Chapter 296

These words of Mu Feifan can be regarded as the heart of Xia Yuchan.

Because of her personality, Xia Yuchan is a bit withdrawn and doesn’t like to deal with others.

But now, these problems have all been resolved by Mu Feihua.

Xia Yuchan said: “My husband, to be honest, if it weren’t for you, I would have come to such a large academy by myself, and I would still be very worried.”

Mu Feifan squeezed her little hand, and said, “You abandoned the Otherworld that you previously positioned and can come to accompany me. I am already very touched. These are all things I should do.”

“I find that I rely more and more on you.” Xia Yuchan buried his head on his chest.

Smelling the fragrance of Xia Yu’s cicada’s long hair, Mu Feihua hugged her tighter and gently soothed: “We are dependent on each other.”

Xia Yuchan smiled, raised his head, and asked, “Where shall we go next?”

Mu Feifan thought for a while: “God of War Academy, I will introduce you to my fellow students.”


The two found a small corner.

Under the cover of Mu Feihua, Xia Yuchan quietly changed the female outer courtyard uniform.

Originally, Mu Feifan didn’t want her to change.

But Xia Yuchan bluntly said that he was wearing thick clothes in the golden robe.

Mu Feihua agreed.

At this moment, Xia Yuchan was wearing a blue and white slim dress.

Compared with the imperial robe, although it is a bit less noble and majestic, it has more youthful vitality.

The whole person looks more energetic.

“We can go now.” Xia Yuchan shook the ponytail that had just been tied up, and the whole person was refreshed a lot.

Mu Feifan nodded.

They rented another flying car nearby.

Xia Yuchan was still driving.

It is still Mu Feifan as a human-shaped cushion.

This time it was a surprise arrival.

The two stepped on the pumice stone and floated towards the God of War courtyard.

After arriving on the island, Mu Feifei took Xia Yuchan and came to the square in front of the God of War Temple.

At this moment, more than a dozen disciples are training under the supervision of Meng Xiaobao.

Since Mu Feifan restrained the two spirits, Brother Bao was completely free.

A long distance away, Brother Bao saw Mu Feifan.

“Everyone, stop, Xiao Fan is here,” he shouted.

Everyone immediately stood at attention, and their movements were neat and uniform.

It looks like a regular army.

“Hello, Brother Fan!” everyone shouted in unison.

Mu Feifan took Xia Yuchan and appeared in front of everyone like a golden child.

When everyone saw Mu Feifan, they didn’t think much.

When Xia Yuchan broke into their field of vision, one by one was not calm.

“Oh my God, big beauty!”

“It’s more beautiful than Youbai, and purer than Chunchun!”

“My God of War courtyard is a peach blossom recently, why do you always come in with beautiful women?”

“Something’s wrong, look at everyone, Beauty and Brother Fan are holding hands together!”

At this time, everyone was surprised to discover this scene.

Brother Bao also asked curiously: “Xiao Fan, who is this?”

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “This is my lady, Xia Yuchan, who will join the God of War Academy in the future.”


Hearing this word, everyone was stunned.

Brother Bao was even more confused: “When did you get married?”

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “When I was eighteen years old.”


When everyone heard it, the pan was fried.

“My God, Brother Fan is married!”

“When I was a teenager.”

“When we are eighteen years old, it’s still qi refining period.”

“Hey, it’s incomparable.”

At this time, Fang Qingxian said: “I know that Brother Mu has a wife who has a hair-tie in his hometown, and now I have finally brought her to the academy.”

Hong Yu was even more excited.

He walked up to Xia Yuchan and knelt down with a bang!

No matter how calm Xia Yuchan was, he never saw this situation.

Why did you give such a big gift when you first met?

Are the people in this college so polite?

Hong Yu yelled: “Apprentice Sun Hongyu, pay homage to the teacher!”


Xia Yuchan was a little confused.

She didn’t even have a child. Why did she just upgrade to become a grandmother when she first came to this Otherworld?

Mu Feifan’s mouth twitched: “You kid, you are quite good at seniority.”

Hong Yu smiled and said, “It’s all teachers who taught me well.”

Mu Feifan was speechless.

This kid is not good at Cultivation Base, but he can do a lot of work for flattering.

Xia Yuchan looked a little strange at Hong Yu, who was much older than him.

Hong Yu hurriedly explained: “Senior, I am the apprentice of the apprentice.”

Xia Yuchan let out a cry, thinking that this relationship is messy enough.

Another apprentice?

Hong Yu said: “My Master Zheng Yijian, he and Yan Sect Leader went fishing in the depths of Xiandao today, and only came back in the evening.”

“Zheng Yijian?” Xia Yuchan’s expression became even stranger.

Mu Feifan shrugged: “At first I thought it was Brother Ho Nam, but now I’m used to it, and I don’t think it’s strange.”

Suddenly, Hong Yu said in a crying voice: “Sister, I was bullied by the chicken god recently. You have to be the master for me.”

You know, Little Turkey has been supervising Hong Yu Refining Equipment very strictly.

Hong Yu had always been lazy, and suffered no less under the hands of Little Turkey.

Now seeing Xia Yuchan, he decided to hug his new thigh.

After all, she is the teacher, who looks so beautiful and gentle, can’t be as ruthless as the teacher.

Only then did Xia Yu-chan remember that the chicken god was the little turkey.

She asked: “It’s so cute, how can it bully you?”

In a word, directly block all the words behind Hong Yu.

Mu Feifan frowned: “Refining the weapon well, if you have half the effort of Old Zheng, you won’t even be able to train even an intermediate spiritual weapon now.”

When Hong Yu heard it, his head was droopy.

Mu Feifei suddenly chuckled, this kid thought my wife was very good at talking.

Now that she has just arrived, she is quite polite.

Waiting for a few days to reveal their nature, this group of people will know what winter is coming.

These disciples stepped forward one by one and saluted Xia Yuchan.

Xia Yuchan had never experienced this before, and she did not expect that Mu Feihua had such a high status in the hearts of the disciples of God of War.

Finally it was Brother Bao’s turn.

Brother Bao smiled and said, “How old I am, Xiaofan, and I am an old disciple of the God of War Institute, so I have the courage to call you a younger brother and sister.”

Xia Yuchan replied politely: “Hello, Brother Bao.”

Brother Bao nodded and was about to leave when he was suddenly stopped by Mu Feihua.

“Please stay.”

Brother Bao was a little strange: “What’s wrong with Xiao Fan?”

Mu Feifan laughed and said, “I want to beg you to write something.”

“Is it a novel, Xiaofan, do you have any new material?” Brother Bao hasn’t written for a long time.

But I can’t stand it.

To be honest, if you don’t have You Bai and Chunchun whipping him with a small whip, Brother Bao writes slowly by himself, I still feel very happy.

But in the end it became a tool man.

This is uncomfortable!

Mu Feifan said: “It’s not a novel.”

He described the request for afterthought to Brother Bao.

When Brother Bao heard this, he slapped his thigh frantically: “No problem, Xiao Fan, give it to me. Tomorrow, I will give you at least 10,000 words of comments!”

Mu Feihua was speechless.

I took pains to reduce the request from two thousand words to one thousand words.

Don’t you say anything, just give me 10,000 words to start?

Sure enough, I can’t afford to write articles.

There are more scoldings than normal people.

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