Chapter 596

The horrible beam of light, like a huge golden wave, swept through thousands of mighty powers, rushing over.

The ground has been completely shattered.

At that moment, it’s not an exaggeration to say that the sky is falling apart.

The golden lion was stunned.

Damn it!

It looks much better than my method!

Just listen to a crash!

The golden lion was lifted by the light.

Bang bang bang!

Its huge body, like a pinball, bounced back and forth on the ground.

Deep pits were smashed.

The former grand and solemn fighting arena is now riddled with scars and smoke.

“Oh!” The golden lion got up, his face covered with blood.

The majesty of the king vanished.

Damn it!

I was knocked down by this monkey for the second time today.

What makes the Golden Lion the most depressing is that it seems to be defeated by its own tricks.

Isn’t this the way of the other and the body of the other?

Thinking of this, the Golden Lion didn’t dare to open his mouth again.

It raised its paws.


Five sharp nails, like five soaring sharp blades, popped out one by one.

Shining with a terrifying edge!

In the next second, the golden lion bowed his body, like a large bow with full force, and then slammed out!

It is fast, like a yellow lightning.

There was a tearing sound in the air.

The culling of the lion is also very strong!

Coupled with its huge body.

It’s like a lofty sacred mountain moving at high speed, moving sideways.

This strike means that a city is blocked in front, and it will be destroyed!

Unexpectedly, in the face of the enemy’s thunderous blows, Mu Feifan did not evade.


He instinctively tapped his chest and raised the Black Tortoise shield.

When the golden lion rushed in, he slammed a shield over it!



The golden lion directly showed a nosebleed and was knocked to the ground.

Look at its claws again.

The five nails have all been broken, so miserable it can’t be any more miserable.

Mu Feifan sneered: “Dare to challenge me without looking at your level, do you deserve it?”

The golden lion fell to the ground, and the expression on his face became even more sluggish when he heard this.

I am the fourth-level peak, you say I am not worthy?

Is your level very high?

Then, Mu Feifan added: “My Black Tortoise shield is made with the fifth-level king eight shells.”

The golden lion was silent.

Originally, it was the weapon material grade.

excuse me!

The next moment, Mu Feihua takes advantage of the victory and pursues.

He put down the shield, grabbed it with a big hand, and raised the huge lion body above his head.

The golden lion screamed.

Let me down!

Does our Demonic Beasts circle have weightlifting events?

Monkey hit, you came to the wrong place.

Mu Feifei’s eyes were full of murderous intent.

In this Demonic Beasts space.

Either you die or I die!

Give you a decent way to die!

The next moment, Mu Fanfei’s strength exploded.

Above both arms, a series of terrifying muscles bulged.

It’s like an undulating hill.


The golden lion was still swearing in obscure animal language.

In the next second, it will lose the right to speak forever.

Because Mu Feifan performed a shredded devil live, no, lion.

The golden lion centered directly on the waist and was completely torn apart.

Since the scene is too brutal, I won’t describe it much.

In short, after Mu Feifan was finished, he directly smashed the lion’s corpse on the ground.

He looked up to the sky with great vigor and screamed angrily.

It seems to declare to this Demonic Beasts space, who is the king here!

Then he transformed into a human form again.

After the blood, Mu Feifan calmed down.

The reason why he was so cruel just now was because he remembered the scene of a group of people being chased by General Ghost Crab in the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

It was really aggrieved at that time.

Now facing the same opponent, the body of the great mountain giant ape, who admired the extraordinary, has already had the power to fight.

He is so cruel, he is also venting!

Tell you to pretend!

Daddy is tender to you!

Although Mu Feifei is usually calm and accustomed, he is also a young man.

In the young blood, there is passion.

Of course, Mu Feifan is not too big.

After all, 80% of the credit goes to the Black Tortoise shield.

It’s really important to have a good weapon.

At this time, the golden lion corpse in front of him gave out brilliant brilliance.

An orange rune slowly floated from the lion’s body and landed in the hands of Mu Feihua.

“My God, is this a reward, the orange god pattern?” Mu Feihua was very happy.

Surprise joy!

Mu Feifan took a look and found that this was a metallic orange god pattern.

It’s a pity that he only has a gold-based high-level spell, which is as good as gold.

“Keep it for now, and you will have a chance to increase it later.” Mu Feifei collected the god pattern.

At this time, the teleportation array appeared.

Mu Feifan smiled softly, then wandered in.

When he ended the battle, the outside world was already talking about it.

“Hey, the son is finished this time!”

“The Demonic Beasts space of fourth-level roulette, I get wet just thinking about it.”

“Huh? You have something wrong.”

“Damn, I was scared, don’t get me wrong.”

Suddenly, I didn’t know who it was, and suddenly shouted, “Look at it!”

Everyone just noticed that the original Demonic Beasts pattern on the roulette, I don’t know when, it became two pieces…

It seems to be torn directly by someone!

The methods are very brutal.

“Damn! Who did it?” Someone was surprised.

When Wang Fatty saw it, he seemed to come alive suddenly, and said happily: “Ahaha, this female fellow daoist, even if you wait for your man eagerly, you won’t destroy the public property, right?”

Xia Yuchan frowned and looked at each other coldly.

She didn’t want to pay attention to Fatty.

But Fatty Wang is even more vigorous: “Where’s the guard, I report that someone has destroyed the pattern on the roulette, and quickly blast her out.”

When Fan Jian heard it, he cursed: “Fatty, do you have water in your mind? This is the wheel of fortune. Do you think it is your wall? I will take your surname for one stroke!”

Wang Fatty smiled and said, “Wang Jian, this is what you said.”

He swaggered across the fence, picked up a pen, and painted on the Demonic Beasts pattern.

But after painting it for a long time, I found that there was no stroke.

The ink seemed to not be contaminated with the roulette at all, and was automatically bounced off.

Wang Fatty was dumbfounded.

Fan Jian laughed: “How about it, fatty, I just can’t paint it!”

“No, it’s impossible!” Wang Fatty panicked: “This woman must have used other means…”

Before he finished speaking, he saw a ray of light emerging from the area with the Demonic Beasts pattern.

In the next second, a figure flew out of it, just hitting Wang Fatty’s body!


Wang Fatty screamed, and flew out directly.

Everyone was shocked.

There was no one to pick it up, and they all gave up a vacant lot very cooperatively.


Wang Fatty hit the ground hard.

Originally, I fell down, but the normal cultivator was fine.

But Wang Fatty was hit and flew.


This guy vomited blood!

At this moment, the figure that suddenly appeared was exactly the Mu Feifan that came back from the Demonic Beasts space.

He looked at the king Fatty who was coughing up blood inexplicably, and asked strangely: “What are you doing in front of me…you, you touch porcelain?”

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