Chapter 505: Zhenhai God Stone, Like Fun?

Looking at the entrance of the cave, it was completely opened.

Their expressions are different.

In short, it was shock!

Xu Dashan also turned pale: “This damage can be done without damaging the surroundings of the cave entrance. The details are controlled, which is really terrifying!”

Mu Feifei also smiled slyly: “My wife, it’s too thin.”

Xia Yuchan glanced at him, and suddenly said something in Mu Feifan’s ear: “Fortunately, I am not a man.”

What’s the meaning?

Mu Feifan was stunned for a while before he realized it.

Gao Leng’s wife really caught me off guard by driving this car.

“I’m more careless.” Mu Feifei responded indifferently.

Xia Yuchan’s face turned red, and then turned his head, deliberately ignoring him.

Ah Quan was still immersed in this extreme destruction there.

“My god, if this hits me, wouldn’t it just blast me into atoms?” Ah Quan sighed.

Xu Dashan was speechless: “Your reflex arc is too long, right? We are all going in, don’t talk about it there.”

“Wait!” Mu Feifan shouted again.

He set his gaze on the idol again.

Xia Yuchan was strange: “What’s wrong?”

Mu Feifan: “This idol is so heavy, it looks like a rare refining material…”

Xia Yuchan said helplessly: “You, the refiner Great Master, are too dedicated.”

Mu Feifei smiled and said, “The material comes from Life.”

Xu Dashan and Aquan don’t understand this anymore.

Can’t speak at all.

Xu Dashan asked, “But how do I put this thing in a storage bag?”

Mu Feifan: “Just lift it up.”

Xu Dashan: “I can’t lift it!”

Suddenly, Xia Yuchan raised his hand gently.

The idol that was dead and dead suddenly moved.

Xu Dashan was confused.

The next moment, the idol directly rose into the sky.

Xia Yuchan said indifferently, “Don’t continue?”

Mu Feifan understood, and hurriedly took out his storage bag.

Open the bag and put it in place.

Xia Yuchan’s little hand caught in the void.

The black dragon idol fell directly.

It happened to be sucked in by the storage bag.

Mu Feifan is overjoyed.

A hint immediately appeared in my mind.

Obtain a Zhenhai Stone.

System rewards (optional):

One: One hundred Zhenhai Stone.

Two: A piece of Zhenhai Shenshi.

It turned out that this black dragon statue was called Zhenhaishi.

Mu Feihua sighed with emotion.

No wonder it is so heavy.

But can this thing really be Zhenhai?

While Mu Feifei was a little skeptical, he was more vomiting.

“If you are advanced, just add a god word, it’s too lazy.” Mu Feifei was speechless.

But he knew that everything with a word of God is absolutely remarkable.

The difference between the word, the difference between the sky and the earth.

Same quality Ascension!

for example.


God stick?

God the fuck?

At this moment, there is no black dragon idol in the temple, and it looks very empty.

No, it is empty now.

Because there is a big hole under the base.

Mu Feifan said, “Wife, let’s go.”

Xu Dashan was still stunned.

Mu Feifan looked at him strangely.

Xu Dashan smiled bitterly: “Is it so easy?”

It turned out that he was stimulated by Xia Yuchan’s second shot just now.

Xu Dashan was not so shocked when he destroyed the boulder.

Although Xia Yuchan had a strong control over the details, Xu Dashan asked himself, as long as he is careful and careful, he should be able to do it.

But this hand, the means of lifting the stone in the air, really stimulated Xu Dashan.

After all, he had personally experienced how heavy this idol was.

That is quite heavy.

It’s dead.

Unexpectedly, Xia Yuchan, a Gold Core player, could raise his hands so easily and then rise again.

It’s easier than controlling an elevator.

Xu Dashan feels that own Cultivation Base is probably fake.

Mu Feifan hurriedly comforted: “Sir, don’t be discouraged. Many people who have seen my wife take action have been hit. Don’t worry, you are not the first, but you are definitely not the last.”

Xu Dashan was dumbfounded.

Is this comforting people?

How do you feel that own heart breaks down even more?

Mu Feifan said again: “They all call my wife Sister Xia… You know, some people are just young, but they just want to call me sister when they see it.”

Xu Dashan was completely convinced.

He directly said: “Sister Xia, disrespect and disrespect, please accept my old Xu…”


As soon as he finished speaking, Ah Quan next to him knelt down.

Xu Dashan:…


I just want to arch my hand and bow.

Did your kid do it so thoroughly?

Don’t leave me a bit of a back road?

Am I kneeling or am I kneeling?

Ah Quan: “Boss, don’t get me wrong, I just got weak legs.”

Xu Dashan: “Damn, how do you know my voice?”

Ah Quan: “Because I am your Yolemei.”

Xu Dashan:? ? ?

There is something wrong with you.

Mu Feifan: “Don’t have so many plays, you two are your own brothers, so hurry up.”

The two of them dangled behind.

After the boulders in the cave were cleared, it looked extremely deep.

Of course it was soaked by sea water.

Everyone wandered slowly over.

Fortunately, there is Mu extraordinary lighting technique.

Otherwise this place is narrow and closed.

People with claustrophobia are crazy.

Ah Quan: “It’s too deep here, when is it tall?”

Xu Dashan: “People don’t feel that Longzu eats sacrifices far. You can’t stand it after you swim for a while?”

Ah Quan: “…so the problem of food and clothing is the real motivation.”

After swimming for almost an hour, I haven’t seen the end.

Ah Quan was annoyed for a while: “Hey, there are only four of us in this place. It feels too boring.”

Mu Feifei looked back at him, “Do you think it’s not lively enough?”

Ah Quan: “Yes, I like a lot of people.”

The next moment, two phantoms appeared next to Ah Quan.

The phantom soon solidified.

It is Youbai and Chunchun.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” Ah Quan screamed again and again in fright.

Mu Feifan was surprised: “What is your name?”

Ah Quan pointed to You Bai and Chunchun, his lips trembled: “Can’t you see?”

Mu Feifan: “See what?”

Listen to it all.


Can only I see it?

Ah Quan was about to collapse: “Fuck, water ghost, girl, there are two!”

Under such quiet water, two girls suddenly appeared.

It’s really weird.

Moreover, they are also wearing ancient clothes.

The picture feels too strong.

Chunchun blinked his eyes at this moment and said, “Four-eyed Big Brother, are you calling Chunchun?”

Ah Quan’s glasses were about to fall off, and he shouted, “Ahhh, she is talking to me.”

As if unable to bear the noise of Ah Quan, Xia Yuchan frowned, “You two, be normal.”

Chunchun nodded hurriedly and obediently: “Okay, mistress.”

I don’t know, Ah Quan was even more frightened when he heard this hostess.

Damn it!

The master of the female ghost?

Is it the king of ghosts?


Did the people around me be replaced after I got underwater?

No wonder that little Big sis is so powerful.

It turns out that I am the only one in it?

Thinking of this, Ah Quan rolled his eyes and fainted!

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