Chapter 402

When the strengthening was over and all believers had adapted to their own power, he asked Alfonso to write an essay on the conquest of the Sacred Church with the Church of Life and Wisdom, officially announcing the start of the Holy War of the God of Life and Wisdom against the God of Sacred.

The war between churches of different faiths is called a holy war. This is a war between otherworldly. Noble lords can choose to participate in the holy war or not to participate. In theory, they will not be liquidated after the war.

But this is only in theory. In fact, the nobles and lords of Dell’s province basically have no choice.

They are all mixed on this three-acre land. There is no possibility to stay out of the matter. Jihad involves all believers. Many knights or soldiers under the major lords are believers of the Sacred church. This lord can still stay out of things.

Therefore, there is no choice. In this battle, Lin Xiao is destined to challenge all the lords of the Dale province with a territory of Alfonso.

It’s tough, but it’s also good. If he can win, especially if he shows his unstoppable power on the battlefield, once the Sacred Church is defeated, the faith in the entire province of Dale will immediately collapse.

It may take a long time for ordinary believers to lead the change, but the speed of the conversion of noble lords will definitely be very fast.

The most important thing is that this is a world without demons. The god of Sacred has not yet been born, and there is no mechanism that will be punished by the gods for changing their beliefs. Even if mad believers change their beliefs, it will be fine.

In the face of his provocation, the Sacred church was very angry. Many bishops denounced Alfonso as a heresy and unanimously wanted to punish the Gibson family.

But the sound of thunder was loud and the rain was small, because at this time the Sacred Church Knights of Dale Province were fighting with Hooker in the north, and now they couldn’t make any move.

Speaking of which is beyond everyone’s expectations, I thought that the battle with the church knights and many opportunistic aristocratic private soldiers against the little Hooker was a devastating battle, but in fact, they have not attacked for a few months. Hook down the collar.

The opponent had already prepared to defend the castle of the former lord of Hooker. Not only did he possess a team of elite soldiers, but also a very sharp defense weapon. After encircling Hooker for more than two months, he not only failed to capture it, but suffered a great loss.

Of course, the Church Knights had an absolute number advantage after all, and even if the losses were great, they could still hold on. As long as they could endure the losses of their subordinates, it would be inevitable to finally capture Hookerling.

Bartos, the leader of the knights, originally wanted to use the noble private soldiers and militia cannon fodder that came with the army to consume the enemy in this way. At this time, the enemy was also exhausted after two months, and the defense intensity was significantly reduced. The castle was about to be broken, but he received the news of the holy war from the cathedral, which put him in a dilemma.

After thinking about it for a long time, he wrote a letter to the cathedral, suggesting that the cathedral should be defended first, waiting for his side to quickly annihilate the opponent and return to help.

However, the plan is very good, but the plot does not develop as he imagined.

Bartos received the second letter from the cathedral less than two days after the letter was sent out, with a message that made him unable to sit still anymore.

“The heathens defeated an army of Viscount Fetan and Earl Dyson at the border of Viscount Fetan. They have captured the Viscount Fetan and are attacking the border post of Earl Dyson.”


“This god of life and wisdom…Which side does it belong to?”

In Hooker’s Castle, Darryl, the son of Spirit Realm, looked at the secret letter in his hand and thought for a while without moving.

As an aspiring son of the spiritual realm, he values ​​intelligence very much. He has sent believers out to establish an intelligence network early on, so when Lin Xiao’s jihad payment was published, his believers passed the news back.

Looking at the contents of the secret letter for a while, he was thinking about how to deal with this situation.

“The opponent should be panicking and about to withdraw. When the Sacred Knights withdraw, I have to wait and see the situation, by the way, to find out who the god of life and wisdom belongs to, and prepare for changes in the situation by the way.”

As an elite descendant, Darryl has his own unique insights into the grasp of the situation, and immediately understood that the situation in Dell’s province has entered a critical time at this time.

Regardless of whether the Sacred Knights or the Church of Life and Wisdom wins or loses, it is his chance. He is already thinking about waiting for the Sacred Knights to withdraw. After a short rest, he will follow the Sacred Knights and enter the edge of their battlefield to wait for the opportunity.


Outside the city, in the camp, after receiving the second urgent letter from the cathedral, Bartos stood there and was silent for a short while. About ten seconds later, he ordered a meeting of all the officers.

Ten minutes later, the dull horn sounded, and many resting knights mounted their horses again and approached the city wall. All the troops in the besieged city were mobilized, and even the reserves were tuned up.

“Damn it!”

Hearing the sound of the war horn on the wall of the castle, Darryl immediately understood that his prediction was wrong. The knight commander Bartos did not immediately withdraw his troops, but wanted to fight again.

One day later, under the continuous onslaught of the Church Knights, regardless of cost and loss, Fort Hooker, which was absolutely inferior in number, failed to defend and was breached.

After a great war, the leader of Fort Hooker’s defending army led a small part of the core of his team, Breakthrough, and escaped, and Hooker’s entire territory was recovered.

After leaving behind some noble speculators and private soldiers to clear out the remnants, Bartos led the army and began to return to the city of Dale.

At this time, Alfonso’s army had crossed the Viscount Feitan and entered the territory of Earl Dyson.

Knowing Alfonso’s strength, Earl Dyson chose to shrink the defense, abandoning all the peripheral sites and retreating to the core Dale City, preparing to defend Dale City with the Sacred Church, so the army came to the Dale City stationed without fighting all the way.

A day later, Lin Xiao came with dozens of paladins. From a distance, he could see the pointed cathedral spire in the center of Dale. A white beam of light that ordinary people could not see rose into the sky. It was very rich. The power of faith.

The Dale Cathedral has been established for thousands of years. The accumulation of countless believers in the entire Dale province for thousands of years. I don’t know how much faith power has been accumulated. And because of the limitations of the world, Transcendent cannot be born in this world. Naturally, there is no so-called Sacred god. The force has been accumulated in the idols in the cathedral, and the amount is too long for too long, so that it can be seen from a long distance.

Lin Xiao had ten thousand thoughts about this, and he yearned for the power of these beliefs.

“Don’t keep your hands, and break through the city of Dell in one go. I will assist you.”

At the pre-war meeting, Lin Xiao directly gave the order to die. He didn’t want to have many dreams in the night.

In the early morning of the next day, there was loud drums in the camp, and many soldiers who were ready to wake up and eat breakfast began to gather and form a neat formation to leave the barracks.

Although there are not many people, even if the total number of private soldiers with surrendered soldiers and speculators is seven or eight hundred, which is much lower than the nearly two thousand defenders on the wall, their morale is very high.

The huge tents in the camp were opened, and inside were huge all-metal siege crashes, ballistas and catapults that Lin Xiao secretly put in last night.

They are all primitive and heavy, but they are considered high-end war machines in this world, and they are all provided by the military.

This kind of all-metal crash canopy is a thick steel plate, which can block all arrows and small catapults. The crash itself is driven by mechanical gears. Only two or three soldiers can control the push, but at this time, each crash Dozens of people were hidden underneath to follow, and the rain of arrows pouring from the city wall clanked on the roof, completely unable to shoot through.

The ballista also has an all-metal structure, and there is a thick steel plate behind the launch pad to protect the operator.

The trebuchet does not have these protections. This thing has always been in the rear, and it cannot be affected by any attack except the enemy’s trebuchet. The only change of this thing is that the metal structure is thickened and thickened, which can carry the enemy’s trebuchet without deformation.

There were only two metal crashes, but they were unstoppable. They rushed under the city wall with a rain of arrows, and entered the city gate cave and stopped. A huge metal hammer with a diameter of nearly half a meter raised back and slammed forward. Down.


The huge metal hammer slammed heavily on the thick wooden door and shook fiercely, and countless wood chips mixed with smoke and dust rose up.

Behind the battlefield, huge ballistas are gradually approaching the attack range. These metal ballistas are modified large ballistas. Each ballista has ten launch ports, which can fire ten crossbow arrows at a time, a total of ten large crossbows. The cars lined up, accompanied by a series of firing sounds, one after another crossbow arrows rushed towards the city wall.

A wave of a hundred crossbow arrows directly suppressed a section of the city wall with a intensive attack.

The trebuchet throws stones the size of a table with a layer of oil-soaked stones. The oil on the stones is ignited before being thrown, and it is a burning fireball.

After landing, the oil-filled shell exploded, and countless flames soared, causing great damage to the city.

At this time, it doesn’t matter how much the flames do to the city. At this time, the city will be captured first, and then the burning fire will destroy the city.

Moreover, although this catapult is primitive, it has advanced workmanship and high accuracy. It has a standard way of using it. As long as it is used according to the standard card, it basically refers to which one to cast.

Not long after the siege began, the army was not yet close, and several rounds of precise sling and ballista bombardment made the defenders overwhelmed.

As several soldiers flew up and found the garrison headquarters hidden in the gate tower, several rounds of sling stone and fire directly destroyed the gate tower.

I don’t know if the enemy’s defending generals died, but they must have been terrified. The morale of the defenders also plummeted.

This bombardment continued… Less than half an hour, the city gate was forcibly opened by the crash, but instead of directly attacking the city, they continued to hit other sections of the city wall. At the same time, the trebuchets started to bombard certain sections of the city wall. .

Two hours later, the city wall of Dell was forcibly blown into three huge gaps, plus the city

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