Chapter 121: The Cruel Internal Elimination System

The third team consisted of three mentors, who also stepped up to introduce themselves. To Lin Xiao’s expectation, these three were not from a certain key institution in his imagination, but from three different institutions, among the twelve super institutions. The 12th-ranked Shengjing is headed by the two major universities related to Shengjing.

The five instructors of the fourth team, after being introduced separately, are led by the War Throne, which ranks third among the twelve super universities, plus four key academies headed by the War Throne.

After listening to the self-introduction of ten instructors, combined with the information about the summer camp searched on the Internet, Lin Xiao already had a certain spectrum in his mind.

Obviously, because this super freshman summer camp is hosted by the military, the military has won two teams, and the other two teams are divided by the college alliance, headed by two super universities.

In other words, although the Super Freshman Summer Camp is jointly held by five super universities in China, only two super universities participated in this session, namely War Throne and Shengjing, and the other three did not take part.

This is also normal. For the super institutions, the ordinary elite talents are not worthy of their competition. In fact, according to the information on the previous summer camps he searched, most of the previous summer camps have only one super institution to shoot, sometimes there is no one, it seems that they are taking turns. .

This time there are two super universities, it is estimated that it is Wu Zhonglin, a super genius who was ranked in the top rank of Tianjiao in his freshman year.

Sure enough, such a super arrogant, even a super academy, is too enviable. Lin Xiao looked back at the calm black-haired teenager sitting on the top of the nine golden thrones, rubbing his face. Very yearning.

They are all teenagers. Who doesn’t yearn for such a feeling of being so high above the attention of the public. If you don’t care, you have no ability. If you have the opportunity, how many will refuse?

High above the top, everyone’s attention, the most dazzling and most beautiful boy in the audience, the admiring eyes of thousands of girls, the priority of mating…

At least Lin Xiao found that the many girls present always cast their eyes on it frequently. This feeling is really cool.

“I want it too…”

“Next, your instructors will select your own players and confirm the ranks of the players. Once determined, they cannot be changed. The ranks are upper, middle and lower ranks. Now the selection of the wolfya team colonel Hong Yunfei is started.”

The host’s voice pulled back Lin Xiao’s divergent thinking. He concentrated and watched the instructor staring at the nine figures on the highest level of gold, scanning back and forth several times, skipping over Wu Zhonglin several times, and finally fell. On the first golden throne, asked:

“Student Zhang Guan, would you like to join my team?”

“My pleasure!”

A ray of light fell on him from the sky, forming a wolf head mark that roared up to the sky.

“Very well, Classmate Zhang Guan chose to join Team Wolffang, and now Colonel Xie Yufei of Team Fury chooses the players.”

As soon as the host’s voice fell, the figure shrouded in dark golden light said:

“Student Qin Fengyan, would you like to join my team?”

The woman who was questioned was the last woman among five men and one woman who arrived with Wu Zhonglin. She stood up and nodded openly:

“My pleasure!”

Then, under the introduction of the host, Liu Wuji, the instructor of the 3rd Saint Crystal Team, stood up and invited one of the five men and one woman to join the team as he wished.

Next, it was Yuan Star, the mentor of the War Throne of Super Academy. As everyone expected, he directly invited Wu Zhonglin. Obviously, this was discussed by the four teams. Wu Zhonglin was specially recruited by the War Throne and must join this team. .

At the end of the first round, the second round was selected by the last selected war throne. As everyone expected, not only them, but the other three teams all selected the highest level of gold.

The next selection is the same. Starting from the last pick of the second round, Team Wolfyao, immediately selected the last of the nine golden thrones, and the next Rageflame team can only choose Silver Tier 1.

Colonel Xie Yufei scanned the thirty-six silver thrones. In the eyes of everyone’s expectations, especially the students on the silver throne, they all wanted to be the first batch of candidates under the gold, and also the top three picks of each team. Selected, this means that he is the strongest group under gold.

She quickly made a decision and chose one of them among the people’s expectations:

“Shen Yueyu, would you like to join my team?”

As expected and reasonable, women naturally choose girls first.

Shen Yuexin is naturally willing.

The next selection from the instructor of the Saint Crystal team is highly anticipated, but excluding Lin Xiao, they will be considered only after the silver layer is divided up first.

Now that it is divided into groups, there is naturally competition. The first choice of the mentor must be the stronger players. The lower ranked players like them are basically selected in batches at the end.

The fact is that as he thought, with the rounds of selection, the students in the silver seats were selected, and none of them sent invitations to those below the silver level.

The selected students are also very cooperative, and no one has refused the invitation of the instructor for the time being.

For them, no matter which team you join is the same, they don’t say which team will have more resources. Basically, the resources are the same, unless you have better performance.

As the only ancient city on the silver throne, he was selected by the War Throne team. He was very happy. The group congratulated him and Shen Yuexin, and Lin Xiao was no exception.

Soon all silver-level students were selected and it was the turn of Bronze Level One.

At this point, Lin Xiao found that the speed of selection by the instructors had increased significantly. He no longer had to think about who to choose like the previous level. Now he made a choice in almost one or two seconds. Twelve bronze players have been selected.

Lin Xu was selected by Sheng Jing in the second round of Bronze Tier One.

Then, the mentors selected 108 black iron players at a faster speed.

Then, it was the turn of the three hundred and sixty stone players on the lowest level. At this time, it happened to be the turn of the War Throne Academy team to choose. At this point, everyone clearly discovered that the selection of the Saint Crystal and the War Throne team was not the captain of the two teams, but the same. The other instructors of the team, obviously, in their eyes, the students behind are basically not excellent, so they don’t need to pay more attention.

The instructor of the War Throne team casually touched, and a beam of light fell from the sky on…Lin Xiao, the instructor routinely asked:

“Student Lin Xiao, would you like to join the Throne of War team?”

He nodded quite unexpectedly. He didn’t expect that he would be in a team with Wu Zhonglin.

But what he didn’t see was that as soon as he was selected, one of the instructors of the Saint Crystal team on the other side looked up at the instructor of the War Throne.

On the other side, a figure shrouded in dark golden light also frowned.

Next, choose to continue, and quickly divide all the students on the stone seats. In the end, when it comes to more than 1,600 students without seats, it will be ten at a time.

In less than ten minutes, all the trainees were divided up, and marks representing the four teams were suspended above the heads of all trainees in the entire venue.

Team Wolf Fang is the roaring war wolf.

Team Fury is a group of burning flames.

The Saint Crystal team is a blue prism hanging overhead.

The Throne of War is a fist holding the blood flames.

After everyone had chosen, the moderator came back on stage and said:

“The second phase of this summer camp has been completed!”

He looked at the mentors of the four teams and asked:

“According to the rules, each team has three trading quotas, and you can trade your favorite players at the price that the opposing team is satisfied with. Please make a decision within ten minutes.”

“What an interesting idea…”

This rhythm reminded Lin Xiao of the trade under the NBA draft before it crossed. He immediately traded draft players for his favorite players after the draft. This operation was mixed with the team mentor’s setting, and he couldn’t help but guess the plan for this summer camp. He is not a rebirth like himself.

But just think about it, it’s not likely to be a rebirth, it should be a plan to move the previous example out.

After all, this super freshman summer camp has been held for tens of thousands. How can there be so many new ideas? Most of the old ideas are used after decades.

On the other side, it took almost a minute for the four team mentors on the other side, before the representatives of the Saint Crystal team stood up and said to the War Throne team:

“We are willing to exchange a Black Iron Rank student for a Stone Step student from your team.”

“Which one to change?”

“Student Lin Xiao.”

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Xiao suddenly felt afraid that thousands of eyes were falling on him at the same time. Almost everyone in the group looked over by surprise. Only Tang Ling was not surprised. He was beaten up by him as a personally instructor, of course. Knowing that Lin Xiao’s strength is more than just sitting at this level.

The five instructors of the Throne of War discussed in a low voice, and said:

“We want two Black Iron Rank students.”

“make a deal!”

The mentor of the Saint Crystal team opened with joy on the face, and the five mentors of the War Throne suddenly felt a sinking heart, knowing that they were suffering.

But at this time, both parties have approved the transaction at the same time, and it cannot be changed.

They raised their heads and looked at Lin Xiao carefully with some doubts. Before they could see anything, they suddenly heard a crisp sound from the side:

“Wait a minute, I want to change him too.”

Everyone raised their heads to look at the talking team instructor, including several other team instructors, especially the instructor of the Saint Crystal team.

Tang Ling raised her head in astonishment in the audience, immediately envy and jealous, and screamed in her heart, “Why are so many people robbing?” ’

He didn’t understand.

It’s not that I don’t understand why someone is robbed, but I don’t understand why all three teams are robbing. This is a treatment that even the students of the silver rank don’t have.

Not only him, but all the students present were very puzzled. Even the host looked at him with great interest and said:

“It’s really surprising that three teams chose this Lin Xiao classmate. Now that it’s the case, I asked the Rage Flame Team and the Saint Crystal Team to make offers to the War Throne Team.”

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