Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 420: Give it to your sister for free and sneak away on a date (4k)

Who is this girl? She insulted me as soon as she came up!

Did I provoke you?

Although Luo Xi felt that he had seen this white-haired girl somewhere and felt an inexplicable closeness in his heart, he could not find a familiar face in his memory and could only attribute it to an illusion.

But the other party wanted to slander him as soon as he came up, which was completely unacceptable to Luo Xi.

If it is serious, this kind of behavior will cause him to die socially in school. Even if he is cleared of his grievances, he will still be viewed with colored glasses by others.

And she herself had nothing to do with it. All she had to do was apologize to each other afterwards.

I have to say that version T0 is really awesome and should not be offended.

At this moment, the students next to him were already whispering.

So Luo Xi is this kind of person?

No wonder he has so many love letters in his drawer and he doesn't read any of them. He seems to be a lolita. I thought he was looking for a girlfriend after graduating from high school.

It's a freshman.

Speaking of which, this transfer student is so small, such a cute white-haired lolita.

Do you also want to be a newborn?

Ignoring those whispers, Luo Xi asked calmly: Classmate, is this a misunderstanding? You must know that casually slandering others is a crime.

Misunderstanding? Crime? Yes, there are crimes, but you, see for yourself, the evidence is here.

The girl sneered, took out a stack of photos from her bag, walked over and threw them on Luo Xi's table.

Luo Xi frowned and picked up the photo.

When he saw the photo, his pupils suddenly shrank violently.

In the photo, he and a little black-haired girl were sitting together on a swing in a park. The little girl was sitting on his lap, her cute little face smiling from the bottom of her heart.

The afterglow of the setting sun reflects in this park and shines on their profiles, making the artistic conception very beautiful.

Luo Xi rubbed her fingers and flipped through the pages one by one.

In the end, the little black-haired girl kissed him, then covered her face shyly and ran away.


When was this taken?

Why don't I remember anything?

Luo Xi was a little panicked now.

Don't you suffer from some sort of schizophrenia?

Without his knowledge, another personality did something he shouldn't have done to his sister, and then switched to his own personality to suffer.

This photo is definitely fake.

Luo Xi gritted his teeth and said: Classmate, I have no grievances with you, but you are using photoshopped pictures to frame me. Isn't that not good for you?

How dare you quibble.

Wei'er just sneered, with a hint of annoyance in her light red eyes.

The teacher on the stage came down and after getting a photo with Wei'er's permission, he couldn't hold it any longer.

Luo Xi, what did you do?

Teacher, this is a misunderstanding!

Misunderstanding? Classmate Luo Xi, please come out! Classmate Wei'er, don't worry, I will definitely explain this matter to you.

After the teacher pulled Luo Xi away, the other students in the class gathered around Wei'er and asked questions. What did Luo Xi really do to your sister?

We misjudged him. He is a scumbag with a human face and an animal heart. He must be exposed!

Yes, it must be exposed!

Wei'er narrowed her eyes slightly and said, It has nothing to do with you. I will handle this matter myself. It has something to do with my sister's reputation. Please don't spread it randomly.

That's right, classmate Wei'er's sister is so young, so we can't spread rumors randomly.

Go spit on his seat.


Please don't do that, it will trouble me very much! Weier's voice turned cold.

In her opinion, her behavior was to seek justice for her molested sister, but they were just outright bullying.

Last night, she didn't know who sent these photos to her, which made her very angry. After finding out who did it through the family's power, she came to this school.

I don't think classmate Luo Xi is that kind of person.

At this time, a weak voice sounded from the corner on the left.

A group of people looked over.

That's a sweet-looking girl.

Someone joked: Ai Xue, you and Luo Xi have always had a good relationship, so that's why you say nice things to him, right?

No, my senior? It's not what you said anyway.

Ai Xue's anxious tears were welling up in her eyes. She didn't know what to say and her words were incoherent.

Weier frowned.

Why did she feel like she had met this person before somewhere?

Teaching room.

The teacher hated iron and said, Classmate Luo Xi, what exactly did you do?

Luo Xi spread his hands with an innocent face and said, I don't know.

Lying is not good. I should have taught you that molesting underage girls is a crime! It starts in three years! The maximum penalty is the death penalty!

Luo Xi said helplessly: Teacher, let's not talk about whether I molested the sister that the girl said. Those photos may be pornographic. Now the AI ​​technology has developed to the point where it cannot be recognized by the naked eye. And teacher, have you forgotten? ?I am also a minor, the death penalty is impossible.

. The teacher rolled his eyes helplessly.

This student is hopeless.

Are you sure you didn't do it?


Teacher believes in you. I'll call Wei'er here later. Let's clear up the misunderstanding. It's summer vacation in one week. Go back and study hard. The college entrance examination will be next year. You have to work hard.



Classmate Wei'er, come to the office.

When Wei'er was also asked to leave by her class teacher, a group of students still had bad thoughts about Luo Xi's desk.

You can't do this! Ai Xue ran to Luo Xi's table and sat down, covering her body on it.

Who are you! Let you protect him like this?


In an instant, the girl's black pupils turned into a light purple.

She was timid by nature, but she had never been so angry before.

The ups and downs of emotions continued to surge in her heart, as if they were about to break through a certain membrane deep in her heart. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

boom! —

The body moves with the heart.

When she thought of something in her mind, Ai Xue's body had already acted on its own. She turned around, grabbed the bottle of water, and poured it into the other girl's chest with her backhand.


A rather sad and beautiful scream.

how dare you!

Why don't I dare!

The two soon struggled with each other until someone shouted, The teacher is here and they were separated by a group of people.

Ai Xue plucked a handful of hair from her hand and threw it to the ground with an indifferent expression.

She found that she was pretty good at hitting people.

The class next door.

A girl with blond hair and green eyes was standing behind the door holding a book and looking at it. She was the one who shouted just now.

After seeing the fight subsided, she returned to her classroom and read a book quietly.

Teaching Office.

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