Chapter 201

In the following days, Lin Xiao stayed almost permanently in God’s Domain, staying in it almost every day.

Researching spells and various theoretical knowledge of spells, through the Tower of Truth, all smart goblins can participate in it. Feedback from more than three thousand smart goblins has made him advance in spell theory. In theory, he can be sure that no one in the class can match. For himself, there may be few in the entire high mid-rank segment that can match him.

The knowledge of magic theory is solid, so it is fed back to the Tower of Truth. In the tower, a book of more esoteric magic theory gradually appears for the wisdom goblin to study.

He brought knowledge into the Tower of Truth for the wisdom goblin to learn, and all the gains from the wisdom goblin study and research were fed back to Lin Xiao, so that he could obtain more profound theoretical knowledge, and then went back to the tower of truth for the wisdom goblin to learn, and so on. The various theoretical knowledge about spells in the Tower of Truth has grown rapidly.

At the same time, as the domain of God continues to expand, Lin Xiao feels that the domain of God is empty and there are too few family members. At the same time, the intelligent goblins are too crazy in learning and unwilling to give birth, which leads to too slow reproduction. The initial two thousand intelligent goblins for 20 years It only rose by a thousand, which is too slow.

He has already begun to make conscious adjustments, giving the gods to Slardar, so that he can guide the wise goblins to multiply and breed, and at the same time add a limit to the tower of truth, let the wise goblins do other interesting things, don’t One mind at home.

I have to say that compulsory adjustments are still somewhat effective. Under his mandatory restrictions, the wise goblins cannot enter the Tower of Truth at any time as before, and can only free up time to do other things after one study is over.

Some people with strong hands-on ability will study other things derived from magic theory, and the remaining hands-on ability is not strong enough, only follow Slardar’s arrangements to do some beneficial activities for the body and mind, and make billions of contributions to the prosperity of the intelligent goblin race.

It is worth mentioning that the pure divine spirit that cost him five points of divinity has long been reincarnated and successfully reincarnated as a divine wisdom goblin, showing extraordinary wisdom and abilities since he was a child.

In just ten years, God’s Domain has grown into an adult, and at this time he has come to the fore and become a famous young genius in the wise goblin clan.

On the day of birth, Lin Xiao personally came to give the name Alement Lin, with the last name at the back and the first name, hoping to become the most wise being in God’s Domain in the distant future.

But now it seems that he has not lived up to his expectations, and he is already the most intelligent member of the intelligent goblins at a young age, and he has shown a very powerful talent in spells since he was a child.

Finally, after the second week of the first big class, the first intelligent goblin hero Alemante successfully cast his first spell without a career card and officially took the post of a mage.

This is a real mage, not a fake mage with a professional card.

The mage employed by the professional card originated from a super crystal wall system called Toril, relying on the existence of the magic net, not only the use of spells is limited, but also limited by the magic net possessing spell slots.

The mage career that Alemante obtained through self-study is more similar to the mage in the pseudo-DND game. It relies on blue magic power to cast spells instead of magic nets, so as long as the magic power is enough, you can cast spells at will, without any restrictions, and naturally more powerful.

After taking office as a mage career, Alemante’s reincarnation’s own divinity was formally inspired and became a mage hero with an epic template.

Lin Xiao checked Alemante’s hero panel and gave an evaluation that his potential is not inferior to Slardar.

Hero: Alemante (divine creature)

Race: Wisdom Goblin.

Level: Epic.

Hero Aura: Magic Aura-All spellcasting professional allies in the aura range reduce Magic power and Mental Energy consumption by 25%, cast speed Ascension 25%, cast distance Ascension 25%, and spell power Ascension 25%.

Hero General Talent: Epic hero physique-immunity to death damage, higher life regeneration, physical damage reduction 25%, overall resistance +25%.

Divine Creature Talent: Divine Creature-all attributes +20%, overall resistance +20%, gain higher life regeneration.

Unique to the hero Talent: the brilliance of the goblin-inherits the last brilliance of the ancient goblin, and possesses a super talent in magic creation.

Hero skills: None.

Constitution: 19+4 points. (slightly…}

Strength: 16+3 points. (slightly….)

Agility: 21+4 points. (slightly….)

Spirit: 60+12 points. (Your spirit is beyond the reach of mortals, your wisdom is extraordinary, you are a natural master of magic.)

Evaluation: The legendary goblin hero who inherits the afterglow of the ancient goblin.

It can be seen from the talent that Alemante is not the kind of wizard hero who is good at fighting, but his talent in magic creation is very high, which makes him look forward to.

Alemende does not have hero skills yet, but his ability to cast spells has grown rapidly after becoming a hero, and within a few years he has been promoted to the level of a sixth-order archmage, becoming a very powerful mage leader.

Yes, since Alemend became an official mage, other intelligent goblins seemed to have opened up, and one after another, senior intelligent goblins who had studied spells for many years successfully cast spells and became a true mage.

It is worth mentioning that only intelligent goblins who are not employed as Frost Sorcerers can become true wizards. If they are employed as Frost Sorcerers, they will never be able to become true wizards.

However, this does not mean that they will have no way after they have taken up the job of Frost Warlock. They can continue to study the theoretical knowledge of spells, so as to learn all kinds of magic skills and super magic skills by themselves, and become a senior Frost Warlock that is stronger than the conventional profession.

Lin Xiao was very satisfied with the changes in the wise goblin, promoted Alimonte to the patriarch of the wise goblin clan, and selected twenty outstanding wise goblin mages as pastors of own, and ordered them to establish the church’s subsidiary institution-the Temple of Truth, responsible for the management and Protect the Tower of Truth, as well as the manufacture of magic machinery and weapon armor for the church.

At this time, apart from its headquarters, the Church of Truth has only one subordinate branch of the Palace of Truth, but the second branch of the Arbitration Tribunal is under preparation.

The duty of the arbitration court is generally to monitor the inside of the church and arrest the convicts of the church and try to rebel, which is equivalent to the kind of Jin Yiwei in Dongchang, with considerable power.

Lin Xiao currently does not have any family member qualified to hold this position, so he can only let it go for the time being.

Time passed in the rapid development of God’s Domain, and every week Lin Xiao returned from God’s Domain, sending a message to Shen Yuexin as soon as possible.

They made an appointment a month ago and contacted them at the same time every week. Now it is the fourth time.

Most of the content of the chat is some interesting things encountered in the development of their respective gods, or some interesting things during class, including the courses and content of their respective classes. Now Lin Xiao has a good understanding of the courses of the elite class of Huiyao No.1 Middle School.

Generally speaking, it is not much different from the second middle school, but the teaching methods are slightly different. The most important thing is that the two teachers and the counselors in the first middle and high school elite classes treat different students completely differently.

Summarize in one sentence: top students and whisper, poor students fend for themselves.

Fortunately, my little aunt performed well, and she was an example of a top student.

Then they talked for a while, and then hung up reluctantly when they were almost in the classroom.

Although they chatted very little, the relationship between them was not cold because of the lack of chatting. On the contrary, there was progress. She no longer rejected his occasional verbal molesting on the Internet.

This is a huge improvement. When a girl does not reject a boy who is slurring herself, it shows that she has a good impression of the boy, and she will be able to win it if she works harder.

Lin Xiao is already considering one day to find an opportunity to meet with her, to determine the relationship first.

Thinking all the way to the door of the classroom, Lin Xiao quickly put his mind back when seeing the serious-faced classmates coming one after another, because today is the second big class of this semester.

According to the teacher in charge of the last big class, the teachers in this hall will no longer release water, and everyone is a little nervous.

Of course, this doesn’t include him. In the main world in the 30 years of development of the Moon God Realm, his God Realm’s strength has made tremendous progress. Compared with the last time, he is more powerful, and he has sufficient confidence to face any previous seniors.

Entering the classroom, the crystal plate stopped at the own position, and students came one after another, but there was not much sound in the classroom.

Most of the students have been like this this month. It doesn’t feel like they are in school, but more like the so-called disciples in the sect in the novel. Everyone is a competitor.

When all the students arrive, the class bell rang, and the class teacher and counselor arrived on time. Dr. Sun is the teacher of the theory class, and this kind of actual combat class usually does not come.

As always, wearing a full-body armor, even the body is invisible, the divine light constantly swallowing pupils sweeping through all the students, as always, there is no emotion in the voice:

“The second big class is the same as a month ago, but this time it will simulate 100% of the previous seniors’ projections. Students who failed the last big class should pay attention. If this big class continues to fail, you will be Persuaded to leave to the second class.”

There was no sound in the classroom, but Lin Xiao knew that everyone was definitely not at peace.

“Tsk tusk, a group of people will be eliminated in the first two months of school. This competitive pressure…”

Fortunately, he has grown rapidly during this period.

Not to mention the intelligent goblins that have grown up, he has the confidence to face any opponent with the current big naga and the murloc, as long as he does not meet the top seniors of all previous years, even the flame lord may not need to summon.

After thirty years of development, he not only used the ability to breed Transcendent to increase the reproduction speed of the big naga, but also deliberately used three mythological quality cards to trade a total of nine five-star and rare quality reproduction cards on the Internet. One, synthesizes three reproduction cards of mythological quality.

This is the upper limit of the multiplication card, even if there are more fusions, there will be no ancient quality multiplication card, so three in one is the most cost-effective.

The duration remains unchanged for ten years, but the reproduction speed has changed from 300% to 500%. God’s Domain has used three cards in thirty years, sharing three card slots.

With the multiplication speed increase of 500% for 30 years, plus the ability to multiply Transcendent, even if the reproduction ability of the big naga is low, it will be forcibly increased. At this time, the number of big naga in the gods has increased compared with half a year ago. It’s more than 100%. The total number has gone from less than 3,000 a month ago to nearly 7,000 now.

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