Chapter 249 Slardar the Saint of Truth

What about magic immunity, as long as the spell does not affect the enemy, you will not be immune.

Neither the mirage nor the permanent phantom affects Blood Demon, they naturally can’t find it, even Bart’s projection. After all, in this challenge, whether Bart or Lin Xiao, the range of perspective is related to the dependents, and the dependents cannot detect them. Can’t find it either.

As a result, a huge summoning circle was quickly formed under their noses, opened, energy surged, and the distorted space began to become unstable.

When the energy fluctuation of the magic circle reached a certain level, and the twisted space could not be hidden, it was finally discovered by Blood Demon and pounced. However, at this time, a dozen intelligent goblin masters who had already prepared summoned a large number of formal magic powers to use the magic. The space is distorted and truncated, using the existing space distortion to transform it into a huge space maze.

The Blood Demons rushed over, clearly seeing the enemy close at hand, but when they approached, they swooped in and rushed.

The principle of the space maze is to twist and change the space. The power of demon-breaking attached to Blood Demon can only break the devil, not the space.

Not only couldn’t even the shadows of the mages be touched, but on the contrary, they were stuck in the maze and couldn’t find a way out. They rushed madly in the limited space inside, and some of them were unlucky and fell into the trap hidden in the space maze. For example, sharp spatial cracks can be easily divided.

Lin Xiao looked at Bart with his hands on his back and asked:

“What do you think of these spells!”

When the mages used their wisdom, it was quite terrifying.

I didn’t do this before. That’s because it was a battlefield before. The most practical spells on the battlefield are all kinds of large-scale AOE spell bombing. It is simple and practical. The fancy spells of manipulating space are both troublesome and impractical, but it doesn’t mean they can’t use it. .

Trapped the Blood Demon, the mages only left a small amount of maintenance space maze to prevent the Blood Demon from accidentally escaping, and the rest joined the ranks of stabilizing the large summoning circle.

The maze technique only has the effect of trapping people, and the time limit is limited. After all, it is only a temporary maze technique, and it is not difficult. At the speed of Blood Demon, it will not take long to try hard to get out.

It may be able to break through without a minute.

But it was too late, because the summoning circle was about to open.

As a dazzling energy column spouted thousands of meters high into the dome of the plane, a huge energy wave blasted the space maze to pieces. More than two hundred Blood Demon, who were scurrying like headless flies, were liberated and discovered at the same time. The huge magic circle that has been activated not far away, as well as the dense legion that is being transmitted.

In particular, a huge figure as large as a mountain in the center of the magic circle seemed to perceive that their eyes opened steeply. The sky and the earth lit up like lightning, and all the Blood Demon shook together, revealing a hint of amazement.


The leader of Blood Demon made a decisive decision and turned around with his men and fled.

The mages ignored it, but continued to summon the main force to come.

“I am Slardar, Saint of Truth!”

When the huge figure full of suffocating aura appeared, I don’t know how many War Practitioners outside of the plane uttered awe, and countless eyes stared at the coming Slardar and the blooming after his arrival. A dazzling colorful halo.

This is not a hero’s aura, but he is too powerful, so that the energy in the void was repelled and squeezed by his existence the moment he arrived.

This can only be seen in very, very powerful individuals who have mastered certain rules and powers, such as…the real legendary powerhouses or demigods who master the rules for promotion.

Let’s put it this way, even if Lin Xiao actually descends on a foreign plane, unless he deliberately consumes his divine power, he will not have such a vision if he descends normally.

In other words, without divine power, just relying on the flesh, Slardar has already surpassed him at this time.

This kind of anomaly did not appear for a long time. Lin Xiao remembered that he had made the decision to condense the truth to the priesthood, and after officially changing the name of God, the church, and the concept of the church, Slardar began to call himself a saint of truth. At that time, Slardar’s breath began to change.

Very mysterious, even Lin Xiao couldn’t tell what was going on. He only knew that all these changes came from the priesthood of truth.

He began to condense the priesthood of truth. After Slardar regarded himself as a saint of truth, he found that he understood the law of truth much faster than before, as if Slardar could help him understand the law of truth after he regarded himself as a saint of truth.

At the same time, as his understanding of the law of truth became stronger, Slardar’s breath became more and more obscure, as if they were growing together.

This is a very mysterious change.

Lin Xiaoxin had a hunch that when he truly condensed the priesthood of truth, Slardar, the saint of truth, would also change with it.

Coming with Slardar, there are his main family members, including the Shura Naga up to 10,000, and more than 100,000 little murlocs, more than 30,000 heavily armed gray dwarves, and densely packed all over the sky. element.

Accompanied by a huge roar of dragons, the black dragon Nijrum climbed out of the teleportation circle, and his huge wings spread out into the sky.

The Dark Saint Slardar.

Alemante, the wise goblin archmage.

Tides Lord Arkens.

Fire Lord Culbert.

The four heroes walked out of the portal one by one, and Bart’s expression became ugly every time he walked out. When all the dependents gathered, there were more than forty seventh-level naga knights and more than two thousand sixth-level Transcendents. When the Naga Warrior did not conceal his transcendent breath, not only Bart opened his mouth and couldn’t believe it, but countless War Practitioner was shocked.

“More than two thousand Transcendent families…”

This is several times higher than Bart expected. How to fight this?

There is not much difference between ordinary family members, but so much difference in high-end combat power, Bart thought about it, but couldn’t think of how to break the game.

If it were before, he would still think that his main family members could fly and could fight, but now that he knew that all the small men on the other side were real mages, he no longer had this idea.

The real mage and the mage promoted by the professional card are completely different species.

The so-called mage nemesis is the mage or sorcerer promoted by the professional card, not the real mage.

Even if all his members are immune to magic, the true mage has a lot of spells that can ignore the magic immunity to play with Blood Demons in their hands.

To give a simple example, the mage can twist the space around Blood Demon and temporarily seal it into a space ball, and then directly exile the space ball into the void, and grind it into powder with the help of the horrible void storm.

Magic Immunity has no resistance to this situation, and people can kill you without touching you.

There are so many spells that can circumvent magical immunity, but most of them are very unpopular and rarely used, which does not mean they can’t use it.

After all the dependents summoned, Lin Xiao looked at Bart again and asked:

“How about it, do you want to continue fighting?”

Bart’s face changed back and forth, and he wanted to keep his mouth hard, but finally hesitated for a long time and sighed and said bitterly:

“I surrender!”

The corner of Lin Xiao’s mouth grinned slightly, and the laughter began to weaken, and then grew louder and louder, until finally he hid his forehead and laughed.

Bart couldn’t stay by the side any longer, and quickly surrendered and left.

When he came out of the challenge plane, his first feeling was the change in the eyes of his surrounding companions. Looking at his eyes was almost like looking at a monster.

After a while, Lin Xu stepped forward and hammered his shoulder:

“Well, I think my cousin would be very happy if he saw it now!”

More than happy, but stunned.

When Lin Xiao’s main force came to show off all his strengths, Lin Jiabao’s father Lin was dumbfounded at the time. At this moment, he looked at his son with a strange look in his eyes. The thought was:

“Is this really my son?”

He knew that his son was amazing. After all, Huiyao had done special tricks, but he couldn’t imagine that he would be so amazing. This was beyond his imagination.

Lin Haolin sat on the sofa without a word for a while, with expressions of happiness or doubt on his face from time to time, while Jin Yunzhu beside her was still watching the battle enthusiastically, but the light curtain in front of her showed another face on the battlefield. She didn’t even look at her son, but at the challenge between her sister-in-law and Arya.

Not to mention the mother who did not grow up. At this time, two of the three matchups in the void had been won. He defeated Bart, and Wu Zhonglin had defeated Carl before him.

Seeing Karl standing with his face standing without saying a word, it is estimated that he lost a bit miserably, but it would not be such an expression when it was almost a bit.

Having won two of the three matches, Shen Yuexin and Arya will not change the result no matter who wins.

Lin Xiao wanted to take the opportunity to watch the battle and see how his girlfriend’s strength was. Speaking of which, he hadn’t seen Shen Yuexin’s battle for a long time, and he didn’t know how she developed.

But when he chooses to watch the battle, the screen has just been loaded, and there is only time to see that the sky is full of giant birds with wings spread more than ten meters and covered in thunder, and the skywrath warlocks with thunder wings stand on the back of the giant bird and summon the sky with lightning. ….

Then the picture disappeared and the battle was over.

At a glance, she saw that there were quite a lot of Thunderwing, her main family, and the sixth-level Transcendent Skywrath Warlock was still so powerful.

The giant bird with its wings spread over ten meters and covered in thunder light is probably her new family member of God’s Domain. It looks like a famous thunderbird, and it is a good match for Thunder Wings.

At the end of the three wars, to the surprise of many people, China won all three games.

The Ivy League colleges and universities headed by Immortal authority silently retreated to the side and gave up their position. No one won. No matter how thick-skinned people were to stand here, they didn’t have the confidence to fight.

The Ivy League side withdrew, and the giant enterprises led by Yongye Super Academy did not dare to fight with the aristocratic council led by Heaven Mountain. They all retreated to the side, far from the entrance of Vientiane ruins. Not to mention the teams from other institutions, they left early. Far away.

This is also a default unspoken rule. When you lose, you have to give way.

It’s rare that you don’t admit your account if you lose. After all, if you don’t abide by the rules this time, others won’t follow you. If everyone doesn’t abide by the rules, you will be ostracized by everyone.

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