Chapter 200 Sister Xiong Chumo

“After five o’clock, six to ten o’clock is a hurdle. During this period, two points of divinity need to be merged to strengthen one’s own divinity. This stage is called a second-level divine creature.”

“As for the third-level divine creature, it is naturally between eleven to twenty o’clock, and four points of divinity need to be merged to strengthen one’s own divinity.”

“From then on, between blackjack and forty points divine beings are fourth-level divine creatures. It takes a full ten points of divinity to strengthen itself a little.”

“After the fourth-level, between forty-point divinity and 100-point divinity, it will be called fifth-level divine creature.”

“For each Ascension first-level, you can add a divine Transcendent ability, or upgrade the current divine Transcendent ability. The higher the divine level, the stronger the new divine Transcendent ability will be obtained.”

“The difference between the divine level and the level is increased by a geometric multiple. That is to say, a second-level divine creature with ten points of divinity has strength compared to a first-level divine creature with only five points of divinity. Sexual creatures are more than twice as powerful.”

“Oh, I see.”

Lin Xiao understands, it’s no wonder that those players who don’t worry about resources are too high in divinity. Even Wu Zhonglin has only a divine value in his early twenties. In addition to a little bit of obliterating the divinity, the remaining will is too troublesome and time-consuming, there is also this reason. .

If there is no such trouble, the children of the big family who don’t worry about resources can completely accumulate hundreds or even thousands of divinities with the help of the family’s continuous divine supply, which is an exaggeration.

After understanding this, Lin Xiao knew exactly what to do.

But before hanging up the communication, he suddenly said:

“I like you, think about it!”

Wait a moment, she didn’t expect to respond, so she hung up first.

Don’t rush, give her a time to buffer and think, and wait for her to respond. This will give her a feeling of forcing her, which may have a bad effect.

He expected to wait a day to contact her again, at that time she should think clearly, neither long nor short.

Returning to the realm of the gods, Lin Xiao put aside his mood, and threw a little bit of divine annoyance from the demigod statue into the good fortune cube. In total, he invested 16 points in the remaining available blackjack divinity. The remaining five points are left and slowly obliterated by their own ability to exercise own willpower.

Anyway, no hurry at this time.

The divinity that obliterated the remaining will was extremely pure, and he slowly merged into himself little by little, and slowly strengthened his divinity.

It is worth mentioning that although he had only four points of divinity and two points of unformed divinity before, when he merged the divinity, he defaulted to the two points that were not condensed as condensed, that is to say, the one just merged. That point of divinity is the seventh point of divinity in the calculation, so it takes two points to increase one’s divinity.

That is to say, his current divinity starts at six o’clock, plus the previous point, he spent a full eight divine points to strengthen his divinity to ten points in one breath, which is comparable to a second-level divine creature. The apex.

In the future, it is at the same level as the strongest group of players except Wu Zhonglin during the summer camp.

It takes a full four points of divinity to increase a little, and he still has eight points of divinity in his hand, which is exactly two points of divinity.

In other words, he now has a divinity of 10+2, and a little divinity that is dying.

In addition, there is a vampire demigod head with five points of divinity in his hand, and three points of divinity that have not yet been given.

When the divine nature exceeds ten points and the divine level reaches the third level, Lin Xiao immediately felt a huge change.

First of all, when the intensity of his divine nature increased sharply, the speed of the obliteration of the divine nature accelerated by a large margin. It was previously expected that it would take almost a year to obliterate the residual will and spiritual imprints of this divine nature. Now I feel that it only takes half a year. You can do it left or right, and there will be a lot of time if it is one-third less.

In addition, the expansion speed of God’s Domain is also increasing.

In professional terms, it is his divine nature that has increased, and his ability to control the realm of the gods has also increased, and the speed of fusion of the fragments of the realm of gods has also increased.

In addition, there are a series of good things. For example, when the avatar of divine power is lowered, the avatar gains a stronger power bonus and can cast a stronger avatar.

According to current standards, as long as Lin Xiao is willing to consume enough divine power, he can project a divine power incarnation that reaches the seventh-order level second only to the eighth-order legendary powerhouse.

The divinity is strengthened, and it can be regarded as a shortcoming for him. Even if it is not as strong as Wu Zhonglin, it is also the best of the same generation. It can barely be grasped, and it will not only have four divinities like before. Take it out. It is estimated that the whole school will not be convinced, and I can imagine how troublesome it will be in the future.

Solving the divine troubles, Lin Xiao was in a good mood, so he had time to cast his gaze into the divine realm to scan.

But this scan was a surprise. In just a few years, he discovered that there have been huge changes in God’s Domain. The intelligent goblins moved, their original city was abandoned, and a new city was built in another place.

After carefully examining the cause and effect, he understood the reason.

It turned out that he gave the Tower of Truth a few years ago, and curious and intelligent goblins entered the Tower of Truth and found all kinds of knowledge stored in the Tower. It suddenly seemed to open the door to a new world. The many knowledge in the Tower of Truth was firmly attracted. Because of them, a large number of wise goblins soaked in the tower of truth every day to waste sleep and food to collect these knowledge, so that they did not even return home.

Later, the wise goblins felt this was very troublesome. In addition, at this time, they already regarded the tower of truth as the Sacred Land of knowledge. Knowledge, a new city was rebuilt with the Tower of Truth as the center.

The new Tower of Truth is located in the center of God’s Domain, and is regarded as the Sacred Land of Truth. The structure of the entire city is obviously more reasonable than the original city, and it has a style of mastering the world.

Lin Xiao projected a little will to the new city of truth, and turned into an ordinary goblin walking on the central street of the city, surrounded by most goblins, but also a small number of murlocs and large naga that occasionally passed by.

At this time, the three races of God’s Domain were mixed together, still headed by the Great Naga, but as the wise goblins gradually gained new knowledge from the Tower of Truth, they invented all kinds of strange things to improve Life. Many small inventions are very convenient. Practical, very popular with murlocs and big naga, their status has been improved unknowingly.

Like the ancient arena, the Tower of Truth is also a miracle building, that is, a building that can produce miracles, not too far from the ancient arena, it is already one of the two cores of God’s Domain at this time.

It looks the same as an ordinary high tower, with simple stone walls, complicated patterns and strange reliefs filling the entire building.

Lin Xiao walked into the tower for the first time, and immediately felt that there was a weak spirit inside. This was the tower spirit that naturally formed after the tower of truth was born. It was similar to Fairy and the elemental spirit, but it was more powerful. Weak and unable to leave the tower of truth.

However, as time goes by, more and more wise goblins gain knowledge from the Tower of Truth and then spread it out, and the power of the Tower Spirit will become stronger and stronger.

But no matter how powerful it is, it is limited. After all, the Tower of Truth is limited to this, unless…

In the future, Lin Xiao’s God Realm can grow to a certain limit, and the Tower of Truth will also grow to a certain point. Perhaps it can break the limit and be promoted to a true god.

But it was difficult, quite difficult, at least he couldn’t see the possibility now.

Don’t care about this for the time being, let’s make sense first, he is quite interested in the various basic knowledge that the wise goblins obtain from the Tower of Truth at this time.

The Tower of Truth now contains eight or nine basic disciplines. Smart goblins learn from these basic knowledge, and then slowly research and develop advanced knowledge unique to the smart goblins on the basis of these basic knowledge. A civilization that belongs exclusively to wise goblins.

It’s still a rudimentary form, you can’t even see it, but Lin Xiao can see from the current development of the wise goblins that it is possible to develop a new civilization.

Except for the wise goblins, the big naga and the murlocs have not changed much, except that they have reproduced some new offspring in the past few years.

Fortunately, God’s Domain is expanding wildly at this time. The expansion of the area can support more family members. At this time, it has been let go to let the murlocs give birth to offspring at will.

Most areas on the edge of God’s Domain, which has been enlarged six times, are still wasteland. Between the lush vegetation zone and wasteland of the original God’s Domain is a transitional zone. Some weeds grow sparsely and tenaciously on barren land.

The sea area has also been expanded six times. Because the sea has expanded, the sea level has dropped drastically, exposing many islands. However, in the vicinity of the sea, Slardar is summoning all the murloc warlocks to summon a large number of water elements, communicating with the water element plane to open a channel , Pour a large amount of clean water from the plane of water elements into the ocean of God’s Realm continuously, but barely support it so as not to let the sea bed dry up.

It’s a pity that the Murloc Warlock’s level is too low, the opening of the water element plane channel is too small, and the duration is not long, and it will be cut off after a long time, and it needs a day’s rest to continue.

According to the current strength of his divine nature, the water summoning speed of these murloc warlocks is estimated to be inferior to the growth rate of the gods.

Lin Xiao feels that he needs to get a few high-level cards that summon the water element to fuse them into an ancient quality card similar to the flame melting sea. Of course, it is impossible to reach the flame melting sea supermodel level, but as long as you get a dozen sixth-level super Large water element, just cooperate with Murloc Warlock.

Moreover, he was also preparing to re-open up six new God’s realm spaces in the void outside the main God’s realm. Not to mention, the two God’s realm built-in elemental planes, water and fire, could be established first.

If he said nothing, he immediately withdrew from God’s Domain and connected to the internal network of Huiyao Middle School through his authority.

It is also commonly known as the Educational Local Area Network. It is only limited to the exchange and transaction cards of students in the First and Second High Schools of Huiyao Middle School, and it cannot connect to the external network.

Everyone puts some cards that they don’t need on the internal trading platform, and either exchanges the cards that they need, or sells the power of faith directly.

However, at this time when school just started, there were not many students in the school, and there were many students communicating on the school platform, but there was nothing on the trading platform.

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