Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 475 Ai Xue: I found you, senior, the crazy actions of the Kingdom of Dark Night (4k)

After August 8th, Luo Xi and others, who had packed their luggage and were preparing to travel to the next city, noticed a different smell permeating the small town.

As soon as the day broke, the priests of the Church of the Dark Night stopped at the exit of the city and conducted interrogations on those who went out one by one.

Floresia looked a little nervous as she looked at the long line of people leaving the city in front of them.

Could it be that grandpa and brother came here to find us?

It had been three years since she ran away from home. The more she felt free outside, the less she wanted to be caught back, married to some fat old man, and imprisoned in a small house.

Since arriving in the Kingdom of Dark Night, the people chasing them closely behind them have almost disappeared, which is why they have never left the country.

I have to say that the Kingdom of Dark Night is indeed a good place for people who have committed crimes to hide.

If they didn't want to travel across the entire continent, then if they just found a small town in the mountains and forests, no one would be able to find them.

During their travels over the past two years, they had seen a lot of vicious people, most of whom came from other countries, and even a lot of people who came across the continent.

It's quite rare now.

Because the Hollow Flowers can no longer be used, some Hollow Mother Flowers seem to be able to be used once or twice relying on the energy accumulated in the past, but they are also closely guarded.

Some people say that the Eternal World Tree that gave birth to the Hollow Flower was destroyed by the evil god. Just like the Eternal World Tree that was believed by the most powerful country on this continent, it returned to the embrace of the God of Creation.

Although these rumors were a little worrying for Floresia, she didn't think too much about it. If the sky fell, there would definitely be tall people holding it up, and even if the end of the world was tomorrow, a nondescript adventure group like theirs would not be able to bear it. We can only wait quietly for the day of judgment to arrive.

It is her idea and pursuit to be able to walk from city to city, experience novel things that she has never seen before, and see different scenery.

Pursuit is very small, but how many people in this world have never left their comfort zone?

Floresia considered herself to be an ideal person.

As the queue moved forward, she held Luo Xi's hand harder.

Little Luo Xi, don't be nervous, your mother is here.


Luo Xi thought it wasn't me who was nervous.

But when he looked at the dark night priests in front of him, his expression became a little serious.

In order to prevent being found by trackers, they basically did not enter the big city, and they also disguised themselves every time they entered the city. Logically speaking, those looking for Floresia should not be able to determine their location.

What's more, no matter how powerful the people of the Kingdom of Gold are, they can't order the church of the Kingdom of Dark Night to stage such a big battle, right?

What are they checking?

At this time, the maid Mu Yu squeezed back from the crowd in front and said softly: It's okay, they are not here to find us. It seems that the Pope of the Dark Night Church has issued a new decree, saying that it is based on the oracle of the Eternal World Tree Dark Night. , they want to merge all the cities, and the merger will start today, so if we people go out of the city, we will be responsible for the consequences encountered on the way to the city merger.

Floresia blinked: Merge? Is it the kind of merger I thought?

Mu Yu nodded and said: Excluding the small villages blessed by false sacred trees and the towns formed by sacred trees below fifty meters, the entire Kingdom of Dark Night has a total of more than 300 large and small towns, nearly six Tens of millions of people must be merged together at once.”

You're kidding!

Floresia exclaimed in shock: Is this the decision of the Pope of the Church of the Dark Night? Even if it can be done, the Lords of the Acropolis and the City of David cannot possibly agree to it!

Luo Xi was also surprised.

The Eternal World Tree does have the ability to manipulate the sacred trees on its root system, such as spawning a new one. This is how his 'City of Dawn' on the other side of the Emerald Forest was born.

However, if Elf Emperor Kuleya said that she wanted to move all six David cities to the periphery of the Emerald City, it is estimated that the archdukes would directly rebel the next day.

This involves the most fundamental core interests of the nobles.

Moreover, even if it can really be merged, what about the food?

How can the Night King afford to support such a large population?

There is also the supply of various resources. Such a large Kingdom of Dark Night suddenly gathered together, so how will these mineral resources be obtained? Who will dig it? Who will transport it?

Just thinking about it makes me think everything is a problem.

Isn't the Pope of Dark Night who made this decision crazy?

Luo Xi felt that he might not be able to stay in the Kingdom of Dark Night any longer, so he might as well move to other countries, even across continents, such as Pancontinent. He didn't know if the Emerald City would welcome him now.

Many people were already going out one after another in front, but many people turned around and chose to stay here.

The merger of all cities sounds like a crazy move. Who knows what problems may arise, so it is better to wait and see what happens.

Soon, the queue reached Luo Xi's side.

The leading priest was a tall woman. She first asked for the pseudonyms of Floresia and Mu Yu, and then looked at Luo Xi, who was being led by Floresia.

What's this child's name?

Regarding Luo Xi's origin, Floresia had already memorized it by heart. She said calmly: His name is Luo Xi. He is 10 years old this year. I am his mother. We are all from the Kingdom of Blue Wind. Now traveling in the Kingdom of Darkness.”

The tall, slender female priest was startled: A 10-year-old child...can I ask, girl, how old are you?

Floresia said without thinking: I think you are 21 years old this year, right?

The priest's face couldn't help but twitch.

21 years old? Then you were 11 years old...

Is the atmosphere in the Country of Blue Wind so outrageous?

There are many countries outside now that say the Kingdom of Dark Night is the same as the Kingdom of Ghosts and Monsters. Obviously there are countries with even more monsters and monsters!


Floresia looked at the female priest with a blank expression.

The priest also looked at her, and the two looked at each other.

Luo Xi couldn't stand it anymore. He raised his hand to attract their attention and said in a soft voice: Priest, you may have misunderstood. I am the adopted child of Lecia's mother, not her biological child.

Oh...sorry, I thought...

The priest breathed a sigh of relief.

If such a birth happened, she wanted to apply for a cross-border execution and arrest and kill the person who did such a thing to such a cute little girl.

The Church of Dark Night now absolutely does not allow taking action against children who have not yet grown up.

This is one of the newly compiled church decrees after the new Pope took office. Underage demons, including those succubus, are not allowed to engage in that kind of industry.

After the new church decree was released, they, the law enforcement priests, had secretly captured a group of perverted nobles and sent them to the gallows. Many nobles had child brides and child bride husbands in their homes, fearing to avoid them. Throw the person out as soon as possible.

Until now, the priest is praising the greatness of the Pope before going to bed every night. She has saved countless children. Although her achievements are not as praiseworthy as those of the previous popes, the children saved by her decree are Will always remember her.

Therefore, these priests will always firmly support the decision of His Majesty the Pope.

Even though this seems nonsense, there seems to be no possible 'merger plan' to succeed.

Now, it is estimated that many princes have gone to the capital of the Night King, right?

I don’t know if His Majesty the Pope can convince them.

Are you sure you want to leave the city? The day of the merger will start tomorrow. The Hollow Flower has lost its function. If you want to leave the Kingdom of Dark Night within today, it will be impossible unless there is an airship.

The priest still persuaded Luo Xi and the others not to leave.

She didn't want to see the 'mother and son' encounter danger in the changing wilderness.

Even though the merger process will not cause direct damage to them, the rioting source beasts are the most uncontrollable source of danger.

Well, we're going out of town.

Floresia didn't hesitate.

Who knows what will happen if we stay here and wait for the city to be incorporated.

What if we don't let them out?

She had already planned that after leaving this city, she would immediately rush towards the border area non-stop. She would probably be able to reach the junction of skylight and dark night before the morning of the next day and leave the Kingdom of Dark Night.

They have been traveling to the Kingdom of Darkness for two and a half years, and they are almost done. They can start traveling to the next country.

Now that you've decided, I wish you good luck.

The priest waved regretfully to let the guards behind him pass.

Luo Xi smiled at the priest and said, I also wish you good luck, sister.

Haha, kid, I accept your blessing...

The priest chuckled twice and finally took a serious look at the boy. However, with this look, several lines appeared on her slightly rough facial skin.

You, you are...

The priest's eyes became very shocked.

She had seen this child's face on the table in her study a year ago when she went to the Pope to receive her award for catching a certain nobleman who was running the business of selling boys and girls.

There are two paintings on the table, one is a half-length painting of an adult man, and the other is a half-length painting of a boy.

At that time, she had the audacity to ask, are these your 'husband and children'?

His Majesty the Pope told her that both of them were her lovers, but unfortunately they were lost and might never see each other again.

At that time, she was just starting out and even asked: Lost? Then why don't you look for it? Or let us help you find it?

His Majesty the Pope, who looked like a ten-year-old girl late at night, was silent for a long time before saying to her:

It can't be found. If he is here, the noise he makes will definitely be huge, but I have not received any information related to him at all. I have also sent people to search for him in various countries, but I have not found any trace of him. .”

Sorry, I accidentally told you too much, so just forget about it.

The Pope then let her out.

Only then did she realize that she was breaking out in a cold sweat.

What on earth did you ask?

If it were those nobles who became the pope, she might not have a way to die.

Luo Xi also noticed the change in the priest's eyes.

He touched his face.

not good.

Because the only people on whom Duke Moro offered bounties were Floresia and Mu Yu, Luo Xi didn't have to make too many disguises at first, but after being seen more times, some people remembered his appearance.

So he basically traveled in disguise.

But recently, his guard has been a little lax, because he hasn't seen the bounty hunters for several months, so he doesn't bother to make any more disguises.

After all, what is there for a child to pay attention to?

Did this priest recognize himself?

Floresia and Mu Yu also had bad intentions. Floresia picked up Luo Xi and ran away. Mu Yu turned back and pulled out an illusion scroll, opened it and threw it out.

The fourth-level illusion spell scrolls were all agreed to be used. Floresia originally brought five of them from the mansion, but now this is the last one.

Wait a moment!

The priest wanted to chase him, but found that the front turned into a bottomless black cliff.

She stepped forward bravely, but her whole body seemed to have really fallen into the cliff, and the sound of wind falling at high speed could be heard in her ears.


Lady Karina, Mistress Karina!

Until a very familiar voice woke her up in her ear.

He is her subordinate.

The priest opened his eyes and stood up holding his forehead. He had a splitting headache.

What's wrong with me......

Sir, we have all been plotted against!

The subordinate said angrily: Those people must be wanted criminals!

Wanted criminal...probably not. UU Reading www.uuknshu.net

The priest recalled the master and servant pair and the child.

This matter must be reported immediately to His Majesty the Pope.

I want to return to the capital immediately. You should prepare the airship.



The capital of the dark night.

In the church church, in the Pope's private study, a girl with black hair and purple eyes was writing something on paper.

A dark shadow formed into a human shape beside her and said: Your Majesty, those princes gathered outside the church and want to ask you for an explanation.

Tell me I'm not feeling well, so I won't see you.

They say if you have your way, they're going to...

Tell them that they will come if they dare. Anyway, in five hours, we will be able to join the city on time. If there are any problems, we will discuss them later.


The shadow nodded slightly, handed over a letter, and said: Your Majesty, this is a letter to you from a priest who rushed to the capital from the border area, saying that there is a very urgent matter.

let me see.

The girl took the letter and opened it.

After a glance, the pen in her hand fell to the table.

[Your Majesty the Pope, I am the official priest Karina. I saw the child in the two paintings you originally placed on the table in the border city of Arles. I don’t know if that is the person you are looking for. , I can only come to you immediately to report the situation. 】

Finally... found you, senior.

In the past few years, she has never given up looking for someone. She even sent people to look for him on Pancontinent, but they couldn't find him.

This is it, is it dark under the light?



One more chapter

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