Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 497: My story ends here, some things are always higher than life (4k)

When the colorful light disappeared, Luo Xi returned from his trance.

He was raising his fists, staring blankly at the purple-haired woman in front of him who was breathing out sweet fragrance, as well as Lucas and his wife who were trapped by Bahamut.

The cold and beautiful Black Dragon Lady was beside him.

The Dragon of Destruction, the destruction of the world...

Could everything he had seen before be an illusion?

Or is it a possibility in the future?


Maybe he did see the future, but he did throw that punch. He who was full of anger before could never stop.

Veins suddenly appeared on Luo Xi's forehead, and he covered his head.

This is... Liuyue's retroactive power?

At that moment, his soul was touched by a feeling that was extremely familiar to him, which was that every time he used Liuyue to complete the backtracking, it would cause him mental pressure.

It turned out that after the creation god of the dream world went down, the pressure from the backtracking was all on him, so much so that he almost collapsed due to the backtracking.

Now, the feeling is similar again, but the pressure is much less.

Who is helping him bear the pressure?

The answer seems obvious.

Luo Xi suddenly thought of a question.

The one who could come to the land eight thousand years later and turn into a pink-haired cute little lolita like a dog. His condition now must be better than that eight thousand years later.

Why didn't He react at all after I came here?

He's at least a time traveler, right?

Hey, what's wrong with you?

Bahamut on the side saw Luo Xi raising his fist to kill Rosalia. He had already silently stepped back to prevent blood from splattering on him. After all, the woman was scolding him really unpleasantly, but Luo Xi was waving his fist. He stopped moving when he punched, and his expression became very dull.

She thought that World Tree Gold had taken action, but when her mental power was swept away, she found that the source code of the Golden Tree was cowering motionless, just watching her representative fall into despair under her hands.

Logically speaking, this is impossible. Although basically most of the World Trees have IQs at the level of children of a few years old, they will not cower after being so offended.

Unless there is something that scares Gold or forces him to retreat...

Could it be because of Luo Xi?

Bahamut had previously speculated that the Golden Tree wanted Luo Xi to be the leader of the country, so it turned a blind eye to his arrival and offense, and even actively asked the agent to kill them, waiting for Luo Xi to take office?

Are you so cooperative?

Are you a world tree or a licking dog?

Rosalia over there was still screaming and yelling: Haha, let me confess, I was the one who killed Floresia who pretended to be innocent. I designed her family to be ruined. Do you have the guts? Kill me, I tell you, I regret not finding a few people to give her a turn, otherwise you would have seen that scene just now, hahaha—

Luo Xi rubbed her temples to relieve her headache a little, then raised her head and looked at her coldly.

This person couldn't be killed by her just like that.

The power of the evil god has eroded her, turning her into a bomb that is ready to go off. If possible, it is best to leave it to Gou Wenwen, an expert in dealing with evil gods, to solve it. But don’t talk about Gou Wenwen, the Beatrice of this era Silk Lingxing is not here.

Wind chime... Tilana, are you here?

Luo Xi glanced towards the sky.

As the creator god of this world and the victim of the evil god's disaster, Luo Xiquan thought that he was too poor to come out before, but now it seems that he still has a certain ability to move.

It was very possible that He helped him go back in time just now.

Why haven't you shown up yet?

Luo Xi, what happened?

Bahamut was very surprised by Luo Xi's weird behavior. If she had more time, she could accompany Luo Xi to slowly torture these people, but in a few minutes, the continent would drive her away.

Over there, in addition to Rosalía, Lucas and his wife also joined in the yelling, but they were scolding each other. One scolded the other for being shameless and messing with his daughter-in-law, and the other scolded the other for being cold as ice and not having any traces. Make people sexually interesting...

Luo Xi was also entangled.

At this time, a pure golden book appeared next to him. Bahamut's eyes flashed, and he wanted to grab it, but failed.


Luo Xi raised her hand and held the book gently.

The numbers on his hand glowed with the most dazzling light, echoing the golden source code.

On this day, the Golden City changed hands in advance. The last candidate with serial number 14 came from behind. Under circumstances that other candidates could not understand, he parachuted in and became the new leader of the Golden Kingdom.


The other me, Xiao Luo Xi, is so powerful. He suddenly became the leader of the country.

Yes, you are indeed my child~

It's obviously my child.

That's almost it. We are all Floresia.

But why didn't you go find him again? Aren't you in a hurry? Although I was in a hurry too.

Because that day, a voice told me that if I saw him, something bad would happen.

Voice? Is it the evil god?

I don't know, I don't think so.

Then are we going to stay in the mountains and forests like this all day? I feel like my body is about to give out. If I turn into a dragon, will I lose all my memories?

Maybe...because I didn't remember him at first. I only occasionally see a familiar figure in my dreams.

Am I bound to become you?

I don't know...but if you are me in the past, then the future can change for you, and you can choose not to be me.

Forget it, just let nature take its course. You and Xiao Luo Xi should have had many interesting experiences, right? If the future changes, then these will disappear, right?

Why do you care about my feelings? I feel sorry for him for many of the things I did. Maybe it would be better for us to change the future.

Hey, then if I am completely dead now, will you...

Do you want to say that I will cease to exist?


The red-haired girl stood among the mountains, silently lowering her eyes, and lightly parted her red lips: In that case, it might be better. My existence in that era might have brought a lot of trouble to Xiao Luo Xi. Trouble, if my existence had been erased from the beginning, I wouldn’t have done so many stupid things, right?”

What stupid thing did you do?

A sudden attack on them...

That's true, is there anything else?

There's nothing else. I just always took him with me to do whatever I wanted to do at first, and then one time I kissed him forcefully... It doesn't matter anymore.

You actually kissed him forcefully! Wait, wasn't Luo Xi a normal male in that era? Didn't you do something more...deeper?

No...why do I feel that you are very interested? How far are you and him?

Hmph, Xiao Luo Xi and I bathed, bathed, and slept next to each other naked, and he also kissed me, even though I was planning to raise him up and then be with him... Well, it was revealed ”

I didn't expect you to have thoughts about Xiao Luo Xi. We are indeed the same person.

This is different!

Yes, yes, the other me, let me tell you something again. My coming here is a fallacy. There may be a huge conspiracy behind it. Instead of letting the person behind the scenes benefit, when the critical moment comes, I hope you can......

Huh, don't worry, I know it well. You are not afraid of disappearing. How can I be afraid of death? Besides, I have already died once.

Hey, maybe from the moment I came here, you and I have become invisible minions of that existence.

It doesn't matter, it's just another death!

That's right...just one death.

The girl smiled lightly.

Perhaps, their stories should not have continued to be written.

The story ends here, that's fine.


Gold, what do you want me to do?

Luo Xi knew that he seemed to be recognized by Gold, but he did not directly obtain the power of the Golden World Tree, and he could not even search for the Kingdom of Gold in a carpet-like manner.

Several days have passed, and until now he has not found Floresia, nor her body.

If Floresia dies completely, will the future be changed?

So what's the use of him here now?

Otherwise, he could follow Ai Xue's example and unite the Kingdom of Gold into a black box mode?

But in the future era, the Kingdom of Gold has disappeared. Can his actions really change the future?

Bahamut also left, and she couldn't stay long. Lucas's family was imprisoned in the dungeon by him. Together with the old maid, Luo Xi didn't know what to do with them.

The power of the Lord of Truth is waiting to explode inside Rosalia.

Luo Xi felt that she had no idea what to do.

A mortal who has the disturbance and change of the timeline, who comes from other worlds, who has the aura of my friend and the power of the flowing moon, what are you worried about?

A soft, ethereal voice suddenly sounded next to Luo Xi's ears.

Luo Xi suddenly became energetic.

Is it finally here?

He can't break this deadlock, but there are people in this world who can break it.

He looked to the side, and saw a graceful and graceful figure, whose whole body was surrounded by silver light, standing beside him.

Are you Tilana, the creator of the dream world? he asked tentatively.

Tilana: It seems that you have a very good relationship with my friend. She even told you my god's name.

That's pretty good, it's already reached the level of physical intimacy. Luo Xi said without thinking.

By saying that you are closer to the dog Wenwen, you can increase the favorability of this 'little wind chime' who once called him daddy, right?

Oh? Please elaborate on physical intimacy.

It was also the first time for Tilana to hear someone talking to her about the friend she had not seen for hundreds of thousands of years, and she was very curious.

Luo Xi: ?

Mad, I just ripped it off casually, why do you still take it seriously?

Although it is indeed true.

The relationship between Dog Wenwen and him has long been unclear.

You can ask her yourself when the time comes.

Luo Xi said bravely: Now that you are out, you probably know about my affairs, right? Was it your method to go back in time before?

Probably knows something.

Tilana nodded and said: As for backtracking, it was actually not my method. It was Liuyue who took the initiative to go back in time and woke me up. Only then did I have the consciousness to check what happened.

So what happened to my regression? And what did the Lord of Truth do to Bahamut?

Are you referring to your retracement from the real large-scale timeline of the void?


Tilana said: Then I don't know. This level of time retrieval is not something I can do. What I can do is to reverse my world within a certain time range, but generally I don't use it. This would cause damage to the world itself.

In the words of the Lord of Truth, He is somewhat similar in nature to you. The special sacrificial ceremony in that city pointed to the future on the timeline. Based on the sacrifice, He in the future will project part of the divine power across time. Now that we are here, this divinity has no shadow, no roots, and no source. It can tamper with falsehoods and turn them into reality, and control people's hearts and souls. The black dragon and you are both affected, but your situation is special and you are not affected much.

Luo Xi has calmed down now.

When Dahanhan came to him in the form of a wind chime, he was just a cute little lolita with no other uses. Now this is a real god, an existence with the same personality as Gou Wenwen. He can ask questions carefully. Want to know something.

Do you know the girl I'm looking for, Floresia? he asked.

I don't know who the person with this name is, but I know that the divinity of the Lord of Truth who came across time was divided into two parts. One part went into the body of a red-haired girl, and the other part was originally locked up in you. The divinity in that person’s body has now been transferred to you.”

Luo Xi's breathing suddenly stagnated.

According to the information he learned, the cultists complained that nothing happened after they made the sacrifice.

Unexpectedly, the evil god could even hide this from his own believers.

And is the red-haired girl that idiot Lecia’s mother?

As for the transfer of divinity into him...when did that happen?

I know you have a lot of questions.

Tilana continued: That red-haired girl should have wanted to find you, but I warned her not to come for the time being. The evil god's divinity contained in her body also has triggering conditions, mainly if two people If the two divinities come together, then the future Lord of Truth will be able to bring His mighty power to my world in a short time and break the black box state from within the world, then everything will be over.

Luo Xi: Then what should we do?

There is no way. After you kill that woman, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net the divinity will be transferred to your hands.

Didn't the time go back? And wasn't it Bahamut who was affected at that time?

I said, it affects you two. Bahamut returned to normal after Liuyue's rewind, but you are special. The evil god's power itself came from across time and space, so we stuck together. Although it has little influence on you, you are now the real walking evil god container.

Tilana said quietly: This is the reason why Gold chose you but did not give you enough power.

Moreover, you don't have much time. Even if you two don't get close, the evil god's divinity will take the initiative to close up. I'm sorry, but now I don't have the power to stop his root divinity. Most of my strength is carrying it. Due to His erosion in the void outside, I cannot help you directly.

Luo Xi was silent for a long time and said, What if I leave this world?

Where can you go?

I have been to Xingling's place once before. After she died, she went to her divine kingdom for no apparent reason. She wandered for ten years before returning to your world.

Tirana's voice remained steady as she said: I can't understand...but if you can really cross the world barrier in the black box mode and go to Xiaoling's kingdom, the evil god's divinity will also stick to your soul. Maybe you can bring the evil god’s divinity with you, and she should have a way to solve it.”

Then do it. (A certain pink-haired lolita god who was still licking his wounds suddenly sneezed)

Aren't you afraid of death? Tilana turned her head for the first time and looked seriously at this little human from another world and timeline.

Death? I'm afraid.

Luo Xi smiled softly and said: But there are always some things that are higher than life.

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