Chapter 616 Unknown Son of God’s Domain

In the dark underground palace, the air is filled with an unspeakable unpleasant smell, like the smell of urine, feces and various body odors, which are fermented many times in a sealed environment. It is particularly unpleasant.

Pieces of gray-brown moss grew on the wall, and occasionally some ferns grew on the corner roots, and from time to time I saw snakes or other monsters swimming among the moist soil of the corner roots.

The terrain of the underground palace is not complicated. A main road diverges into several trails. Lin Xiao has a map drawn by a senior during his exploration, so he is not afraid of getting lost.

As soon as he entered the underground palace, someone found a piece of ancient moss exuding a faint glint at the entrance of the underground palace.

Next, everyone scanned the surroundings enthusiastically, hoping to find new ancient moss, and Lin Xiao was no exception.

When a group of people passed through the main passage to the first intersection, just at the intersection, a large group of dark shadows suddenly fell above the left passage and pounced on the leading wizard apprentice, and then one by one dark shadows above their heads, Lin Xiao reacted. He drew his sword super fast and cut the black shadow in half.

Knife light slashed four in a row, and the remaining shadows had been beheaded by other apprentice wizards. Only then did they have the time to look at the shadows as monkey-faced bats. The hands of several people swarmed up and used the knife to kill two monkey-faced bats. The blood-sucking front teeth knocked down, this thing is valuable.

Lin Xiao killed four and dug eight, adding up to be worth eight magic coins, two yuan less than one magic stone.

In the envy of other people, he cheerfully put away the blood-sucking teeth with a cloth, Lin Xiao did not notice the strange look of the teacher Julien behind him.

Ten minutes later, everyone cleaned up a batch of monkey-faced bats again. Lin Xiao relied on his stronger strength and powerful fighting skills to kill several in a row and harvested a dozen blood-sucking teeth.

At this time, the teacher Julien looked at his expression in addition to surprise, as well as surprises, as well as strange gazes like seeing prey.

There are no monsters that are too powerful in the underground palace. After all, there will be wizards to collect newly grown ancient moss every once in a while. The monsters inside will not live for long, so naturally it is impossible to grow strong.

They spent two hours searching the first floor of the underground palace, and then began searching the second floor of the underground palace.

This time it was Lin Xiao’s turn to start, he cast himself an air shield witchcraft, condensing a layer of tough air can withstand almost any type of damage from 360 degrees without dead angles in any direction, it is quite a magic witchcraft, the only one The disadvantage is that defense is not comparable to the same type of defense witchcraft.

Get ready to walk down the greasy stone steps covered with unknown moss together with the other two apprentice wizards. Just to the bottom, a few white shadows rushed down from the ceiling to envelop him, and even a shield of air blocked him. Constantly cold rushed towards his face.

Seven ghosts, three of them and two of them.

Between the lightning and flint, he took the initiative to remove the air shield on his body, and his body came out from between the three ghosts like a snake. Sword Ray flashed the three ghosts with a flick of his backhand, and then his companions reflected three witchcraft. With a blow, the ghost that was trying to piece together was shattered, and he smashed it even more with a few swords.

After wiping his sweat, he turned his head and thanked him, but his pupils shrank slightly and almost didn’t manage his expression.

Turning his head blankly, the horror in Lin Xiao’s heart was like a stormy sea.

Just now, he turned his head and saw the crowd, who was holding his disciple instructor Julien, and his gaze quickly became normal, but he caught a glimpse of something that he couldn’t believe.

At that moment, he seemed to see Mentor Julien seeing that his own eyes seemed to recognize the sons of other gods, that kind of expression, that kind of gaze Lin Xiao was quite familiar, and he felt a little strange when he saw Mentor Julien before. With a strange feeling, a surprised and scared thought arose in his heart.

This mentor Julien is a son of God’s realm who doesn’t know what race he is from, and he has already seen that he is different from the natives.

At this moment, I don’t know if it was an illusion, Lin Xiao felt a cold back, as if there was a gaze that was firmly locking himself.

“Can’t stay here anymore.”

Regardless of whether it is certain, the risk of staying here is too high, and you have to find a way to escape the team.

No, he didn’t think this school could stay any longer.

It is too simple for a school tutor to deal with his apprentice. You can transfer him to the tutor’s office for any reason and kill him as easily as a chicken, and then just make up a reason. In this world where the power is respected. Not out of line.

Without the backing of the family, he died when he died, no one paid any attention.

Lin Xiao’s thoughts turned quickly, but the expressions in his eyes did not reveal any flaws. Although he felt that it was useless, he still had to do it. After all, what if he saw it wrong?

It’s not impossible, although the probability is less than 1%.

The team went down the stairs. In addition to the hidden ghost face bats on the second floor of the underground palace, ghosts appeared from time to time.

This kind of monster is extremely dangerous and has no benefits. It is one of the monsters they don’t like to encounter.

Following the main road on the second floor to another intersection, Mentor Julien said:

“Wait a moment.”

The crowd stopped and he said:

“There are two roads here, you are on the left and we are on the right.”

“By the way, you two will follow us to carry things.”

He was referring to Lin Xiao and another apprentice wizard.

“It’s time to do it.”

Lin Xiao’s heart shuddered, and Julien’s decisiveness caught him a bit by surprise. He would not have thought of a way to get out.

He couldn’t find any reason for refusal in full view, he could only answer it.

The team separated, and several of Julien’s disciples took the lead. He waved his hand to let the pouting Ai Lian go, and beckoned to Lin Xiao.

He bit his head and walked over, and Julien asked with a smile:

“Where are you from?”

Lin Xiao could see the coldness and cruelty hidden in his smile, and knew that he was not asking where he was this time in reincarnation, but which god’s domain civilization.

Obviously this is a bottoming, once the answer is wrong, it will immediately be a thunder attack.

Lin Xiao’s thoughts turned, and finally decided to answer honestly, pretending to be entangled a little to answer:

“Human Race!”

There was a hint of surprise on Julien’s face. The coldness and cruelty on his face disappeared in an instant, and his smile immediately appeared on his face, like a spring breeze and said:

“Brother said earlier, I almost misunderstood, I am also a human race, everyone is self…”

When his attitude changed, Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and followed Julien’s words and said:

“It turned out to be my own, and it scared me…”

The voice stopped abruptly, Lin Xiao lifted his hands faster and crossed in front of him. A translucent white snake flew out from Julien’s chest and bit in front of him heavily, only hearing a muffled sound. Lin Xiao retreated more than ten meters. Turn around and run.


Julien thought that this strike didn’t even leave a target. He grinned at the surprised disciple and another apprentice wizard:

“Catch him and kill on the spot!”

Although everyone was unknown, the other apprentice wizard was still in a state of ignorance and did not move, but several disciples drew out their weapons and chased after him without asking.

Julien also ignored the awkward apprentice, and followed with his hands behind his back with a cold smile on his face.

“While completing the mission of the ancestor of the true underworld, it is really an unexpected joy to meet a human descendant who has just arrived soon!”

On the first floor of the underground palace, Lin Xiao rushed out from the second floor and didn’t go straight to the exit, but impulsively in the other direction.

There is no doubt that he will die if he exits, he can’t run away from an official wizard, but he remembers that a place on the other side of the underground palace has collapsed to reveal a gap buried by soil and tree roots, and he can escape from there.

Fortunately, the first floor of the underground palace has been completely swept over by them, and all the hidden monsters have been killed.

Less than five seconds after he reached the first floor, some of Julien’s disciples rushed up, and Ailian shouted to the other male disciples:

“Go to the underground palace exit immediately.”

Several people swiftly walked towards the exit of the underground palace, but after taking a step, Ailian suddenly stopped and listened to the other side. There was a trace of doubt on her charming face, and she thought about going there.

Lin Xiao quickly rushed to the collapsed gap in his memory. At a glance, he saw a hole where only one head was drilled. He could vaguely see light shining from above. He drew out his sword and rushed up into the mud on the edge of the hole to stir. , A large piece of mud fell down.

This sword cost him two magic stones, with strong and sharp witchcraft. The stones can be easily cut, not to mention a little soil and roots, and quickly dug a large hole that can accommodate a person. .

Twenty seconds later, he had dug the hole enough to accommodate him, and was about to climb up. Suddenly, his ears stopped moving and looked to the other side, and a slim figure walked out in the dark.

Ailian glanced at the dirt on the ground and the muddy Lin Xiao, clapped her hands and said:

“It turns out that there is still a cave-in gap here. I said no one will be seen if I catch up. The teacher is very…”

A large piece of mud wrapped in a strong wind beat her unfinished words back into her mouth. She pressed a layer of clear light on her waist to block the flying mud, and then a huge fist followed up and hit the clear light.


Under the pressure beyond her imagination, Qingguang was about to be smashed. The remaining force hit her charming face and deformed her head. She subconsciously activated the crystal pendant in the deep seam of her chest, which was another one. Layers of cyan light rose to form a huge eggshell light shield, but when the light shield was formed, Sword Ray flashed, and a stream of warm blood sprayed Lao Gao from the neatly trimmed white neck, against the top of the cyan light shield. Sprinkle and dye the mask bright red.

The corpse threw down and twitched continuously, a great head rolled aside, and there was still a trace of incredibleness remaining on the charming and beautiful face.


Lin Xiao snorted coldly, went forward and fumbled on the corpse that was still warm and soft, and pulled out an ornament from his waist, a crystal pendant on his chest, and four rings on his left and right fingers, all of which were magic weapons.

It took two seconds to pack up the spoils, turned around to continue digging, and soon digging through the hole, drilling out, not even cleaning up the dirt on his body and digging into the jungle and disappearing.

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