Chapter 177 This person is far better than me!

Listening to the pattering sound of water in the bathroom, Mu Feifan was unable to stand upright, scratching his heart with his claws.

He suddenly caught a glimpse of a strange little box on the bedside table.

“what is this?”

Mu Feifan picked it up.

In the next second, he will understand.

Although I have heard of it for a long time, I have never used it.

Maybe tonight, it will come in handy…

After an hour of suffering, Xia Yuchan walked out wrapped in a bath towel, like a cute elf with snow-white calves.

Especially those pink and tender little feet, as if they were not stepping on the ground, but in Mu Feifan’s heart.

“It’s time for you to wash.”

Mu Feifan nodded and rushed into the bathroom quickly.

In comparison, boys take a bath much faster.

Apply a shampoo and body wash and rinse it off directly.

But this time, Mu Feifan took care of the key parts again.

After confirming its vigor and strength, he condensed all his thoughts.

After returning to normal, Mu Feifan put on the newly bought four-corner object before he walked out of the bathroom.

However, to his surprise, Xia Yuchan was already asleep.

Looking at the girl’s sleeping face, Mu Feifan glanced at the small box on the bedside table again, feeling a little regretful.

However, there are opportunities.

Mu Feifan lay next to Xia Yucicada, said softly good night, and turned off the light.

When I fell asleep in the middle of the night.

Mu Feifei always felt a hot object rubbing against his chest.

But the touch is very smooth and soft.

He didn’t even think about it, instinctively held it in his arms.

That night.

Chen Family Manor.

Chen Yun played with the Glory of the Cultivator all night, rubbed his sore wrist, and looked up inadvertently, only to find that Chen Shuguang’s room was still lit.

“Grandpa, why are you still asleep?” Chen Yun opened the door and asked strangely.

The next moment, he was stunned.

I saw Chen Shuguang staring at the video on the computer, staring, opening his mouth wide, looking like he had lost his soul.

You know, Chen Shuguang is the only senior craftsman in Binjiang City.

To be respected by the people, even if the city lord comes in person, he must call him respectfully, Master Chen.

This is the glory of the refiner!

However, such a grandfather, who is so beautiful, watched a video in despair at this moment.

Moreover, the quality of this video is too bad, you can’t see the people inside at all.

While complaining, Chen Yun asked, “Grandpa, what’s so good about this video?”

Chen Shuguang sighed: “Xiaoyun, if I hadn’t seen this video, I wouldn’t know that I was so superficial.”

“It is in vain to take the title of Binjiang City’s first refiner.”

“I don’t deserve it at all!”

Chen Yun asked strangely: “Grandpa, isn’t it just a little video with scumbag quality? Why do you think you are autistic?”

Chen Shuguang said: “Let’s take a look for yourself.”

With a skeptical attitude, Chen Yun also sat next to Chen Shuguang and watched the video seriously.

Looking at it, Chen Yun’s expression was not right.


“This person turned out to be refining tools?”

“I thought I was playing Pipa there!”

have to say.

Being close means seeing clearly…

Chen Yun was dumbfounded at the moment, his expression was completely different from before.

“Oh My God!”

“Why is he tempering materials so fast?”

“He is actually portraying the magic circle?”

“It can be drawn in this way like playing Pipa, isn’t it a lie?”


“It’s really drawn!”

As the video progresses, Chen Yun feels that his own brain becomes less and less useful.

At the level of his junior crafting master, naturally he has not yet learned to portray the magic circle.

Therefore, he knows best how difficult it is to describe the magic circle.

However, the people in the video are like clouds and flowing water, quickly constructing a magic circle.

It’s like playing a moving piece of music on a piano, everything is so smooth, without any sloppiness.

More precise than a machine!

At the same time, it is not as rigid as a machine and full of spirituality.

At this moment, Chen Yun was completely shocked.

He has seen Grandpa Refining Equipment, and he is nowhere near as fast as the person in the video.

To be honest, as soon as an expert makes a move, he will know if there is any.

Even if Chen Yun didn’t have a deep knowledge of Realm, he could still judge that the forging level of this person’s spirit weapon had already surpassed Chen Shuguang.

“Grandpa, his spirit weapon refining speed is very fast, and his technique is also top-notch.” Chen Yunqian smiled.

Chen Shuguang smiled and said, “Xiao Yun, what he refined is not a simple spiritual weapon.”

Chen Yun was surprised: “Isn’t it a spirit weapon? I think he is portraying the magic circle.”

Chen Shuguang took out a spirit sword from his storage bag. The formation pattern engraved on it was extremely complex and full of powerful energy.

“There is also a big difference between the magic circles.”

“The fourth-level circle he engraved on it.”

“This is a treasure-level formation!”

“What surprised me the most was that he even allowed the second-level material to withstand such a powerful formation, proving that his accomplishments in formation have reached a superb Realm.”

“This person’s level is far better than mine!”

After listening, Chen Yun was dumbfounded.

It was the first time he heard his grandpa compliment a person like this.

And the last sentence shocked him even more!

Grandpa said he was inferior to each other!

What kind of genius evildoer is the other party?

Suddenly, Chen Yun’s gaze fell on the spirit sword.

He suddenly thought of something, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

“Grandpa, this sword is in your hands, doesn’t it mean this person…” Chen Yun opened his mouth wide, and felt unbelievable when he wanted to tell the result.

Chen Shuguang said: “This person is in my Binjiang City.”

Chen Yun lost his eyes: “Grandpa, you are the number one crafting master in Binjiang City, so you say you are inferior to him?”

At this moment, Chen Yun received an unprecedented shock.

From childhood to adulthood, grandpa has been Chen Yun’s idol, the goal he spent his entire life trying to catch up with!

However, his most admired grandfather, at this moment, even admitted that he is not as good as others, and he is also a craftsman in Binjiang City.

“Grandpa, who is he?”

“How can an unknown soldier have the skill of surpassing his grandfather’s craftsmanship?”

“I don’t believe there are such people in Binjiang!”

Chen Yun said unconvincedly.

Chen Shuguang’s eyes were very complicated, and he said, “Have you forgotten what I said to you before?”

“There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.”

“I met a genius in the union before!”

“The flame vision he inspired reached fifteen meters.”

Chen Yun said, “I naturally remember this person. Grandpa also said that he would show him to me.”

Chen Shuguang said, “That person is in the video now.”


Chen Yun Huo Ran got up and said loudly, “Impossible!”

“How long will he awaken to the real fire before he can refine equipment that is close to the treasure?”

“Unless he hits his mother’s womb and starts to learn craftsmanship!”

“But it’s absolutely impossible.”

“Wrong!” Chen Shuguang corrected.

“Only one simple step is to fuse the beast soul, that sword is a small treasure!”

“In other words, he already has the ability to refine treasures.”

“A very young senior refiner!”

“It can be called the first in the history of the league!”

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