Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 493: Floresia’s death, where the future and the past intersect (4k)

The old maid opened her mouth and showed a kind smile and said: Miss Floresia, long time no see. I'm sorry for letting you stay here for a month in vain. We should have been here long ago, but there are other things. Fang’s forces had to deal with it, so a little bit of time was wasted.”

She is actually a protector in the capital of the Kingdom of Gold. Her original duty is to take care of Rosalia and the young master. She has a fifth-level strength and has a 'Grand Master' level of extraordinary skills in concealing aura. For ten years Dozen took a secret mission to the City of Prayer, and finally completed the mission perfectly, causing all the forces of Moro's side in Sequence 7 to collapse.

You turned out to be hers...

Floresia bit her lip and looked at the old maid in front of her.

Although she had long known that this old maid was from the side of a certain country leader candidate, she had thought before that this person might want to help her from the bottom of her heart.

Is there really no meaningless help between strangers?

The purple-haired woman came up with a smile and said: Are you surprised? Do you regret it? The life-saving straw you finally grasped was just to use you from the beginning, and you foolishly followed my plan. I’ve never seen someone so manipulative as you.”

Floresia whispered: Who are you?

I, the current leader of the country is my father, who do you think I am?

The purple-haired woman smiled openly, very happy.

One of her favorite things is to tell her origins and identity one by one while looking at their confused expressions in front of enemies who have no power to resist.

This will give her a sense of superiority and control.

Floresia said in a hoarse voice: Don't think that I am a three-year-old child. You said that the current king is your father, but anyone with his bloodline should not participate in the candidate for the king this time.

The purple-haired woman touched the numbers on her face and hummed: Is this difficult to understand? Because I am not his biological child, but the son of the king is my husband, so the king is also my father. .”

You are not my biological child either.

Floresia suddenly understood.

In order to prevent the king's family from becoming dominant, the Eternal World Tree will not choose candidates among the king's descendants, but there are always other ways to get around it.

People who are accustomed to high positions will not tolerate their power being taken away by others, so every head of the Golden Kingdom will try every means to keep the position of the next head of the country within his own power.

Of course, it is normal for multiple parties to invest. Several of the larger candidates now have the king of the Kingdom of Gold investing behind them. No matter who wins, it will always be guaranteed that the king’s side will retain a certain amount of strength. Looking forward to running again in a hundred years.

What do you mean...are you mocking my blood as that of a commoner?

When the purple-haired woman heard Floresia's words, her delicate face suddenly twisted.

Her name was Rosalia. She was originally the daughter of an ordinary farmer. She came from a poor family and had no commendable background. She grew up eating leftovers when she was a child.

Twenty years ago, when she was a skinny eight-year-old child, a golden vision fell from the sky one night. After that night, the number '01' appeared on her face. After that, she was discovered by the forces on the side of the country. He brought him back to the Golden City, became the playmate of the king's son, and made a marriage contract.

Now I have been married for more than ten years.

Who would have thought that someone like her would become the number one candidate for the head of the country and the daughter-in-law of the head of the country. It would be an exaggeration to describe her as a carp leaping over a dragon's gate or a sparrow turning into a phoenix.

However, she was born into poverty. Even though she is now in a high position and has top-level aristocratic power, the sense of humble family status that has accompanied her since childhood still makes her character very distorted.

To put it simply, she doesn't allow anyone to judge her past.

The word ye in Floresia's name immediately made her unable to hold back any longer, because if she lost her status as a candidate for the country's leader, she would probably be a peasant woman still digging the ground somewhere.

Sometimes, when she was dreaming, she would wake up one day and find that the numbers on her face were gone, and then she would wake up in a cold sweat.

Grandma, slap the mouth!

The old maid was stunned.

Then he stepped forward with a wry smile, raised his palm and fanned it down.

Snapped! —

A red palm print appeared on Floresia's face.

She didn't even realize why she was beaten. There was only burning pain on her face, but compared to the feeling of being burned all the time in her body, this pain could be said to be child's play.

Does it hurt? Do you regret it? Do you still have that spare time now?

The purple-haired woman stepped forward, her beautiful face filled with deep malice.

She wanted to see Floresia crying out of regret and wailing out of fear.

Only in this way can she find the satisfaction in her heart in front of such a noble lady born with noble blood.

Floresia shook her head.

She said calmly: I don't regret it. In fact, I want to thank you. At least you gave me a chance to pursue freedom.

Purple-haired woman: ???

I let you brothers and sisters kill each other and destroy your family. Why the hell are you thanking me?

Is there something wrong with this woman?

To be honest, she didn't understand what Floresia was thinking. Isn't it just a marriage? It's not a life-threatening matter. At most, divorce will be enough. There is no eternal love between nobles, only eternity. Interests.

If it hadn't been a task directly assigned to grandma by God's will, she would have thought that the task was for her to die.

Actually, I don't have long to live.

Floresia said with a relieved look: If you want my life, then take it. It may be a good thing for you to take me away from there. At least my child will not be dead when he comes back. Watch me die in pain.

Rosalia: ...

This was the first time she encountered such an opponent.

The ones in the past basically yelled at her after seeing her, talking about their untouchable status in the eyes of others, asking her to release them quickly, and then they were tortured into a miserable state by her.

Only Floresia faced this situation so calmly.

But the calmer Rosalía saw Floresia became, the more she wanted to see her painful expression.

I won't kill you.

Then why did you bring me here?

Floresia glanced at the tail behind her and said, Also, why did I get this number...

That number is extremely obvious on the dragon's tail, which changes from thick to thin.

Rosalia sneered: Don't you know this? There is a certain probability that the candidate sequence of our Golden Kingdom can be passed on to people who are related by blood. You killed your brother, plus You were lucky enough to take his place.

As for why I brought you here, you will know soon.

Having said this, a look of confusion flashed across Rosalia's eyes.

Why would the gods say she is the biggest threat?

The people who cultivate their own industry are not even half sure of becoming the leader of the country. This woman has nothing, so where does the threat come from?

Dong Dong—

Miss Rosalia, the Archbishop asked you if you are ready.

A soft female voice sounded outside the door.

Get ready, please ask the Archbishop to wait. Rosalia shouted towards the outside.

Yes, please hurry up, the time is coming. The person outside the door resigned.

While Floresia was uneasy, she was also filled with doubts.

There is no church in the Golden Kingdom, so all power is controlled by the king. So who is the archbishop?

Rosalia glanced at Floresia and said, You should be lucky that you have become our first-class sacrifice to the gods today.


Floresia opened her eyes wide and said, Which evil god do you believe in?!

Snapped! —

This time it was the old maid who took the initiative and slapped Floresia.

She said with anger on her face: Don't say that the god we believe in is an evil god! What we believe in is the truth of this world!

After receiving a violent blow, Floresia coughed out a mouthful of blood.

She thought she had fallen into the hands of a certain country leader candidate.

Although it was correct, she didn't expect that this candidate for the country's leader was actually a believer of the Evil God Church!

If such a person becomes the leader of the Kingdom of Gold, will this country still have a way to survive?

You...the king, don't you know what you are doing? she asked.

Rosalia smiled charmingly.

Of course I don't know, but my father is very kind to me. He also expects me to give birth to his son after I become the king. Naturally, he will satisfy my request if he can meet it. You have already already Out of our sight, we don't bother to care about you. Who knows God said you are my biggest competitor, so I can only ask my father to find you and send you here.

Are you crazy? You say I am your competitor? I never thought about the position of the leader from the beginning...

Shut up, God says you are, then you are!


Floresia was speechless.

Is this woman crazy?

How could she, a woman who had killed her relatives and left her family and become homeless, be able to run for the position of leader of the country?

Now, they want to sacrifice themselves to that evil god...

Floresia raised her head, a trace of determination flashed in her eyes.

He was already dying anyway, so he couldn't bring any trouble to Xiao Luo Xi and the others.

At this moment, she let go of her body, suppressing the alienation factors that were constantly eroding her body, and actively increased the erosion intensity of the factors.

As a result, visible to the naked eye, the dragon horns on her head and the dragon tail behind her emitted a dazzling light, her scales were covered with flowing firelight, and her eyes turned into pure golden vertical pupils.

Rosalia finally realized something was wrong: Grandma, what is she doing? Stop her!

The old maid raised her hand and put it on Floresia's body. Chains stretched out from the space to restrict her movements. Then she frowned and said: It's hopeless. She took the initiative to reverse the flow of source elements in her body, causing critical alienation. The factor is restless, and she has crossed the threshold of transforming from a human into a source beast. No matter whether she ends up becoming a source beast or an irrational monster, she is already dead.

The old maid sounded a little regretful.

What happened to this child now was ultimately her fault.

I didn't expect her to have such courage.

However, this is fine, but falling into the hands of Miss Rosalia would be much more uncomfortable than dying.

Hey, the sacrifice I got is gone.

Rosalia sighed and said: Forget it, let's use the civilians to make up the numbers. Now that I have eliminated this biggest opponent, with God's help, I should be 80% sure to become the leader of the country, right?

The old maid said: Well, the forces of other parties are not of concern.

Rosalia nodded, then turned and walked out the door, casually saying: I'm going to see the archbishop, grandma, you pack her up and throw her away. I don't want to see her turn into a dragon queen, it will make me dirty. eyes.


A scimitar appeared in the old maid's hand and stabbed directly into Floresia's heart.

The dramatic transformation of Floresia's body in the form of a dragon suddenly stopped, and the rapidly growing scales on her skin also stopped.

The old maid looked sad and said: I'm sorry, don't blame me, I did it for the young lady.

Immediately, the old maid dragged Floresia's body, teleported out of the room, and flew towards the wilderness.

Rosalia was discussing something with a few people in gray robes and an old man with white hair.

The purple-haired girl blushed and said to the old man: This is the city I control. If I sacrifice the whole city, my father will definitely find the problem! If he knows that I am working with you, he will definitely not support me anymore. Me!

What do you mean we?

The old man said sternly: Aren't you also part of the pursuit of truth?!

Rosalia quickly said yes in fear.

The old man said harmoniously: You don't have to worry about this. Have you seen them? These people are famous film businessmen. They will accept the responsibility for the destruction of the city. It has nothing to do with you. You are on your way back to the capital now. , understand?”

Rosalia smiled and said: I understand, it's the Archbishop's thoughtful arrangements.

She wants to be both the ruler of the country and the angel of the gods on land. The former can give her supreme power, and the latter can give her eternal life. She doesn't want to let go of either one.

What are we doing with this sacrifice? Are we calling for the coming of God? she asked.

The old man said: No, this time we are going to pray to the gods of the future, crossing the long river of time, waiting for him to enlighten us.

Archbishop, you are busy here. I have turned off the self-defense system of the sacred tree. I will leave first.

Rosalia didn't understand this. She didn't want to stay any longer. In order to avoid arousing the suspicion of the king, it was better to return to the Golden City as soon as possible.

The old man didn't leave her alone either.

This woman is so stupid. If her identity wasn't very important, they wouldn't want to drag her along.

About two hours after she left, the old man and a group of shadow merchants waved their staffs together, activating the large-scale sacrifice spell that had been arranged in the city.

Engraved in it are the pointing runes of 'Cronos, the Source of Time's Calamity'.

This was exchanged from the current Pope of the Church of Calamity.

Under the mighty power of Heaven, all living creatures in the city, including the rats in the sewers, were crushed into bloody water in an instant.

Only the old man and a group of shadow merchants were still alive.

The sacrifice has been given, is it coming? Apocalypse from the future!

However, in their expectant eyes, nothing seemed to happen?

Sacrifice a loneliness?

Let's go! We're going to be found over there!


On the wilderness.

Floresia, whose body had turned cold after being thrown into a ditch by the old maid, suddenly opened her eyes!

She looked around in confusion: Where am I?

Who are you? Why are you in my body? A voice sounded in her mind.

Floresia was stunned: This is my body, I am Floresia, who are you?

You are talking nonsense, I am Floresia! And this is my body! Get out of here!


The future and the past finally intersect here~ I can’t write today, so I’ll update it tomorrow.

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