Chapter 281 Nasty remarks, what head is tilted?

Looking at Mu Fandian’s photos, even Xia Yuchan couldn’t help laughing.

“Your expression is so dull, it looks exactly like Duck.”

Mu Feifan:…

I think it’s too naive, okay?

Men must be deep!

At this time, Mu Feifan wanted to help Xia Yuchan shoot.

But Xia Yuchan obviously didn’t believe in his technology, so he took a selfie.

When the girl took selfies, she was really talented.

Xia Yu-Cicada was pure and lovely, but it was just because of his personality, which made people feel chilly all the year round.

Now wearing Pikachu’s hat, it’s so cute that people want to take a bite.

No one in the school has seen her like this.

“It’s cheaper for those guys.” Mu Feihua snorted coldly.

Seeming to understand Mu Fandian’s thoughts, Xia Yuchan said, “I don’t have any other classmates or friends on WeChat.”

After speaking, she directly showed her mobile phone calmly.

Mu Feifan saw it and was shocked.

In Xia Yuchan’s list of friends, apart from him, Bo Li, Aunt Wang, and father Xia Longyuan, only the head teacher Li Xiuzhu remained.

Sure enough, there is not even a friend of a classmate.

The corners of Mu Feifan’s mouth twitched.

My wife is really maverick…

Suddenly, he thought of something and asked: “Wife, you didn’t even join the class group?”

“No.” Xia Yuchan thought for a while, then added: “I don’t like too much noise.”

“Then what if there is something in the class?”

“Ms. Li will send it to me.”

Mu Feifan was startled.

It turns out that this is the treatment of good students.

The teacher in charge even releases news one-on-one service.

At this time, Mu Feifei discovered Xia Yuchan’s WeChat note to him.

“The fairy’s favorite pig? What the hell is this?” Mu Feihua was speechless.

Xia Yuchan: “You have also changed my remarks.”

When Mu Feifei was still hesitating, Xia Yuchan grabbed his mobile phone and operated it manually.

Xia Yuchan: “It’s changed.”

Mu Feifan took a look and found that her remarks had become “a very precious wife.”

Fortunately, he is not a wife of a pig farm.

Mu Feifan breathed a sigh of relief.

But this remark is too numb.

Xia Yuchan also changed Mu Feifan’s WeChat profile picture by the way.

At this moment, the love between the two looked like a cute Pikachu and a dumb Duck.

Suddenly, Mu Feihua’s phone made a ding sound.

Xia Yuchan said, “Xiao Yueyue is looking for you.”

Mu Feifan is a little strange.

In the big night, what can Xiao Yueyue find for herself?

There will be no danger, right?

His expression gradually became serious.

Opening the message dialog box, Xiao Yue sent a voice.

Mu Feifan hurriedly opened.

Xiao Yue: “Brother Fan, after looking for your WeChat for a long time, why are you a duck?”

Mu Feifan:…

Do you think I want to be?

It is not forced to open.

He was about to reply when Xiao Yue suddenly sent another one.

Xiao Yue: “Brother Fan, hurry up and call the sister-in-law, the three of us are going black.”

Mu Feifei directly refused: “It’s really unfortunate that you are here, I still have business to do…”

But before the voice could be heard, Xia Yuchan was cut off by Xia Yuchan.

“Let’s play games.” Xia Yuchan said.

Mu Feifan:? ? ?

“Quickly, I clicked to download before taking a shower, and it should be ready at this time.” Xia Yuchan urged.

Mu Feifan was speechless.

He thought Xia Yuchan was just talking when school was over, but he didn’t expect to really want to play.

But this good day is beautiful and good time, and playing games is so boring.

He had an idea and said: “Wife, didn’t you say that you wanted to accompany me to do what I love to do?”

“Yeah, don’t you like playing games? I can accompany you.” Xia Yuchan said seriously.

“Actually, what I love to do is…” Mu Feifan hooked his mouth, gently pinched the girl’s chin and lifted it up, staring at her pink lips with burning eyes.

Xia Yuchan looked at Mu Feifan’s face close at hand.

The facial features are extremely handsome.

At this moment, Admiring Extraordinary expression still has a bit of madness and evil charm, looking like a domineering rich Young Master.

“What is it?” Xia Yuchan didn’t expect his eyes to be so blazing, like a prairie fire, attacking fiercely.

A little red cloud quickly covered the girl’s cheek.

Mu Feifan tilted his head slightly, his thin lips bullied him closer, only a thin line from Xia Yuchan’s lips, and his voice was low and hoarse: “I want you!”

Want me?

A hint of surprise flashed in Xia Yuchan’s eyes, but was immediately replaced by shame.

She naturally understood what the other party meant.

However, the current appearance of Mu Feihua made Xia Yuchan really couldn’t help but want to laugh.

Handsome is handsome.

But wearing this pajamas is inexplicably funny.

She hurriedly covered Mu Feifan’s mouth, and smiled slightly: “My husband, you look like you can reach a duck now with your head tilted…”

Mu Feifan was stunned.

Such an overbearing and powerful style, he asked himself to be just right.

I wanted to throw Xia Yuchan down with the momentum of thunder.

Unexpectedly, a word from the other party caused Mu Feihua to collapse the whole paragraph.

Do evil!

I hate this pajama!

Hate it even more!

Are you okay?

Others are just touching their heads.

I’m tilting my head to kill!

It’s me who killed me!

At this moment, Mu Feifei was so embarrassed that he couldn’t wait to jump into the river immediately.

“However, it’s still pretty handsome. I like the way you looked just now.” Afraid of Feifan, Xia Yu blushed and gently sent a small mouth.

Pikachu kissed Duck’s profile face.

It calmed Mu Feifan’s injured heart a little bit.

At this time, Xiao Yue’s news rang again.

Xiao Yue: “Brother Fan, I suddenly remembered that, I didn’t disturb you, I can still play by myself.”

The corners of Mu Feifan’s eyes twitched slightly.

He stared at Xiao Yue’s head of Peppa Pig, with resentment in his eyes.

Pig teammate!

You have already interrupted!

“Husband, teach me to play games~” Xia Yuchan had already picked up the phone.

“Here.” Mu Feihua replied feebly.

He glanced at the time and found that it was only half past seven.

It’s still early.

Humph, after a while, I’m tired of playing, I must break the three-way, and finally overthrow you.

Enemy Crystal!

Xia Yu Cicada!

“Xiao Yueyue, you wait for us for a while, I will accompany my wife to do a novice task.” Mu Feifei sent a paragraph of words.

Xiao Yue: “Good!”

Along with the passionate BGM, Xia Yuchan quickly entered the cultivator’s glory screen.

Begin to give the summoner a name.

“What is your name in the game?” Xia Yuchan asked.

Mu Feifan immediately understood what she was going to do, and said: “There are so many people playing games, and everyone will see your name, so don’t make any weird things.”

He found that since receiving the certificate, Xia Yuchan likes to get together on a couple for everything.

Even Pikachu and Da Duck have been made CP by her, what else is impossible?

Xia Yuchan nodded, because they are going to play with Xiaoyueyue for a while, so the name should be more serious.

Her fingertips tapped quickly on the screen.

Soon, a name was born.

“Sister is the queen!”


Mu Feifan smiled, this is the real Xia Yuchan.

Just leave her cute side to me.

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