Chapter 248 Don’t panic, there is still a chance

He looked up and saw that the older brother-in-law who appeared at some point was staring at him with a ugly expression, his eyes were full of warnings, and Lin Xiao also sat there motionlessly with his hands in his arms.

“Damn, why is my brother-in-law here?”

Although the specifications of this mid-term exam are high, as the eldest brother-in-law, you shouldn’t bother this big man to escort it, right? Is it to protect yourself Little Sister?

Xia Yu stared at Lin Xiao fiercely, and saw the little girl who was sitting there cleverly. The actions of the two were exactly the same, and they didn’t know what to say for a while.

It’s not that I really hate him, it’s just that I just found out that I had a Little Sister before I spoiled him and found out that he was taken away by a pig, and my heart was inexplicable.

He snorted coldly, and his brother-in-law’s voice was heard in Lin Xiao’s ears:

“You guys come with me.”

After he walked out of the room with his hands behind his back, he raised his head and looked at Shen Yuexin. She spit out her little pink tongue and stood up and whispered:

“Hurry up, or I will get angry.”

The two of them stood up, and everyone else at the round table cast surprised eyes. They didn’t seem to see the brother-in-law who just appeared.

There is a walkway outside the room, and there is a row of rooms at every other segment on the side. The two came to a room with an open door and entered. Xia Yu was sitting in it, not knowing what she was looking at. Seeing Little Sister smiled and asked her to sit down. He didn’t even bother about it, or the little aunt pulled his clothes and sat down, causing the elder brother-in-law to stare at him very badly.

The two of them sat for a while and Xia Yu had been looking at something. It seemed that he wanted to cool him down, but with her long brother, he couldn’t put on it anymore.

He sighed and looked up at the two of them, and finally landed on him, stretched out his hand reluctantly, and threw a crystal card imprinted with a strange pattern to him.

Lin Xiao hurriedly took it. It looked cold and hard. He didn’t know what the material was, let alone what it was for.

“Okay, you can go now.”

An invisible force directly made him get up and walked out of the room involuntarily.

Before going out, I saw that my eldest brother-in-law took out a large amount of crystal cards and put them in Shen Yuexin’s hands, saying:

“Keep this away. When you enter the Vientiane Ruins, you can directly select an initial option for each card, and you can repeat the stacking.”

Lin Xiao…


The door was closed, and he stood at the door speechlessly and looked at the card in his hand.

Obviously this thing is an extra resource for the start. One piece represents an extra. Think about a dozen pieces in my sister’s hand. This is equivalent to cheating at the beginning of the game, and it still cheats more than a dozen times.

I have to say that the resource gap between a good family background and the one generally owned by a family background is really too big, at least Lin Xiao’s family can’t provide him with anything in the face of this situation.

This is not to say that the family is willing to give it, but that there is no way to give it at all. This thing is just a permission, and the general True God family can’t get additional permission from the Vientiane Ruins.

The Crystal Card flipped back and forth, and Lin Xiao shrugged and put it away. Anyway, he had extra resources to start the game, not for nothing.

Before my sister-in-law, he walked to the assembly room with his hands on his back. Just when the door of another room was pushed open not far from the door, Jin Sisi, the head teacher, walked out and waved to him:

“come here.”

Then, six of the same crystal cards were handed to him.

“When you enter the Vientiane Ruins, each card can get an additional initial option, which can be stacked repeatedly.”


A smile immediately appeared on Lin Xiao’s face, he took the six cards, and when he put them away, he asked:

“Is it all or only I have it?”

“This is the permission assigned by the school, and the permission I own privately.”

At this point, she became serious, and said in a deep voice:

“It is not without cost that I put all the permissions on you. If you can’t get enough good grades this time, the share of resources that the school provides to me will decrease, which will affect my evaluation this semester, and it will also affect To the resources you can obtain in the future, so you have to go all out!”

Lin Xiao nodded seriously:

“I will not let you down.”

“Well, you go back first.”

Back in the first room, Shen Yuexin was already sitting there chatting with the only other girl in the team, and the other male classmates had to chat with each other, and stopped when he saw him entering the door.

Gu Xiaoming and Yun Shaoning nodded to his jaws. This surprised him. Yun Shaoning could also squeeze in.

Then Li Xiushen and Dongfang Piaoxue both nodded to him. They had chatted before and agreed not to attack each other in the Vientiane Ruins.

Except for a few of them, he didn’t know the other eight people.

This time, the classmates who went to Vientiane Ruins and Lin Xiao totaled fifteen people, ten of them were in school, six in one, four in two, and the remaining five were places that he didn’t know where he got. Lin Xiao guessed. It is the number of places owned by the family behind them.

All the fifteen people were incarnations, and all sitting in them were incarnations. No one dared to come in real form.

They were very familiar with each other, and they all recognized each other, but Lin Xiao didn’t recognize each other.

When he was seated, Dongfang Piaoxue, the beautiful man with white eyebrows drifting into the temple, stood up and said:

“Everyone knows that this time the Vientiane Ruins participants come from the top universities of the four major forces in the main world, as well as the top true gods and descendants of aristocratic families. The competition is very high. Although we are divided into one middle school and two middle schools, we all belong to Huiyao. Unanimously to the outside world.”

Li Xiushen also stood up and said:

“Our brilliance is a strong enemy in the eyes of outsiders. Because of this, we will definitely face more challenges from enemies, especially those from other non-China super universities will definitely dissatisfy us. According to the past situation, Before entering the ruins, there will definitely be a War Practitioner. At that time, everyone can share the pressure together, so as not to be embarrassed in front of the audience of the world of billions.”

“Billionaires world audience?”

Lin Xiao asked Shen Yuexin in a low voice, she replied:

“This time the rules have changed a bit. I heard that a true god with gambling and gambling and other priesthoods told the guardians of the Vientiane ruins to open the Vientiane ruins to the public this time and set up an official lottery center to allow people to place bets. ”


Lin Xiao opened his mouth wide in surprise.

“This is fine too?”

“Why not? It hasn’t happened in history. There will be such a time every one or two hundred years. Many people rely on this to make a fortune.”

The explanation was Li Xiushen, he smiled and said:

“This is actually a good thing for us. If we have a good performance in the relics and can be directly displayed in front of hundreds of millions of viewers, this is a kind of qualifications. This is very good for our prestige, as long as the strength is strong enough. After the event is over, you will be able to be on the list of peerless or outstanding people immediately. There is no need for cumbersome inspection and verification procedures, and you will be able to easily get sponsorship no matter what you do when you are admitted to university in the future.”

“Moreover, we can also bet ourselves.”

Dongfang Piaoxue flicked her eyebrows and said to Lin Xiao:

“If you are sure, you can place a bet on yourself according to your own strength evaluation ranking, and you will win a lot.”

Having said that, a teenager with a blue halo in his pupils said:

“It is said that there was a big upset more than 2,000 years ago. There was a player who was not outstanding in betting that he won the first place. The result was really successful. Not only did he leapfrog the Tianjiao with the resources of the first place reward and rank Tianjiao deputy in one fell swoop. In the rankings, the bonus he got from betting also made his net worth soaring, instantly comparable to all the assets of a small god system.”

“Compared to the assets of a small god system?”

This example is heartwarming, Lin Xiao immediately had an idea, and maybe he could give himself a wave at that time.

Suddenly he thought of something and quickly asked:

“By the way, can you bet yourself?”

Li Xiushen shook his head and said:

“Of course not, but you can ask your family or friends to help you bet, and you don’t expect to take advantage of the loopholes. It is impossible for you to bet yourself to lose, or how long to lose.”

Lin Xiao:…….

With the topic, a group of young people quickly started talking, and then everyone introduced themselves:

“Lin Xiao, from the second middle school.”

“Li Xiushen, one from over there.”

“Eastern Piaoxue, one in the other side.”


“Lin Huangyu, the one from over there.”

“Xu Zhen, one in the other side.”

“Yunyi, the one over there.”

“Lu Zhou, the one from over there.”


Good guy, all of them are from the first middle school. Eleven of the fifteen people are from the first middle school, and there are four from the second middle school. The gap is a bit big.

The rest of the time was spent chatting with everyone. Although Lin Xiao was considered the worst on his birth, he had already used his own power to let them let go of their prejudices. Of the same level, it’s natural to talk about it.

After all, there is an old saying in China that has been circulating until now-

“Wang Hou general, I would rather have a kind!”

The ancestors of many young people present also started from ordinary people and grew up step by step. In the end, the Conferred God created a major industry. Even Shen Yuexin’s father, that great being, was of ordinary origin from the beginning.

Fortunately, her father is still there. If he changes to another giant, he may not have any opportunities to pursue.

The void warship they were riding on had just emerged from the Yanhuang II super war fortress at this time, and was heading to the crystal wall system where the Vientiane ruins are located.

The crystal wall system in the Chaos Void Sea can be directly transmitted through the major super war fortresses normally. However, the crystal wall system where the Vientiane ruins are located is different from other crystal wall systems. It is recorded in the materials sent by the class teacher as a crystal wall of the once top university. The wall system could indeed be directly transmitted a long time ago.

But later, following a major change, the Vientiane God System, which was determined by the lord world’s billions of gods to be likely to be promoted to the lord world’s thirteenth super academy, was destroyed. Millions of gods fell in that major change, even Jing The wall system collapsed, shrank, and collapsed during that earth-shattering change.

Until now, the passage to the outside world has basically disappeared, including the passage to the main world. If you want to pass now, you must first go to a crystal wall system and turn to the Vientiane Temple on the edge of Vientiane. Only those strong god-tier guards with a god-level of more than ten fifth-level can enter the collapsed crystal wall system.

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