Chapter 219 Catch the Black Dragon Alive

He has studied magic knowledge for more than ten years in God’s Domain, and nearly 3,000 intelligent goblins have spent their sleep and sleeplessly. This knowledge is fed back to him. Lin Xiao’s research in this theoretical course has reached a very high level. Circumstances, he has initially mastered some super magic skills, he is confident, and his progress should be the fastest in the class.

The crystal plate was very fast, and he quickly saw the high tower where the classroom was located not far away. At a glance, he saw a large group of students flying at the gate of the high tower. He was surprised when he heard that someone in the crowd used that kind Is speaking in the tone of:

“Who I’m talking about knows in his heart, I don’t want to say it a second time, get out of the way, you are in my way.”

Coming to the top of the crowd quickly, Lin Xiao saw two men with abnormal bodies confronting each other. He saw that they were both stepping on the same crystal plate as his own, and he knew that this was the best ten in the class. One of the few people, just don’t know if it is the special players.

But the subsequent confrontation between the two sides made him clear that these two people were not only two special enrollment students, but also why they were so.

“Mouth full of dung, uneducated.”

“So what, as a special recruit for Huiyao, I still have to hold a group of trash!”

“Non-waste, do you dare to accept my challenge?”

“Why don’t you dare, just let it go.”

Then, the two glaring at each other entered the classroom at the same time, and the students from the school around watching the battle followed the scene enthusiastically.

“Tuhu and Chishuang!”

Lin Xiao, who had guessed the identity of the two of them, was about to go back to the classroom. When he was about to get started, he suddenly paused. He turned to look at a few students from the school who gathered not far away. Not far apart, he faintly heard their conversation:

“Those who come from the country come from the country, but they have no quality.”

“I don’t know how to pass the entrance exam. I have a relationship. I heard that there are a few people who rely on relationships to fill the number in each special recruitment. I don’t know if our class has it.”

“Follow him, our elite class I respects our strength, if we don’t have enough time, we will be beaten back to the original state and roll to the second class.”

“That is, this big class is a test, so it’s clear at a glance.”

As if realizing that several people were looking at him at the same time, Lin Xiao had already retracted his gaze and entered the tower.

“Sure enough, the competition is so fierce everywhere!”

The whispered conversations of those people showed that the competition in Huiyao was the same as in other places, except that everyone didn’t dare to act rashly at the beginning of school. The first big class was a temptation.

“It seems that I have to get a good grade in the first big class.”

He said this from the bottom of his heart and entered the classroom. At a glance, he saw Jin Sisi, the class teacher who stood in the middle of the classroom like a giant. Her pair of dark golden divine pupils watched Tu Hu and Chi who were afraid to argue at this time. Frost, the tremendous pressure made everyone afraid to speak.

Lin Xiao silently returned to his own position, which was a circle near the center of the classroom.

With a clear distance, everyone’s position in the classroom is determined by grades. The better grades are, the closer you are to the teacher. The grades have not yet been scored at the beginning of school. The closest to the teacher is the dozen or so students with crystal plates, Lin Xiaozheng Is one of them.

Jin Sisi looked at the two with no expression for a long time before she said in a deep voice:

“Now that you are so interested, that’s great, you guys have a fight before class.”

As he stretched out his hand and pointed, two beams of light fell from the sky and enveloped the two of them, and the two of them were motionless immediately.

The head teacher turned around and said to everyone:

“Anyone of you who is dissatisfied with whom, you can apply for the challenge now.”

Everyone looked at each other, some were expressionless, and some were eager to try. Lin Xiao looked around for a week, and his heart stunned. He saw several players eager to try his own.


“Do I look so bullied?”

He stared back with wide-eyed eyes.

“Good guy!”

After receiving two challenges at the same time, the head teacher looked over with a pressure-filled gaze and reached out:

“You guys come first!”

Then the eyes shook, feeling the space under his feet shattered, and the will sinking steeply into a void space, appeared above a familiar virtual plane, and on the other end of the distant plane was a blurry figure rushing into the sky with blue light.

“Come on, let me see what level of elite class members are in the Second High School Affiliated to Huiyao Super Academy!”

Lin Xiao had no fear in his heart, full of confidence, and backhand summoned all the projections of all the family members in God’s Domain except for the wisdom goblin.

There are two thousand four hundred big naga, twenty thousand little murlocs, and although there are a certain number of intelligent goblins, they have not been cultivated in the ancient arena. Now they are average in strength and have not been summoned.

And his opponents are five thousand werewolves, more than 14,000 jackals, and more than three thousand underground gray dwarves.

The overall strength is not much different from the silver players in the super freshman summer camp a month ago. Yes, it is not much different from the silver players a month ago. Now it is definitely not better than the silver players who have experienced the summer camp growth for nearly a month.

What Ling Xiao noticed was that although there were only three family members of this player, there were seven or eight types of troops.

Werewolves are also divided into some werewolf heavy infantry equipped with heavy armor, some cavalry riding a three or four-meter-long giant wolf, and a small number of black werewolves who only wear leather armor but are extraordinarily stronger than their counterparts. There is also a physique in the middle. It is not much different from the surrounding black werewolves, but the powerful werewolf with silver hair, this is his hero.

Gnolls are divided into two types. The most numerous are the assault infantry, the total number is probably about 10,000, the other is the Gnoll crossbowmen, the number is about 3,000, and a small part is composed of many wolves and one. Jackal shaman guarded by a werewolf army.

This is an extremely rare spellcasting profession for gnolls, which can unleash blood snarling and chain lightning.

And the underground gray dwarves are all gathered in the rear to protect a large number of unassembled war machinery, and it is impossible to see what it is on the surface.

After quickly completing the formation, Zhuo Jun looked up at the other end of the plane seriously.

In terms of mentality, he doesn’t think much of the special recruits. No matter how much potential is coming from a small place, how can it be compared to their kind of key middle school students who have an extraordinary background and an early experience of excellent system education.

But in terms of tactics, he was not careless at all. After all, he can be specially recruited, and there must be a few brushes, so he can’t be careless.

After all, whether he can overturn a special player is critical to his ranking on the Billboard a month later.

According to the regulations of the college, the ranking rewards are counted as a quarterly settlement for three months. When the semester just started, the ranking will be unnamed, and it will be refreshed for the first time after one month. Before that, all students have an initial ranking, and then according to the students in the school classroom The ranking fluctuates due to its performance, and the one that most affects ranking fluctuations is naturally a direct challenge.

The initial ranking of the special recruit players is very high. Once they can beat one, even if they are defeated by others later, they can make themselves into the top 100 in one fell swoop. This is the conclusion drawn by the previous seniors after trying it, which is very correct.

A few seconds later, as the full sky beam of light descended from the sky, Zhuo Jun saw the projection of his opponent’s family descended.

At first glance, he was shocked. The number of more than 20,000 is not much different from himself, but when he sees that most of them are murlocs, he relaxes. He didn’t care about the big naga.

Outside of the virtual plane, the figures shrouded in divine light fell from the sky, those students who came to watch the battle.

Above the plane, two incomparably powerful wills shone over the entire plane. It was the will of the head teacher Jin Sisi and the counselor.

“Come on, little ones!”

Zhuo Jun waved a big hand and gave the metaphor, the big sword in the hand of the werewolf hero slashed down and roared loudly:

“The great werewolf god is on top, kill these heretics to please the supreme werewolf god.”

Thousands of giant wolf werewolf knights quickly left the team, huge wolves infantry began to line up, those tall black werewolves are the main force blessing various divine arts, this is Zhuo Jun’s priest, the gray dwarves in the rear are nervously assembling the war mechanical.

Just as the opponent slowly expanded his formation, Slardar had quickly swam to the forefront of the army, lifted the anchor to the ground, and screamed loudly:


Twenty thousand little murlocs quickly moved forward in a square formation of thousand people in accordance with the large queue they belonged to.

More than two thousand naga passed through the middle of the phalanx.

“The crossbow shooter is ready!”

The rain of arrows fell from the sky and covered a radius of one thousand meters.

The huge 35-meter-long body of Slardar in front of the formation slowly stood up, with a circle of invisible twists all over his body. Jun’s gaze.

“Divine hero?”

His face changed slightly, and he was about to order his subordinates to pay attention, when he heard a roar, he saw the huge figure with the extreme red and blue light suddenly disappearing, leaving a circle of white sonic boom.

In the next instant, a circle of blood in the center of the werewolf phalanx a kilometer away exploded steeply like a torrent, and the dense phalanx seemed to be wiped out and the screen cleared, all being blown away by this legendary blow. .

LV4’s heroic salted fish stab and LV4’s heroic thunder smash, driven by Slardar’s legendary power, the burst of power directly wiped out Zhuo Jun’s werewolf command core, hundreds of werewolf elite, dozens The werewolf priests, including an elite werewolf hero, were all killed in one hit.


Above the plane, the War Practitioner exclaimed, everyone was shocked by this terrifying blow, and even the two powerful wills above the dome of the plane rippled.

Then, the enemy’s command collapsed, and morale collapsed at this moment.

Zhuo Jun personally took over the command immediately. An angry he ordered half of the Jackal Archers to set fire to Slarda, three waves of nearly four thousand arrows were sprayed, and he was not damaged in the tinkling sound, and none of the scales were broken.

One minute later, the first batch of assembled ballistas fired at the same time. A stainless steel crossbow with a finger thickness of three meters flashed out of the Slarda who had hit the pierced army. Without a pause, he crashed into the ballista array, and it was all over again.

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