Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 492: The Big Sisters of the Dragon Emperor in the Abyss and the Reappearance of the Old Maid

Abyss, depth seven.

From time to time, terrifying space cracks appear in this deep void, and all kinds of weird, strange, and indescribable lights and shadows flicker everywhere, creating the most gorgeous and magnificent landscape that is beyond the comprehension of mortals.

Of course, ordinary people can't come here easily.

This is the lowest level of the abyss, the area closest to the barrier of the world. Not to mention humans, even abyss-level source beasts will have a hard time sinking here and will only get stuck halfway.

The only intelligent beings in the entire world who can easily reach this place are the seven mythical dragons.

Of course, there are still some people who come here relying on the power of evil gods obtained from outside, or special guidance.

For example, in the future era, the Pope of the Church of Calamity once came here to look for the Disaster, the Source of Time, and was intercepted by Bahamut.

As the reflection of the Eternal World Tree, Origin Disaster usually lingers in the deep areas of the abyss. One of the daily responsibilities of the Dragon Emperors is to prevent the Origin Disaster from rising as much as possible.

For hundreds of thousands of years, they have tried their best to prevent source disasters from appearing, but many source disasters still come to the mainland and cause disasters. However, their attitude towards dealing with source disasters is relatively negative.

After all, source disaster is an internal problem of the world, different from evil gods.

finally reached.

Bahamut passed over a huge piece of gravel, circled a corner, and stopped on it, changing back to his human form. Luo Xi, who was placed next to her, was surrounded by a gray-black light layer. Resisting the space cracks that can be seen everywhere.

Is this the bottom of the abyss? Luo Xi rubbed his head with a headache.

The halo around him made him feel dizzy and uncomfortable.

Although he was protected by the black dragon, he still felt as if he was being pressed by a mighty force, and all the bones in his body seemed to be mourning.

Bahamut said: Yes, you can still maintain consciousness. It's incredible, but you have to be prepared. There is still a long way to go. Let's go find the nearest Xiaohong first... Alexlita is what you call the Red Dragon Emperor.

Just arrange it.

Luo Xi himself had no other choice but to follow Bahamut's arrangements.

How long have we been down here? he asked.

About a month.

“That’s not particularly slow.”

Oh, you don't know how big this place is. The abilities related to space and movement have lost their effect here. We can move only by the strength of our bodies.

How big is the lowest level of the abyss?

If the entire world is compared to a sphere the size of a basketball, whether it is Mang Continent, Pangea or Chen Continent, these continents together with the oceans only occupy the size of a marble ball in the center of the world. The rest of the area is All belong to the scope of the abyss.

Calculating purely based on surface area, you can imagine how wide the abyss area at depth seven at the bottom is.

It is said that the Creator God left so many holes in the past to create a new world or planet. But in the end, I don’t know why. Maybe it lost too much power after creating that world, or it could be used to shape the world. The rules of the world are not powerful enough. Anyway, in the end, there is only a world that breeds living creatures.

Then continue.

Bahamut said: She is already here.

A blazing hot wind blew.

In front of Luo Xi's eyes, a woman with light blue flames all over her body, wearing a beautiful red dress, red hair and golden eyes, extremely beautiful, and a temperament completely opposite to Bahamut's coldness stood. Before his eyes.

The Red Dragon Emperor, Alexlita.

During the invasion of the Tree of Void Darkness, Luo Xi got her helping hand.

Although it is impossible for Alexlita to know who he is now.

In fact, the same goes for other dragon emperors. Among the seven-color dragon emperors, apart from Bahamut, the one Luo Xi is most familiar with is the lazy young female dragon queen Ysera, but in this era, none of them know him. .

Hei, why are you looking for me? Don't you know that I am busy? The area I manage is full of cracks, and it will be difficult to repair them.

Alexlita's tone when she came up was very rude.

Anyone who is overwhelmed with a lot of work will probably be very angry when he is interrupted by a coworker who is just trying to do nothing.

Bahamut said helplessly: I only rested for a short time and you blamed me. My last time to move on the mainland is gone, and you still think I'm fishing.

You asked for it.

Alexlita held her plump breasts in her arms and turned to look at Luo Xi: So what do you want from me? Who is this human being?

Quarrels are quarrels, this is their daily routine, but she also knows that Hei will not come over to chat with her when she has nothing to do.

In the past few years, three World Trees have disappeared in a row. Everyone is very busy and has no time to waste unless there is something more urgent.

Bahamut pointed at Luo Xi and said: No, it's him. The 'prophecy' of the destruction of Kong, Zhishui, and Tide that I told you last time came from him. Xiaohong, please put your origin Lend him some strength, he might be able to use it.

Alexlita: ???

She looked suspicious and said: Are you sure you're not kidding me? This person looks like a human being. If you borrow some of your original power from me, aren't you afraid of being burned to death?

It shouldn't be... right? Bahamut looked at Luo Xi.

Luo Xi shrugged and said that he didn't know. If the 'Star God Furnace' was useless, he would have sent it, but he still chose to believe in the Star Bell of this era.

Would you like to give it a try? he said.

It doesn't hurt to give it a try. If it's not enough, let me first see what's so special about you that Black Man can bring here.

Alexlita looked up and down Luo Xi's body, raised her hand and put it on his shoulder to feel it, then frowned and said: Why do I feel that there is a part of me in your body... ..There are black ones? But they are also ethereal and amorphous. What the hell is this?

I don't understand, Luo Xi's body is like a super hodgepodge, filled with all kinds of energy, but it can remain stable.

Moreover, this hodgepodge is as if it is not in this time and space. You can see it, but you can't eat it, and you can't smell it.

Bahamut looked at the performance of the Red Dragon Emperor with satisfaction.

Finally, he was not the only one who was shocked by what happened to Luo Xi.

As a traveler in time and space, this guy's various strange features are indeed worthy of study. It's a pity that none of them are good at 'time authority'. Otherwise, Luo Xi's problem of being unable to use his abilities may be easily solved.

Hei, where did you find such a strange guy?

Alexlita looked at Luo Xi with eyes full of research desire.

Luo Xi shuddered and said quickly: I'm not here to be used as experimental material!

I know, I will inject some of my power into you, right?

Alexlita's hand touched Luo Xi's shoulder. The temperature suddenly rose. Part of her authority flowed into Luo Xi's body. At the same time, she was also ready to withdraw immediately if the situation went bad. .

But she soon realized that her preparations might be unnecessary.

The weak power of authority she sent out was like a mud cow drowning in the sea. It didn't know where it went, and Luo Xi's body remained unchanged.

[You have been infused with the power of the Red Dragon Emperor—Alexleta—Sky Fire and Purification]

Luo Xi blinked and looked at the words that flashed before his eyes, which made him extremely friendly.

Sure enough it can!

Although some pain is enough, the pain is just the simplest price.

Then the next goal is clear.

Find other Dragon Emperors and pluck dragon hair from their bodies!



October 10th in Tire calendar.

From the high sky, a giant black dragon flew out. On top of the dragon's head stood a handsome half-sized boy, looking at the land below with bright eyes, breathing the fresh air excitedly.

It's been more than four months.

Hey, I didn't expect Xiaolan to be so far away. It took half a month just to get around. Otherwise, we could have come back half a month earlier. Forget it, it's still early for the candidate day of the country leader anyway. You can do it well. Prepare.

Do I have to be the leader of the country?

Otherwise, since the Golden Tree has chosen to stay and choose you, it means that he must have seen something. You can still accept our power, which shows how special you are.

Luo Xi lowered his head and glanced at the colorful scales that appeared on his arms.

These are the scales he grew after receiving the power of all the Dragon Emperors.

The last piece belonged to Ysera, the Green Dragon Emperor. Because Ysera coexisted with Gray Dream in the shallow abyss, she was placed last by Bahamut. When they came up to the shallow abyss, they asked who The green dragon asked for some strength.

I have to say that Ysera is still as lazy as she was eight thousand years ago.

After collecting the power of these dragon emperors, Luo Xi's body has grown a bit, reaching the age of twelve or thirteen. In Bahamut's words, his existence is more stable and no longer that kind of The feeling of floating in a gap in time and space.

But physical growth only ends there.

For the rest, Luo Xi probably has to start with Floresia.

Not long after leaving the Gaotian area, Bahamut took Luo Xi back to the small town where they left. The blessing light of the small town's sacred tree seemed to be nothing in front of her eyes. She directly tore a small hole with her claws. It turned into a black light and flashed in.

Outside the courtyard.

After Bahamut landed, he said proudly: There is no trace of damage to the barrier at all, which means that the two girls inside must be fine. I said that except for the evil god, no one can destroy the barrier from my side. You still don’t believe it, but you’ve been pushing me so hard all day long that my ears are almost covered with calluses.”

Luo Xi thought it was because he was afraid of the evil god.

In the past four months, his experience can be regarded as legendary. He saw all the seven-colored Dragon Emperors in the abyss, and also saw several original disasters, although he always took a detour.

The human forms of those Dragon Emperors are all different, but each one is extremely beautiful.

The red dragon emperor Alexlita is a beautiful red-haired giant sister, the white dragon emperor Leviathan is a beautiful and lovely white-haired girl, the yellow dragon emperor Yaletigard is a kind and amiable gentle girl, and the blue dragon emperor is a kind-hearted and gentle girl. The Dragon Emperor is an intellectual and beautiful girl wearing glasses, the Purple Dragon Emperor is a hot black girl with big breasts, and the Green Dragon Emperor's young daughter Ysera...

Not to mention Bahamut, Luo Xi had been in awe of her from the beginning, and now he can ignore the ascetic influence brought about by her coercion and authority.

No matter which feeling you feel, it comes from the second dimension.

Bahamut smiled jokingly and said, Go meet your mother who you miss so much day and night.

The barrier disappears.

Luo Xi walked into the courtyard, and then saw the messy courtyard, and Mu Yu, who was sitting on the stone table in the courtyard with a haggard and lifeless face. The maid skirt she was wearing seemed to have not been changed in a long time.

Mu Yu noticed someone coming in. She slowly raised her head and saw that the person who came was Luo Xi. All the anxiety and sadness that had accumulated in her heart burst out, and she staggered up and rushed towards Luo Xi.

Luo Xi, the eldest lady has been lost. I don't know where she went...

Luo Xi's heart skipped a beat.

He turned to look at Bahamut next to him.

Bahamut was also in disbelief.

Who can take people away without anyone noticing under the barrier she set up?

You said that if it was an evil god, then it would be impossible for the evil god to abduct people without even destroying her barrier, right?


Bahamut suddenly raised his head and looked at the giant tree reaching 10,000 meters into the sky and earth in the distance.

Unless it’s the Eternal World Tree—gold!

This town is within the scope of His roots, and everything is under His control. There is still a way to take Floresia away.

But why did He do this?

Floresia is just an alienated ordinary human being.

Moreover, if he wanted to use Luo Xi's power, the last thing he could do was to attack the people around him. Couldn't that stupid tree have thought of that?

Luo Xi, don't worry, I probably know where she is.

I also know that it was Huang Jin who did it? Luo Xi said in a cold voice.

Bahamut was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly: Don't get excited, there must be a reason for him to do that. He chose him as the last candidate, probably because he wanted you to-

No need to say more, Lord Dragon Emperor, please take me to the capital of the Kingdom of Gold now.

what are you up to?

Sir, you don't want your companions to know about the barrier you set up, right?


Bahamut's face twitched.

Although her feelings towards Luo Xi were understandable, why did she feel that Luo Xi was in need of sex?

Then come on, let's make an agreement first. I don't have much time to keep moving. If the time is up, I have no choice but to leave. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net After that, you have to rely on yourself.


Luo Xi nodded solemnly.

He had a very bad feeling.



Floresia looked ahead timidly and said, When will you let me go? I still have a child. If he comes back and can't see me, he will definitely be very anxious...

Ever since she was inexplicably brought to this room, she had been trapped for more than twenty days. Every day, various meals appeared out of thin air on time, but no one was there.

Today, there is finally some movement.

Oh? You actually have a child? But I think you still smell like a virgin?

The door in front was pushed open, and a woman's surprised voice sounded, slowly walking in.

It was a stunningly beautiful purple-haired woman, but the words 01 were clearly engraved on her face, destroying the beauty.

Floresia's face immediately turned red and she whispered: What's wrong with the virgin? The child doesn't have to be kissed. No, who are you? Why did you bring me here?!

The purple-haired woman smiled half-smilingly and said: Why? From God's will, I learned that you are the biggest threat to my competition for the king, so of course I have to deal with you, although I don't find anything special about you. , worse than the brother you killed.

Grandma, come out and see her.

From outside the door, another person came in.

Floresia's pupils shrank suddenly and her voice trembled:

You, you are the one...

It was the old maid who had given her the blood of the Origin Beast and the famous gun that could only be used once.

Why is she here?

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