Chapter 591

Having said this, she suddenly lowered her voice and whispered:

“However, it is not the law mastered by the god of the sun, but another relatively complete fragment of the law mastered by the god of the sun. The birth of the righteous god is a good thing for all human descendants in this world.”

“There really are people who want to become gods in this world!”

Lin Xiao sighed, but he didn’t mean to despise, his personal thoughts were different, and not every true god who could enshrine gods in the main world possessed resources like him.

Although the resources he possessed were made by his own ability.

A considerable part of the top-level elites of average origin cannot provide them with the remaining resources to go to a deeper level. They need to go back to the depths of the void to find suitable world plundering laws.

Yes, the focus of the plundering of God’s Domain of the Queen of God is no longer on various resources. Although the more resources, the better, but it is not these ordinary resources that can Ascension their strength, but the rules.

In fact, the biggest problem with the Godhead level of the true god Ascension is neither the resources nor the divine power, but the laws of mastery.

Promoting a god level is not just about having enough god power, you must understand the laws corresponding to the priesthood you master to a certain level before you can continue to be promoted.

Normal understanding of Ascension’s law requires a lot of divine power to derive the law that one has mastered, and gradually Ascension’s understanding of the law.

But not to mention the slow speed, the consumption of divine power is quite large, the more powerful the priesthood, the greater the consumption, and the higher the degree of mastery, the greater the consumption.

For example, why are the two true gods, the ancestor of the Lin Xiao family and the second uncle, always hovering in the weak divine power stage?

It’s not that they have insufficient divine power, how can they accumulate enough divine power for so many years, mainly because the mastery of the law is not enough for promotion.

They didn’t dare to go to the outer realm, and they could only stay in the Crystal Wall Universe not far from the main world. Most of the developed Crystal Wall Universes were not high-level, and their upper limit was not high. Staying here, they had almost no growth. , May be limited to this Realm for a lifetime.

Relatively speaking, this weird Otherworld is not bad. Although the world’s crystal walls are riddled with holes, the world’s energy level is extremely high and the potential is relatively high.

The most important thing is that this world is within the radiation range of the power of the main world, and it is extremely convenient to descend.

Normally, the children of the True God-level God’s Territory explore the outer realm generally to go to the depths of the void that cannot be reached by the power of the main world. Not only is there no support from the main world at any time, but there is also the possibility of encountering the true gods of foreign civilizations at any time, which is quite dangerous.

This time, Lin Xiao happened to be the commander of the Titans, and he had the opportunity to attack CY-00801 Crystal Wall Universe.

When this Raiders is over, he will also go to the depths of the void to explore the next time he is in the foreign world.

Several True God-level gods of different races jointly took action against this sun god, and it seemed that there was a possibility of success. Lin Xiao’s eyes flickered, considering whether or not to get involved too?

This law of plunder can be fed back to the true body, even if the law of plunder does not match the law mastered by the true body, it can be exchanged with other true gods to suit own.

He is currently ranked second in rank. The Chaos Knight profession is stronger than the average profession, equivalent to a high-level demigod, and is already qualified to participate in battles at the deity level.

It would be better if he could reach Sequence One or Sequence Zero comparable to the true God, but the laws and knowledge he now mastered were not enough for him to derive the next sequence.

Of course, he can use the knowledge he has now to derive it forcibly, but it will consume a lot of good fortune energy. Now there is no reason to waste it. He can’t bear to waste it.

Next, he continued to ask some things he wanted to know. Li Mei wanted to befriend him at this time, and was very enthusiastic to explain to him the situation of the world. Even the information he wanted to know about the evil nightrage, she deliberately asked for one. The other companions of the Fan family then went to the Adventurer’s Association and consumed the authority they had to obtain detailed information to tell him.

According to the latest information available to the adventurers, the evil nightmare ragers are now active in another kingdom thousands of kilometers away. That kingdom belongs to the parish of a certain evil god. Many followers of the evil god are themselves cruel and evil creatures, and some are more than monsters. Also cruel and terrible.

The lair of the rager seems to be in that kingdom. It has been there for a long time, and it is estimated that it will stay there for a while and will not leave.

Lin Xiao silently remembered the location in his heart, preparing to observe for a few more days, and if there is no chance, he would fulfill his wish first.

The people of the Tianyang Li family had been preparing for about two hours, and assembled a team of about fifty people. Each of them distributed an amulet-like prop. This was the result of just two hours of preparation.

They prepared materials to sacrifice to a certain powerful existence and obtained a trace of that powerful existence’s power to attach to the amulet, which could effectively prevent the weird twisting power in the Sun Temple.

Apart from the former temple members who have been twisted and corrupted into monsters, the biggest trouble here is the ubiquitous power of twisting and corruption.

After they were ready, the white-haired old man in the lead came to Lin Xiao respectfully and asked respectfully:

“I don’t know if you want to enter the Temple of the Sun. If you are willing to enter, Li Ying promises that any trophies you get in it will belong to you.”

Lin Xiao pinched his chin and thought, Li Mei stepped forward next to him and said softly:

“I heard that there is a Sequence Zero Sealed Artifact fragment in this Sun Temple, which contains extremely powerful laws.”

It was cold and soft, with a faint fragrant wind puffing his nose, Lin Xiao sniffed lightly and nodded:

“Now that’s the case, I’ll go there.”

The Sealed Artifact with Sequence Zero is equivalent to the weak divine power of God Rank 5 or higher, and is quite powerful.

The sealed objects in this world are all transformed by twisted laws, and they contain powerful power and the power of laws. If you can find a refining, you can obtain a large amount of the power of laws corresponding to the power of the sealed objects.

It is very suitable for personal use or trading with other true gods.

From the children of God’s Domain to the true god level, normal transactions are still the crystallization of divine power, but the transactions involving various law fragments and other treasures that can Ascension’s own strength are mostly treasures containing law fragments, or gods, and gods fragments. This is the way of trading at the true god level. .

Li Mei was slightly happy and whispered in his ear:

“I have been to the Temple of the Sun before, and I have a certain impression of it, and I will show you the way when that happens.”

Li Ying raised his brow slightly at the sight of this, but he had received a voice transmission from Li Mei before, and knew that this person was a big man.

The team was ready to set off. Li Ying took a golden scepter entwined by two strange snakes and came to the Sun Temple. Lin Xiao sensed the aura of another powerful existence from the scepter. He tried to sense it, and it should be the same. The powerful presence of Sequence Two.

He raised the scepter and hit it lightly. The twisted space around the temple and the reflected shadow of the twisted tentacles were all hit by the scepter, and they shattered in a large area. The distorted and broken space was transformed into a normal space after reconstruction.

Li Ying held the golden scepter and continuously defeated the space. After the space was reconstructed, it turned into a normal space, and bombarded to the gate of the temple with one blow and one step.

Several powerful men with big arms and round waists slammed forward with a copper hammer. Accompanied by a heavy impact, the gate of the temple was slowly slammed open. A icy air rushed towards their faces, but it made everyone more concentrating. It is the force of distortion and corruption that comes with the cold air.

Lin Xiao stood on the steps and looked at the shadow of the tentacles of the tooth dancing claws in the surrounding twisted space. This was not real, but a projection.

But under certain circumstances, it is also true. If anyone rushes into this twisted void without self-reliance, they will be swept away by their souls by their tentacles, and will directly cross the material plane and be involved in the kingdom of the sun god in the star realm.

Li Mei has always been by his side, and many of the children of God’s Domain on the side are envious when they see this scene, but everyone is wise, who doesn’t know how high the vision of the widowed and beautiful young woman Li Mei from Tianyang Li family is. There has never been a rumor that she took the initiative to post a man, but today she took the initiative to post, it is obvious that this is a strong person.

This time exploring the Temple of the Sun is quite dangerous. Even if you are fully prepared, you can’t say that you can come back alive. It is a good thing to have a master on the side. Everyone is not stupid.

After dozens of bombardments, the gate of the temple was finally blasted open, and the cold air that could almost freeze the river was blowing in the air, but all the professionals on the scene could easily handle this coldness.

Inside the gate of the temple is a large square. In the place where many ordinary believers gathered, the sudden change and many believers could not escape. At this time, they had all been corrupted and twisted into monsters.

The skin disappeared, and the fleshy muscles that multiplied into knots were exposed outside. They looked like lickers in Resident Evil. When they sensed the breath of life, they turned and opened their mouths, enough to swallow a person’s blood bowl. There are many tentacles sticking out and flying, as disgusting as they look.

Seven soldiers of the rank of rank 8 charged each with a large shield to withstand the impact of the monsters, and several other soldiers of rank 7 of the berserk swung a large axe or two-handed sword to kill in, and there was a long-range shooter class behind which was powerful. Arrows of strength.

Although the soldier profession is not as fancy as other profession systems, it is very simple and practical, suitable for this kind of large-scale team battle.

Most of the sons of God’s Domain are in melee occupations, and legal occupations are extremely rare. Not only are they difficult to find but also difficult to promote, and the sequelae are also large. It is difficult for ordinary people to stay sober and persevere.

Others don’t have Lin Xiao’s ability to deduce new professions on their own. Normal career promotion requires potions with powerful magical powers, or organs of powerful creatures, to extract the power of these potions and powerful biological organs and integrate them into themselves.

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