but a low IQ.

And when Lin Xiao made the fifth generation of cavemen, he didn’t even think about making cavemen too abnormal, and didn’t greatly enhance their IQ at all.

Although they have increased their brain capacity and IQ with repeated genetic modulations, there is no special modulation in this regard. This ascending is limited, and it is definitely not enough to make cavemen all have high IQs, and they are inferior in terms of average IQ. Better than humans, but better than orcs.

In this case, it is quite difficult to become a wise mage. The entire caveman empire has a population of 13 billion, and a total of less than one million shadow mage. This is still the relaxation of conditions, if you follow the real mage Cultivation may not be enough for ten thousand.

But even if the conditions were relaxed, these shadow mages were not as good as the orthodox mages, and their average combat power was not as good as the orthodox mages.

But this is no problem for Lin Xiao. He doesn’t need that kind of orthodox mage at all. What he needs is a large number of army mage, as long as they can be combined to form a large-scale spell barrage to suppress the enemy.

Most of the time, the war of gods is the first battle between the ground believers, and the gods rarely attack the opponent’s kingdom directly from the beginning.

It’s not that the decapitation tactics are problematic. The main reason is that it is extremely difficult to kill the gods hidden in the land of the own god. The main function of the war of mortal believers is to defeat the enemy true god mortal army, and then destroy the enemy true god’s belief, so that the enemy god loses his faith. The source thus becomes weak.

You must know that maintaining a kingdom of God and a kingdom of God requires divine power. Most true gods have the habit of storing divine power, but they absolutely cannot store too much.

To cut off the opponent’s source of divine power in the battle of God, we can only rely on the divine power accumulated before. If the divine power is insufficient for a long time, the power of the kingdom of God will decline. The godhead is weak, and the godhead level retreats.

In theory, staying around can weaken a strong god-tier power into a demigod.

Both the Dark God System and the Magic God System are extremely powerful god-tier systems. Both have a god-tier kingdom belonging to the god system and a huge belief area sufficient to maintain the kingdom of God. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to break the other’s kingdom of God. Even if Lin Xiao is really promoted to a strong god-tier power, he can’t do it.

The bonus of the kingdom of God to the true god is very, very large, a strong god-tier power incarnation into a weak god power may overturn, not to mention a god system main god kingdom with a medium god power as the main god.

It is also a powerful medium power like the god of magic.

So this battle between ordinary and common people must be fought and must be won.

It is foreseeable that this is a battle that may last for dozens of hundreds of years or even longer, so preparations must be adequate.

As early as a hundred years ago, the Cryptman Empire was preparing. It has accumulated a large amount of food and elite troops. Now the Cryptman Empire has a permanent regular army of nearly 50 million with a population of 13.3 billion. There are also tens of millions of troops, and a large number of militiamen are trained or retired every year, and hundreds of millions of troops can be drawn out when needed.

In addition, the underground races can pull out millions of troops, and the combined strength is definitely stronger than the magical gods.

But their battle for the priesthood is not just a battle between their two gods, there will definitely be a large number of true gods involved in it.

The god of magic is a senior true god who has lived for tens of thousands of years. After so many years of making friends, there are definitely a large number of true gods among the gods who will join them in the battle of gods. At that time, he may face the god of eliminators. More true gods outside the department.

Obviously this is very detrimental to the Dark God Element, and Lin Xiao needs to change this situation.

A few days later, Dao Jinguang left the Divine Kingdom of Gloom and entered the surface.

Came to the Pompeii Empire to the south of the main continent on the surface, here is the belief area of ​​the god of vengeance.

The data collected over the years shows that the god of vengeance is one of the most powerful enemies of the god of magic. The god rank is ten second-level, and is also a medium power. The magic god system fought the god of vengeance more than two thousand years ago. , The God of Vengeance robbed the territory of the two kingdoms.

If it weren’t for the god of vengeance behind the god of chaos among the three powerful god-tier forces, not only the last empire diocese would not be able to keep it, but he would fall.

This is definitely a deep hatred. The God of Vengeance has been looking for troubles with the God of Magic for the past two thousand years, but without the support of the Lord of Chaos, he can’t be the God of Magic.

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