Chapter 295 The Straight Guy in the Car Repair, I’ll Be a Cushion (Five)

The so-called first-level officials crush people to death.

The entire college is owned by the dean.

Who he wants to be admitted to the hospital is not a matter of his word?

Especially the last time the little Fatty could join during the Qi refining period, which also broke the rules to death.

Zhou Yuan was a little speechless.

“Then we will say goodbye.” Mu Feifan said.

“Let’s go.” Zhou Yuan was anxious for the other party to leave quickly.

Suddenly, Mu Feihua stretched out his hand.

Zhou Yuan:? ? ?

Mu Feifan: “Novice welfare.”

Zhou Yuan gave a wry smile and handed over another storage bag.

Mu Feifan took it and took a closer look at the contents of the bag.

Five thousand lower grade Spirit Stones, several sets of women’s outer courtyard uniforms.

Not bad, very complete.

“Senior Brother Mu is really cautious.” Zhou Yuan was helpless.

Mu Feifan smiled faintly: “Isn’t this what I learned from Junior Brother Zhou? I’m an old acquaintance. Every time I bring someone into the hospital, I get stuck in such a death. Outsiders think that you see me not pleasing to your eyes.”

Zhou Yuan was choked immediately.

His face paled with fright.

He didn’t want to offend an inner court disciple like Mu Feifan.

Moreover, Mu Feihua is still a related household!

He was about to explain, and Mu Feifan waved his hand: “Just kidding with you, are you so nervous? I understand you, the Foreign Affairs Hall has to be cautious, otherwise it will be bad if you get into the academy with some weird things.”

Zhou Yuan nodded hurriedly: “Thank you, Brother Mu, for your understanding, you are simply my relatives. I have pushed all those weird shapes to the Shrek Academy next door.”

Shrek Academy?

When Mu Feifan heard the name again, he couldn’t help but smile.

The name is not serious.

Maybe it’s a strange institution that specializes in monsters under the title of academy.

“Next time! No matter who Brother Mu admits to the hospital next time, I promise to do it smoothly for you.” Zhou Yuan promised once again.

Mu Feifei looked at Xia Yuchan, and said, “There is no next time, letting the lady be admitted to the hospital and staying with me day and night is my last wish.”

Zhou Yuan watched them gradually leave, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he muttered to himself: “It’s cruel to not forget to feed me a bite of dog food before leaving.”

At this time, walking on the road, Xia Yuchan said, “You said you would do something more excessive, which really shocked me.”

“Why, otherwise the lady thinks it?” Mu Feifei asked.

“I thought…” Xia Yuchan was about to say, suddenly thinking of something, coldly snorted: “You are teasing me again.”

With a smile on Mu Feifan’s face, he stared at her unusually tenderly, and said, “Should we try?”

Xia Yuchan hammered him: “You are crazy, you are still outside.”

Mu Feifan immediately said innocently: “Where did you want to go, wife? I just want to kiss you, this request is not too much.”

Xia Yuchan was stunned, his face flushed, and he did not dare to look directly.

Mu Feifan looked at her with a smile.

Hey, my wife really thinks too much.

It seems that my recent development is pretty good.

Suddenly, there was a shout in the distance.

“It’s repairing the car! It’s repairing the car!”

Damn it!

Mu Feifan saw a disciple approaching in a large speeding car that looked like a trailer.

The trailer rumbled and stopped in front of Mu Feihua.

The disciple poked his head out and asked, “Hello, this is the disciple Jin Bin of the Tianji Academy. Is the car you rented broken?”

Mu Feifan was a little stupid.

My own car just broke down and didn’t report for repairs. How would the other party know?

Jin Bin seemed to see his doubts and explained with a smile: “If the public speed car developed by the Tianji Academy is damaged, it will send a signal to us, so I came right away.”

Mu Feifan said: “The four wheels of the car flew, and it stopped at the gate of the Foreign Affairs Hall.”

Jin Bin was taken aback: “All four wheels ran away? How did this car drive?”

Mu Feifan glanced awkwardly at Xia Yuchan.

“Oh, it turned out that my sister-in-law drove it. I understand. I understand.” Jin Bin smiled. The female driver, everyone understands.

He asked again: “Can you tell me more about the circumstances of the car accident at that time?”

“The first time my lady drove, she accidentally guessed on my foot when she braked.” Mu Feifan said.

When Jin Bin heard this, he was stunned: “Sister-in-law, these legs are long enough, can you step on your feet from the cab to the co-pilot?”

He couldn’t imagine what this action was.

Mu Feifan coughed lightly, “Child, don’t understand it.”

Jin Bin said very seriously: “It may be that our brake pads are not big enough and we have to improve them.”

“No need, your car is performing well.” Xia Yuchan didn’t want to talk, but when he heard it, he had to stand up.

She is still very kind.

Don’t want others to waste their efforts.

Unexpectedly, Jin Bin admits to death: “No, you are all customers of our Tianji Institute. It is the problem of our car that we must improve the customer’s life.”

Xia Yuchan didn’t expect the other party to be so serious.

She couldn’t help looking at Mu Feifan with a plea for help.

Such an embarrassing matter, let Mu Feifan talk about it.

Mu Feihua understood Xia Yuchan’s thoughts instantly, and he explained: “Jin Bin, the reason why my lady stepped on my foot is because I was teaching her to drive…”

Xia Yuchan’s face turned red, but he felt that the other party should be able to understand the explanation.

If the explanation is too straightforward, then shame!

However, Jin Bin was still confused.

Mu Feifan was also speechless.

This Jin Bin is really a straight man of steel.

He has said it all.

“My lady felt that the cushion was uncomfortable, so she treated me as a cushion.” Mu Feihua could only say so.

Jin Bin finally understood: “So that’s it, I understand. Next time we must equip the car with softer and more comfortable cushions.”

Mu Feifan:…


He asked again: “How much is the maintenance fee?”

Jin Bin waved his hand: “This time you gave such a good suggestion that the maintenance fee will be exempted.”

Can it be like this?

Mu Feifan and Xia Yuchan looked at each other incredible.

Sure enough, Otherworld is still a lot better.

“By the way, if I damage the speed car and leave directly, what should you do?” Mu Feihua said.

Jin Bin chuckled: “Senior Brother Mu, what you used to rent a car is an identity token, so even if you abandon the car and run away, we will know all your information.”

Mu Feifan nodded.

Sure enough, the car had an accident, don’t think about escaping, be sure to stay in a safe place nearby and wait for rescue.

Suddenly, Mu Feifan thought of something and asked: “How do you know my last name is Mu?”

Jin Bin said: “Jin Tao of the Holy Pill Academy is my brother. He mentioned you to me.”


This college is really small, and you can meet Little Brother when you repair a car.

The two parties bid farewell, and Jin Bin drove to the Foreign Affairs Hall in a rumbling trailer.

Xia Yuchan said, “Husband, I didn’t expect you to know so many people in the academy.”

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “Of course, what my wife doesn’t like to do, just let me do it. If you have more friends, you can walk easily, and you can dominate the world by yourself. That is Long Aotian in the novel, and everything is humane. .”

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