Chapter 122 Black Scale Naga’s First Transformation and Evolution

Involving the contention of different teams, the three team mentors did not offer to snatch in the public, but communicated privately, but everyone could see the three parties’ fierce conversation.

And Lin Xiao, who was sitting on the stone throne across from the rostrum, was facing all kinds of surprises and scrutiny gazes from everyone.

Someone in the group asked directly:

“Classmate Lin Xiao, are you pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?”

“I want to pretend too, but my strength doesn’t allow it!”

He sent a spreading expression and said:

“If I’m really that powerful, I have already challenged the Black Iron or Bronze ranks. That would be one or two more mythical cards.”

In fact, he wanted to tell the truth that he didn’t have enough cards to challenge him, but he was afraid that he would be beaten up by others.

Everyone was speechless, and they didn’t know what to say for a while. After all, it was a recognized fact that he was poor. If he really had the ability, he would definitely not give up the opportunity to get more rewards.

But they didn’t expect him to be poorer than everyone thought, so poor that he almost couldn’t take out the cards for the challenge.

Lin Xiao himself couldn’t explain the reason for this pretense, he was afraid of being beaten.

On the level they can’t see, several consciousnesses are arguing fiercely in secret.

A mentor from the Shengjing team said fiercely:

“I discovered this person first.”

Someone immediately refuted:

“Do you have any evidence that you found out first.”

“I left a mark on him. According to the default rules, it should be mine.”

“Where is the mark?…”

There was a moment of silence, and the voice spoke again, but the air in the voice was obviously not as full as before:

“Then why didn’t you say it earlier? You want to quietly choose it at the least cost. If so, then no one can blame us. Now he belongs to our war throne. He wants to come up with better terms.”

It was quiet for a while, and someone said:

“A bronze student exchange.”

“not enough.”


“not enough.”

“How much do you want?”

“A silver student.”

“Don’t go too far.”

“Then don’t chant.”


“I have a silver student.”

“Colonel Xie, what are you here to mix with? This is what I saw first.”

“Sorry, I got my fancy early too.”

The cold voice ignored one of them and said to the other:

“Yuan Star, can a silver student change it?”

Several instructors on the Throne of War were asked. The two instructors scrambled, and they did not hesitate to exchange a silver-level student. Normally, there must be a problem, but they didn’t pay attention to this student before, and they didn’t know this student at all. There is no reference for the specific performance and potential of.

It is important to know that according to the rules between summer camp instructors, they are currently unable to use magical skills to go back to the previous battle scenes at the critical trading stage. In addition to not allowing it, the interference of the other party itself cannot do it.

This is the rule of the summer camp, and it is also the competition between the team and the mentor.

The trainees must compete for the throne, and the team and the instructor must have a high and low.

Can’t know the specific situation, can only choose based on experience.

If they can, they don’t want to trade, but the rule between the instructors is that if there are multiple biddings that cannot reach an agreement, the students’ own willingness will be the decisive factor. At that time, as long as the students are willing, they can transfer teams at the last highest bid as the final price.

At this critical moment, the voice from the host sounded:

“There is still 60 seconds left. Please ask the instructor of the Throne of War to make a choice. If the deal is not reached over time, the contested Lin Xiao will freely choose which team to join according to the existing offer.”

“I lost it!”

This time, more than they were sitting on wax, Lin Xiao also wanted to sit on wax.

Let him choose freely, how can he choose freely?

Not to mention the Throne of War, the two mentors, Shengjing and Rage Flame, looked at themselves with full of expectation, who to choose?

I wouldn’t say that choosing this one will offend the other. The instructors should not hate him because of this, mainly because they are afraid of being jealous of others.

As the only student who has been traded or contested by three parties, this kind of beautiful treatment is not even enjoyed by those on the golden throne. At that time, no matter which team is added, whether inside or outside the team, many students who are dissatisfied want to try it. Try to own two pounds, then you will have to bear it.

Well, the most hated owner is probably the classmate who was used as a bargaining chip. He was a silver-level elite who used it to exchange a stone-level. Anyone would be unwilling to change it. He would definitely hate himself to death. If there is a chance, He will definitely come to anal.


It doesn’t seem to be the time, but it is already remembered.

He held his head and did not dare to look up, praying in his heart that several mentors would make a deal quickly and don’t let himself choose.

It may be that his prayers took effect, and it only took about ten seconds for the war throne to make a decision, saying:

“If you want to trade, we need at least one silver student as the reserve price. You will make additional bids, and the higher the price will be paid.”

“One silver and one black iron student.”

This is a bid from the Saint Crystal side. After going out and looking at the Rage Flame Team, he heard the cold voice of the Rage Flame instructor:

“Two silvers!”


Everyone was dumbfounded, even Lin Xiao himself was dumbfounded. If it wasn’t for the occasion, he would think it was a joke.

Even the host was stunned for a while and asked:

“Captain Xie, are you sure this is your offer?”

“Any questions?”


The host waved his hand again and again, what could he have in opinion, but he was really curious about Lin Xiao, and it was true that a student who was only in the lowest position allowed a tutor to exchange two silver students. People can’t figure it out, this plus one silver can already be exchanged for three other golden students besides those six.

Even if it had something to do in private, it wouldn’t cost such a big price. He was curious as to what point she fell in love with him.

Shaking his head, he looked at the Saint Crystal Mentor Group on the other side.

At this time, there was a dispute in the Shengjing Mentor Group. Two of the three instructors thought that the two silvers had exceeded the standard, and one thought it was worth paying a higher price. He persuaded the fellow instructors internally and said:

“Although his current strength is only equivalent to the bronze first-level, his potential is quite high. There is still more than half a month in the summer camp. Under our training, he can definitely reach the point of not inferior to the second echelon. If the development goes smoothly It is possible to go further.”

But both of his companions held different opinions:

“I don’t deny that his potential is indeed very high, but the potential is uncertain. We cannot use more than two third-tier silver students who have proven their strength to exchange for the uncertainty of the future.”

“I agree with Lao Guo’s view that the price at this time has exceeded our expectations, and I suggest abandoning the bidding.”

“But we can…”

“Old Li, we have already decided.”The tutor known as Lao Li fell silent. The three of them were silent for a while, and the tutor Liu Wuji, the leader of the team, said to the host:

“We give up bidding!”


“You will regret it.”

“Maybe I regret it, but at this time, I feel that my decision is correct.”

“hope so!”

The bidding was abandoned by the Saint Crystal team. In the incredible of everyone, the Fury Team exchanged two Silver Throne students from the War Throne Team for a stone seat student, completing this magical transaction.

As a result, the blood flame fist mark on Lin Xiao’s head was quickly replaced with a blazing flame.

After completing this transaction, the next four teams each made one or two transactions, many of which involved gold-level students, but it was surprising that none of the students underneath had the first transaction.

Ten minutes passed quickly and the trading time was over. The host came to the stage again and said:

“According to the rules of this summer camp, the second phase officially begins, and the next will be the competition within the respective teams. It will last three days. After three days, the four teams will pit against each other. We will see you in three days.”

After speaking, the host turned into a stream of light and disappeared, and the four team instructors also turned into the sky. Lin Xiao saw that the space in front of him was distorted and his vision was elongated, and he knew that he had been teleported away from the venue.

After about five seconds, the distorted and elongated field of vision slowly became normal, and the distorted space slowly recovered. When the feet were on the ground, the front of the eyes suddenly lit up, and the back of the head was in front of him.

There are people everywhere, no acquaintances are seen, the rough frosted steel floor is under the feet, and the empty square extends for thousands of meters.

The overhead ceiling is hundreds of meters high, and there are pieces of metal platforms nearly one meter thick in the air that are the size of a basketball court. There are thick barriers on the edges of the platforms, and the sides of the barriers are crowded with men in short-sleeved military uniforms, Zheng Rao Interested people watched them.

Suddenly Lin Xiao heard a burst of women’s laughter, turned his head quickly, and saw a group of female soldiers lying on the edge of the air platform on the other side smiling and pointing at them.

Obviously, they were taken directly back to the barracks, most likely to be the resident of the Raging Flame Corps.

As they looked around curiously, a small metal platform moved over in front of them. Standing on it was a tight-fitting green military uniform with a bee waist and a big butt, and two three stars on his shoulders. It looked heroic and vigorous. She is a seductive female colonel.

Not surprisingly, this should be a saint incarnation of Colonel Xie of the Fury Team.

Her real body must be a true god, so even the natural radiation emitted by the incarnation of divine power is not something they can bear. They can only use the incarnation of the saint, which was used by Lin Xiao before, and a shadow of divine consciousness descended on the specially selected body. Walking in the mortal container, the true body is naturally hidden in the portable gods.

In fact, when their real body enters the subspace or the outer realm, there is no longer any restriction between the God’s realm and the real body, and they can summon the God’s realm anytime and anywhere, and call the believers out of the God’s realm.

This is the biggest difference from native gods, and it is also their biggest advantage compared to native gods.

Compared with the fixed kingdom of God and the native god kingdom that can only accommodate petitioners, the new god is the two sides of the material plane and the kingdom of God. It can carry all the believers and the kingdom of God, and can instantly all power out when needed. At the same time God’s domain is added, and it can also be used to offset the rule suppression when invading the native god’s kingdom

Generally, the suppression of power offset rules varies, but the same rank can basically resist almost all the rule suppression of the indigenous kingdom of the same rank, which means that the kingdom of the same weak divine power has no effect on the new god of weak divine power.

In this case, the new god can directly rush into the native kingdom of God, directly open the kingdom of God to summon believers to attack the native kingdom of God, and penetrate directly into the core of the enemy.

This is the biggest advantage of the new gods over the native gods

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