Chapter 590: The Secret of the Sun God

Just under Lin Xiao’s eyelids, the Temple of the Sun was decayed and distorted by an unknown terrible force, dragged into the abyss, the divine light in the temple was extinguished, and all the clergy and faithful inside were lost in it and fell into the void, but the matter was outside. On the level, you can still see the Temple of the Sun.

But the temple of the sun at this time should be called the temple of the fallen sun.

Being in the material plane, but independent of the material plane, there is a space barrier between the two, and ordinary people cannot enter it.

Obviously, the sun god located in the star realm had a problem, either he fell or fell.

Fortunately, he hadn’t entered the temple at that time, otherwise this change would involve him in it… There was a little trouble.

The Sun Temple has undergone such an abnormal change. The other temples are all closed. The temples are temporarily not accepting foreign visitors. It is estimated that the temples in other cities are similar. Lin Xiao can only find a place to stay in the city temporarily, and wait to observe the situation first.

By the next day, the distorted power of the Sun Temple suddenly expanded, dragging the surrounding space into the distorted space.

Lin Xiao deliberately went over to observe, and when he arrived, he saw a dark shadow emerging from the distortion. The thing was like the source of distortion. Wherever he went, even the air was distorted and corrupted, and the ground seemed to be experienced. I don’t know how long it takes to turn yellow and black.

This guy was quickly killed by a clergyman in a nearby temple. After his death, the corruption field disappeared, revealing his body, a piece of black linen covered with weird patterns.

Soon a team of soldiers and clergymen from various temples went out to encircle the Sun Temple area. Two days later, the City Lord’s Mansion and the Temples released tasks at the same time, offering rewards to professionals to explore the lost Sun Temple and collect many treasures collected by the Sun Temple, including Contain out-of-control sealed artifacts.

The wealth is touching, not to mention that these out-of-control sealed artifacts are treasures themselves, which quickly attracted a large number of professionals, naturally including the descendants of many races.

Almost every day, Descendants came from outside, guarding around the Temple of the Sun, and when they came across an uncontrollable sealed object or other things rushing out of the distorted space of the Temple, they swarmed up.

Lin Xiao is no exception to guarding the Sun Temple, besides receiving some rewards by the way, he mainly observes the Sun Temple and infers the situation of the Sun God far away in the star realm by observing the Sun Temple.

What other professionals want is to get a reward, and what he thinks is whether there is a chance to make a big vote.

Observe the situation of the sun god through the sun temple. If you can observe and confirm the situation of the sun god, if you have the opportunity, you can’t take a risk without payment.

The weakest righteous god in this world is also equivalent to medium power, and the powerful true god is equivalent to strong god-tier power. He doesn’t know the specific rank of the sun god, but the location of its temple in the temple area will never be an ordinary god. , Even if it is not the most powerful kind of righteous god, it is also the top group in the middle divine power, if it can get some benefits from him, it would be great.

But this risk is quite big, and he certainly wouldn’t dare to go directly before the situation was confirmed.

On this day, he was standing at the edge of the distorted space that had been enlarged from the outer circle of the temple, and there were more than a dozen human sons of God’s Domain guarding this area and waiting.

We are all human beings, so they are naturally closer, and come together naturally without conflicts of interest.

A man wearing Magical Robe but holding a two-handed sword curiously watched Lin Xiao staring inside, and stared at the twisted space for a while and rubbed his eyes and asked:

“Brother, this distorted space can distort our vision, and it will be dizzy if you look at it for a long time. You have been staring inside. Is there anything in it that you need?”

Lin Xiao listened and stopped to observe and smiled:

“No, there is nothing I need in it. I’m just curious to observe the situation inside and see if I can find the reason for the abnormal change in the temple.”

Fang Wenhai laughed and said:

“What is observable in this? If you want to know this, you can ask some big guys who descended in this world. They are strong and have extraordinary identities. Some of them have own territorial power. Most of them know some secrets that we don’t know. .”

Lin Xiao shook his head and said:

“I understand the truth, but I don’t recognize those big guys.”

“That’s not easy. According to the danger of the Sun Temple mutation, there will definitely be a big guy in a short time. Then you go to the big guy and ask a familiar face, maybe you can ask.”

At this moment, there was a loud noise from outside, and when I looked back, I saw a large group of professionals rushing over, with the breath of more than a dozen human beings of God’s Domain.

Fang Wenhai smiled and said to him:

“Look, it is said that Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, there are big men here, so many soldier professions, and the Tianyang Li family has this kind of organized professional army nearby. It should be them.”

“Tianyang Lee? A little familiar.”

Lin Xiao followed the direction he was pointing and saw that there were indeed two teams of professional soldiers wearing standard armors, surrounded by more than a dozen sons of God’s Domain with different professions, and more than a dozen human professionals around saw this. Past.

This group of sons of God’s Domain from the Tianyang Li family led a man and a woman, the man was an old man with white hair and beard, and the woman was an extremely beautiful and glamorous young woman, who was extremely sultry with every move and smile.

Tianyang Li’s reputation seems to be quite high among the sons of the nearby gods, and he took over the dominant power as soon as he came. The old man with white hair and white beard methodically assigned tasks, especially when he took out a special seal. It was an old wooden carriage, and the carriage was a ghost. A group of people gathered around the enlarged carriage and communicated with the ghost groom on the carriage by the old man.

Besides that, Li Mei on the other side was chatting with another group of children of God’s Domain, asking them what happened here before they came.

I have to say that everybody likes beautiful women, let alone such a mature and glamorous young woman, even if there is no other idea, she is willing to get close and talk more.

After chatting for a while, Fang Wenhai took the opportunity to say to Li Mei:

“Sister Li, your Tianyang Li family has a vast network of contacts and more information channels than us. Can you tell us what is going on with the abnormality of the Sun Temple?”

Everyone pricked their ears and listened.

Li Mei smiled lightly:

“It’s okay to tell you that there is an alien true god who has come to this world and has mastered a large part of the law mastered by the sun god, and is challenging the sun god to compete for the law mastered by the sun god.”


Everyone was shocked, and Lin Xiao was also astonished, which was different from what he had imagined.

In his imagination, the abnormality of this temple of the sun is either the sun god falling or falling. The idea of ​​other existences competing for the sun god’s mastery is not unheard of, but this may be too low and too low, so low that he never thought it was true. .

This behavior is equivalent to someone rebelling at the peak of the Spring and Autumn Period of Qin Shihuang or Han Martial God. Normal people would have thought that someone would be so bold.

But it happened that some people did this, and it seemed that there was hope of success, otherwise it would not have the current vision of the fall of the sun god.

It is foreseeable that even if the sun god can successfully defend the laws he has mastered and not be taken away, his vitality will be severely injured. At least the sun temple that covers the entire main material plane cannot be restored, and everything needs to be restarted.

Upon receiving this news, Lin Xiao fell into contemplation, whether he took the opportunity…..

At this time, Li Mei happened to glance at the contemplative Lin Xiao, her big charming eyes lit up with a surprised expression. Lin Xiao also raised her head when she felt her hot gaze, and saw her bright face and the hot one falling on her. The look in his eyes frowned slightly.

Before speaking, I heard Li Mei ask with surprise:

“Are you Lord Lin Xiao?”

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows, neither nodded nor denied, but just asked:

“You ever met me?”

“Yes, do you remember that your lord rescued me once near the town of Horley a hundred years ago.”

“It’s you?”

Lin Xiao remembered immediately that he had indeed saved a son of a human God’s Domain in Holly Town, but he had forgotten about it a hundred years later.

“It’s really your Excellency Lin Xiao, I didn’t expect to see you again.”

Li Mei was extremely excited, a blush on her charming face was even more glamorous, even if Lin Xiao saw many beautiful women, she couldn’t help but take a look at this mature woman.

Others don’t know Li Mei, but she knows who this is in front of her. After she was rescued, she accidentally heard the name Lin Xiao after returning to the world of the Lord. After checking it carefully, she was shocked as Deva. At that time, she regretted why she didn’t keep a contact with the world of the Lord. Way.

Goodbye this time, she felt that she must hug this thigh tightly.

Regardless of his former status on the Tianjiao list, or the top elite of the Huiyao Super Academy, or an unknown military rank but definitely a powerful officer, not to mention that he is now a god, no matter which one is called a golden thigh with infinite potential.

The Tianyang Li family is just a small family with a true god, even the Lin family can’t match it. There are so many families in the main world, how can they develop steadily without being close to the strong.

Lin Xiao didn’t want everyone to know his identity, so he whispered to Li Mei:

“You can know my identity, don’t spread it everywhere.”

She cleverly nodded softly:

“I will.”

“This woman… understands very well!”

Lin Xiao smashed his mouth and didn’t know what to say.

At this time, Li Mei took the initiative to say:

“Your Excellency is here if you are interested in this? We happen to know some truths. I don’t know if you are interested.”

“Tell me.”

She bit her red lip and whispered:

“There are so many people here, why don’t we go to the side and talk?”

Lin Xiao glanced at her, looked at the appearance of the Eight Trigrams on the side, and nodded. It was a pity that Fang Wenhai squeezed his eyebrows and came to the side. She waved her hand, and immediately some of her subordinates brought tables and chairs. When she sat down, she whispered:

“Our Tianyang Li family has developed in this world for hundreds of years. There has been a tribe who has been promoted to a high-level professional and knows some secrets. This time there is indeed a true god-level nightmare child from the nightmare domain civilization who is challenging the sun god. , And it’s not just them, we humans also have True God-level powerhouses who participated in this incident.”

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