Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 419: Are you the hentai who attacked my sister? (Four K)

Chapter 418 Are you the hentai who attacked my sister (4k)

On that uninhabited planet a billion light years away.

Luo Xi lay motionless in the center of the field.

A small pink skirt suddenly appeared next to the young man, and then a petite pink-haired loli emerged from the skirt.

Xing Ling glanced at Luo Xi, who was still in a coma.

She was exhausted from running around on three sides, and she had to take care of Luo Xi here.

In her entire life, she had never worked so hard except for being punished by her teacher to copy those obscure textbooks that often contained trillions of information.

I'm so tired. We have worked so hard for your friends. Traveler, how are you going to compensate us, even though you don't have anything that I like.


She suddenly discovered that Luo Xi's soul had almost condensed into substance.


Mingming relied on his own weak power to use the incomplete [Yuandian·Liuyue], which caused his soul to collapse before. However, now it seems that not only has he not collapsed, but his soul is also rebuilding. evolution.

We know that, Traveler Zu, you are definitely not a real bastard.

The pink-haired loli couldn't help but feel a little happy.

This confirmed that her idea was correct.

In the coming final moment, if she fails to successfully stop the Lord of Truth, she still has to hope that this guy can trigger the backhand of the unknown existence that created this world.

The pink-haired loli didn't notice that the '∞' symbol on the back of her hand was flashing slightly.

She gently kicked Luo Xi's body.

Aren't you awake yet?

Immediately, Luo Xi, who was lying flat, levitated upwards for about ten centimeters, and was grabbed by the pink-haired lolita's head and stuffed under her pink skirt.

Let me send you back first. The ones with the magnitude of Gray Dream and Dream Dragon have finally arrived. Everything in the future has turned into chaos. We really can't see anything anymore. You still have to rely on yourselves in the future.

This is what I am

Luo Xi murmured and suddenly opened his eyes.

Then he saw the pink-haired Loli lifting up her skirt with her little hands solemnly and stuffing him under her skirt.


What does Dog Text want to do?

Floresia usually just pushed him towards Snow White. Did this little female ghost push him under her skirt because she had no breasts?

What do you want him to do?

Are you asking yourself to do those indescribable things to her?

How could he do such a shameful thing? Wait, there is such a good thing?

Why did the God of Death take the initiative to give himself benefits?

This is not a dog text at all.


While thinking about it, Luo Xi received a critical blow on his head.

In the blurred field of vision, Luo Xi saw the pink-haired Lolita's little face turned red, and said with a look of embarrassment: Who asked you to do that for us? What a beautiful idea! Let us in!

Go in?

There was no scenery under her skirt as she had imagined, and Luo Xi saw the stars in the sky again.

The next second, Luo Xi was completely stuffed into her skirt, and her whole figure seemed to be swallowed by the huge mouth of the abyss and disappeared without a trace.

The pink-haired loli also regained her composure.

She found that when facing Luo Xi, she was increasingly unable to maintain the indifferent nature of a god in her heart.

Is this the price she paid for not learning the Psychology of Mortal Spirits and other required subjects for gods?

If I had known earlier, I should have worked harder like Dahanhan.

Forget it, anyway, this is just an emotion that only a mortal would have because she took the initiative to come down to this world, right?

The pink-haired loli lifted up her skirt again and got in, arriving outside the space of the blue Mercury.

Below, the shadows of the trees tens of thousands of meters high and the giant dragons more than a thousand meters long, the energy fluctuations they released spread to the entire world. Even the advancing wind disaster Herikant was affected by a green energy. Stagnated on the sea area that is still 700 to 800 kilometers away from Xia Kingdom.

The phantom of the green dragon gradually melted into the energy, and the dream consciousness of the cat-eared girl with snow-haired red eyes on the dragon's head fell from the sky towards her body.

In mid-air, a young girl with green hair and dragon horns stared at the hooded men in the dusk city who were also locked by the energy of the dream. She slowly closed her eyes and her body gradually dissipated into points of light.

She was very angry.

In that non-existent timeline, she may have made a big mistake due to a moment of negligence.

Even if it was just a guess, she knew it was probably what she thought.

Ysera had been in contact with Luo Xi and knew that the power of Liuyue existed in him. If the reversal of time was caused by Luo Xi or another god, then she would owe them a huge favor.

In the realm of gray dreams, Weier told her what was happening in the other world and asked her for help.

Ysera had no interest in helping the kitten, but after hearing that Luo Xi had turned into a dragon, she immediately decided to come over to help return the favor and get revenge on the way.

She is not interested in the state of a human being transformed into a dragon queen~

Because the Shadow Clan's portal had been opened, even if they closed it later, Ysera still followed the clues and projected part of her power over.

Using this power across the world and gray dreams as carriers, two beings who stand at the pinnacle of the dream world on the power of dreams, even if they are not in a complete state, are enough to pull everyone into a common dream. .

Now that it's like this, why don't you make it bigger? Is this all you have? Dragon of Dreams?

Ysera turned her head sharply to the side.

It's you?

The pink-haired girl was floating beside her, with a sly smile on her lips.

From the surface, it is impossible to tell that this is a god from another world, but Ysera knows that if the other party wants to attack her here, it does not need to expend too much effort.

Although they, the Dragon Emperors, have traveled an unknown distance on the road to the abyss, they can only rely on the power of authority they have in the world to be sure to expel those ordinary evil gods that descend.

And she is the god of this world. No, if she is the god of the world, then there is no need to go to such trouble. She can crush the intruder to death with just one finger.

Are you not the god of this world?

Ysera raised her head, looking through the gloomy sky, she saw the starry sky with countless stars.

Those are real stars.

It was not the dead starry sky in their world. In her memory, after unknown how long ago, the spreading abyss eroded the area where the stars were located, and only the 'corpse' of the stars existed in the high sky.

That's right.

Xingling admitted openly: As you may think, we are not the creator of this world. We just picked up a 'hub' of this world through good luck. Let me tell you one more thing. In fact, we I’m still good friends with your creator god.”

What do you mean by what you just said?

Are you interested in letting all the creatures in the two worlds enter your dream together?


Have you not figured out what we are going to do? Why are there so many travelers from other worlds going to your world? Why can Gray Dream be stable?

Ysera lost her voice and said: Fusion?

The pink-haired loli nodded approvingly: It doesn't matter what those travelers did. What we want, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net is just the integration progress of the underlying rules. Let them dream together, and it will be very easy. Will it greatly promote the progress of integration?

Has He long ago wanted to abandon our world? Ysera murmured softly.

Abandon? She has never thought of abandoning you. If she is willing to abandon you, we can save a lot of trouble. Wouldn't it be nice to bring her here to station here alone?


not so.

The pink-haired loli said with deep eyes: She created you, but she doesn't owe you. God loves the world because she really loves the world. She has never thought of getting benefits from you. If you have some conscience, , we should unite to help her eliminate hidden dangers.

Ysera retorted: We are already clearing away the fragmentation and erosion at the bottom of the abyss, and I am also doing what I can do.

It's not enough. No matter how powerful you are, how can you represent everyone? As long as those Eternal God Trees have some brains and can find the right successor, they won't be defeated one by one.

Then what can we do.

Stop talking, hurry up, go back and prepare, are you going to dissipate here?

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