Chapter 638 Advanced Sacred Weapon Magic Net Planet

At first glance, it seems a bit horrible, and if you think too much, you will wonder if there is a big conspiracy, but in fact, any true god-level god’s domain child knows this, and no one will have any cranky thinking.

Humans and the main world coexist. The main world uses many children of the gods to plunder resources and rules, and the children of the gods need the protection of the main world. Even Death can return to the star realm of the main world. If you don’t want to, you can give up all the power and reincarnate the true spirit. Rebirth and rebirth, everyone takes what they need.

After all, if you don’t have the identity of the son of God’s Domain, you are just an ordinary person.

Moreover, this situation is not impossible to change. The stronger the strength, the greater the autonomy. Once promoted to the great god-tier power or the same rank, it will be able to surpass the main world.

In fact, even if many great god-tier forces in the main world are detached, they do not see them leave the main world. What does this show!

Lin Xiao was very happy to harvest an artifact, even if it was a damaged artifact, Lin Xiao put away the artifact after playing for a while, and prepared to wait for it to return and find a way to repair it.

There are already several repair and even strengthening methods in his mind, but there is still a lot of material in his hand, and he has to prepare.

Then he continued to wander in the star realm, constantly looking for meteorites formed by the fallen gods.

Thoroughly petrified meteorites are crushed to refine the residual blood or divine nature. If the petrification is not thorough enough, and some meteorites still retain a trace of flesh and blood, then simply divide the entire meteorite and collect it, anyway, there is enough space.

I don’t know if his luck was running out of finding that golden planet artifact. Then he wandered around in the star realm for two or three years. Apart from harvesting a lot of Immortal blood and remnant petrified corpses, he never encountered the artifact again. .

Think about it as normal. Most true gods are only weak or weak, and these native gods are not strong, so how can they bring an artifact into the star realm.

In fact, most of the weak and other divine powers did not have a single artifact. When the dark region was unified before, only a few of the gods had artifacts, most of them did not have artifacts, and even the gods in his divine system now only have a few Liao Liao. Hand-held artifact, and it’s just an ordinary artifact.

Many people think that the artifact is one god, but in fact it is not.

The forging of artifacts is very troublesome. Not only does it require a lot of Immortal blood and divinity, but also a variety of precious magic materials to be installed in a car. It also requires the owner of the artifact to consume a huge amount of divine power and divinity, and inject the laws of the priesthood he has mastered into it. , So that the forging artifacts are attached with the laws corresponding to their own mastery of the priesthood.

Most of the divine powers below the weak level only have enough divine power to maintain the divine status, not even the divine kingdom, there is no extra to forge divine artifacts, maybe even the materials for forging divine artifacts are not available.

Even most of the true gods of the dark gods that rule the entire gloomy region do not have this qualification. You must know that they live in the gods of the gods and don’t even need to maintain the kingdom of God, let alone other true gods.

Back in the Divine Kingdom Shrine, Lin Xiao closed the shrine, stretched out his hand, and a bunch of golden light threads fell from the top of the shrine, and the golden light quickly formed a huge alchemy array back and forth.

As his thoughts moved, the golden light surrounding the magic circle quickly dissipated, seduce the ubiquitous divine power in the shrine, like moths to the fire, pounce on the alchemy circle into it, and with a soft sound, the magic circle took shape. , And began to rotate slowly.

Every time the alchemy circle turns, there will be a golden divine text suspended above the alchemy circle. It didn’t take long for a large number of golden divine texts to hang above the circle, forming a circular halo under the golden divine power to hang over the alchemy circle. The top of the array slowly rotates, echoing the body of the alchemy array below.

The magic circle formed by layers of golden divine texts was formed. There were six layers in total before Lin Xiao took out the damaged artifact and placed it in suspension above the alchemy circle.

Then took out a group of dark red Immortal blood and gently pushed it with divine power. The dark gold blood slowly drifted towards the dark gold sphere suspended above the alchemy circle and quickly merged into it, like a sponge absorbing water quickly, and the golden sphere suddenly It lights up a bit.

Then Lin Xiao stretched out his hand and waved, countless golden meteorites, Immortal blood, and a lot of precious magic materials appeared on the side.

Adamantite, Mithril, Dragonbone Grass, Stone of Life, Devil Blood, Dragon Crystal, and other top magic materials that common mages dream of are thrown into them like no money. The golden sphere hanging above the alchemy circle grows with the input of materials. The brighter.

When the light was about to reach its peak, Lin Xiao hesitated for a moment, and unexpectedly took out several prismatic crystals exuding perfect aura.

These are the two divinities remaining in the unified dark region two hundred years ago, and there are still two true gods in them, which are bound by him. They were originally intended to be used for refining artifacts, and now he is going to use this artifact. above.

When making ordinary divine artifacts, the divine fire of the gods is generally used for calcining, but if you want to make high-level divine artifacts, you must use the divine fire born of burning divine nature, but this kind of burning divine fire damages the true god’s strength very greatly.

It is well known that divinity is the foundation of the deity and the most important part besides the divine personality.

For example, if the godhead is the brain of the god, and the godhead is the brain of the brain, how can he personally burn the fire of his own god to forge the artifacts of such an important thing.

So some deities found an alternative, using the divine fire of other deities to forge their divine nature, such as the divine fire of a defeated enemy deity, so that no matter how much they burn, they will not lose a single bit of themselves.

These two gods still retained the complete soul of the true gods. Lin Xiao stretched out his hand and forcibly activated the divine nature of the gods in the gods. Suddenly two streams of milky white divine fire gushed out of these thirty-six-faced gods and sank into the alchemy array. The circle immediately burned with a translucent milky white flame.

Lin Xiao didn’t dare to hesitate at all, the divine power of his whole body swiftly turned, and his golden hands kept drawing regular lines in the air. These were the rules corresponding to the magical priesthood he mastered. He wanted to forge an artifact that fits the own. , His main priesthood choice is magic, so he must incorporate the rules corresponding to the magic priesthood.

These regular lines are quickly outlined into a rune and merged into the alchemy circle, and into this artifact through the circle. Slowly the laws and breaths belonging to the original owner in the artifact begin to disappear, and gradually emerge the fluctuations of the laws that belong to him. .

As time passed, a huge amount of divine power and precious materials were consumed, and all the Immortal divine blood and residual divine nature collected before were all refined and integrated into it.

Slowly, the rotation of the alchemy circle began to slow down, the divine fire in the two gods gradually dimmed and extinguished, and the auras of the two native true gods hidden in the gods were as weak as they were about to die at any time.

After this refining, the divinities of the two native true gods have been exhausted, and it will be a matter of time for them to maintain their fall without the power of faith.

Lin Xiao simply didn’t do two things at all, and directly used his divine power to urge the remaining divine nature to burn out, and finally even the divine personality was integrated into it.

When everything was integrated into it, everything that Lin Xiao had accumulated before was put into this artifact forging. He took a long breath, took out the magic net of shadow, and turned it into an illusory gray regular light net and plunged into it.

This is the manifestation of the rules of the Shadow Magic Net, not the real Shadow Magic Net.

After doing all of this, Lin Xiao stretched out his right hand to hold his chest, the golden body separated, and drops of divine blood exuding the fluctuations of the mysterious laws flowed out and gathered into a group.

Feed the sword with blood!

No matter in which world there is a very special forging method, whether the master of China casts swords with his body, casts famous swords such as Longyuan, Qianjiang Moxie, etc., there are also dwarf masters who use the blood of powerful creatures such as dragon blood to forge legendary weapons, etc. The weapons forged in this way are all spiritual and possess far more powerful power than ordinary forged weapons.

This is not nonsense, but there are real cases in different worlds, just like he just put Immortal blood into it for forging is actually a kind of blood sacrifice.

But the energy contained in these Immortal blood is too thin, and it is not the best quenched object. The best quenched object is of course the blood of the living true god.

Normally, the best way is to grab a true god for blood sacrifice, but this time Lin Xiao is going to forge the master artifact of his own life. In order to make the master artifact forged fit perfectly with himself, he must own the blood of the gods, and it is still hard work. .

With one drop, two drops, three drops, a full ten drops, Lin Xiao’s golden body was visibly dimmed.

Gathering ten drops of divine blood in a ball with a light wave, the divine blood quickly flew to the divine artifact above the alchemy array that had turned into a dazzling golden sun. As the divine blood came in contact with the divine object, the golden sun suddenly burst into dazzling blood.

But within a few seconds, the blood was collected, and the purest golden light was bloomed, and the alchemy array also exhausted all its power at this moment, leaving only a light ball that exuded the same power as Lin Xiao in charge of the priesthood. In the air.

Lin Xiao’s slightly exhausted face showed a trace of joy, and the refining at such a high price finally succeeded.

Looking closely at the past, this golden sphere seems to have changed a lot, and the surface texture has not changed. After all, this is the topography of the main material plane, and the main material plane has not changed and this will not change.

But on the surface of the sphere, a net of tiny silver threads appeared to cover the surface of the artifact, which was a magic net of shadows incorporated into it.

The magic net planet, a high-level artifact, evolves with the main strength of Ascension.

With Lin Xiao’s current strength, this artifact can do the following.

The first point: unfold the artifact and project the virtual terrain of the main material plane.

The second point: the virtual terrain deployed through the artifacts consumes divine power to directly attack or affect any place on the main material plane represented by the terrain.

The third point: through the divine tool, Lin Xiao’s control of the shadow magic net covers the entire main material plane. The original shadow magic net cannot enter the main material plane. Correspondingly, his followers can use the magic on the main material plane. net.

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