Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 496: The Dragon that Destroys the World, the Unsolvable Game Arranged by the Evil God (Four

Lucas looked up with lingering fear at the black dragon claw held by his daughter-in-law above.

The giant dragon above seemed to have no intention of attacking again, and had no intention of letting her go. Now it just grabbed the purple-haired girl and suspended it near the golden tree.

How could you mess with a monster of this level?

What is the identity of the person Rosalia asked herself to capture?

Poking a hornet's nest is simply not enough to describe it.

At this time, Lucas's wife appeared next to him, her aura surged to the limit, releasing the pressure of a sixth-level powerhouse, and asked him solemnly: Lucas, what's going on?

Lucas didn't dare to look at his wife, lowered his head and said with a guilty conscience: I don't know, the city controlled by Rosalia was sacrificed by the cultists, and I just used a 'divine strike' on it. ', and then this black dragon appeared and broke through our protective light and captured Rosalia.

There is actually someone in this world who can break through the protective brilliance of gold?

The woman's keen perception extended upwards, but after coming into contact with the dragon within a hundred meters, she felt as if her mental power had fallen into a deep black hole and could not come back, resulting in a strong tearing feeling.

Lucas said anxiously: This is the black dragon among the seven-color dragon emperors. Don't anger it first. Now the golden tree has not activated its defense countermeasures for some reason, and the blessing brilliance has been destroyed. We can't be Its opponent, if it gets angry, the whole city will be destroyed by it in a single thought!

The woman looked at him with a strange look on her face and said, You should be the one who angered it, right? What did you and Rosalia do? Let a friendly dragon that only appears in mythology attack our city?

Well...that's right...it's a long story. I'll talk to you again when I have time...

The way Lucas hesitated made the woman increasingly suspicious.

To be honest, it was already strange for a man of his own to appear here with his daughter-in-law. Her husband suddenly left home a few hours ago and did not tell her what he was going to do. He also did not say that his daughter-in-law had come back. Unexpectedly They are all at such a high place.

What is this doing?

Suddenly, light yellow raindrops floated over with the wind, mixed with sticky objects, and fell on the woman's face.

The woman was stunned.

She stretched out her fingers, wiped her face, put the thing stuck on her face in front of her eyes, spread her two fingers, and white threads came out... As a person who has experienced this, she Of course it's very familiar.

However, these things seem to have fallen from under Rosalia over there...

The woman glanced at her husband.

He looked up again.

Rosalia, it seems like she's not wearing pants?

An idea that she found unbelievable came to her mind.

Could it be that these two people are here...

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

The idea was rejected by her as soon as it came up.

My husband would never do such a dirty thing, betraying his wife and son at once.

Therefore, it must be Rosalia who is unruly and has sex with someone! She also used this dirty body to seduce her husband. She knew that this commoner woman from a poor background was not trustworthy at all!


A dragon roar came from above.

The giant dragon shadow gradually disappeared, and two people, one large and one small, held hands, and a purple-haired girl who looked like a dead dog was holding hands in the air, floating towards Lucas.

Lucas' eyelids twitched wildly and he wanted to move away immediately.

Yuandian·Gold flashed.

Nothing happened.

? ? ?

What made him even more horrified was that not only did the move fail, Yuandian Gold also disappeared in a swish. No matter how he called, there was no response from Gold.

Lucas hurriedly looked at the trunk of the giant tree next to him that reached to the ceiling, and continued to call.

Why don't you respond to me?

Although the day for the change of king is coming soon, at least I am still the king of the Kingdom of Gold. I am your personally chosen successor, right?

Lord Black Dragon Emperor, wait!

The woman took a step forward, blocked Bahamut's path, and said, Isn't it too much for you to attack our city so wantonly? I know that you and your companions are both good dragons, why would you do this? Such a despicable thing happened?

Bahamut raised his long eyelashes, stared at the woman with his golden vertical pupils, and said coldly: The Supreme Good? Where did you hear that? In the end, the life and death of you humans have nothing to do with us. We It’s the world I want to save, not you.”

But you shouldn't do this—

This is something you have to ask yourselves. You know what you did.

The woman looked at her husband again.

Lucas gritted his teeth and shook his head to express that he knew nothing.

Rosalía winked at him wildly before, indicating that the red-haired woman was probably gone. How could he bring a dead person back to life?

If you refuse to admit it, you may still get away with it.

If it is admitted, then the Golden Country may encounter the greatest crisis in its history.

Cold sweat broke out on Lucas's forehead, and he frantically tried to observe what was happening. Finally, he noticed the boy next to the Black Dragon Emperor.

From now on, he has been silent.

Who is this person?

I know you won't admit it.

Bahamut raised his hand, took out a piece of emerald green scales from a swirling black hole, and threw it on the forehead of the purple-haired woman.

Suddenly, Rosalia let out a shriek that was as harsh as a slaughtered pig.


Lucas screamed, but his wife beside him couldn't help but wanted to rush forward and take action. She wanted to see how powerful the legendary mythical dragon could be. If her all-devouring aura was just In a special field, she still has a chance to win. You must know that this golden city is their home court!

As a sixth-level extraordinary being, no matter how strong you are, you can't possibly come to the realm of gods, right?

However, Bahamut raised his hand casually, expanded the area a little, and held the woman and Lucas firmly in place.

Lucas, where is your power as the leader of the country?!

I won't make them! They're all gone!

Bahamut calmly watched the comical performances of these two men, who were considered the top powerhouses among humans.

Although I don’t know why Gold didn’t take action against her, nor did he protect his agent, it would be best if it didn’t conflict with the Eternal World Tree.

Now there are only seventeen World Trees left in the entire world. If there are any less, the world will collapse from the most basic level.

Don't worry, she won't die. I just borrowed the power of a friend. Her ability can project people's memories. In order to prevent you from thinking that I am bullying people, I decided to project her memories to you. The whole city watched.”

Lucas' body trembled violently, and he said hysterically: You don't want that kind of thing!


Millions of people stood on the streets pointing at the sky.

They didn't know what happened specifically, but they could see the blessed light that had made the hole.

At this moment, the huge hole was covered by a screen, with pictures projected on it.

The protagonist is the daughter-in-law of the famous king of the country.

- Hahaha, I am the daughter of the current leader of the country. You idiots like me dare to compete with me for the position of the leader of the country? Die!

—Well...Father...Well...Father...don't get in, you will be discovered when you meet Lucas later.

- For eternal truth! Archbishop, you can use my city as a place of sacrifice, and millions of people can use it as you please.

- Are you surprised and regretful...I'm going to see the archbishop. Grandma, you can pack her up and throw her away...

- Well, Father, you are much better than your useless son~

All kinds of absurd, obscene, and violent scenes appeared on the screen for everyone in the city to see clearly.

Lucas' eyes had lost their light.

His wife's face was even more dull.

My husband really had sex with his daughter-in-law, and it seemed like they did it more than once or twice, so the liquid that fell on his face just now was the disgusting stuff that came out after they had just done it... ..

It's not what I did, it's not what I did, it was all what my father asked me to do. He used this to force me to do these things...

Rosalia was already speechless.

Colluding with a cult, messing around with her father-in-law, and randomly killing supporters of the country's leader candidates, no matter what happened, it would make it impossible for her to survive in this world.

Today they all came out in one go.

Rosalía you bitch!

When Lucas saw that Rosalia actually wanted to throw the blame on him, his mentality suddenly exploded and he cursed her crazily, which was not what a king should look like at all.

Did you kill her?

Suddenly, a soft, slightly childish voice sounded beside several people.

Luo Xi came to the restrained Rosalia with Bahamut's hand. His face was changing, and the slightly dull seven-color scales on his hand were opening and closing in an orderly manner.

Did you kill her? Another cold question that struck straight to the soul.

Her? Who, you mean the dragon-turned-woman suffering from alienation syndrome? No, I didn't kill her, she committed suicide. No, my father captured her, and finally my grandma killed her. What does it have to do with I have nothing to do with it!”

Rosalia hurriedly shook her head in an attempt to clear the air.

Did you kill her?

No, it's really not me... Damn it, I curse you all to die, I curse you to betray your relatives, I curse you to lose your mind and become the enemy of the world, I curse you -

By the end, her voice no longer sounded like human words.

boom! —

The manic fisting wind carried the blood spurting from the empty neck far away.

Luo Xi shook his slightly painful arm.

Letting this guy die would be too cheap for her, but he didn't have time to waste on this kind of person. After dealing with the matter here, he was going to get that stupid fool back.

Even if it's just a corpse.

Then, it's everyone else's turn.

Luo Xi turned to look at the man and woman imprisoned by Bahamut.

In addition to this old man, there seems to be an old maid.

I don’t know where it is hidden now.

Then, just destroy this city directly.

He doesn't have enough power, but Bahamut definitely can...

You idiot, don't be blinded by anger.

A voice that was indescribable to others, but very gentle to Luo Xi, sounded softly in his ears.

A pure white starlight flickered in front of his eyes, then disappeared suddenly.

Only then did Luo Xi break away from the idea of ​​destroying everything.

He didn't have time to think about why he had that terrifying thought just now.


The Black Dragon Lady on the side suddenly punched out, and a jet-black beam of light spread out from her fist, engulfing the Lucas couple in front, and then hit the city below.

A black vortex appeared on the ground.

In just an instant, thousands of people were involved.

Stop, Bahamut!


Bahamut also suddenly realized that she had done something terrible. She wanted to take back her power, but found that she could no longer control herself.

Out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of the headless body.

Black Dragon suddenly realized something.

A certain person wanted to transcend her existence, foresee the future in some way, and carefully set up a situation, not for other people, but for her, or the arrival of existences at the same level as her.

What were the sacrifices of those millions of lives?

A... divine word that turns false things into an established 'truth', originating from the divine origin of the Lord of Truth. She has fought against the mythical beast created by the evil god's special power before, However, it seems difficult for the other party to invest this level of power. Now this is the second time they have met.

This Rosalia's body contains things obtained from the city's sacrifice, and her death is the key to unlocking the power of that sacrifice. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

Because he and Luo Xi had been to that city, they received recent directional guidance.

Now, this evil god's power directly affected her without any hindrance.

Bahamut felt like there was an extremely violent voice in her mind, affecting her self-will.

In order to prevent a more disastrous attack from happening in the next second, she immediately flew outside with Luo Xi.


Not getting a response, Bahamut just kept flying outside with Luo Xi.

At this moment, from the depths of his soul, a book that had been silent for a long time suddenly had a movement.

Colorful streams of light overflowed from his eyes.

Countless scenes of the future floated through Luo Xi's eyes.

He saw the damage Black Dragon would cause in the next few years, and she even dragged several of her teammates into the trap.

So much so that someone wrote a biography of the World-Destroying Dragon for them.

—[Those epic warriors, the legendary Seven-Colored Dragon Emperor, they are the shadows lurking in the world, the dragons of destruction that secretly lead the world to the truth. All things will return to the truth, and they lead the world to destruction. 】—On the Destruction Brought by the Seven-Colored Dragon Emperor—Written by Geralt in the year 3129 of the 'Tire Calendar'.

And then...the world was destroyed.

The end of everything.

Is this what will happen to him this time?

In a space with countless regular chains, a figure bound by chains trembled slightly, the ever-changing body gradually solidified, and the eyes tended to open.

Beside her, a book that also exuded seven colors was actively opened.

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