Chapter 487


Eighty yards away, a red ball of fist burst into the head of a first-level gray wolf cub, directly killing the gray wolf cub with 52 points of blood.

“I go!”

The combination of a jackal and a dragon-veined kobold was taken aback, and even the monster in front of him forgot to continue attacking.

Seeing that he shot four or five mobs with one fireball and one breath, the two looked at each other, and the Dragon Maid Kobold shouted:

“Brother Enlightenment, don’t team up!”

He smiled and said nothing, just picked up the fallen fur to hand in the task.

Novice village is full of tasks, players are everywhere, and there are more people than strangers, which broke his idea of ​​going up A all the way.

Originally, he wanted to leapfrog monsters with triple spell damage, but there are more people in novice village than monsters. The monsters outside the village are higher than fifth-level or higher, and the hits are worrying. Only four or five rounds hit one. The efficiency is pitiful, only to come back honestly to do the task.

According to the game theory, this is called level suppression. After this real world is digitized, levels and templates are used to measure the strength gap between monsters and players. Low levels face high levels and there will be a series of suppression.

For example, it can’t hit, the spell is resisted, and it will be crushed to cause extra damage when facing high-level monsters.

Arrival is random. The world doesn’t know how many novice villages there are. Anyway, he didn’t see an acquaintance, and his girlfriend didn’t know which novice village he landed in.

With super-high spell damage, he solved the tasks one by one with extremely fast efficiency. When the others had only three fourth-levels, he had already left Silver Moon Valley on the sixth-level with a letter from novice village Elder along the village path. .

Outside Yinyue Valley is a forest called Yinyue. There is a road through the Yinyue Forest. There are towering giant trees with a diameter of three to four meters or even five to six meters. The huge canopy is open and the sun cannot shine. It was cool and dark.

In the forest, the grass and vines are lush, small animals and insects come and go from time to time, and occasionally beasts are seen passing by.

Walking on the road, Lin Xiao stretched out his hand and held a virtual grip. The super talents given by the Protoss made him feel the energy of moonlight and shadow under the shade of the trees, as well as a small amount of energy such as the earth and Sacred.

He can be sure that ordinary people cannot directly sense these energies, but Protoss can sense them.

The monsters near the entrance of Silver Moon Valley are all large crow birds, killing them can get bird feathers or bird meat. Many third- and fourth-level players are killing monsters in groups of three or five, but the farther behind, the fewer people will be. After two or three kilometers, there is no player anymore.

The road is fairly safe. From time to time, knights with a level of 40 or so riding horses are patrolling. A guard of this level kills mobs that are less than level 10 nearby.

However, only a team of knights can’t control all places, so from time to time along the way will encounter mobs rushing out of the jungle on the side of the road, and the sixth-level one easily kills two fireballs.

After walking for about five kilometers, he came to a village called Xingyue, which was a bunch of tasks.

No one robbed him this time, the tasks were done quickly, one by one, a lot of experience and coins, and occasional rewards for some equipment.

Lin Xiao found that most of the tasks at this stage are to guide them to familiarize themselves with the general gameplay of the game world, and slowly reveal the world background through one task after another. At the beginning, he completed the task at the fastest speed, and later found that many tasks are introduced in detail. Introducing the world background, he gradually slowed down.

However, this slowdown is relative. The powerful spell wounds make him super fast in mission efficiency, unless it is some missions that do not look at combat power will slow down.

Xingyue Village stayed for half a day. When other players reached the fifth sixth-level one after another and came to Xingyue Village, his level had already exceeded ten first-level. The tasks here were basically finished, and he took the new one again. A letter sent to a nearby town called Moonlight Town, where many nearby novice villages gather.

At the same time, he needs to determine his specialization there and choose his professional talents.

The so-called specialization refers to which element is good at, such as common fire, frost, arcane, rare earth, lightning, shadow and so on.

Professional talent is the enhancement of the current specialization. When the specialization is selected, the professional talent tree will be opened. There are many professional talents on it. After passing the tenth level, there is one talent point for each level to strengthen the talent.

Lin Xiao now has two talent points in his tenth first-level, but he has no specialization and cannot choose.

At the gate of Moonlight Town, he was surprised to see a half-dragon warrior with a dragon head and a dragon’s tail talking to the guard at the gate. He was stunned when he saw Lin Xiao’s half-dragon warrior, and he carefully looked at Lin Xiao and walked over. :

“You are the third one I have ever seen here. Add a friend first, and then you will have the opportunity to make a copy together.”


While agreeing to a friend’s application, he wondered:

“Is there a copy of this world?”

The half-long man named himself Ye Se Quiet, he smiled:

“Even if it is to gamify the world data, there must be, but we haven’t encountered it yet. When we encounter it, we will upgrade the game. The speed is much faster than the task.”

“That’s OK.”

No one mentions doing tasks together. They are all of the kind with strong racial talents. They do tasks very quickly without needing to be with others.

Enter the town, and follow the road guided by the guards to a spire in the town. This is the gathering place for mages in the town. Many trainers of the law profession such as priests, priests and sorcerers are here.

“May the light of magic shine on you!”

A middle-aged man wearing a blue Magical Robe said to Lin Xiao:

“Enlightenment overnight, please choose the element of specialization.”

Below are three common specializations: fire, frost, and arcane.

Looking across the three specializations, Lin Xiao tried to ask:

“Are there other specializations?”

Surprisingly, the middle-aged man really answered:

“If you are not satisfied with the following specializations, you can choose the following different locations to find different specialization instructors to complete the transfer. Note that you have only one chance to become enlightened overnight. Once you fail, you can only choose one of the following three specializations. ”

There were five different coordinates on the light curtain in front of Lin Xiao’s eyes. A closer look at them were five different specialization routes. They were – Sacred, Earth, Lightning, Shadow, and Undead.

Then the middle-aged man said that in addition to these five rare specializations, there are other extremely rare and powerful specialization routes in this world, which require special methods to obtain. He can change jobs or part-time new specializations after encountering them in the future. .

This is too far, he didn’t think about it too much. He checked the coordinates carefully. Only one of the five locations was in the town, and the other four were all outside the town. It was still far away. At least one map must be crossed, including the location of the undead and the shadows. It is the farthest from Moonlight Town. From the perspective of the world map, it has to cross two maps. There are all monsters between level 30 and 37.

The Shadow and the Undead directly let him pass, and it is still so far unpleasant in itself, how could he run so far at his current level.

There are three specializations of Sacred, Earth and Lightning.

Earth and Lightning are well understood. Sacred is not a priest, but the same energy as the priest. The priest is good at healing and assisting. The Sacred mage is good at attacking. Of course, it is Sacred after all.


At first glance, it was not enough, the healing output was all but not powerful, and it was really powerful, and it grabbed the priest’s job, so Lin Xiao thought about it and ruled it out.

The earth and lightning…

One defense and one attack.

Thunder and Lightning is a violent output at any time. For him with triple spell damage, choosing Lightning can best play the effect of this talent.

The full-time location of Lightning Specialization is located on the map next door to the north of Moonlight Town. It is called Lightning Hill. The monsters inside are between level 20-30.

I bought some supplies and four six-segment small bags in Moonlight Town and went out and walked straight to the north along the avenue.

The map in this game is very large. Before, there was a total distance of more than ten kilometers from Novice Village to Moonlight Town. The big map is tens of kilometers away, and it is enough to run on your feet.

Although the world is digitized, basic rules must be followed in many cases, such as day and night. When the sun sets at night, the field quickly turns black. Although it is a highway, there is only a light far away, and the middle is completely dark. I walk alone in the night. middle.

A huge black figure rushed out of the jungle by the roadside and threw him down, knocking out two-thirds of his 200 or so health with a slap.

He reacted very quickly. The Frost Nova was instant, and a ring of cold frost exploded from under his feet, freezing the black shadow and the insects flying on the grass in place.

Quickly opened the distance and instantly cast Frost Armor, a fireball saw the target clearly, it was a level 21 beast called the Garrote Demon Leopard.

The difference in level made the devil leopard break free from the frozen ice in just three seconds and pounced on it again, slapped him with a shield and slapped him.

Waking up again in a state of soul, it was in an unknown cemetery. It looked like a ruined altar. The collapsed stone was covered with moss, and the strange rune and writing on the stone slab could be vaguely seen.

Open the map and it is already a lightning hill. Before he died, he happened to cross two maps and was in the lightning hill. So after Death, the resurrection point was at the lightning hill, but it was quite far away from the main road.

Fortunately, the soul state will not be attacked by monsters, and at the same time, you can safely run the map by the way, especially the road to be taken next.

However, this idea is good, but after a certain distance from the corpse, the soul cannot continue to move forward, and a negative BUFF of the weakening of the soul will appear. A countdown will appear in front of him. He tries to go forward, and the countdown speeds up. A black soul in front of him disappeared, and he regained consciousness again. He was standing on the lawn of Silver Moon Valley. There were many players around him sitting on the stone steps with the lights on the lawn and chatting.


Quickly checking the log, it showed that the soul was too decayed to return to the corpse, and he resurrected directly at the location bound to the hearthstone.

His default hearthstone binding location is novice village, so he went out for a day and a half and returned to novice village again.

“Good guy, I ran back to the original point after a hard day and a half, this TMD ran away lonely.”

He didn’t know what to say for a while.

What can I do, I can only run again!

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