Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 474: Black Dragon Lady’s Emergency, Sora’s Destruction, Two and a Half Years Later (4k)

This city of succubi (crossed out), well, the city of evil, shocked Luo Xi far from over.

Although the four of them deliberately avoided those women who were dressed voluptuously, the city was full of the same streets and alleys. No matter where they went, they saw the same scenery and style, full of the smell of hormones.

Roast chicken street?

No, this is a city of roast chicken!

There are even many male succubi showing off their toned bodies and muscles, which naturally attracts foreign women.

Floresia finally understood that these succubus women were probably doing dirty work. Thinking of what she had said before, the girl's face turned red with embarrassment and she couldn't hold her head up.

I actually showed such ignorance in front of my children. Will I be laughed at by little Luo Xi?

After secretly glancing at Luo Xi, Floresia breathed a sigh of relief after realizing that Luo Xi's eyes were still so pure.

Fortunately, fortunately, my dignity as a mother has been preserved.

Of course, Luo Xi was pretending. How could he, a man who had eaten meat, not know about such a thing.

If this city appears in the dream world of later generations, Luo Xi can hardly imagine how many players will be addicted to the land of lust and be unable to extricate themselves.

But Luo Xi couldn't understand where they got so many customers.

They can't all be local residents of this city, right?

After some indirect inquiries, Luo Xi learned that there was a hollow mother flower not far to the north of the City of Sin.

Since the Hollow Mother Flower can carry out ultra-long-distance teleportation across continents, people from the Mang Continent and even Pancontinent are gathered here, as well as humans from Chen Continent and Mu Continent on the other side of the world.

Although the human race accounts for the majority in this city, Luo Xi also saw other races such as birdmen.

Yes, he is a birdman, with snow-white wings on his back, like an angel in Western mythology. He has a completely different temperament from those patients with alienation who are infected by the alienation factor of birds.

In addition, there are fish-men with fish tails on their lower bodies, and short little people. I heard that they are from the dwarf race. Even adults of this race are not more than one meter tall.

Lolicon ecstasy (crossed out).

But this still doesn't explain why so many people come to this city.

Are they all here to have fun with the succubi?

Because there were succubus soliciting customers everywhere, Luo Xi and the others did not dare to wander around. They found a hotel in the middle of the street and went in and ordered a lot of food.

Interestingly, the proprietress of the hotel seems to be a vampire. She looks like she is in her thirties. She has two pointed canine teeth at the corners of her mouth. Her pupils are as red as blood. The clothes on her chest are so low that a ray of light pink is exposed. Simply more charming than those succubi.

After Floresia discovered that the landlady was also so crooked, she regretted and wanted to leave. However, the good upbringing she had developed since she was a child made her unwilling to do so.

What the hell is this city?

Isn’t there a normal store?

Mu Yu, aren't all cities in the Kingdom of Darkness like this?

Floresia expressed her concerns strongly.

If all the cities in this country are like this, then they must leave quickly, otherwise what will they do if they teach little Luo Xi a bad lesson?

Maid Mu Yu frowned and said: The Kingdom of Darkness is on our side, and its reputation is indeed not very good. The relationship between the two countries has never been harmonious. Many people say that they can't go back without being ripped off.

It's like this. This is the most famous 'Golden Sales Nest'.

A rough-dressed human swordsman standing next to him suddenly said with a mean smile: Little girls, did you come to this country without knowing anything? Then, do you want to experience the customs and customs here?

Although the women at Luo Xi's table were disguised, they were still quite beautiful. While they were talking, they had already attracted the attention of other guests.

The succubi here are really good, but they are too squeezed. After three days of the free package experience, there are almost no people left. In comparison, human women are more suitable for them.

Bahamut glanced at the speaker lightly.

The man immediately shuddered all over, and a wave of coldness shot straight from the soles of his feet to the sky, instantly washing away all the lust in his mind, leaving only fear.

Who is this woman?

Bahamut said indifferently: Tell us everything you know.

Although it was just a statement, this sentence sounded like thunder from the sky in this person's ears, almost making him want to kneel down and surrender.

Yes, please forgive me, sir.

Afterwards, the human swordsman tremblingly told Luo Xi and the others everything he knew.

He is a wandering adventurer from the 'Chen Continent', who came here through teleportation through the Hollow Mother Flower, and his target is the succubus in this city.

In fact, it's not just the City of Sin. In the Kingdom of Dark Night, almost all cities with demons are like this. What those little succubi like most is to absorb the essence, and it's basically free.

Therefore, this place is a paradise for many people, but most people will be sucked here and their bodies will be exhausted, so the rumors outside will become more and more terrifying.

Of course, there are also many countries that deliberately use public opinion guidance to prevent their citizens from running away to commit suicide.

get out.

After the human swordsman told what he knew, Bahamut slapped his hands to tell him to get out. The man was relieved, and then he actually lay on the ground and rolled out under the astonished gaze of others.

Miss Mu, you...

Floresia and Mu Yu were also very surprised and looked at this 'Mu' who had been accompanying them for almost two weeks.

Although they had been together for a while, this was the first time they saw 'Mu' like this. He was arrogant, cold, and so beautiful that he didn't look like a mortal.

It's like a god has come to this world, and everything he says and does is God's will.

However, this idea only passed through their minds for a moment.

Even if gods really came to this world, how could they live in such harmony with mortals like them?

Luo Xi was not surprised by Bahamut's appearance.

Eight thousand years later, when she met him in human form, she was also so cold and beautiful. Her temperament could even suppress the desires in his heart, preventing him from having any distracting thoughts. At that time, Ai Xue almost thought he was I was ruined by myself.

Moreover, it is not an exaggeration to say that these Dragon Emperors are gods.

For hundreds of thousands of years, when mortals on the ground look up at the stars, who would know that deep among the stars they look at at night, those mythical dragons have been guarding the world?

Luo Xi thought of this and turned to look at Floresia, who looked a little silly.

There is such a powerful being protecting them personally.

It was hard for Luo Xi to imagine what kind of disaster would happen in the future that could lead to Floresia's death, and how the evil god would intervene.

After all, he still couldn't tell whether his arrival in this era was part of the original timeline. Was he moving forward like a puppet on a string according to his known destiny? Or are you opening up a new destiny and timeline?

It's a pity that the little fox girl Feiya is not here.

Otherwise, her eyes that could see the line of fate might be able to discover something, and maybe she could help him change something.

Suddenly, Bahamut, who had always been cold and indifferent, raised his thin eyebrows slightly.

It was Bai calling her.

These dragon emperors have a way of communicating with each other over long distances. Except for Ysera who sometimes cannot wake up because she sleeps too much, even if one dragon is at the bottom of the abyss and the other dragon is on the surface continent, It’s not that hard to connect with each other.

Bahamut chose to answer the request for contact from the White Dragon Leviathan.

Then she came up and said first: Come on, tell me what's going on. If it's another stupid bird fighting with a big dog and blowing up the shallow abyss, you can handle it yourself, or you can find Xiao Zi and Hong. I'm here now. On vacation, it’s busy.”

This was the last period of time when she could walk normally on the mainland. If Bai bothered her with trivial matters, she would never care.

What kind of fight? No, Xiao Hei Xiao Hei! Oh no, it exploded! It exploded! There are cracks at the bottom of the abyss now, come quickly! came the anxious voice of White Dragon Emperor Leviathan.


Bahamut finally lost his composure and stood up from the table with a bang.

The Eternal World Tree - Sora, exploded?

Just like Star Sui, the eternal world tree that was deliberately targeted by evil gods in the distant mythological era and was deliberately targeted by evil gods, leading to destruction, Sora's position in the world has never been fixed.

There is no mortal country under its command, and there are not many restrictions. You can appear wherever you want.

Sometimes it's in the center of an empty sea, sometimes it's in the shallows of an abyss, and sometimes it's on an uninhabited ice field.

Even they, the Dragon Emperor, didn’t know where ‘Song’ would be.

Why did it explode suddenly?

Luo Xi and others also looked at Bahamut in confusion.

At this time, there were mixed sounds outside the hotel.

Damn it, why is the Hollow Flower useless? Did you destroy the Hollow Flower on purpose? You want us to be sucked to death here!

I just said there is something wrong with this place. You perverts are here anyway. How are you going to go back now?

That's not right. Logically speaking, no one can destroy the Hollow Flower, right? Even the fifth-level ascendant cannot do such a thing.

Who knows if these amorous succubi have mastered some new technology and want to trap us outsiders here and absorb all our essence?

You will be squeezed to death! You may even be sucked dry by a vampire...

Anyway, you demons must be sent back to us!

There were many foreign humans and other races on the road. They seemed to have just returned and were arguing with the demons and city guards on the street.

What the hell, what happened to heaven?

The sky is broken!

Hide inside the house quickly!

The sounds outside became noisier, and there were panic shouts.

Luo Xi immediately came to the window and bent upward.

In the dark sky of the Kingdom of Dark Night, a huge crack appeared, and the false sky was torn apart, revealing the deep hollow inside, which was filled with blood.

That is...the world itself, weeping for the death of the World Tree.


Located in an unknown location, trapped by the chains of countless rules, with several source code floating around, bearing the huge pressure brought by the erosion of the periphery of the world, the divine figure whose face cannot be seen clearly, also because of the Eternal World Tree Sora was awakened by the problem.

Was another one...destroyed?

His voice sounded a little depressed and sad.

Fusing himself with the world and carrying the weight and trauma of the entire world has resulted in him, the creator god, being unable to awaken freely for many years.

Even if those conspiracies were carried out right under his nose, he had no way to deal with or solve them. He could only feel the pain caused by the destruction of one tree after another.

Unexpectedly, the only people he could rely on at this moment were the seven little dragons he had given him with the remaining laws of the world when he created the world.

And, those mortals.

However, although mortals gathered together could erupt with great power and even expel the evil gods that descended on the world, she did not want to see so many people dying one after another.

Two hundred thousand years ago, 150,000 years ago, 30,000 years ago...

Time and time again, countless people lost their lives trying to resist the evil gods from outside.

This should have been the responsibility of Him, the Creator God.

But now he can only restrain himself here.

Mainly because the strength gap was too big, she had no choice but to do this.

Although this was no different from slow death, it at least provided her with... time.

Xiao Ling...

Until this moment, He was still hesitating whether to call the friend who came to the first quadrant of the void with him.

He loves the people in his world, but he doesn't want his friends to be involved in such dangerous things.

Let’s wait another few thousand years.

I can still hold on for a while, maybe in the meantime, can I find any turning point?

Xiaoling also has her own things to do, right?

As a result, the creator god of the dream world fell into a deep sleep again. In order to stabilize the world, a seven-color source code appeared in this space following his guidance.

The destruction of the Eternal World Tree is a big problem, but as long as the source code is still there, it will not lead to the collapse of a certain rule.

At most, the sublimation system represented by that tree and the items that confer abilities will lose their effect.


So, Ba...sister Mu, are you leaving?

Luo Xi said bitterly.

How could such a beautiful face say such heartless words!

Or simply not come, and now he has to leave not long after he came. Luo Xi always felt that something had been planned somewhere.

Floresia and Mu Yu were also a little dissatisfied and confused about this beautiful woman who joined their adventure group without authorization and left without authorization.

Bahamut touched Luo Xi's head and said apologetically: Well, just wait for me for a while. After I handle the situation on my side, I will come back to you immediately. It won't be long.

Luo Xi could only nod to show that he understood.

Is there any way, he has more important things to do, he can't force him to keep him.

Bahamut then disappeared around the corner of the corridor.

Unexpectedly, this was not a long time, but it took two and a half years in the blink of an eye.

Tire calendar, year 3114, August 8th.

Luo Xi, who was still a child, was looking at the gorgeous fireworks in the sky in a city full of human residents in the Kingdom of Dark Night.

This day is a festival similar to the Summer Mid-Autumn Festival in this country.

Even though his mentality has always been good, he still has some negative thoughts.

Can he not go back?


I was supposed to update twice today, but my friend called me out in the middle of writing, so I’ll update twice tomorrow.

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