Chapter 611: The Legendary Mark of the Ancestor

This is the fact, when this figure appeared, he said:

“When you see the projection of my will, it means that this seat has completely fallen, and you, as one of the heirs selected for this seat, will be eligible to compete for the inheritance left to you by this seat!”

Speaking of this, the projection of the will of the Divine Emperor of Vientiane paused, and continued:

“The legacy of this seat includes the six guardians left for you, a remnant source of the Vientiane crystal wall system, and this Vientiane temple, no matter who inherits it, you will receive the allegiance of the six guardians!”

“Are you surprised that there are so few inheritances? Don’t be surprised. I only leave these here. You don’t need other rubbish. The most important legacy is the world you are about to descend into.”

The Vientiane God Emperor paused every time he said a word, and his expression was extremely rich.

But they all know that this is only a projection reserved by the King of Vientiane, and it is impossible to communicate. When one of them inherits the inheritance, this projection will disappear, and the King of Vientiane will fall completely, even if the time is reversed, it cannot be saved. .

The three of them listened carefully, paying great attention to what the most important legacy was.

The Wanxiang God Emperor did not sell Guanzi, and said directly:

“The most important legacy of this seat is a treasure that may allow you to break through, but it is not easy to get it. In order to ensure the fairness of this competition and allow new successors to compete, you need to Go to the wizarding world and get it before your life is exhausted to return.”

“The Wizarding World!”

Lin Xiao was stunned, turned his head in shock, and looked over at Divine Phoenix with shock.

“Are you surprised?”

Wanxiang Shenhuang looked very interested. If you didn’t know that this was just a projection that couldn’t be communicated, I really thought they were communicating in real time.

“Ma, how could it be this world!”

Yingfeng cursed secretly, turned his head and said to the two of them:

“If it were this world, I would give up.”

Divine Phoenix also shook his head and said:

“I will give up too.”

Lin Xiao was speechless, but he also nodded and said:

“I must give up just the same.”

Although he had thought about going to the wizarding world to save Jin Sisi’s father, he didn’t go now, he was not ready yet.

No matter how he had to step into a strong god-tier power level, he had a certain resistance to the suppression of the wizarding world at that time, and he was not so easy to get lost. At that time, he dared to enter, and now this power entry is not 100% lost.

But having said that, this is indeed quite fair. Entering the wizarding world, they will indeed be at the same starting line for Death. The previous intrigue is in vain, and it is estimated that Kagekaze regrets it now.

However, just as they were fighting back the drum, the voice of the God Emperor of Vientiane changed and said in a seductive voice:

“You must have heard the name of the treasure left by this seat in the wizarding world. It is called the Mark of the Ancestor!”


The three raised their heads together, their faces full of surprise.

This time I was really surprised. It was because the name of the ancestor imprint was too big and too attractive.

Ordinary true gods may not understand what this is, but Lin Xiao Yingfeng Divine Phoenix and the others know that Lin Xiao was also promoted to major general and the authority Ascension, only to find out from a top-secret information inside the battle zone.

The top-secret information is called——(On the thirty-seven ways to promote the great god-tier power), which contains a detailed record of all the methods collected by the main world that can be promoted to the great god-tier power or this level. There are a total of Thirty-seven kinds, either in fact or in theory, can break through this level and advance to the level of great god-tier power or strength equivalence.

The so-called ancestor mark is a mark left by the most powerful ancestor in the wizarding world.

As we all know, the ancestors are equivalent to the great god-tier power of the god system. They have power and endless power.

The imprints left by them do not refer to personal marks or the like, but a channel for their promotion to the power of the ancestor. Any person or thing who obtains the mark of the ancestor can continuously obtain the power corresponding to the power of the ancestor through this channel. .

This kind of power belongs to passive and forcibly perfused, without gaining the will of the ancestor seal reporter and changing and perfusing continuously, so that its power is continuously growing without end.

This is indeed an indescribable treasure, worthy of the most precious legacy of the Vientiane God Emperor.

But this thing has a terrible sequelae, that is, its power continues to grow endlessly. The person being infused must have a strong body to accommodate this power, and a very powerful soul to control this power. Once the body is not enough Bearing, the soul is not enough to control this power, the result is a’bang’, the body and soul explode at the same time, and the ashes are wiped out.

In that book (Thirty-seven Ways to Promote Great God-tier Power), the Mark of the Ancestor ranks 22nd in terms of difficulty among all methods, which is relatively low.

But the risk ranking has entered the top five, which can be said to be quite dangerous.

After all, having the ability to control the existence of this infinite power has basically crossed that step, and without the ability to control the existence of this infinite power naturally only waits for death.

Expansion of strength does not wait for you to adapt, but only death, simple and crude.

But even so, everyone knows that getting this baby is a chronic suicide. The death rate is almost 100%, but it is also a treasure that they cannot refuse.

Anyway, I was once rich. If you give ordinary people a choice, you can either give you 10 billion but you can only live to fifty, or you will die poor for a lifetime but you can live to eighty. I believe that many ordinary people will go and get that one hundred 100 million.

Don’t believe those who go wrong and say that life is priceless, and that it’s even more fragrant that I can live eighty years safely, because I didn’t give them 10 billion…

People are all self-confident, not to mention those who can become true gods are more confident, even if the probability is low, they are willing to fight.

Therefore, when the Vientiane God Emperor said these words, the eyes of the shadow wind and the God Emperor became quite dangerous on the spot…including Forbidden Sky.

Although I haven’t decided to go now, but…

There is a well-known truth in this world called—True Fragrance!

The Wanxiang God Emperor showed such an expression as expected. This must have been set as expected, and said with a smile:

“The imprint of the ancestor left by this seat is left in the tomb of the ancestor of Vientiane in the wizarding world. As the heirs of this seat, you will get the last power left by this seat to protect you from being lost in 10,000 years, and if you can be promoted in 10,000 years. Rank 7 is eligible to know the location of the tomb of the ancestors of Vientiane, on a first-come, first-served basis.”

“Sure enough, the God Emperor of Vientiane is a former ancestor!”

“It’s not right, it should be said that he was indeed an ancestor, but after returning to the main world and Realm fell because of the different system, it would be… not right!”

Lin Xiao squeezed his chin and pondered. Judging from the information he has, the information about the God Emperor of Vientiane is not only vague, but also contains several contradictions.

In several different records, there are speculations that the Vientiane God Emperor is an existence comparable to a great god-tier force, and there are also speculations that it is not a great existence, but because a certain treasure can exert a power comparable to a great existence under certain circumstances .

But judging from the information revealed by the God Emperor of Vientiane, its body is indeed an ancestor comparable to the great god-tier power, but the ancestor should be eternal and immortal, as long as the power it holds is not taken away, it will be eternal and immortal. Regardless of the fall.

Now that he can leave the mark of the ancestor of all phenomena, indicating that power has not been taken away, how could it fall?

Lin Xiao was puzzled, but he had too little information, and there was no reasonable explanation for the search.

I simply didn’t want to think about it later, and it would be clear what the reason was to win the mark of the ancestor of Vientiane.

Now that this decision was made, Lin Xiao began to consider how to defeat two opponents in the competition to win the Mark of the ancestor of Vientiane.

Judging from the information now revealed by the Vientiane God Emperor Projection, there are two pieces of news that are considered positive for him.

One is to use the power of the ancestors of Vientiane, they will not have the problem of being lost within 10,000 years after their arrival, which means that they can come with memories, which is much stronger than other descendants who have been lost in the wizarding world.

The second good news is that you can naturally take advantage of the power of the good fortune Rubik’s Cube.

No matter how bad the situation is, as long as it can be opened with the help of good fortune Rubik’s Cube.

No matter how bad the initial situation is, everyone is so bad, and others can’t open and hang, he can open, this is his advantage.

When everyone was suppressed after their arrival, they used this advantage to quickly widen the gap in strength, constantly snowballing, and it was easy to surpass them. At that time, not only would they be able to win the treasure in advance, but they would even have time to save the cheap old man by the way.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao raised his head and glanced at Yingfeng and Divine Phoenix, only to see the two of them staring at each other with the same expression. The three of them were taken aback and turned their heads with a hum.

At this time, the Vientiane God Emperor Projection waited for more than ten seconds and said:

“It seems that you have made a choice, so now tell me, accept this challenge? Or give up this challenge?”

The three looked at each other and said in unison:

“We are willing to accept this challenge!”

“Very well, then you guys are ready for funerals, now that one day later begins to come.”

Lin Xiao…..

Shadow wind…..

Divine Phoenix…..

“Will f*ck speak, what does it mean to prepare for funeral…”

At this moment, Lin Xiao wanted to punch someone, and it was probably the same when I saw the expressions of Yingfeng and Divine Phoenix, but when he thought that the other side was just a projection…

Endure it.

There is only one day in this day, but it is not a day in the main world, and there is no time to do anything.

Lin Xiao thought about it, first sent a farewell message to each of the three girlfriends, and then reported the situation to the commander of the war zone and took a long vacation from the school. Strictly speaking, he is still a student.

In a letter to Jin Sisi, he promised her that he would try his best to find her father when he went to the wizarding world this time. However, the wizarding world is extremely large. The specific situation of the cheap old lady is currently unknown. He is not sure that he will be rescued. He can only say that he will try his best to rescue her. .

After finishing this, Lin Xiao sighed and wrote another letter to his parents, but he did not send it out immediately, but first to Xie Yufei.

This letter will not necessarily be sent out, if he can come back alive, it will be destroyed naturally, and if it falls, it will be handed over to them.

At this point, Lin Xiao stepped on the teleportation to the wizarding world without hesitation.

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