Chapter 280 One Hundred Thousand Volts, Couples Pajamas

Mu Feifan felt like a marching horn played in his ears.


He stepped on the flip flops and rushed to the next door, like a soldier in battle, moving forward.

The door opened.

Mu Feifan looked inside with joy.

The next second, he was stunned.

Who is this furry guy in the room?

The point is, it’s too yellow!

“How about this pajamas?” Unexpectedly, the other party made Xia Yuchan’s voice.

The moment he turned around, Mu Feihua understood.

A word blurted out.

“Pikachu?” he exclaimed.

It turned out that Xia Yuchan was wearing Pikachu one-piece pajamas.

Sure enough, people depend on clothes.

Against the background of this cute pajamas, the cold Xia Yuchan also looked adorable.

Especially when she was walking, the lightning-like tail swayed up and down, making Mu Fei an urge to grab it.

“What about the sexy pajamas?” Mu Feifan was speechless.

Cuteness is cuteness, but what he needs now is not this.

“Am I not sexy now?”

Xia Yuchan slowly approached, turned around and rubbed his tail against Mu Feihua, slightly shy on his face.

Looks like a little cute pet who wants to befriend the owner.

Mu Feifan:…

Wife, do you have any misunderstandings about sexiness?

Where’s lace?

Where’s the suspender?

It’s really not possible, it’s okay to use black silk directly.

You are wrapped in such a loose pajamas, and your body’s advantages are not used at all.

“Forget it, no matter what you wear, you will have to take it off sooner or later.” Mu Feifan thought to himself.

Pajamas are nothing more than to increase the emotional appeal.

Since the foreplay is so hip, just skip it.

Mu Feifan grabbed Xia Yuchan and climbed up with the other hand, trying to unzip the zipper of her pajamas.

“Pickup, pickup! What are you going to do?”

To the surprise of Mu Feifan, Xia Yuchan made exactly the same cry like Pikachu in the anime.

However, from the mouth of the cicada in Xia Yu, Mu Feifan felt a little tempting inexplicably.

Wife, is this going to be role-playing?

Hey, I understand.

Mu Feifan immediately said in the second grade: “Go out, Pikachu!”

The next moment, he held Xia Yuchan’s shoulders.

No, it should be said that he pushed Pikachu down on the bed.

Unexpectedly, the slightly bloated Xia Yuchan in Pikachu’s pajamas was still very flexible.

She rolled over from the bed, freed herself from Mu Feifan’s arms, and at the same time, her lightning-like tail pulled over.

“Pi~Kachu! One hundred thousand volts!” Xia Yuchan said.

“Wife, you are a single Spiritual Roots, can you still discharge the electricity? Just obediently!” Mu Feifei grabbed the tail directly, and smiled in his heart that Xia Yuchan was too deep in the play, even 100,000 volts came out.

However, at The next moment, Mu Feifan’s complexion changed slightly.

The feel of the tail is a bit strange.

Why is it so hard to hold?

After a second, Mu Feifei felt a powerful current spread over.


In an instant, the whole room was flashed with electricity.

Mu Feifan shook like chaff, his hair stood up, and finally he was dumbfounded and fell to the ground with a bang.

Xia Yuchan didn’t expect Mu Feifei to be so resistant to electricity, and hurriedly asked, “Are you okay?”

Mu Feifan’s eyes were dull: “What kind of pajamas is this?”


“Whose pajama wears an electric shock wolf device on the tail?”

“…Made in Kyushu.”

Mu Feifan was silent for a while.

Daddy can even carry Tianlei, but can’t carry this little wolf guard?

Made in Kyushu, the quality is nothing to say.

Xia Yuchan put Mu Feifan on the bed and said, “Wait for me.”

Mu Feifan nodded.

Then, Xia Yuchan turned around and walked to the closet, rummaging for something.

Her little tail was curled up and down, which was cute at first.

But Mu Feifei was electrocuted, and it was a bit embarrassing to look at the tail at this time.

Soon, Xia Yuchan took out a big bag.

“What is this?” Mu Feifei had a bad premonition.

God knows what new tricks my wife wants to play.

I saw Xia Yu-chan unpacking very quickly, and took out a…duck head?

“The couple’s pajamas, let’s put them on.” Xia Yuchan put the duck head and the duck skin into Mu Feifan’s hand.

Mu Feifan looked puzzled.

Isn’t Pikachu’s CP Ji Ye?

When did it change to a duck?

“What kind of roast duck is this?” Mu Feifan asked.

As an anime black hole, he only knows Pikachu, who is known to all.

“It’s a Duck.” Xia Yuchan said, “Do you think it’s cute, dumb like you.”

Mu Feifan held up the duck’s head and looked at it.

The reachable duck:…

Mu Feifan:…

When did cuteness and dumbness become the same thing?

“Can I refuse?” Mu Feifan was resisted.

He doesn’t want to be a duck.

What dreams do you have in life like that?

Xia Yuchan opened another package, took out the head of a tortoise, and said, “You can choose Jenny tortoise.”

Mu Feifan looked at the shiny tortoise head and sighed, “I’ll be a duck.”

ten minutes later.

A yellow Pikachu and an orange reachable duck sit side by side on the bed.

Xia Yu Cicada: “Pickup~”

Mu Feifan: “Is it Children’s Day today?”

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong.

I saw Xia Yuchan glance over coldly while Pikachu’s tail slowly approached.

“Quack!” Mu Feifan collapsed and screamed like a duck in a hurry.

He died speechlessly.

Dear Shonan students, can you imagine that Xia Yuchan, the number one in the school, looks like this at home?

Unexpectedly, Xia Yuchan said: “Da Duck is not called that way.”

Mu Feifan: “Aren’t the ducks quack? Could it be a wow? Wife, show me one.”

At this time, Xia Yuchan’s expression was a little unnatural.

She took out her phone and searched for a video of Da Duck: “You should watch it yourself.”

The little heads of the two were brought together and looked serious.

A minute later, Mu Feihua asked strangely: “Isn’t it just wow?”

Xia Yuchan: “Listen carefully again.”

I saw Da Duck in the video, tilted his head, and called out again.

Mu Feihua heard it clearly this time, and tentatively asked, “Is it quack~quack?”

Xia Yuchan nodded.

“This is too ashamed.” Mu Feifei held his forehead and continued to shut himself down.

Xia Yuchan suddenly said in a coquettish tone: “Husband~ Please do something please?”

Mu Feifan was a little surprised.

Wife still speaks in this tone?

He feels his bones are crunching.

“Yes.” Mu Feifan said.

Xia Yuchan raised his phone and said, “Let’s change the WeChat profile picture to a couple, just wear pajamas.”

Mu Feifan was stunned.

Is it not enough for me to be a duck at home?

Do you want the world to know that I am a duck?

At this time, Xia Yuchan pulled Mu Feifan’s duck bill down again.

The image is more realistic.


The photos are released.

Mu Feifan finally understood what it meant to be a knife on the head of the word color.

However, this knife is too piercing.

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