Chapter 147 Rescue Is Coming, Meet Father-in-Law

As for how to transform?

On certain special occasions or after a long period of time, the beast soul activates its spiritual intelligence by itself and evolves into an instrumental spirit.

For example, the spirit that was born from the senior sword in Jianlu.

It is a pity that he was smashed by Mu Feifan with an axe, and his soul died out.

In addition, it is the engraving of the psychic array on the weapon.

Artificial intelligence!

The psychic array is the seventh-level array recorded in the Grandmaster’s refining technique.

The portrayal difficulty is the level of The Underworld.

Moreover, Mu Feihua does not have fourth-level materials.

“Do you want to hunt down a few demon kings in the secret realm?”

Mu Feifan touched his chin, thinking.

But he immediately dismissed the idea.

The third-level material is increased by the system to the fourth-level, and only one set is obtained.

Practicing the psychic circle on your own requires a lot of materials.

A mere set is not enough to clog the teeth.

Moreover, this group of scattered monsters didn’t know where to hide for a long time.

“Since they didn’t provoke themselves, just let them go.” Mu Feifan said kindly.

The little turkey next to him was speechless.

It has long been seen through.

The wicked man deserves the nickname own.

As long as he feels something threatening to him, he must spare no effort to destroy it.

Take preemptive action and kill the danger in the seedling state.

His overly cautious character is sometimes exaggerated to an extent that ordinary people can’t imagine.

“Perverted!” Little Turkey complained.

Suddenly, a thunderous sound came from the horizon.

Mu Feifan was surprised.

what happened?

Just when he was about to enter the fighting state, he discovered that a huge crack appeared in the sky.

A large number of advanced cultivators emerged from it.

Both started in the Gold Core period.

Among them, the blue-robed middle-aged man who was headed, with elegant appearance and white temples, turned out to be a Nascent Soul boss!

It was He Guangning, the instructor of Dengxian Academy a year ago.

At this moment, many cultivators came near Mu Feihua and landed slowly.

“Mother fellow daoist, you are fine!” Suddenly, an excited voice sounded from the crowd, it was Yan Wushang.

Mu Feifan was also very happy to see Lao Yan.

It’s just that he hasn’t spoken yet, another Yin & Yang strange voice floats.

“Lao Yan, are you so mixed up now, even the disciples of the school are of the same generation?”

It is the Sect Leader Lao Deng of the Blood Blade.

Yan Wushang cursed: “Goon, our Sword Sect disciple can see at least one. You may not all die somewhere at the Blood Sword Sect.”

When Lao Deng heard this, he blew his beard and stared: “The weak disciples of Jianzong who can’t lift the sword can live, and we must be fine with none of the disciples of the Blood Sword Sect!”

Yan Wushang said: “Our Jianzong disciple can’t lift the sword, because we all use swords to kill bitches.”

The two of you come and go, the air is full of gunpowder.

Everyone was speechless.

“Stop arguing, go find my daughter first!” Luo Sect Leader of the Sky Puppet Sect gritted his teeth and said.

“Yes, yes, go find our disciples.” The other Sect Leaders nodded one after another.

There are two Elders in charge of law enforcement in Dengxian Academy, one tall and thin, the other short and fat.

The tall and thin Elder surnamed Lu hurriedly said, “Don’t hurry, there may be a fourth-level monster here!”

“Even if it’s the fifth-level big demon, I will find my daughter.” Luo Sect Leader stomped his foot and directly turned into a green light, breaking through the sky.

Most of the Sect Leaders were concerned about their disciples, and they left one after another.

Yan Wushang was about to fly away, but was squeezed by Mu Feihua’s shoulders.

Mu Feifan: “Don’t go.”

Yan Wushang:? ? ?

He was very strange, then he thought of something, and his face changed suddenly.

“Are all the disciples falling apart except for admiring fellow daoist?” Infinite sadness appeared in Yan Wu’s heart.

After all, he is a disciple under his own sect, and everyone has lived together for many years.

It is normal to have occasional casualties in each trial, but this time it was too miserable. Ten people would survive one.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feifan took out the communication talisman and said, “Hong Yu, summon everyone to me, the rescue of Dengxian Academy is here!”

There was a reply soon: “Okay, Master!”

“But I haven’t been addicted to killing monsters yet.”

“A short-eyed second-level little demon attacked me just now, and I pierced the backyard flower with my sword.”

“Ahaha, Master, I feel invincible now.”

Hong Yu has a loud voice.

Everyone present could hear it clearly.

Mu Feifan was speechless, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He hurriedly turned off the communication talisman, and said in his heart, I don’t know this product, I don’t know this product…

This is too shameful.

Soon, ten people including Hong Yu arrived.

Among the nine Sword Sect disciples, the one who was extra was Luo Li.

“Swallow Sect Leader!”

Hong Yu and the others did not see outside, so they gave Yan Wushang a bear hug when they went up.

I haven’t seen it for a year, and at this moment, I feel like I’ve met my old friend in a foreign country.

Yan Wushang smiled and said, “I didn’t expect our Jianzong disciples to be so clever. With the fourth-level big demon, they all survived and survived.”

After he finished speaking, all the Sword Sect disciples looked weird.

The current secret realm is extremely safe, and there are no fourth-level monsters, the remaining third-level monster kings, who have long since hid and dared not even reveal their breath.

Otherwise, can they hunt Demonic Beasts so enthusiastically?

At this time, Lori asked: “Sect Leader, have you seen my dad?”

Yan Wushang: “If you don’t mention this, I have forgotten it, and quickly contact Luo Sect Leader! When I came in, I looked for you like a mad dog.”

Lori: “My communication charm has been tried many times before, and I can’t reach him.”

Yan Wushang: “He was in the outside world at that time, you should try again now.”

Lori tried again, and she succeeded in getting in touch with Sect Leader.

Soon, there was a hearty laugh from the horizon.

Luo Sect Leader flew back excitedly.

“Good girl, fortunately you are fine, otherwise I will kill Fang Buxian!”

“If it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t have come to the secret realm to commit a risk.”

“I don’t know if that kid died in the secret realm. If he is not dead, I want to send him a ride!”

At this moment, Fang Qingxian was standing one meter away from Luo Sect Leader, feeling a chill on his back.

Luo Li was very embarrassed, pointed behind Luo Sect Leader, and whispered: “Father, he is behind you.”


Luo Sect Leader was shocked and turned his head abruptly, but when he saw Fang Qingxian standing behind him, he almost screamed out of fright.

Scolded, but Fang Qingxian really appeared, and Luo Sect Leader felt a little guilty.

After all, as a Sect Leader, it is really not proper to anger a disciple like this.

At this time, Luo Sect Leader gave a light cough and smiled awkwardly: “You are all fine, safety first.”

Fang Qingxian chuckled. It’s safe now, but he won’t know if it’s safe for a while.

Lori winked at Fang Qingxian, and then suddenly said shyly: “Father, it’s true that my daughter has been privately appointed with him for life, and he is not called Fang Buxian, but his real name is Fang Qingxian.”

Luo Sect Leader’s awkward smile immediately froze on his face, and his voice trembled, “What did you say?”

Lori: “He called Fang Qingxian.”

“last sentence!”

“Daughter and him privately for life…” Lori said cautiously.

“Oh, haha, good things, good things.” Luo Sect Leader laughed.

When Fang Qingxian saw that the other party was not angry, he immediately said happily: “Meet Luo Sect Leader, that’s not right, I’ll meet your father-in-law!”

Luo Sect Leader smiled and turned into a sneer.

He was furious: “Because you are so big, how old is my daughter? You can do it. Are you a beast? Daddy will kill you!”

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