Chapter 504 You Continue Editing, Sister Xia Takes Action

Another five minutes passed.

Ah Quan’s tired arms cramped.

The idol did not move even an inch.

As if rooted on the ground.

Ah Quan panted and said, “Damn, is this thing growing in the soil?”

Xu Dashan sneered: “Looking at your unpromising appearance, small strength is small, what excuses do you make?”

Ah Quan: “Boss, this is your hair is long, no, short hair and knowledge is also short… Those icebergs floating on the water, what we see is only so high, actually under the water, there are still so high!”

He drew two circles in the air with his hands.

Xu Dashan: “What is so high and so high, what circles do you draw in the air, who are you cursing?”

Mu Feifan: “I’ll help too.”

Xu Dashan patted his palms: “No, I’m coming!”

Ah Quan thought he could break the meeting.

Unexpectedly, Xu Dashan pointed at him and said, “Let’s go together!”

Ah completely speechless.

Sure enough, there is no harm without comparison.

I just sold out my strength, how come I can do it again in a blink of an eye?

However, spit out spit.

In front of the boss, Ah Quan still didn’t dare to make trouble.

He walked to the idol and yelled: “Sieman, give me strength!”

Mu Feifan: “Let me go!”

The next moment, he jumped from the place to the top of the idol.

Looking at these vivid eyes, Mu Feihua didn’t even feel scared.

It may be that there have been too many things in these two days.

These are nothing short of a treat for Mu Feihua today.

Next, Mu Feihua shot.

He wanted to be more than a scissors hand.

But the head of this black dragon god is too big.

The distance between the two pupils is a bit far apart.

A scissor hand can’t reach…

Mu Feifan put out his hands together and directly touched Heilong’s eyeballs.

Next, accompanied by a loud rumbling noise.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone.

The base of the idol began to move automatically.

A big hole is exposed below.

Mu Feifan chuckles: “It really is a switch!”

But when he looked down, he was stunned for the next second.

Xu Dashan ran over and said with a smile: “It’s really extraordinary, so easy to find an exit.”

When he came to Dadong, Xu Dashan was also dumbfounded.

Ah Quan took a closer look: “Fuck, how come this hole is blocked by rocks?”

Xu Dashan was helpless: “Then we did useless work and finally found some clues, and the result was a dead end.”

Mu Feihua thought for a moment and said, “Have you forgotten that this half of the island sank to the bottom of the sea because of the earthquake, so this passage may also collapse, causing it to be blocked by big rocks.”

Xu Dashan: “Then what shall we do now?”

Mu Feifan: “As an excellent explorer, there is no way, we make it ourselves.”

Xu Dashan: “Understood, there was no road in this world. If you dig too much, it becomes a road.”

Ah Quan: “Are you reading Tomb Raider novels too much? Where can you dig?”

Mu Feihua lowered his head and observed the hole.

Although it was severely blocked by big rocks, there were still some gaps.

Xu Dashan: “You all get out of the way and let you know what is the destructive power of Nascent Soul!”

Mu Feifan: “Wait, if it’s too barbaric, I’m afraid it will collapse more seriously.”

At this time, Xia Yuchan said lightly: “Let me come.”

Ah Quan was shocked.

He exclaimed: “It’s been a day, and finally heard the little Big sis talking. I thought you were a… uncomfortable voice.”

Ah Quan also responded extremely quickly.

He instinctively wanted to say dumb, but under Xia Yuchan’s cold gaze, he was frightened and hurriedly changed his words.

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “Then you are really deaf. When I was alone with my wife, she talked a lot.”

Ah Quan’s heart was instantly struck.

It turned out that it was us who got in the way.

Xia Yuchan stood at the entrance of the cave.

Her long hair wafted in the sea, flying around, looking beautiful.

The next second, Xia Yuchan raised his hand.

There is silver cohesion in the palm.

She stared at the front, and said two words coldly in her mouth: “Mirror crack!”

The silver shock wave shot out!



Everyone’s eyes widened.

I saw the huge boulder clogged in the cave, as if it had evaporated.

It disappeared in an instant!

Of course, if you use slow motion playback.

You will find that these stones have cracks first.

Then smash!

Then become particles!

Finally, it disappeared completely.

Even the naked eye can’t find it.

“My god!” Ah Quan was shocked, almost kneeling.

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