Chapter 424 Desperate New Rules

“What’s impossible!”

Lin Xiao unceremoniously agreed to Lieutenant Colonel Sun’s arrangement and formally assumed the post of captain of the Seventh Operation Fleet.

This is impossible for outsiders, but in the formal operation, it is completely feasible. It is only a part-time job. As the commander of the Fury Flame Corps, the 3rd Division of the First Expeditionary Army of the Military Region, I also serve as the seventh branch of the AX-14 Crystal Wall. Although the duty of the Captain of the Seventh Operation Fleet sounds unreasonable, it is procedurally reasonable. It can be operated like this, even if someone picks the bones in the egg, it can’t fault it.

After receiving the commission, and with a sword representing the commander, Lin Xiao turned to look at the Lin and Zhang family members who were still in a state of anger, unwillingness, or confusion, and said in a deep voice:

“I am honored to be appointed as the captain of the Seventh Operation Fleet by the trust of Commander Sun. Now, even if I perform my duties, I will perform the first mission of this Operation Fleet and preside over the notarization of the Heya plane Lin’s and Zhang’s gambling battle.”

He looked at the people of the Zhang family with a malicious look, and said:

“Now that I am the notary for this gambling fight, the captain is welcome, and now I will formulate the rules for this gambling fight.”

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Yan, the chief of the Zhang clan, shouted:

“Captain Lin, the gambling rules have already been determined, and they have been sent to the previous Captain Li for approval. You only need a notarization.”

Lin Xiao raised an eyebrow and said:

“That was the matter of the previous Captain Li. Now that this Captain is re-appointed, he will naturally re-enact the rules.”

As he stretched out his right hand, a guard next to Lieutenant Colonel Lin took out an electronic light screen and unfolded it in front of him. It showed the gambling rules that had been formulated before.

Lin Xiao unfolded the light curtain and gestured in front of everyone. His gaze swept across the ugly Zhang clan, and the Lin clan who had reacted with joy at this time, stretched out his hand to press on it, and a row of writing was erased. Extend your finger and add new writing.


Lin Qinghai made a fist and waved hard, and said excitedly:

“Cousin Lin Xiao re-established the rules to see if his Zhang family will die this time.”

The other cousins ​​also applauded and were extremely excited.

However, many elders think differently from the juniors. The juniors now only think of changes made by Lin Xiao to change the rules, but the elders think of Lin Xiao’s current identity.

Being so young is the captain and the captain of the Seventh Operation Fleet. This is already a very high military position for them, and it can directly affect the Lin Family and Zhang Clan’s battle for the Heya plane.

San Uncle’s eldest son Lin Zheng blushed and said to his grandfather:

“Unexpectedly, Hao Lin’s son gave us such a big surprise, so young is the rank of captain, the captain of the Seventh Operation Fleet, as long as he does not make mistakes in the future, he will definitely be able to go to the next level. Grandpa, this is the hope of our Lin family’s rise. !”

Everyone nodded their heads and looked at Lin Chenglei and Lin Haolin with envious eyes, the mother looked proud.

But no one thinks that there is a problem with her appearance. As his mother, she can be completely proud.

Grandfather stroked his beard and nodded:

“I thought that Lin Xiao and Lin Xu had a future for a long time, and they really lived up to the expectations of the family. Hao Lin and Yun Zhu, you have good sons.”

The grandfather’s admiration refreshed his father’s spirits, but the mother was a little shy, and replied like a lady:

“This is what the granddaughter-in-law should do.”

Grandfather nodded, then turned around and said:

“The matter of Lin Xiao and Lin Xu, Qilin’er, will be discussed after the gambling battle is over. Now I will finish the gambling battle.”

Everyone readily promised and looked at Lin Xiao with confidence.

At this time, the original gambling rules on the light curtain had all been changed by him, replaced by his newly formulated rules.

The more I look at the Zhang family’s complexion, the uglier the Lin family’s face becomes. Some even laugh out loud, which is in sharp contrast with the overcast Zhang family’s side.

“Too much bullying, isn’t it an obvious bully to change this way?”

Zhang Yan’s eldest son gritted his teeth, but he didn’t dare to shout loudly. Now it is obviously Lieutenant Colonel Sun from the seventh base in the Zhanglin’s house. It is absolutely useless for them to oppose it.

Zhang Yan, the head of the Zhang family, had no expression on his face, but he couldn’t see the happiness or anger, but he knew what he was thinking of.

Lin Youde glanced at his old opponent and moved in his heart.

It didn’t take long for the new rules to be established, and Lin Xiao read it again to see if he wanted to add it.

There are four main restrictions on the original rules:

Random draw.

There is no limit to gambling, and the two parties do not limit the number of family members.

The playing field is random.

The age limit is under one hundred years old.

Now let him change to–

Designated battle.

One hundred thousand population limit.

Designate the playing field.

Under the age limit of 50, Zhang Taihua, the strongest member of the Zhang family, is directly excluded.

Add a foreign aid.

The original main rules have been fundamentally changed, and a new foreign aid rule has been added.

After reading the rule sheet, even Lin Xiao himself felt a bit too much.

When he re-announced the rule table, there was an uproar at the Zhang family, and many people couldn’t help but shout:

“Too much.”

“It’s too dark.”

“Don’t deceive people too much.”

Some people even shouted to Lieutenant Colonel Sun:

“Commander Sun, Captain Lin’s new notarization rules are too biased towards Lin’s family and are unfair. I request that Captain Lin’s notarization qualification be cancelled.”

Lieutenant Colonel Sun said with a smile:

“It’s your decision for the captain of the Seventh Operation Fleet to notarize. The specific rules are formulated by Captain Lin. This commander is just a witness, but will not interfere.”

He squinted his face, but what he said made the Zhang clan like an ice pit.

Lieutenant Colonel Sun’s meaning is very obvious, I just want to be part of the Tan Lin family, you still can’t object.

“Father, what should I do?”

Everyone looked at the patriarch Zhang Yan, and it was time for the patriarch to make up his mind.

Zhang Yan frowned, he was silent for a long time before he sighed heavily, raised his head and said blankly:

“Give up!”

“Give up?”

“Yes, admit defeat. We have no chance of winning. We can’t beat the opponent and the referee at the same time.”

But some of his sons were not reconciled and shouted:

“Father, that’s the only two B-level planes in the family, so I gave up?”

Zhang Yan glanced at his son indifferently, then turned away with a flick of his big sleeve.

His son shuddered suddenly, and he swallowed the words in his mouth. Everyone looked at each other. In the end, Zhang Yan’s eldest son, Zhang Xinyan, slammed a fist in the palm of his hand and said to the tribe:

“Go back, let me announce the defeat.”

“Give up?”

As expected, Lin Xiao asked with a smile on his face:

“This captain wants to confirm again, do you really want the Zhang family to decide to abstain and surrender?”

Zhang Xinyan’s face was green and nodded:

“Yes, my Zhang family surrendered.”

Lin Xiao nodded:

“Now that it is the case, the captain here announces that the winner of this gambling battle is Lin’s. Please Zhang’s delivery of the B5 plane to Lin’s within three days. By the way, as a notary, I remind Zhang’s. Doing tricks in the delivery plane must not damage the plane, otherwise the captain has the power to let Zhang re-divide the delivery on the new plane with the value equal to the B5 plane.”

His words directly broke the Xiao Jiujiu in the hearts of some members of the Zhang clan.

This kind of thing is completely possible. If it is not forbidden, there will definitely be angry and unwilling members of the Zhang clan who will wreak havoc on the delivery plane, and he does not want to take back a broken plane.

Although it didn’t have a little shock, but after all, he won and successfully won the B5 plane.

After all, the entire Heya plane group has only five B-level numbered planes. Originally, the Lin family had two and the Zhang family had three. Now the Zhang family has lost one.

The most important thing is to take care of Lieutenant Colonel Sun. In the future, only they will win the gambling battle. Take your time. One day, the Zhang family will be wiped out, and the Zhang family will eventually be expelled from the Heya plane group, and the Lin family dominates the Heya plane group. .

Don’t say how unauthentic it is to do this. The conflict of interests is like this. The east wind will overwhelm the west wind or the west wind will overpower the east. It was Lin who was expelled.

And Lin’s appearance of him and Lin Xu was also considered to be full of luck, and it was completely normal to surpass him in one fell swoop.

In fact, even without him, Lin Xu is the same. As long as Lin Xu develops in the future, he is destined to have a very high potential and upper limit after graduating from Darkyue College. In the future, Lin Family will be able to easily suppress Zhang Family under his leadership.

A gambling battle ended with joy and anger. The Zhang clan members all left in frustration, while the Lin clan members were happily happily.

The grandfather invited Lieutenant Colonel Lin to visit the Lin Family Castle for the first time, and Lieutenant Colonel Lin readily agreed.

Three days later, Lin’s army stationed on the B5 plane, spent half a month checking the plane’s situation, and formally accepted the plane.

After that, the family held a meeting. In addition to celebrating the victory over the Zhang family to seize a B-level plane, the most important thing was to assign the ownership of this plane.

Only two dozen important family members attended the meeting, and the only juniors were Lin Xiao and Lin Xu, and the others were the lowest of his father’s generation.

If it were changed to normal, the distribution involving a B-level plane would definitely provoke everyone’s scramble, but this time, none of the tribes spoke about it.

Grandfather said directly:

“It seems that everyone had anticipated that I will not sell this pass. I have already discussed with Changhong that the B5 plane won from the Zhang family will be allocated to the son of Hao Lin, Lin Xiao.”

No one has any opinions on this, even the uncle, who has always been at odds with everyone, did not speak.

Lin Xu is the same. Like Lin Xiao, he doesn’t have a good eye for a medium-sized plane, even if he doesn’t have a personal plane in his hands.

It’s not that the medium-sized plane is too small. No matter how small it is, it’s an independent plane that can be managed well. The plane of family members has no room for development.

For them, in the future, it is almost certain that they can confine the gods. At that point, a medium-sized plane is definitely not enough. They must expand the territory, and they cannot expand when caught in the middle of the tribe.

The most ideal private plane for them is naturally a plane group centered on a large plane. For example, a plane group centered on a large plane such as the Heya plane is enough for them to use.

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