Chapter 615 Self-reliance

The green grass is hazy under the mist, and weeds of various colors are dotted in it. If you ignore the disgusting cry in the distance, it looks like you are in a paradise.

Fifteen apprentice wizards, mostly in black robes, rode through the jungle. One apprentice wizard took out the water bag behind and took a sip and muttered:

“A disgusting animal-faced bird, it’s disgusting to bark.”

The air temperature is a bit high, and the jungle is very humid. Horse riding through the forest will quickly become moist, making it extremely uncomfortable in this humid environment.

The team here slowly accelerates. According to the map, this is already the deepest part of the ghost fog forest, not very far from the ruins of the underground palace in the jungle. The instructor has already taken his apprentices to arrive one step ahead of them.

“It’s far away from the ruins of the underground palace, and occasionally some monsters in the ruins will escape. Be careful.”

An experienced wizard apprentice looked around in a circle and reminded his companions loudly.

Lin Xiao untied the black robe and shook the dew condensed on the waterproof robe. An apprentice wizard who was also shaking the black robe leaned in and said in a low voice:

“I heard that the ruins of the underground palace have three floors, but they have not been fully explored. From time to time, I heard that some people found new closed crypts underneath and got huge benefits. Should we take the time to take a look?”

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows, his rich experience made him immediately understand what the man was making, and he smiled and said:

“Still, I don’t have enough experience to go out for the first time, so let’s do some simple tasks.”

He refused, the man did not force him, shrugged and stepped aside, and chatted with another wizard apprentice he didn’t know.

He sneered, so obviously looking for cannon fodder would be fooled by the newcomer.

Although he is considered a rookie among wizards, he is not himself. He has been tested for a long time, and he can see through this at a glance.

The team stopped here for a while, then slowed down and continued to move forward.

Not long after he left, Lin Xiao suddenly sniffed. In addition to the peculiar smell of the jungle, there was also a hint of blood in the air. It was not strong but very fresh, indicating that there had been killings here not long ago, but no fighting was found nearby. Mark of.

He was wondering. Suddenly, there was a slight muffled hum at the end of the team. Most of the dozen people reacted and quickly turned their heads and saw that there was nothing unusual.

Everyone looked at the last person in the team, but he looked at everyone blankly, as if nothing happened.

A few seconds later, everyone looked back. Lin Xiao suddenly paused when he was about to take it back. His eyes became serious and he drew out the sword with a ‘choked’. The others turned around like a reflex, pointing to the last person and said:

“He is dead!”

As soon as the voice fell, a white phantom flew out from behind the person. Everyone’s eyes were not weak, and they saw that it was a transparent ghost holding a man’s soul and flying out. The wizard apprentice riding on a horse was taken away directly from the soul. Fall down immediately.


An invisible force restrains it from moving, two transparent wind blades that are one foot long, three fireballs, several invisible forces fly out and hit the white phantom at the same time, with a bang accompanied by an ear-piercing scream, transparent The ghost exploded to pieces, and the soul of another wizard apprentice was also exploded, but there was an invisible force that kept it from breaking apart, and the floating and falling body merged into it.

The apprentice wizard woke up with a grunt of the detained soul, and thanked everyone with an extremely difficult action.

Lin Xiao Zhengerba received his bow tightly, and own did save his life. As for the soul injury, it was not his business. If you don’t act decisively in this situation, you will really die when the soul is taken away.

After this encounter, everyone became extra vigilant.

The apprentice of the third-level wizard is quite powerful. A dozen of them, even formal wizards, were unable to do anything for a while. They went all the way to the depths of the ghost fog forest. From a distance, they saw a lush forest standing in the middle of the lush forest, surrounded by numerous vines. The moss-covered tower is densely packed with gaps.

That is the site of the ruins of the underground palace. It is said that this was the residence of a school a long time ago. I don’t know what happened later. That school was destroyed overnight. The imperial masters came to check and didn’t seem to find anything. They just declared it abandoned and not allowed to follow. The occupants of this resident are abandoned over time.

The surface of the underground palace has been completely deserted, covered by lush jungle, it would be difficult for outsiders to find it if it weren’t for the tall tower that hasn’t collapsed.

They moved forward with the tall tower as the coordinate, and soon came to the ruins at the gate of the original school. A small camp was built in front of the ruins of the gate. Several apprentices, wizards and apprentices were clearing the surrounding vines and weeds.

Seeing their arrival, several apprentices beckoned with joy. A tall and curvy female apprentice with a charming face came to them, and everyone dismounted, she said:

“I am the instructor and apprentice Ailian. You came just right. Clean up the campsite and expand the campsite.”

This arrogant posture made people feel unfavorable in an instant.

However, she is a disciple of the mentor, and the mentor is in the camp tent. Naturally, they dare not refuse, so everyone tied their horses and started to work.

Lin Xiao took the task of cleaning up the weeds. He took out a sharp-edged shovel from the package and used it as a knife, cutting and sweeping the weeds spreading from the edge to one side.

The roots of these weeds are thick with chopsticks and are extremely tough. When they are cut with a shovel, they will not only shed unpleasant sap like blood, but also twisted back and forth a few times like a snake, making it feel like a living thing.

But this is really not a living thing, this weed is everywhere in this world, or that many plants in this world are so weird.

More than ten times the strength of ordinary people cleaned up the weeds in the area responsible for several times, clearing out a large area, and then someone sprayed a spray into the soil to kill the insects and weeds hidden in the grass. The area will not grow grass for a few months and no bugs will pass by.

There were so many people to work, and the camp was quickly set up. Several fires were scattered around. After the days, it had been dark after the work. The door cloth of the tent was separated, and a figure walked out of it.

There was a moment of silence in the camp, and everyone looked at them, with a trace of respect on their faces, and shouted in unison, instructor Julien.

This is a senior official wizard. It is said that Mental Energy has crystallized a long time ago and will soon be promoted to a second-level wizard. Once promoted, he will immediately become the upper-level powerhouse of the academy.

Instructor Julien is tall and handsome, and on the surface looks like a noble son, regardless of his appearance or habits, he is very different from the wizard in ordinary people’s impression.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, Lin Xiao always felt that this style seemed familiar, as if he had seen it before.

When the female apprentice named Zhu Lian saw the instructor coming out, she quickly stepped forward and called out the instructor. She leaned into the man’s arms without any care of others, and Julien squeezed her water-snake waist.

There is no change in the expressions of the people, which is quite common in this world.

Many women or men who are generally beautiful and beautiful are attached to the strong. They are the tutor and disciple during the day, and the lover sleeps together at night.

Julien squeezed his disciple a few times, raised his head and said to the new apprentice:

“You have already understood the task. At the end of this trip, everyone can divide five magic stones, and if one piece of ancient moss is collected, one can be divided into one magic stone. In addition, if the total number of ancient moss collected this time exceeds one hundred, everyone will be finished. After that, there are three more magic stones.”

“Thank you for your generosity!”

Everyone immediately became excited, and they seemed to be full of energy.

Julien smiled with satisfaction and returned to the tent with his arms around the female disciple. Soon the candlelight flickered inside, and there was a faint grunt and impact, which became louder and louder as time went by.

Many apprentices looked enviously away from the tent, but that said, no wonder.

Early the next morning, a few apprentices who seemed to be not sleeping well called them to start assigning tasks and announced their departure. As for the instructor, they did not show up.

Most ancient moss grows in the underground palace, but occasionally found in the ruins on the surface of the underground palace, it is safer than the dangerous underground palace. You must search here first.

Everyone is scattered to search for the own area. Anyway, they are all third-level wizard apprentices. They have a certain strength, and they can support the instructor to save them when they are in danger.

There are very few people in the ruins. The vegetation is quite luxuriant. There are vines entwining the ruins on the trees like snakes. Sometimes there are real snakes hanging, and they suddenly come in when they pass by.

Before Lin Xiao left, he painted insect and snake-proof medicine on his body, coupled with his strong agility and sensitivity, he could generally spot hidden snakes and insects in advance.

But the most dangerous thing here is not snakes and insects at all, but various monsters hidden in the ruins.

When passing by a big tree, countless vines hanging on the tree suddenly rose automatically without wind, and the vines with thick fingers rose like a snake and dragged him under the tree.

“Boom boom…”

With a series of breaking noises, Lin Xiao broke a dozen vines with brute force and rushed out, cutting off several vines with a backhand sword, cutting down and cutting with the knife in his hand, large pieces of stems and leaves were scattered, and this piece of vine was quickly removed. Even the tree was chopped down, and the roots of the vine were found at the bottom of the tree full of bones and continued to dig down. He quickly dug out a fleshy knot with a big head and roots, cut off the thick roots and took them out.

This thing is the core root of this huge vine. It can be used to refine potions or sold to wizards who use the plant system to cultivate combat plant familiars. It is worth 6 magic stones.

Wrap things in layers of cloth into a zongzi and stuff it into your backpack. Even if this is worth the fare, this trip is not a loss.

Next, he continued to search, but his good luck may be over. He has been searching the entire surface of the underground palace ruins at night, and he has not dug a piece of ancient moss.

If it wasn’t for someone to dig it up, he would think it was not on the surface.

Back at the camp, everyone sold the ancient moss to the instructor, and Lin Xiao also sold the rhizome for six magic stones.

After taking a rest for one night, washing up early the next morning, everyone was waiting at the gate of the underground palace. After a while, wizard Julien brought a few disciples over, and he would enter the underground palace with everyone.

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