Chapter 178

Surpassing Chen Shuguang’s refining technique?

The youngest senior refiner?

Who is the other party?

Chen Yun is messed up!

He exhaled deeply: “Grandpa, I want to see this person!”

Chen Yun really wants to see, who is the other party?

There is such a genius hidden by his side!

In the circle of Binjiang City Refining Tools, in terms of background, connections and resources, who among the younger generation can be compared to Chen Yun?

Now he has not only been thrown away by a wild young refiner.

Even grandpa said frankly, not as good as each other!

Therefore, Chen Yun’s desire to see the other party was already extremely urgent.

Chen Shuguang said regretfully: “I think too, but I don’t know his name.”

Chen Yun stared at the back in the video, his eyes flushed.

“Since I can’t find you no matter what, I call on the whole people to find you.”

Chen Shuguang was a little confused: “What do you mean, you want to call the police?”

Chen Yun pointed to the video and said, “Grandpa, let me use this video.”

Chen Shuguang said: “Don’t mess around.”

Chen Yun grabbed the spirit sword in his hand again, and said, “Don’t worry, grandpa, the educators are not rough.”

After leaving Chen Shuguang’s room, Chen Yun immediately returned to his room and turned on the computer.

He copied the video in, added a close-up shot of the spirit sword, and merged it together.

Add up to no more, no more, exactly half an hour.

Chen Yun then matched the video with a few very interesting BGMs.

After busying for a while, I finally got it done.

Afterwards, Chen Yun opened the repairer video station.

This is the official video barrage website of the Alliance.

Although it is official, the style of painting that has been led by young people nowadays has gone wrong, and it is full of various spoof videos.

Chen Yun is also an up host of the video station, and occasionally passes some videos of refining Magical Item.

But young people don’t like to watch these, so Chen Yun doesn’t have many fans, only a few thousand.

At this moment, he logged in to his own account.

ID: A little red cloud.

Then upload the edited video to the video station.

The title “Thirty Minutes Refining a Pseudo Treasure! The young genius refiner in Binjiang City, kneels for the true body of the deity! 》

After passing it up, Chen Yun said to himself: “I hope to find you with the help of the whole people.”

This title is very gimmicky.

It is a pity that young people are really not interested in refining tools.

The mixer area of ​​the video station is a very unpopular section.

Chen Yun didn’t think that it would be effective in one night. It will be a long time in Japan.

He just went to sleep.


A seaside villa in Tianzhou City.

Liu Yichen walked out of his own independent mixing room, grabbed a handful of tousled hair, and sighed: “It has failed again. Why does this second-level array always fail to build? It’s a pity that I have those materials.”

He stretched his waist, walked to the living room, turned on the phone, and habitually swiped the video station of the cultivator.

The video site not only has cultivation, but also a lot of two-dimensional videos.

As a senior high school student, Liu Yichen is still very interested in two-dimensional beauties.

“Find a video of my wife.”

“Whose card are you flipping today.”

“Asuna, Yukino or Madoka?”

He was preparing to make an enthusiastic selection, and suddenly he glanced at it and saw a new video in the refining area with a name that was very embarrassing.

“Binjiang City’s young talented craftsman…Binjiang City is right next to us.”

“As far as I know, among the young craftsmen in Binjiang, Chen Yun is not bad. Unfortunately, his half-skilled technology can only refine Magical Items.”

“When did another genius refiner appear?”

“A fake treasure can be refined in thirty minutes?”

“Ha ha!”

Liu Yichen sneered with disdain, saying in his heart that it was another headline party.

Immediately, he ignored the video and began to concentrate on enjoying the video of the second-generation wife.

Two minutes later.

A wad of tissues was thrown into the trash can by his feet.

Liu Yichen’s face is full of satisfaction, feeling that the whole person is going to heaven.

He went to the bathroom to wash his hands, and returned to read the video station.

As a result, the new video title always dangled in front of my eyes.

“Hey, I still can’t avoid you!”

“I want to see what your genius refiner is!”

Liu Yichen clicked on the video.

With a burst of BGM, the picture began to change slowly.

“What is this, just a back view?”

“Don’t have the face to meet people?”

“The picture quality is too scumbag.”

“I want to be famous and want to be crazy. Why don’t you study the shooting techniques when you have this time?”

After the video started, Liu Yichen’s spit was never cut off.

He was about to turn off the video and end this boring watching, suddenly his eyes narrowed slightly.

I saw the person in the video quickly tempered the materials and began to merge.


Liu Yichen was startled.

With such a fast tempering speed, you are not afraid of bombers?

It didn’t take long for the materials in the video to be fused and an embryo was born.


“His real fire must be extraordinary.”

Liu Yichen came interested.

He glanced at the video progress, the first step of the refiner only took less than ten minutes, including the preparation time of the refiner.

Such as selecting materials.

Of course, the other party didn’t seem to spend long in this aspect, and all the actions revealed two words.


Liu Yichen knew that the condensing device embryo was only the beginning, and the real highlight was yet to come.

“If he can really refine the fake treasure in 30 minutes, then the time to portray the magic circle must be completed in 20 minutes!”

“How is this possible?”

“It’s a fantasy!”

Liu Yichen’s failure just now was in the depiction of the second-level magic circle.

At that time, he had engraved it all night, and he was about to succeed. As a result, he lost his mind, made a mistake in writing, and lost all of the game.

For fake treasures, at least a fourth-level magic circle is required to be qualified to be called a fake treasure!

As soon as these thoughts came out of Liu Yichen’s mind, the next moment, he was stunned.

I saw that the refiner in the video had already begun to quickly portray the artifact.

The movements are extremely smooth, like a piano master playing a beautiful movement.

Before that, Liu Yichen had never imagined that he could portray the magic circle as easily as the other party.

Engraving is a matter that requires a high degree of concentration.

Looking at those master craftsmen, they also held their breath while engraving the formation, and didn’t even dare to breathe.

However, this incident fell on the refiner in the video, and it seemed too easy!

Before he knew it, Liu Yichen was silly.

I can’t look away for a moment!

“Is this scribbled?”

“It’s simply art!”

“Oh my god, can the refining device be presented in this kind of water segment?”

“I can’t even dream of it!”

“This kind of tricks, even a master craftsman for decades, can’t do it.”

At this time, Liu Yichen suddenly remembered the title.

Young genius refiner!

Looking at the slightly blurred back of the other party in the video, he is indeed very young!

Damn it!

When did such a villain appear in Binjiang City?

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