Chapter 425 Mother’s Divergent Thinking

Therefore, before everyone had no opinion, and before grandfather was about to confirm this matter, Lin Xiao stood up instead and said:

“I’m sorry to interrupt, grandfather, I don’t need this plane.”

More than twenty eyes were projected over, all in doubt, he explained:

“I need a plane to conquer in a foreign land and deep space by myself, so let’s share the plane of the family with your uncles.”

He didn’t say to give it to his father, he was still planning to take his father to his crystal wall to help.

Everyone was surprised by his decision, but his grandfather and second uncle knew what he meant and both showed expressions of appreciation.

The grandfather said:

“Grandfather understands your thoughts and doesn’t stop you, then this plane is assigned to Hao Lin.”

He looked at his father and said:

“The B5 plane is rich in resources, comparable to more than three C-level planes. If you manage it well, it will be enough to support you further in the future.”

The father nodded slightly excitedly, should be:

“Grandson thanked Grandpa!”

“Ah this…”

This decision was beyond Lin Xiao’s expectation. He thought it would be assigned to Lin Xu, but he didn’t expect it.

It is difficult for him to refuse for a while. There is no perfect reason. How could a son refuse this benefit for Daddy.

He could only bury it in his heart first, and when the meeting was over, he returned to the room one step in advance.

In the evening, Lin Haolin and Jin Yunzhu and his wife returned home and saw their son sitting in the hall alone. Jin Yunzhu came forward and sat in front of Lin Xiao and touched his forehead, saying strangely:

“Son, are you waiting for us?”

He nodded and said:

“There is something very important, I want to discuss it with my parents.”

An invisible wave swept across Lin Haolin, who was a little alcoholic, and his whole body turned into a mist and floated away. He sat down in front of him and said:

“It just so happens that we also want to ask you something.”

Lin Xiao’s gaze fell in love with his mother and his comforted father, and said:

“Then I will answer what you want to ask first, yes, I am indeed a captain now, and it is true that I am the captain of the Seventh Operation Fleet, but I also hold a military post in the First Expeditionary Force of the Fifth District Army. He belongs to the same officer as Lieutenant Colonel Sun, so he will help me like this.”

Mother suddenly:

“It’s no wonder why I have never seen Commander Sun come to help us before. It turns out that this is the case, son, you have to have a good relationship with Commander Sun and your officers. This is good for your future growth.”

Lin Xiao nodded, then turned around and said:

“There is one thing I want to tell you. The next time I made great achievements, in addition to being promoted to the rank of captain, I was also assigned a large plane. I think…”

“What? Large plane?”

The mother was shocked, and said with a sudden realization:

“I said, why don’t you want the plane that your grandfather assigned to you? It turns out that there is already a large plane to look down upon.”

Lin Xiao shrugged and continued:

“So I don’t need it, and my large-scale plane contains more than a dozen small and medium-sized subsidiary planes. The site is too big to digest for a while, and I’m not very familiar with business planes, so I want to ask my parents to go to my place. Face, help me manage these planes.”

“By the way, I don’t need so much power of faith now. The dozen planes add up to have more than 20 to 30 million intelligent lives, including hundreds of giant dragons. This huge amount of power of faith. It is enough to help parents increase their strength, accumulate divinity and understand the priesthood.”

Lin Xiao knew that now the main constraint on the growth of parents’ strength is the power of faith.

To be precise, they need a huge amount of power of faith to condense their divinity, as well as comprehend the rules corresponding to their own priesthood, and the degree of mastery of the Ascension priesthood.

When the son of God’s Domain ignites the divine fire to become a demigod, he cannot increase the divine value by absorbing and refining the divine, but needs to condense the divine value by refining the power of faith.

Of course, directly refining treasures such as the origin of the crystal wall can ascension, but most ordinary children of the gods do not have this opportunity and condition.

In addition, in addition to certain requirements for the level of deity, the demi-god enfeoffment also needs to master the rules of its own priesthood. The requirements of different priesthoods are different.

Don’t think that Lin Xiao has just ignited the sacred fire and became a demigod. It is easy to have more than 10% of the priesthood, but you have to look at what he has experienced. It is impossible for a normal person to get his experience. Most demigods Only by consuming a huge amount of divine power to derive the relevant rules of the priesthood, slowly understand, the speed is quite slow, and the more divine power is consumed later, the demigod who generally has no territory can not accumulate more and more demands. Much supernatural power.

As for why those demigods did not continue to come to foreign land to plunder resources, the main reason was the danger.

It lies in the lack of strength and potential of most of the children of God’s Domain, unable to face the increasingly dangerous foreign land.

You must know that many planes have terrible existences that have true gods and are even comparable to true gods. It’s okay before college is guarded by the school’s true god-level teachers. They don’t need to face the true gods directly, but when they enter society after graduating from college, they can Without the protection of the strong, they need to face all the dangers in the foreign land.

Think about it, what will happen to facing a true God as a demigod?

This is the son of God’s Domain in most ordinary universities. If you don’t grab a plane of sufficient value in a foreign land at the university stage, you will either join the army, join an adventure team or a private company, or return to your hometown after graduation.

In addition to being in the military, even if you have the guts to go to a foreign land, most of them go to some roughly explored planes and avoid the most dangerous places.

Except for the real elite, most of the sons of God’s Domain after graduating from college dare not go to the unexplored foreign land.

The news that Lin Xiao gave out surprised Lin Haolin and Jin Yunzhu and his wife. The shock was higher than when he was the captain of the Seventh Operation Fleet before. They never thought that their son did not want to get an inferior Lin family. The huge group of planes that the Zhang family is fighting for.

However, beyond Lin Xiao’s expectation, neither his father nor his mother showed any expressions of expectation. His mother took his hand and patted it lightly, and said with relief:

“Son, you can think of your parents, parents are very happy, but parents can’t promise you to go there, you have to run this plane group by yourself, if you have no experience, your parents will teach you.”

“But I don’t need so much power of faith now.”

“Then keep it, save it.”

Jin Yunzhu sternly said:

“What is unnecessary? Is there any need for the power of faith? Don’t need it now doesn’t mean that you don’t need it in the future. You are still young. I don’t know how much the power of faith will be required by the Conferred God in the future. Save it, mom.”

“By the way, what about the little girl from the Shen family? You now have your own private plane, and you have the capital to marry a little girl from another family in the future.”

“No, son, aren’t you talking to the little girl from the Shen family? Why didn’t you bring her to bring another little girl this time?”

The mother’s divergent thinking was too strong, and the topic was turned off in an instant. She looked a little unhappy, and said with her arms akimbo:

“Son, shouldn’t you be divided with the little girl of the Shen family? Although this little girl is also beautiful, she looks too strong, not as good as the little girl of the Shen family. Listen to mom’s advice, and a girl who is too strong will not live well.”

Lin Xiao Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry explained:

“Mom, where did you want to go, I didn’t break up with Yue Xin, she is really my subordinate.”


She looked suspicious and unbelieving, and persuaded her earnestly:

“Mom doesn’t believe me. Mom’s glaring eyes can tell that this little girl is a little bit interesting to you. You have to hold onto Yue Xin.”

“Have it?”

Lin Xiaojia wanted to Xie Yufei’s arrogant way of ignoring it, and it didn’t look like it at all.

“However, this little girl is also quite beautiful, she has a good figure, and she has a very unusual temperament, son, don’t you want both?”


He almost choked with a mouthful of water, and waved his hand hurriedly:

“Mom, let’s talk about business first.”

Mother is serious:

“Mom is talking about business, isn’t my son and daughter-in-law’s business called business?”

Lin Xiao was speechless, and only looked at his father expectantly. Fortunately, his father helped him and said:

“You should manage your plane by yourself. Your grandfather has assigned plane B5 to me. With the original plane, it has developed enough to meet the needs of parents.”

“But the family allocates only a medium-sized plane. I have a large-scale plane and a few medium-sized planes. The dozen or so large and small planes are all mine.”

Lin Xiao was reluctant to persuade.

“Isn’t that better, this is enough for you.”

Lin Xiao…..

Come on, this is determined not to go. He looked at his father, then at his mother, and his mother waved his hand:

“Son, please don’t persuade us. We are used to staying here. We are not interested if we leave here and go to other unfamiliar places in Crystal Wall Universe. Unless you get married and have a baby for us, that’s pretty much the same.”

…He Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry said:

“Mom, you think too much. We are not mortals. How can we have offspring so easily.”

“So when you have offspring, go there. When will you and the little girl from the Shen family get married, or this little girl…”

“Then you wait.”

Interrupting his mother directly, he ran away.

Since this day of conversation, Lin Xiao hasn’t talked about it with his parents again, so he won’t go if he doesn’t go, and build it by himself.

Unexpectedly, his parents didn’t want to go. This disrupted his plan, and he had to add the management of this plane group to his schedule.

Two months later, bidding farewell to his parents, he and Xie Yufei took a military void battleship to leave the Heya plane and head to the seventh branch base.

Sitting in the captain’s room while drinking tea while watching the latest internal reference news, it is the news inside the AX-14 Crystal Wall Universe. As the captain of the Seventh Operation Fleet, he can automatically subscribe.

He, the temporary captain, has not resigned yet, but he will resign when he returns to the sub-base. He has no interest in staying here all the time.

The news content is basically some major events happening all over the Crystal Wall Universe, such as which two families are fighting for territory or resources, or which planes have breakthrough progress in the strategy, or which routes have pirates. Tourists are warned not to pass there and so on.

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