Chapter 155


Wu Elder fell at the feet of everyone, and cracks appeared on the ground.

No way, the earth can’t bear it if the weight is overweight.

Everyone in Jianzong was shocked.

Wu Elder, who was not quite aloof just now, is now lying on the ground in a posture of a dog chewing.

This is too unexpected.

Some people wanted to laugh, but due to the background of Dengxian Academy, all of them were uncomfortable.

“Wu Elder, are you okay.” Mu Feifan looked at Wu Elder at his feet and smiled faintly.

“No, nothing.”

Just as Wu Elder was about to speak, he suddenly raised his head, just in time to look at each other with Mu Feifan.

“Oh my God!”

Wu Elder screamed again, and a fat face instantly became bloodless.

Mu Feifan hurriedly supported him.

“Don’t come here!” Wu Elder was scared and crawled back several meters.

Mu Feifan looked surprised: “What’s the matter?”

The others are also very puzzled.

Wu Elder felt that his own reaction was too exaggerated.

No way, the shadow left by the black man was too big.

In front of the fourth-level Demonic Beasts, Wu Elder is just the fifth scum.

Now that I see the existence of the fourth-level Demonic Beasts, can you not be afraid?

It’s good if you don’t freak out.

However, whether Mu Feifei is a black man or not is still a mystery.

But in Wu Elder’s heart, they equated them.

I would rather believe it!

After all, I only have a small life, and I must not offend the other party.

Thinking of this, Wu Elder got up and said with a faint smile: “Little friend Mu, I’m fine, that… when do you want to leave?”

Mu Feifan was stunned for a moment.

Isn’t it up to you to decide when to start?

Ask me what is the use of a disciple who has not entered the academy?

“Then let’s set off now, we are all here. By the way, I brought an entourage, don’t you mind.” Mu Feifan said.

Speaking of entourage, Yan Wushang immediately stood up and showed herself.

Wu Elder said hurriedly: “Don’t mind or mind, you can bring as many followers as you like.”

Mu Feifan nodded.

Unexpectedly, Elder of Dengxian Academy was so sensible.

It seems that choosing to go by yourself is indeed a wise move!

Yan Wushang assigns the affairs of the clan to a senior Elder, and bids farewell to everyone.

He took the lead to fly on the spirit boat, followed by the other disciples.

When it was Mu Feifan’s turn, he suddenly descended a long staircase from the huge spirit boat.

This staircase is very gorgeous and graceful, as if to welcome the arrival of distinguished guests.

Mu Feifan:? ? ?

Wu Elder immediately gave up a way: “Little friend Mu, please go down this ladder.”

Mu Feifan asked strangely: “Don’t have to be so troublesome, I flew up with just one kick.”

Wu Elder panicked and immediately explained: “This is the treatment of the inner courtyard disciples, please don’t refuse Mu Xiaoyou.”

Mu Feifan said, and walked on the stairs, as if the emperor enthroned, step by step towards the spirit boat.

“Senior brother, it’s cool to be a disciple in the inner courtyard!” Liu Zhi and the others were envied for a while.

Wu Elder breathed a sigh of relief after watching Mu Feifan walk up.

He secretly made up his mind that he must have a good relationship with Mu Feihua.

After all, the one in front of you may be a hidden OP Expert.

After Mu Feihua stepped into the spirit boat, the ladder slowly retracted.

Wu Elder also flew up, manipulating the spirit boat to slowly leave Lingyun Peak.

“Goodbye, brothers!” The crowd waved goodbye to the Jianzong who came to see them off.

“Master, why are you alive for me!” Hong Yu roared.

“Fuck off! Don’t cause trouble to your master, and…learn your skills!” Zheng Yijian shouted in the crowd.

The spirit boat flew farther and farther.

It was not until Ling Yunfeng slowly turned into a black spot that Hong Yu looked away from the bow of the ship.

He clenched his fists, healed the emotions on his face, and then looked at Wu Elder: “Wu Elder, how long do we have to go?”

Wu Elder said: “About three days.”


so far?

Farther than secret realm?

Everyone was surprised.

Wu Elder smiled and said, “You should be disciples born and raised in Dahe Jianzong, you haven’t traveled far.”

“Yes.” Everyone nodded frantically.

Wu Elder said: “In fact, our world is very big and there are many empires. The area where your six sects are located is within the territory of the Cloud God Kingdom.”

Hong Yu suddenly realized: “I always thought we were from the village, but I didn’t expect to be from Yun Shangguo.”

Fang Qingxian asked, “So does Dengxian Academy belong to the Kingdom of Cloud God?”

Mentioning this, Wu Elder showed a touch of arrogance: “The place of Dengxian Academy is above all empires!”

“Throughout the ages, many talents have been cultivated for various empires!”

“Any prince or princess in the academy is no different from an ordinary disciple!”

The audience was shocked when he said this.

They knew that Dengxian Academy was very strong, but they didn’t expect the strong to be so outrageous.

Mu Feifan was also a little surprised.

Dengxian Academy is actually the world’s top university, and its rights background is superb.

“There must be a lot of resources in it.” Mu Feifei was a little excited, and it seemed that he had found a place for long-term cultivation.

Three days later.

The spirit boat broke through the clouds and mist, and came to the clouds.

“Look at it, what is that?” Liu Zhi exclaimed.

Everyone looked at his voice.

The next moment, everyone couldn’t help standing up, and their body trembled uncontrollably.

In front of them, there are countless magnificent fairy islands floating!

On the fairy island, countless palaces are lined up, and the Spiritual Qi is rich and exudes a strange light.

Take a closer look at the biggest fairy island that bears the brunt. Every grass on the island is more than a thousand years old, and every flower is full of spirituality!

It is really like a heavenly palace, a view of an immortal family.


“Oh my God! This is a fairyland!”

“Why do islands float in the air? What is the principle?”

“Follow him, indecisive, quantum mechanics!”

Everyone couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Yan Wushang was even more excited: “Compared with Dengxian Academy, our Dahe Jianzong is a mountain valley!”

Mu Feifan also looked at me ignorantly, the blood that had been silent for a long time was rushing wildly at this moment.

“Xian Dao! Immortal Dao! This is the real Immortal Dao!”

“No wonder the league’s high school students are struggling to pursue the top-ranked Sendo University!”

“Although I haven’t seen the top universities in this world, the Dengxian Academy in front of you is definitely not worse than them!”

“My college dream is finally fulfilled here!”

The spirit boat flew to the largest fairy island.

When the distance is slowly getting closer, everyone feels the majesty and hugeness of this fairy island.

In comparison, their spirit boats are as small as a drop in the ocean.

Wu Elder stood on the bow, standing with his hands holding hands, with a brilliant temperament.

He smiled and said, “It’s finally here!”

“Your journey of cultivating immortals will start from here!”

“The real test is about to begin!”

“Welcome to Dengxian Academy!”

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