Chapter 403-The Transformation of Saint Slardar

The fundamental focus of this Meditation method and Realm is the follow-up growth and the development method corresponding to the school-specific Meditation method, which can purify the previously accumulated Impurities and alienated flesh and blood to the greatest extent, and purify the body and spirit to the greatest extent. In the end, Ascension’s success in opening up Realm Rate.

As we all know, the vast majority of totem masters will continue to refine the flesh and essence of various powerful creatures along the way, as well as the most critical miraculous powers, which all contain more or less Impurities.

When the impurities accumulate too much, the body and spirit of the totem master will gradually be distorted. Some totem masters who are not firm enough will be alienated into various monsters in the process of continuous strength. This is even if the power of faith is used to replace the power of the gods. An unavoidable problem, the power of faith is also in the distracting thoughts of believers, and normal totem masters cannot completely refine it.

This situation can only be spared after persisting until the last step and successfully developing Realm.

Therefore, the development of the totem Realm is also the most critical step, and also the most dangerous step, because all the problems accumulated before will explode at this time.

The open methods of the authentic school all have the effect of purifying the body and spirit. The specific degree of purification depends on the methods of different schools. The effect of the strong university school is definitely stronger.

However, Lisa’s general wild road development method does not have any purification effect, it is just a pure development method.

For other totem masters, this is a desperate choice, but for Lin Xiao, as long as it is a method, whether it is a school or a wild way, any resources and supernatural powers he has been using all the time use the good fortune cube. It is 100% purified, and there is no trace of contamination in the body and spirit.

Taking the general development method from Lisa, Lin Xiao had to prepare for the development of Realm.

In this world, there is a large amount of supernatural power. He can prepare a large amount of faith power to replace supernatural power. In the final analysis, the establishment of Realm is to open up a nihilistic Realm in his own spiritual sea, and then fill it with massive supernatural power or power of faith to make nothingness. The space turns the emptiness into reality, forming an independent Realm space, which is similar to the God’s Realm of the Son of God’s Realm, and the Nightmare Realm of the Son of Nightmare.

Then, suppress Realm with its own totem, and the two merge into one.

After that, it will be the stage of continuous growth of Realm and Totem, which is equivalent to Lin Xiao’s previous high school and university stage. It has been strong to the extreme, breaking through a certain boundary, and it will be a totem king comparable to the true god of the realm of God.

Totem King is a long time later, and under normal circumstances the Totem Lord is the limit of most totem masters.

Because the totem power system of this totem civilization is not perfect enough. To be precise, the power system is perfect, but the civilization system is not perfect. Because the totem lord opened up Realm, but how to grow next is not popular, how should their Realm grow now It’s not perfect yet.

Yes, they know that raising creatures in the developed Realm can get power feedback, and they also know that collecting the power of faith can replace the power of the gods to strengthen themselves, but they don’t know why this is the case, and they don’t know how to raise more people in their Realm. Life feedback themselves, they don’t have experience in this area, they just explore themselves with different totem lords.

And these groped experiences are all passed down as their own school secrets. To put it bluntly, these are the personal experiences of different totem kings, and they are their own unique growth path, not to mention whether he is willing to selflessly pass on to others. Even if you are willing, because of the different Meditation methods of different schools and the different personal growth concepts, it can only be used as a reference experience, and latecomers cannot be fully applicable.

In the final analysis, this is just a civilization system with the prototype of God’s Domain civilization. Unless one or several super beings come together to build a complete system, it can only develop slowly.

Lin Xiao has no interest in studying these, nor is he interested in spending a lot of good fortune energy to strengthen this universal development method. He directly uses this universal development method given by Lisa to develop his own totem Realm.

Before that, he secretly met Alfonso and other church leaders and then started Closed Door Training.

At the bottom of the Cathedral of Life, the original Sacred Church Sanctuary has long been transformed and is now a tightly guarded fortress.

Lin Xiao came to the refuge alone. There is a huge underground space. After years of widening, this underground space is more than two hundred meters in diameter and thirty meters high, enough to hold a castle.

There are no rooms in this huge underground space. The empty underground space only has a huge metal disk, which is covered with thick lines. Around the metal disk stands a gold statue with a height of more than ten meters in various shapes. Exudes a faint light.

Both the metal disc and the gold statue were built by himself over the years. Regardless of the pattern carved on it or the magic circle on the gold statue, he constructed each stroke by himself, and he only used the good fortune cube to transform these. Gold spent a lot of his good fortune energy.

The reason why he didn’t need the support of the main world was because this super magic circle was too important and too sensitive.

After preparing for so long, it’s finally this day.

He imagined that through the power of the elemental tide generated by the awakening of the plane will, the connection between this world and the main world of Gaia’s will will begin, just later when he develops the totem Realm.

When he opened the Totem Realm, he himself would be paid attention to by the crystal wall will of the Totem World and bestowed a certain special power. This time is the most dangerous and easiest time to reveal his identity, and it is also the time when Lin Xiao can borrow the most power. At this moment, he can use the power of the fleeting bottom rule of the crystal wall to push the huge force of the elemental tide and forcefully break the crystal wall blockade of this world.

But correspondingly, he will also be directly exposed to the gaze of the Totem Will, thus being disgusted and repelled by the World Will, and it is estimated that he will not stay in this world for long in the future.

If nothing else, Lin Xiao’s incarnation will be destroyed after opening the Universe crystal wall to attract Gaia’s will, but it is already worth it. By then, he has already been rewarded by Gaia’s will, and his true body will be promoted to a demigod. He didn’t feel sorry for a mere avatar.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Xiao wrote a note seriously and threw it into the good fortune cube.

Lin Xiao, who has been paying attention to the good fortune cube for some time, found this note for the first time, took it out and read it carefully, he quickly contacted Xie Yufei and Jin Sisi.

Soon Colonel Xie Yufei and Jin Sisi’s incarnation arrived at the same time, and they asked in unison when they met:


He nodded seriously:

“My avatar is ready, and I am starting to develop the totem Realm.”

The capable Xie Yufei showed a trace of tension for the first time, and asked with concern:

“Think about it carefully, if there are any omissions, please tell me if you need anything else.”

He smiled and shook his head:

“No, didn’t Uncle ask the staff to evaluate it several times before. I created a descending circle exactly as planned. I have tried to activate it several times and there should be no problem.”

Jin Sisi didn’t say much, she had already said what should be said, but handed him a prismatic crystal wrapped in countless fine golden runes, and said:

“This is the trump card prepared by the Supreme Council of Gods. It is a specially processed godhead that contains space priesthood. After activation, you temporarily obtain space priesthood equivalent to the first-level godhead level. With the help of space priesthood to master space, short Forcibly stabilizing a temporary space channel within time is not a problem.”

“As soon as the temporary space passage is opened, Commander Xie, many generals in the Fifth Theater and members of the Supreme Council of Gods will all help you stabilize the space passage.”

“As long as Gaia’s will comes and the Gaia node is successfully established, this will be the case.”

Lin Xiao took this divine rank that was wrapped in countless fine golden runes, and could not sense a trace of divine power at all. If it weren’t for their explanation, he wouldn’t know whether this was a divine rank or an extremely rare spatial priesthood.

Obviously, for this action, the God of Space paid a huge price to strip off his own power.

“Then let’s start!”

Lin Xiao raised his head and looked at a certain wall. He could sense that in a distant direction, a pair of pupils containing terror and coercion were watching him.

That was Xie Yufei’s father, the real body of Xie Tianyan, the commander-in-chief of Yanhuang Fifth War Zone, and many god-tier powers in the Fifth War Zone, as well as the powers of the God Council.

Most of these big brothers have arrived in their true bodies, but because of their arrival, the godhead level above ten fifth-level is too strong, and the divine power radiation that comes with their true bodies is too terrifying. Under normal circumstances, they cannot get close, let alone touch. .

The two major forces attached great importance to this action. The pair of pupils that contained terror and coercion in his induction was probably as many as forty or fifty, which means that the two sides together sent out forty or fifty strong god- Tier force, this force is enough to fully invade a crystal wall Universe that is not very powerful.

With so many god-tier eyes fixed on him, to be honest, Lin Xiao is still quite nervous, but no matter how nervous he is, it will not affect his actions, because this time the main work is his avatar, the real body is just Respond.

Totem Universe, the cathedral of life.

After Lin Xiao received the paper returned from the real body and the godhead wrapped in countless fine golden runes, a smile appeared on his face, took a deep breath to calm his mood, and took another one from the good fortune cube with rune. Wrapped box.

This is the crystallization of divine power that has been prepared long ago, each containing a full thousand points of divine power, there are a total of three thousand here, which is equivalent to three million divine power.

On the super-large metal magic circle under his feet, there are countless cross nodes of the magic circle, and each node has a groove. Take out the crystal of supernatural power and put it down to fit it into the groove.

It took almost an hour to place each groove in the metal disc with a diameter of nearly two hundred meters.

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