Chapter 156 Tutors Gathered, All Frightened

This largest fairy island is also the main island of the Academy.

At this moment, in the most magnificent Great Hall on the main island, all the eight tutors from the academy appeared here.

A terrible breath enveloped the temple.

Even the air is twisting.

These mentors turned out to be big cultivators in the Nascent Soul period.

At this moment, they are looking at the new spirit boat through a water mirror.

A big man with a big sword in his arms asked: “Lao He, are these young people the disciples who survived the trial of Yun Shangguo?”

He Guangning is the elegant middle-aged man in blue robe next to him.

He Guangning looked at it for a while and said, “They are disciples of Dahe Jianzong.”

“Oh? Sword Sect? So the disciple who was the number one in the trial is among them.” A kind-looking old woman smiled.

“How about let’s guess who it is?” There was a onee-san-looking woman in a hot palace dress with a smile.

“What is there to guess, it must be the handsome little guy with a serious face. Although he learned the method of hiding the Cultivation Base, there is a powerful Spirit Power flowing between his breaths, which affects the fluctuation of the surrounding airflow!” A scholar looks like Youth Road.

If Mu Fei heard this sentence, he would be surprised.

These old Nascent Soul monsters from Dengxian Academy really have a piercing look, without a fuel-efficient lamp!

An old man who looked drunk with Calabash said, “I heard that fourth-level Demonic Beasts appeared in the secret realm this time. How did they survive?”

He Guangning was silent for a while, and said: “It seems to be solved by a strong passing by.”

“The strong passing by? Why are you kidding me? The secret realm heard that the interface is so powerful that even the cultivator of the god of transformation can’t be broken. How can the other party come and go freely?” There was a girl who was eccentric. But speaking old-fashioned, presumably the real age is also terrifying.

He Guangning was speechless. In fact, he didn’t quite believe that the other party could break the void at will.

But only this kind of explanation can calm the doubts in my mind.

He hesitated for a moment, and still played a decisive decision.

“Look at it. This is the footage I recorded at that time.”

“Even for this segment, even the astronomical mirror was broken!”

Fortunately, He Guangning kept an eye on it and used recording spells to save the scenes that took place at that time.

Because no one expected that the sky-surveilling mirror that carried the will of the past masters would burst!

The other instructors didn’t believe it at all.

They watched the scenes with an attitude of watching the excitement.

As the pictures flowed, the expressions of these people changed more and more.

At first he didn’t care, then he was gradually cautious, and then he became surprised.

Finally, when the black-clothed men in the picture smashed the mountains with a sword, their faces were full of fear.

Even when The next moment the demon girl fell, the instructors didn’t care too much.

Because the impact is too great!

I feel a little numb inside.

“Fuck!” The drinking old man snorted with a splash of water.

“Is this really a person?” The young scholar was also dumbfounded.

“It’s terrible fighting power.” The old woman also looked nervous.

“Although I am good at using swords, it is absolutely impossible to hold it for a second in front of the opponent.” The sword-holding man was shocked.

“Such a handsome little Big Brother in the dark, I’m in love.” Onee-san smiled.

“…Awesome!” The girl found that the people in front of her said everything, so she could only add such a sentence.

Only He Guangning and another silent tutor did not speak.

Suddenly, Onee-san seemed to have discovered something, and exclaimed: “Old Ho, you will decide for me!”

“Which one?” He Guangning looked surprised.

At this moment, there were two pictures in front of them, one was watching the water mirror of the new disciple, and the other was watching the recorded spells of the man in black.

“New disciple.” Onee-san said again.

He Guangning was speechless: “Big Sister, this is a live broadcast.”

“Then decide on the dark little Big Brother!”

According to the request of the other party, He Guangning instantly freezes the scene of recording spells.

“It’s not here. Go back a few seconds…Oh, you’ve backed a lot, go forward a little bit, go in and go in…” Onee-san’s voice was hurried, even a little excited.

Finally, the picture stopped when the black-clothed man turned his head, showing a disdainful smile at the camera.


I didn’t know who it was, so I took a breath of air-conditioning first.

Next, everyone began to inhale to varying degrees.

The air in the entire Great Hall suddenly felt insufficient.

Because… the other person’s expression seems to be laughing at you face to face.

And full of contempt!

It seems that higher beings look down on ants!

The young scholar said tremblingly: “I said Big Sister, can we turn off the spell, I’m suddenly a little nervous.”

Onee-san glanced at him contemptuously: “Look at you, don’t stop me from looking at the handsome guy.”

“We are also nervous.” The others said in unison.

Onee-san smiled awkwardly: “I’m just kidding, do you think I’m watching a handsome guy… Now is the time to witness the miracle, everyone, look at the group of new disciples.”

Everyone raised their heads again and fixed their gazes on the water mirror.

At this moment, among those new disciples, the most dazzling, who can attract everyone’s attention even if they don’t say a word, is the admiration.

Looking around, the expressions of these instructors are not calm.

The next second, they looked at the man in black in the spell screen again.

“Damn, the two look like!” I didn’t know who it was, and suddenly exclaimed.

The others also agreed: “It can’t be said that it doesn’t matter, it can only be said to be exactly the same.”

“The only difference is that the black-clothed male figure has been hollowed out with a kidney deficiency.”

“This big black eye circle is invincible!”

Onee-san snorted coldly: “A group of ignorant straight men, are they obviously eyeliners, don’t you think it’s so evil and seductive?”

He Guangning is thinking.

In fact, when Wu Elder raised this question, he had deep doubts.

But Mu Feifan has only the Cultivation Base in the Foundation Building period. How could such a terrible energy burst out?

Not only he didn’t understand it, but others didn’t understand it either.

“Actually, I don’t think they are alone at all.” The young scholar analyzed.

“First of all, there are many similar people in this world.

“Secondly, how can someone with such a strong ability come to our college, he has nothing to do when he is full?”

“I personally prefer a man in black to be the strong one passing by.”

Everyone else said in the same way: “It makes sense.”

The old man said: “Since you think so, then the kid will be assigned to your Tianji Courtyard in a while.”

“Don’t don’t… Our Tianjiyuan temple is too small to support this big Buddha. Let’s go to Big Sister’s Holy Pill Court.” The young man shivered with fright and took two steps backwards, his head shaking like a rattle.

When Onee-san heard this, he was anxious: “How can I talk about Little Brother? Your Tianji Yard is small, so is our Shengdan Yard big?”

As she spoke, she was up and down in front of her.

The girl next to her has an inferiority complex. Isn’t that big?

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