Chapter 486 Super Talent

“In other words, the race you can choose is related to the family members in your God’s Domain?”

Lin Xiao looked at the few remaining race options, first took a look at the human race.

Race: human.

Talent: Perception, human soul, self-interest, diplomacy.

Expertise: Sword proficiency, hammer proficiency.

Evaluation: Common races, most occupations can be employed.

Lin Xiao suddenly noticed that there was a line of small characters at the end of the appraisal. Look carefully at the words-the upper limit of human race level is 70.

? ? ?

He quickly checked the little naga that he had seen before, and there was also a line of small characters that he barely noticed, which read-the upper limit of the regular upper limit of the little naga’s species level is 55.

Look at the Shura Naga again, the small print says-Shura Naga’s regular upper limit of the species level is 75.

“Different races have different upper levels. Is that so real!”

He looked at the Red Furnace Clan again:

Race: Red furnace tribe.

Category: Dwarf subspecies.

Talent: the spirit of forging. Forging skills +30, forging consumption -50%, forging equipment has a chance to forge better items than the formula.

Talent: Aka furnace. Immune to fire and bleeding, poisoning, curse, disease, spell resistance +100, fire spell damage +20%.

Evaluation: Powerful forging races and combat races, suitable for melee physics, and flame masters.

There is also a line of small characters after the evaluation of the Red Furnace Clan, which reads-The regular upper limit of the Red Furnace Clan’s level is 65.

Finally, it was the Protoss clan who looked forward to this sub-legendary race Lin Xiao.

Race: Protoss.

Category: Higher humanoid race.

Talent: Son of Star. Reduce all spell damage and effects and duration by 50%. For each level of Ascension, intelligence +5, spirit +5, maximum Magic power value +100%, and Magic power recovery speed +500%.

Talent: True learning status. All spells consume -50%, cast spells free of material, spell power and effect, and cast range +200%.

Talent skills: Essence changes. Use it to extract 2% of the target’s maximum health and Magic power value and energy per second related to intelligence, or transfer its energy to teammates for 8 seconds, with a cooling time of 2 hours.

Expertise: Ingenuity. +15 for all professional skills.

Evaluation: This is a race with a natural affinity for energy, and has a unique talent for controlling energy.

Similarly, there is a line of small characters after the evaluation of the Protoss clan, which reads-the upper limit of the Protoss clan’s regular level is 70.

The same as humans, but obviously the Protoss with powerful talents are far stronger than humans.

Seeing here, Lin Xiao is basically affirmative. The race that the player can choose is the family members in his own God’s Domain. This is good news for the children of God’s Domain who have powerful family members, but for those who even the main family members are like orc dwarves. It’s not good news for the sons of God’s Domain of higher races.

It’s inherently different from fifth-level tenth, and the start is lost at the starting line.

But this is someone else’s business, he can’t care about it. Now what Lin Xiao needs to consider is which race to choose?

In other words, which Shura Naga and Protoss choose?

Nothing else needs to be considered, only these two races are considered.

Normally speaking, Shura Naga is the best choice. After all, its professional talent is too high, but the Protoss is not bad. In addition to the upper limit of the race level, the Shura Naga is higher fifth-level than the Protoss. Naga, just one is the law system and the other is the combat system.

The key factor that made him entangled was that the Protoss was the law system, and Shura Naga was a pure kitchen knife class.

According to the laws in almost all games and even in the real world, the mage profession is a pro-son, and the title Faye is not for nothing.

And this time, although digitization is like a game, it is actually a real world. It is only digitization. The law must be similar to other worlds. Now that there is a mage career, it is not much different.

Therefore, Lin Xiao’s choice was Xingling.

Of course, there is another important reason for choosing Protoss, that is, Protoss is exactly the same as human beings, and they are very handsome, have such a powerful legal system talent, and a proper high-rich and handsome race, so don’t choose who to choose.

When he made a decision, four of the five phantoms of the race disappeared, the edge of the altar below was lit up with white light, the altar was activated, and his consciousness was directly invested in the phantom of the Protoss.

Bunches of white light like lightning flew from the altar into the phantom of the protoss, making it slowly solidified, and a faint brilliance emerged from the phantom of the protoss.

As the Protoss pupils lit up, the Protoss who had turned into a light man rose into the sky and disappeared.

In Silver Moon Valley, an ancient tree stands in the valley. A huge canopy with a diameter of nearly one kilometer covers most of the valley. From time to time, stars fall from the sky through the canopy and fall on the ground, turning into simple clothes… Kind of race.

All kinds of tauren, bear, tiger, moon elves, sun elves, golden dwarves, humans, Dragon Turtel people, etc., are noisy and crowded like a vegetable market, with all kinds of weird names crowded together.

The handsome appearance and perfect figure of Lin Xiao’s Protoss race were particularly conspicuous among a group of monster-like races, which attracted the attention of a large group of people.

Most of the children of God’s Domain who can be admitted to the university are good, at least they are high-level races, but there are also children of God’s Domain who do not take the usual path choose murlocs, jackals, frogmen, crocodile men, ogres, etc. Strange race.

Maybe I wanted to see if these ordinary races would have any special encounters, but Lin Xiao felt that they would be more likely to regret it in the future.

Because the Protoss race is considered unique, there is no novice village. He can only randomly go to this novice village called Silver Moon Valley. All the strange races in the valley come randomly.

Following the process in memory, Lin Xiao first checked the own property panel, and the level 0 was basically the same.

Open the package again. Among the twenty parcels, there is a hearthstone bound to the city return point and a letter. When you click on it, a light curtain bounces back, and it says:

“Children from Gaia, you can call me the system. In the next 100 years, you need to spend in this game world. You can’t go offline. Death will be resurrected in the nearest graveyard, or please have the resurrection skill. The pastor of resurrected you.”

“Your task now is to become stronger and keep getting stronger. You have ten years to prepare. After ten years, the door of Outland opens, and you will face the challenge from the children of the nightmare.”

“In the game, you can get honor points and honor gems in various ways, kill Nightmare Children, first kill or kill a powerful raid, defeat a powerful world, pick War Practitioner, complete super difficult achievements, and so on. , I have prepared a wealth of rewards for you, including godheads, super energy cores, super void battleships, and even elite ranks. Please check the mall for specific rewards.”

“This game world simulates the Titan Wall Universe, that is, the Azeroth Wall Universe. There are some places or world plots that are similar to it. Children who understand this world may have a certain advantage.”

“Finally, this seat here promises that if this seat can achieve a final victory, every student who has outstanding performance in this one hundred years will receive one hundred honor points, and the top ten thousand with the best performance will receive one. Thousands of honorary points, ten third-level honorary gems, two second-level honorary gems, the top 100 of which will receive ten thousand honorary points, ten second-level honorary gems and one first-level honorary gem .”

“In addition, if anyone can make an outstanding or critical role in this seat’s victory, they will receive a favor and extra reward from this seat.””This is a waste of money!”

Lin Xiao took a look at the mall, five hundred honor points plus a second-level honor gem can be exchanged for one non-cleric deity, that is to say, the first 10,000 people can be exchanged for two non-cleric deity only with basic rewards. Adding up is too exaggerated.

However, thinking about the expenditure of this big man’s pursuit is nothing. As long as he can defeat his opponent and win this crystal wall system, he will immediately step into a great level, and Lin Xiao is willing to pay so much, even if he loses his fortune.

After reading this letter, we can see that everyone’s expressions have become eager and full of expectations.

Next, these newly arrived players started to move around in this novice village, pick up tasks, find instructors to learn skills, go out for leveling, and so on.

Lin Xiao is no exception. First, complete a novice’s continuous task according to the novice’s guidance, get a three-piece suit, a cloth belt and shoes, a set of 20 breads and a pot of mountain spring water that can be drunk 20 times, and the bread returns blood. The spring water turns blue.

This game is quite real, or in other words, it is a real world. In addition to regenerating blood, bread can also satisfy your hunger, and mountain spring water can regain blueness and quench your thirst.

In addition, he also obtained a silver coin, equivalent to one hundred copper coins. Follow the instructions to the vocational training office under the ancient tree. There are priests, wizards, sorcerers, shamans and other legal profession trainers. He can choose from them. A career transfer in the legal system.

At the beginning of the game, no profession was determined, only preset professions, such as preset legal professions, then these several legal professions can be selected.

However, once you choose a legal profession, it is considered to be a formal profession, and you cannot work for multiple professions part-time.

Of course Lin Xiao chose Faye, and there were two spells in the first-level.

The first spell is the classic fireball technique. It throws a fiery fireball on a target within 30 yards, causing 15-20 fire damage and 3 continuous damage within six seconds.

Magic power consumes 30 points, and the casting time is 1.5 seconds.

The second is Frost Armor. Cast a Frost Armor with a duration of 30 minutes, increase the armor by 30 points, reduce the movement speed of the melee attacker by 70%, and the attack speed by 20% for five seconds.

Magic power consumes 60 points and is instant.

After the addition of the Protoss talent, these two spells became like this–

Fireball: Throw a hot fireball on the target, and drop a hot fireball on the target within 90 yards, causing 45-60 fire damage and 9 continuous damage within six seconds.

Magic power consumes 15 points, and the casting time is 1.5 seconds.

Frost Armor: Cast a 30-minute frost armor, increase the armor by 90 points, reduce the movement speed of the melee attacker by 70%, and the attack speed by 20% for five seconds.

Magic power consumes 30 points and is instant.

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