Chapter 612: Coming to the Wizarding World

As one of the ancestors of the wizarding world, the only advantage that the King of Vientiane gave them was not to get lost for ten thousand years.

But they can’t let them inherit the power of their true bodies. When Lin Xiao experienced how many years of teleportation, he came to a huge ball of light that had never been seen before. The crystal wall universe that was destroyed by chaotic creatures before was a little Little Brother compared to this world. , Equivalent to a small meteorite on the edge of the sun, extremely small.

In this extremely powerful crystal wall universe called the Wizarding World, you can vaguely see many light balls that look like countless bubbles gathering, and you can see a little dazzling light flickering from time to time.

When he was projected onto the crystal wall Universe, a huge and incomparable outline appeared on the Universe crystal wall and disappeared.

Then, Lin Xiao discovered that his own divine power was rapidly shrinking and flowing into his mind.

The Xiantian Titan’s divine body began to change, and the divinity began to slowly fade.

But Lin Xiao didn’t panic. According to the will of the God Emperor of Vientiane, the will of the wizarding world is extremely strong. Any outsider entering, all the power of the non- wizarding world’s native system will be forcibly suppressed, and will be restored when they leave.

Note that it is forcibly suppressing and returning to the depths of the soul, not stripping and sealing.

However, complete suppression is only limited to below the medium divine power. The medium divine power that integrates all its divine power and power can retain a small part of the power. The stronger the strength, the more retained. Such as the strong god-tier power can not only retain a small part of the divine power, even if it is paid. Sufficient price to be able to contact the outside world.

The prerequisite is a waking state, if you are in a lost state, it will definitely not work.

In other words, although Jin Sisi’s father was lost in this world, he must be a big brother.

In this respect, Shadow Wind and Divine Phoenix have taken a considerable advantage. Their true bodies are already medium divine powers and can retain a small part of their power. No one knows how much and what they retain, and they don’t know whether they can retain divine power, Lord. The world does not have much information about the Wizarding World, and Lin Xiao obtained only a handful of information from the Fifth Theater.

But even if it only retains the legendary level, or even retains only a little divinity, this is far better than Lin Xiao directly pressing into a mortal.


It seems miserable, the dignified true god entered this world and was suppressed into a mortal, but everything in the world has both good and bad sides.

The bad side naturally refers to being crushed into a dog, but the good thing is that there is a chance of being resurrected in the wizarding world if there is a real god or higher.

If you fall unexpectedly, you can give all the suppressed power in exchange for a chance of rebirth.

Although he becomes a mortal after being reborn, the residual power of his true body will give him excellent talents. If he has the opportunity to wake up, he can also leave the wizarding world.

The premise is to become the ancestor.

Lin Xiao, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, didn’t panic at all, coldly watching his own divine power quickly flow into the depths of his soul. His memory began to blur, and the memories accumulated over the years faded bit by bit.

He tried to communicate the good fortune Rubik’s Cube, the memory became clear instantly, and this baby was as strong as ever.

But once he stops communicating with the good fortune cube, the memory will become blurred again, like the mystery of Samsara’s reincarnation.

This reminds Lin Xiao of the priesthood of Samsara he condensed before, which is very similar to this situation, or the principle is like this.

It is a pity that he is not strong enough to support the priesthood of Samsara and has to be split into three priesthoods. If he has the priesthood of Samsara, Lin Xiao doubts that he can fully retain all his memories and divine power to descend into the wizarding world.

After that, Lin Xiao kept communicating with Good Fortune Rubik’s Cube, and his divine power could not be retained, so how could he ensure complete memory and consciousness.

You must know that what the King of Vientiane said about retaining memories is to intercept their memories at the time before they descend, and to obtain the intercepted memories after they descend, strictly speaking, they are not their real memories.

In other words, if someone makes hands and feet in this memory, then he will think that this memory of hands and feet is real.

Lin Xiao didn’t dare to accept this kind of reserved memory, and it was more reliable to keep the real memory.

Relatively speaking, this is his only advantage. Shadow Wind and Divine Phoenix can retain some strength, and he can also use the good fortune Rubik’s Cube.

However, the specific extent to which it can be opened is still unknown. According to the wizard’s will to control the world, he feels that many things may not be able to come out.

I don’t know how long it took, Lin Xiao felt that his own power was getting weaker and weaker, and finally all the blood essence of the divine power was shrunk into the soul godhead, and even the godhead was forcibly reduced into a little aura, and… ..

“I go!”

Lin Xiao looked at himself chubby, white and tender, with Michelin tires, his little hand looked up at the sky and was speechless.

He thought it was a direct degeneration into a mortal, but he didn’t expect to degenerate into a fertilized egg and live again. It was simply.

Newborn babies can’t do anything. They can only eat, sleep, and eat every day. They just occasionally look at the attribute panel that is still on the whiteboard. It is a benefit given by the King of Vientiane, just an attribute panel for observing their own status. There is no added feature.

Lin Xiao Lenglan.

Attributes: Constitution 0.1, Strength 0.1, Agility 0.1, Spirit 2.4, Magic power0.

Skills: None.

Spells: None.

Status: None.

Except Mental Energy is strengthened to be stronger than ordinary people, the others are whiteboards.

Over the years, he has been communicating the good fortune Rubik’s Cube, and from time to time a trace of the original power of the crystal wall diluted tens of thousands of times is used to strengthen the immature soul and spirit. The spirit of 2.4 is the result of strengthening in the past few years.

The original power has been completely sealed and cannot be sensed. The new soul was born with his little true spirit combined with the rules of the wizarding world. Now it is extremely immature and extremely weak.

Most of the treasures stored in the Good Fortune Rubik’s Cube cannot be used, nor dare to use it. Only from time to time, a trace of the original power of the crystal wall diluted by tens of thousands of times is used to strengthen the soul and prepare for the road of wizards when they grow up. .

Wizards and wizards must be related to the soul and spirit. If the soul Xiantian is strong, the future training will surely get twice the result with half the effort.

The days just pass by day by day. For a person with an adult mind, such days are a torment, but in order not to attract attention, he can only pretend to be a good baby and occasionally make a fuss on purpose.

Whenever he opened his mouth and yelled, something white, round and soft would move over and block his mouth. This time was the most embarrassing time for him.

As he grew older, he began to observe the surroundings.

First of all, he was fortunate that the family conditions of this reincarnation were pretty good. The huge castle, the large number of servants, the guards who often see, and the wizards who often fly around?

In addition, this world is not the white man he imagined. The entire Lin family from the master’s house to the servants are all yellow races.

By the time he was five years old, he had learned the lingua franca of the world, and by listening to the occasional conversation between his mother and servant, he had found out the general situation of his reincarnated family and the world.

The family reincarnated this time is a small wizard aristocratic family on the border of a powerful wizard empire. It has a large fief. Although it is located on the border of the empire, it has a small population and insufficient resources. From time to time there will be small groups of alien invasions, but as a ruler The family is still doing well.

The first generation of the family is the grandfather, and the second generation has more than a dozen brothers and seven or eight sisters. Lin Xiao’s father is the oldest and the first heir to the family title.

Lin Xiao also has six Big Brothers and four Big sis. Dage is over forty years old. He is now a first-level official wizard and the second heir to the family, so he inherits the family title or something. Xiao has nothing to do.

It was a good thing, he didn’t have the time to inherit any title.

It is worth mentioning that most of the thousands of second, third and fourth generations in the family have no talents and cannot become wizards. Only a very small number of talented apprentices are family members. Those who are not gifted are all side branches. .

Therefore, the wizard family, regardless of the direct line or the collateral branch, is to marry more wives and have more children, hoping to have a talented offspring.

Lin Xiao’s mother in this life is one of his father’s eight wives. Beautifulness is the basic and gentle personality. She is still in the same room as her father. She not only lives in a small courtyard alone, but also serves by two servants.

In the past few years, he had lived Wu You carefree, but when he grew up slowly, his mother began to consciously say something about the wizard in his ear, and she usually likes to hold him with expectant eyes.

Obviously she hopes that her son has the talent to become a wizard, even if the talent is not very good.

By the age of six, the most important day in the lives of all tribesmen has arrived-the wizard aptitude test.

In this world, children can only begin to exercise Mental Energy with the Meditation method at the age of six. All descendants of the wizard family will test their aptitude at the age of six to determine how much resources to invest.

Lin Xiao was held in the hall by his mother and waited. A family wizard apprentice held a complex circle engraved with a circle of interlocking circles on it, and placed it on the table with a faintly shimmering black slate. The rare father came in person.

There is a small groove in the center of the slate. The apprentice who can be a grandfather’s family wizard picked up his white tender hand and cut a small hole with a knife. A drop of blood fell into the groove of the slate. Everyone’s eyes fell on the groove On the blood.

His mother even hugged him tightly, and looked at the stone slab with tension and expectation.

After a few seconds, the blood in the tank suddenly brightened, an invisible mental energy bloomed, and the complex lines on the edge of the tank quickly brightened and spread to the surroundings.

The mother’s face suddenly showed joy, and the father nodded, and then looked at him more kindly.

The bright light quickly spread to the entire slate, and disappeared after a few seconds, and the blood in the central groove seemed to lose its activity and dim.

After the simple talent test was completed, Lin Xiao quickly moved out of this small courtyard with his mother and moved to a large courtyard. Not only did it have more rooms, there were more than a dozen servants and four guards to serve them, even his father came. The frequency has increased several times.

Then he started to go to school.

It took a year to learn all kinds of knowledge related to wizards, and he officially learned Meditation.

Then, there is boring Meditation, and learning all kinds of wizard knowledge.

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