Chapter 597 The whole audience is boiling, do you dare to kill me?

Touch porcelain?

When Wang Fatty heard this, he was almost wronged.

Puff puff!

The vomiting of blood became worse.

Everyone can’t stand it anymore, this vomiting method, will it be dead?

“Guards, he murdered…” Wang Fatty wailed.

Mu Feifan shrugged, saying that he had no idea before.

At this time, the captain of the guard came over.

He was on the side just now, and naturally he saw the whole process clearly.

“Wang Fatty, you blocked the way just now, this young man didn’t intentionally hit you.” The captain said.

Wang Fatty said angrily: “I was bruised by him, don’t you have any sympathy for the weak at all?”

The captain said speechlessly: “You were injured because you are too useless. This young man hasn’t held you accountable for getting in the way, so you should blame others first.”

When Wang Fatty heard it, his anger was about to smoke.

“Ahaha!” Everyone around laughed.

Wang Fatty, splashing dirty water failed, but was knocked into flight.

This is self-sufficient!

No one sympathized with him.

The captain said to Mu Feihua’s cupped hands: “This young man, I’m sorry to be disturbed, there are always a few people in Black Wind City who are fed up.”

Mu Feifei smiled in return: “There are too many such people, you have worked hard.”

The captain of this guard is fair and just.

But Wang Fatty is like a poppy rascal, who would like it.

The captain asked curiously: “My son, the demonic Beasts pattern broke just now. Is it because you defeated Demonic Beasts?”

At this time, everyone was curious.

They are all waiting for an answer.

Even Wang Fatty pricked his ears.

But he murmured: “Impossible, there must be an accident.”

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “It was naturally because of defeating Demonic Beasts to be able to teleport out safely.”


Hearing this, everyone was even more shocked than seeing him draw the Demonic Beasts space.

The scalp is more numb!


“That’s the Demonic Beasts of fourth-level roulette, and the Demonic Beasts you meet must also be fourth-level.”

“Oh my god, this young man looks like he hasn’t reached the level of Gold Core yet, and his methods are so powerful!”

“People shouldn’t look on their faces, the water shouldn’t be measured, there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the person!”

“Dage, what are you talking about here? This young man is so handsome, I just look at how he looks.”

“Yes, face value is justice, the son’s appearance and strength match very well.”

“Don’t say anything, just aiming at defeating the fourth-level Demonic Beasts, I just knelt directly.”

Compared to the onlookers, the captain of the guard was extremely shocked.

He has been guarding the Hall of Destiny for many years and has been used to all kinds of scenes.

Although there are occasional Nascent Soul bosses who come to draw orange cards, they are all very cautious, for fear of drawing the Demonic Beasts space!

The others don’t know, but the captain knows quite well.

The big guys in this Demonic Beasts space are all the most powerful in this level.

In the entire Black Wind City, there are not one or two Nascent Soul peak cultivators.

You let other cultivator and the same rank Demonic Beasts head-on?

Isn’t that just for death?

Take it back for you in minutes!

There was once a Nascent Soul middle stage master who was fully prepared and confidently came to draw an orange card.

As a result, he was drawn to the Demonic Beasts space.

When it was passed back, there was only a broken body left.

Nascent Soul was eaten by Demonic Beasts!

Come back to a shell, what is the bird use.

After thinking about so much, when the captain looked at Mu Feifan again, his eyes were different.




I almost kneel down.

“Unexpectedly, the son… is so powerful.” The captain managed to squeeze a smile.

He didn’t know what to say.

A companion is like a tiger, and the captain is also afraid of saying something wrong.

Mu Feifan’s face was grim at this moment: “What happened just now, what did King Fatty say when I was away?”


When the captain heard it, he whispered badly.

It must be Mu Feifei that felt something was wrong.

Why teleported back, Wang Fatty would stand in front of him.

Nothing at first glance.

But after careful consideration, it is a reminder!

Before the captain spoke, Fan Jian said first: “Brother Fan, the Demonic Beasts pattern was broken at the time, and Wang Fatty wronged his sister-in-law, saying that she was waiting in a hurry and destroying the public property!”

Mu Feifan nodded.

He had already guessed that he was not far from the ten, and it was confirmed by different people.

At this moment, Wang Fatty panicked.

Because he saw Mu Feifan’s eyes reveal murderous intent.

He had only seen this look in the slaughterhouse…

Usually in the peaceful Blackwind City, you can’t see it.

“Fuck, let me tell you, murder is forbidden in the city!” Wang Fatty said immediately.

He is very scared.

But thinking of this, I feel a little relieved.

This is Black Wind City!

The lord is majestic and mighty!

Who dares to disobey?

The captain also showed a look of embarrassment: “Yes, son, murder is forbidden in the city. If you have opinions on him, you can wait for him to leave the city…”


Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Mu Feifan was also a little surprised. He smiled, “Thank you, Captain for reminding.”

Fan Jian secretly called the captain Niubi.

This road is wide and wide!

It’s just that the captain regrets it.


no way!

The gangster’s momentum is too strong.

It makes me have to say something that makes him love to hear…

Compared to the king Fatty who everyone shouts and beats, the captain of course chose to stand on Mu Feifan’s side.

Mu Feifei asked, “As long as he doesn’t kill him, can he do anything?”

The captain was stunned for a moment: “That’s right, but…”

He hadn’t finished speaking, but saw that Mu Feifei had already taken out a spear.

Instant time!

Yinman burst shot.

The gun is like a dragon.

Wang Fatty didn’t even react, but he saw that his right arm had been swung into the distance.

He was dumbfounded for ten seconds before it hurts when he remembered.

“It hurts me so much! Damn it, you committed a crime in public!” Wang Fatty screamed with pain.

Mu Feifan is as unheard of.

He raised the gun again.

The king was scared. Fatty hurriedly jumped up and ran out of the hall rolling and crawling: “Excuse me, don’t send it.”

Mu Feifan sneered, but didn’t say anything.

When everyone saw this scene, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

No way, Mu Feifan’s sense of oppression is too strong.

No one dared to comment on anything.

At this moment, it was night outside.

Wang Fatty faltered, every step he took, dripping blood, looked extremely miserable.

“Damn it! I must take revenge, even if I hire someone!” Wang Fatty said viciously, his eyes full of fierceness.

The moonlight shone on him, and the shadow on the ground slowly elongated.

Wang Fatty didn’t notice at all.

On that shadow’s shoulder, I don’t know when, something more appeared!

This is the shadow of a small bird.

Seeing the small shadow, he slowly opened his mouth.

Wang Fatty suddenly felt something wrong.

He turned his head, but saw an unforgettable scene.

The terrifying Shenyan rushed towards him.

Submerged him instantly.

Wang Fatty stared wide-eyed, struggling in the flames.

Because his throat was burned first, he couldn’t even scream.

When he was dying, Wang Fatty finally understood.

It must be Mu Feifan’s hand!

“How dare you kill me in the street?” This was Wang Fatty’s last thought.

The flames were hot, quickly turning King Fatty into ashes, leaving no trace.

The murderous intent in the eyes of the nearby little turkey slowly faded.


You can scold the wicked one?

Do not live by committing sins.

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