Chapter 146 Beyond the Master, Goal Dao Item


Fake treasure?

And just the last process of fusing the beast soul?

Xu Feihu was dumbfounded.

As if being penetrated by an electric current, his whole body was stiff.

Chen Shuguang’s eyes are very complicated: “The fusion of beast souls is relatively simple…”

what does this mean?

If there is a beast soul, he can refine a real treasure on the spot!

“Master, it’s incredible, is that young man so powerful?” Xu Feihu’s shock continued.

Chen Shuguang raised the spirit sword again, and said solemnly: “What’s more?”

“Look at the details on this sword again!”

“Being able to engrave the fourth-level magic circle on the second-level embryo is an incredible thing in itself.”

“As we all know, low-level artifacts cannot carry the energy of high-level magic circles, and will directly explode.”

“But he did it abruptly… at least he has surpassed me in terms of his skills in the circle.”

Xu Feihu felt that Own Little Heart couldn’t take it anymore.

Continued to be critically hit!

“More than Master?”

“How can it be?”

“Master is the only senior refiner in Binjiang City.”

Chen Shuguang sighed: “The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves forward. Let’s not underestimate this young man.”

“He may be stronger than we thought!”

“By the way, what’s his name?”

Xu Feihu opened his mouth, just about to say something.

In the next second, his brain was like a short circuit, and his mouth couldn’t even make a sound.

Chen Shuguang looked suspicious: “Why, don’t you know it?”

Xu Feihu said without tears: “I was shocked by him at the time, and I lost the ability to think.”

Chen Shuguang asked again: “Did you not see the name when you gave him the power of the intermediate refiner?”

Xu Feihu said: “I saw it, but I was too excited to remember, and our system can’t record information.”

Good guy, the back road was cut to death.

Chen Shuguang stared at Xu Feihu.

The air suddenly became dignified.


Chen Shuguang jumped up and whipped Xu Feihu’s head wildly.

“Master, don’t fight!”

“I didn’t have much hair!”

Xu Feihu hugged his head.

In the distance, Wu Shirong looked stunned.

No wonder Master loves to hit me on the head so much.

It turns out to be in the same line!

After a while, Chen Shuguang said: “By the way, how long has he refined?”

Xu Feihu replied: “Half an hour.”

“What?” Chen Shuguang’s eyes were wide.

Xu Feihu took a step back in fright, first guarding the vital points: “Really, Master, the refining room is monitored.”

“Call me out!”

After half an hour.

monitoring room.

Chen Shuguang collapsed on his seat as if being hit.

“It turned out… it really only took half an hour?”

“It has become a fake treasure?”

“And this action is too skillful.”

Watching the video, Mu Feifan’s artistic refining technique, Chen Shuguang’s eyes were full of brilliance, and he was amazed.

It’s just that the camera angle is really tricky.

And it’s not very clear.

The most frequently seen in the lens is the back of the young man.

Occasionally, he can see his profile.

“Is this young man unworthy of a mirror?” Chen Shuguang felt helpless in his heart.

He copied the half-hour video and prepared to take it home for detailed study.

At the same time, Chen Shuguang had a terrible premonition.

A new star will rise in the crafting world of Binjiang City.

He has greater potential and a brighter future than his senior refiner.

Being surpassed by young people, Chen Shuguang did not have a trace of jealousy, but was very excited.

Because this young man was discovered by him.

“I must find you!”

Chen Shuguang secretly made up his mind.

At this moment, Mu Feifan and Xia Yuchan had dinner outside and came to the Temple of Ten Thousand Realms.

Because of the swollen mouth incident in the morning, they have not used the temple today.

One opportunity a day is very precious and must not be wasted.

Fortunately, the temple is on duty 24 hours a day.

“See you in half an hour!”

The two bid farewell, and Mu Feifei embarked on a journey to Otherworld alone.

A flower in front of him, when he opened his eyes again, he returned to the secret realm.

“There is one month left, and one full year has been spent in secret realm.”

“I wonder if Dengxian Academy will appear?”

This thought flickered in Mu Feifan’s mind.

He took out an advanced refining technique from his storage bag.

This is what Zheng Yijian bought for him in Jianlu, after a systematic increase.

Because of the limited third-level materials before, after refining many junior treasures, Mu Feihua never turned over this book.

Since Mu Feifan wants to enter the ranks of the Great Master, he must be proficient in advanced refining techniques.

At this moment, he has accumulated a lot of third-level materials in his storage bag.

Most of them come from the second-level alpaca and blood needle bee in the secret realm.

All have been increased.

“There are so many materials, of course, you have to ascension to the level of refining.”

“I want to master the description of the fifth-level array and the sixth-level array, which requires a lot of practice.”

“But building a high-level array will break the lower-level embryos, and you can only practice with third-level embryos.”

“This way of refining tools is really a dog.”

“There is no possibility of wanting to take advantage of it at all.”

From then on, Mu Feifei began to madly devote himself to the great cause of refining.

A week later, hundreds of third-level embryos were placed in front of him.

It was full, and the scene was shocking.

“Now start practicing the fifth-level array!”

Mu Feifan took a deep breath, held his breath, and released Divine Sense.

An embryo flew in front of him.

Mu Feifan’s fingertips condensed Spirit Power and portrayed it.

It didn’t take long, just to hear a bang!


“It’s a good start.” Mu Feihua had no choice but to.

However, hundreds of thousands of failures have long honed a rock-solid Dao heart.

He immediately began to portray on the new embryo.

Another week passed.

After more than 30 artifacts were scrapped, Mu Feihua’s fifth-level circle was finally completely mastered.

The success rate is over 80%.

I have to say that Mu Feifan’s talent is still very good.

Mainly, willing to burn money.

With so many embryos, how much precious third-level refining materials have to be consumed.

However, once the formation fails, the embryo will burst instantly.

After spending so much money, there was a sound in the end.

Therefore, it is not easy to train a senior refiner.

The truth behind it is to burn money!

Another half month passed.

Mu Feifei had almost exploded all the embryos, and only then learned the sixth-level formation.

Refining advanced treasures in the future will also be extremely easy.

His level finally reached the pinnacle of a senior refiner.

There is not much room for improvement in the refining of treasures.

Therefore, Mu Feifan took out the Grandmaster refining technique.

His goals are ambitious and clear.

That is Dao Item!

The difference between Dao Item and treasure is that it can engrave three magic circles.

The power has increased invisibly.

But the difficulty of refining is also great.

The so-called Dao Item is a weapon to gain Tao.

At the Dao Item level, the fused beast soul will transform into an instrument spirit, awakening the supreme Taoism!

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