Chapter 218 Laws. Imprisonment

Over time, students have passed the test of seniors and returned to the classroom.

Some people are happy and others are worried. Most of the students have greatly increased their strength after a month of hard work. Perhaps some of them are not as good as the previous seniors, but as long as they are sweeter to the seniors or seniors, they can generally pass the test.

However, there are still a small number of students whose strength gap is too large, and it is really impossible for seniors to recognize it.

After all, every student’s inspection is under the head teacher’s eyelids, and the teacher will almost ignore it, but if it is too much, it is impossible for the seniors to put too much water under the head teacher’s eyelids.


“Ji An, Zu Ding, Shang Keluo…”

Every time the counselor Zhu Hong said a name, the depressed classmates raised their heads in tears, revealing a more ugly expression.

“It’s a pity that you failed to pass the grades of the two major classes. According to the regulations, you will be returned to the second class of the elite.”

Even if it had been predicted, when it was really told from the teacher, these dozens of people still looked sad.

Retiring from Elite Class One to Elite Class Two still seems to be an elite class, but in fact, regardless of status, salary, and the eyes of the school’s senior management, they are all different.

There are ten classes in the second year of high school, and the number of each class is between one hundred and one hundred and five. There are two elite classes in it, but in fact class one is the real elite class, and class two is just an alternate for class one, regardless of how important it is. The degree or the resources are completely incomparable with the first class.

It sounds like they are all elite classes. In fact, many top-level resources are not eligible for the second class. They are all prepared for the first class.

Therefore, retiring from Elite Class 1 to Elite Class 2 means being discharged from the core circle of the school, regardless of resources or status.

Other students had different expressions towards these students who had withdrawn sadly, and the bottom-ranked students were perturbed. Judging from the elimination quota for each major class, they have a chance to be eliminated in every major class with the lowest ranking.

And the top-ranked look is much more relaxed, no matter how they are eliminated, it is not their turn, especially the dozen or so students who sit on the crystal plate like Lin Xiao, the elites of these elites have not been eliminated at all. Crisis, the mood is naturally different.

As the counselor stretched out his hand, the dozens of classmates disappeared in the classroom. At this time, there were still 88 students in the classroom.

“You guys have seen that staying in the elite class will gain more attention and resources while the competition will be more intense. Once you can’t keep up with the progress, you can only fall behind.”

When Zhu Hong said this, Jin Sisi, the head teacher, suddenly said in a calm tone:

“Of course, being eliminated now does not mean that there is no future. Every year in the mid-term and final exams, outstanding students will be selected from the elite second class and other classes to be promoted to the elite class 1. If these eliminated students are in the next If you grow up to the requirements, you can also come back again.”

Lin Xiao…..

He curled his lips, he couldn’t keep up with the progress. After retiring to the second class, his attention and resources were not as good as those of the first class. It was not ordinary difficult to come back.

“Okay, everyone will receive the reward next.”

The head teacher stretched out his hand, and the light curtain bounced open in front of everyone, and three glittering cards appeared in front of everyone.

“The ten students with the highest evaluation will receive a standard lightning spire construction drawing, and two of the students who have passed the excellent evaluation of Xiong Chumo and Cao Yichen will get two lightning spires that have been built.”

After the teacher finished speaking, there was a pair of lightning entwined behind him, forming a pair of lightning wings, Yun Shaoning, a young man who looked like Thor, quickly glanced at a dozen competitors around him, and looked at the class teacher with expectant eyes.

Most of the other dozen classmates sitting on the crystal plate raised their heads and looked at the others, seeming to be very concerned.

Jin Sisi ignored these, glanced across the circle of students in the center, and pronounced two names:

“Please stay with Gu Xiaoming and Lin Xiao, and the other students can dismiss the class.”

As soon as the voice fell, everyone turned their eyes on Lin Xiao and the other teenager. Yun Shaoning’s face began to change after the class teacher finished reciting the name, very annoyed.

Gu Xiaoming didn’t dare to have any comments. Although this baby-faced boy looked very kind and low-key, his background was much higher than himself, and his strength was stronger than himself. He was helpless to take a place.

But this boy named Lin Xiao…

He remembered that he seemed to be a specially recruited student from the Super Freshman Summer Camp. What background could someone from the country have? He immediately stepped forward and raised his hand and said:

“Teacher, I have a problem!”

Jin Sisi glanced at him, knowing what he meant, and nodded:

“Student Ning Shaoyun, please speak.”

Ning Shaoyun said loudly:

“I want to know if Lin Xiao received a very good evaluation?”

After Jin Sisi saw that everyone else was interested in this question, she nodded and turned back:

“Yes, this is the evaluation of Senior Sister Xiong Chumo, there is nothing wrong with it.”

At this time, most of the classmates were discouraged, including several top-ranked classmates. Obviously, Senior Sister Xiong Chumo still had high credibility in their minds.

But Ning Shaoyun didn’t accept it, or rather, he didn’t accept it, but was unwilling to give up this place.

It seems to be just a very good place, but in fact it is related to the few top resources in the hands of the head teacher and the few very important opportunities.

This is no secret. Everyone who can enter the elite class of Huiyao No. 2 Middle School is from an extraordinary family background, at least is a descendant of true gods. Most of them know this, but most of the students know that they are not strong enough under the same family background and cannot go. Fight for these opportunities.

But he Ning Shaoyun has a chance. His own strength is placed in the top five of the class, and the strength of the first five is not much different. At least no one can crush the others. In this case, everyone has a chance to compete. .

If two other classmates who knew each other grabbed the spot, he wouldn’t be able to do it even if the family backgrounds were not too different.

But if it was Lin Xiao and another special player, he would have an idea.

He plucked up the courage and said:

“I’m not convinced, I want to single out with him!”

After speaking, he glanced at Lin Xiao with an unconvinced look and said:

“I’m not convinced, we have the ability to single out.”

All the students were very interested in seeing it, but the head teacher did not stop it. The teacher also saw it with great interest. In school, the teacher would not stop all kinds of heads-ups at all, but was willing to prejudice all kinds of challenges and competitions.

Of course, the premise is not the kind of malicious bullying.

With dozens of gazes watching, Lin Xiao smiled slightly, raised his head and asked the head teacher:

“Teacher, do I have to accept this heads-up? If I refuse, will it affect the results of this big class?”

Ning Shaoyun’s face changed slightly.

Jin Sisi, the head teacher, shook her head and said:

“No, you can refuse, and it will not affect the results of this big class, but it will affect other students’ evaluations of you.”


Lin Xiao knew, smiled and said to Ning Shaoyun:

“So I won’t accept your challenge.”

In his anger and depression, he said again:

“But don’t worry, after I get the reward first, if you are still interested, let’s go heads-up.”

When he spoke, he looked sincere, but his heart was actually:

“Silly cha, you say singled out, just single out, who do you think you are!”

Now that it is not a forced singles challenge, Lin Xiao cannot accept it, and he is not stupid. If he agrees to singles challenge, it means giving up the recognition of the teacher and the Chumo senior sister and giving up this place to compete again.

Although he has always been low-key, his personality is traditionally humble and refined in ancient China, and he is also very intelligent, and he doesn’t like to be pushy.

But he is not stupid, nor is he blindly humble, he will not hesitate when there is a need to fight.

When Ning Shaoyun suddenly came out to compete for this place, he quickly realized that there must be a problem with this place. It was not just two more Lightning Spires. Although this thing was valuable, it would not allow Ning Shaoyun to take it. When he arrived at the drawing, he risked offending Senior Sister Chumo, and combined with Senior Sister Chumo’s reminder, he was sure that this quota had hidden meaning.


He decisively refused.

Jin Sisi, the head teacher, gave him a look with admiration. She would not despise his timidity like other classmates, but rather appreciated his flexibility and intelligence, and nodded:

“Now that Lin Xiao doesn’t want to single-handedly, then let’s leave this matter, Gu Xiaoming and Lin Xiao will stay, and the other students will dismiss the class.”

Speaking of this, there was a swaying coercion in her voice, and Ning Shaoyun, who was not reconciled, had a pale face. He knew this was a warning from the head teacher.

He dared not have any opinion on the head teacher, but…

Lin Xiao glared fiercely, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

This threat…

Lin Xiao didn’t care about it at all.

Inside the Huiyao Academy, except for the real high-level figure of the superpower, no one else can operate in the dark box blatantly inside the Academy.

And how can a real high-level person embarrass him because of this little thing.

No need to understand, he can be sure that there is absolutely no such big person in Yun Shaoning’s one hundred and eight generations.

If there is such a high-level person, he should now be No. 1 Middle School instead of No. 2 Middle School.

After all, the other classmates left one after another, leaving him and another baby-faced boy shortly thereafter.

The class teacher first handed out the rewards, and the two built lightning spires sealed in a silver scroll with a large space can be taken out and placed at any time.

It is a pity that this scroll of space that can accommodate two lightning spires is a one-time use, and the things will be destroyed when taken out, which is quite a pity for him.

After giving out the reward, the head teacher said to both of them:

“I believe you already know that these two places are not only the benefits of the two magic spires, Gu Xiaoming should already know, Lin Xiao does not know yet, I will tell you about it.”

Lin Xiao’s spirits lifted up, knowing that the point was coming, and he listened very seriously.

Jin Sisi said to him:

“In Huiyao Middle School, there are elite classes since the second year of high school. As the head teacher of the elite class, I have the resources issued by many schools, as well as most of the top resources and opportunities of Huiyao High School. In addition, there is also my personal The resources possessed include several unique great opportunities.”

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