Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 367: The Kev attributes of the Liya family, the rolled up harem (4K)

Above the Solphia Family Residence.

Several old men in gray looked towards the direction where the fierce attack had just been launched.

From the direction of the sacred tree, a middle-aged man with blond hair appeared. He smiled and said: Is Hykmadia ready to take action against Sophia? I can help you, but the price is that I will be re-elected for the next term. City Lord.

The white-bearded old man frowned and said: The Holy Emperor of Morning Dawn has already stipulated that the same family cannot be re-elected, and there are Dawn Guards here.

But we are in another world now.

The middle-aged man lowered his head and looked at the sea outside the city wrapped in fog, and said: The Solphia family was just wiped out by barbarians from another world, and the Dawn Guards all died to protect the sacred tree. I had no choice but to I can only be re-elected as the controller of the sacred tree. After all, it will take some time to adapt if you want to accept the power of the sacred tree again.

These plain words shocked the old man with white beard.

Could it be that the Enstein family has already prepared it?

So how did they know that such a change would happen today?

Hekmadia really doesn’t want Solphia to take over.

What is buried under their family is about to be opened, but by allowing Enstein to continue to be re-elected, or even cooperate with them, is he seeking the skin of a tiger?

After thinking for a long time, the white-bearded old man nodded in agreement.

No matter what, let's stabilize the Enstein family first so they can get ready to do their own thing.

Where is the Dawn Guard now?

They slept peacefully.


The old man gasped.

Is Andres putting all his chips on this time?

But the old man still felt something was wrong.

The Hekmadia clan wants to open the door beneath their family.

What about Andres?

What does he want to do?

What could possibly warrant such an act akin to rebellion?

If Twilight City returns to their world, once the Holy Emperor of Dawn pursues him, the consequences will be disastrous.

Andres glanced at the place where Melissa entered his domain just now, and then looked at the family residence of Solphia below. Although he couldn't see what was going on inside, his expression still showed some fear.

The power given to him by the Dusk Tree can reach the sixth level.

However, the station below gave him a very dangerous feeling.

That was the power that could hurt him.

who is it?

Is it Sia?

The patriarch of the Solphia clan who was the same age as him and had lived for eight hundred years.

If anyone could threaten him, it would be her.

Then use absolute destructive power to destroy the Solphia clan.

Let's go together.

Andres opened his hand, and the divine power belonging to the Twilight Divine Tree blessed his body, raising his strength to the sixth level.

This is a power that only belongs to the abyss-level source beasts. For the human race, it is already at the pinnacle level.

Several elders from Hekmadia nearby saw this and launched an attack together.

How could they turn a blind eye to the opportunity to destroy Solphia?

As for the Enstein family, let’s talk about that later.

When the Shadow Gate opens, Hekmadia will be the final winner!

Infused with the power of the sacred tree, the mighty power of heaven came with the terrifying storm. Even the restricted barrier of the Solphia family, which had been reinforced multiple times, was constantly hitting the lower layers of Andris. Peel and shred.


After the storm completely shattered the barrier below, Andres sensed the situation inside and his expression changed slightly.

Damn it, they ran away, there's no one down there anymore!

Where did it move?

Can't find it in the city!


Several old men in gray robes were speechless.

No, will you be the city lord?

The controller of the sacred tree has absolute control over the situation in the city. Even if Solphia's people use magic to move to other places, under normal circumstances, the city owner will definitely be able to detect the abnormality immediately.

Andres said displeased: It's okay. We still have Melissa. We're not afraid that they won't come back to save people. Now, you hand over those travelers from other worlds in your family to me. Do you hear me?


Because I am still the city lord! Because Emperor Chenxi can't control me now!


International Hunter Forum.

Discussions about the phenomena occurring in the Pacific Ocean have become heated to a certain extent.

This suppressed the original discussions related to the Black Death Luo Xi's city building.

[Bai Zi: Does anyone know the situation of the city that appeared on the sea? 】

[sensei: We already have an idea. That city is the Twilight City of the Dawn Empire. It is one of the six great cities of the Dawn Empire. The current controller of the sacred tree inside is a man named ‘Andres’]

[Bear King: Has anyone been to the Twilight City in the Dream World? Or for those who are on the side, can you go and see the current situation in that area of ​​Dream World? 】

[Argo: Although we can see the outline of the city, we can't get close for the time being. This overlap seems to be leaning towards us now. It can pull things in the dream world to our side. We can't enter the dream in this way. world】

[Heart of the Deep Sea: Don’t think about actually entering it, you will die. The current way of playing is more suitable for us]

[Storm: I heard that there was a change in that sea area, and a large number of source marrow veins were born on the seabed. The board of directors meeting held in the Xia Kingdom announced joint development, but it was difficult to discuss the distribution. In the end, everyone said it was based on their own abilities]

[Sakura in my hometown: Baga Yalu, do you know why it is so difficult to negotiate? The Xia Kingdom actually wants 30% of the distribution rights. What about robbery? ! The United States took a step back and said that only two achievements were enough. Where did Xia Guo get the confidence? ! 】

[Argo: Haha, your wild father doesn’t dare to ask for more. You know why. Now we have entered the extraordinary era. Except for Mugudan, no amount of ships and planes can compare to a fourth-level extraordinary. Or, our Xia Kingdom is led by the Black Death this time, who dares to disapprove? ! 】

[Sakura in my hometown: Despicable Xia people, that Luo Xi has not reached the fourth level yet, he is just a paper tiger relying only on his mount. As long as our Amaterasu takes action, everything will be fine]

[Bai Longge'er: Stop arguing. It seems that the Black Death has not yet advanced to the fourth level, but his strength is comparable to that of the fourth level. Today in the dream world, he killed the dragon slayer, that arrogant ivory man. He was beaten to death once and a group of people crossing the sea were captured and used as coolies]

[King Bear: So has anyone formed a team to explore the situation? 】

[Deathwing: +1, by the way, see the style of the black god of death]

Soon, a large number of +1s continued to appear, and many individual players who were very confident in their own strength wanted to see this 'dungeon' that appeared in the real world for the first time.

But in Twilight City, the players who were originally here are different.

They find their texts become unusable.

If you want to control the character, you can only choose 'synchronization'.

A sense of panic also spread among residents in the city.

For the people at the bottom, this world can only be passively accepted.


In a dark and deep underground tunnel.

A group of fainted people were placed on a relatively spacious platform.

The white-haired girl took Liya's hand: Ya'er, come over here.

Liya said in confusion: Grandma, when did our family dig such a deep hole?

She never remembered that there was such a place underground at home.

The white-haired girl bit her finger and said: Let me think about it, it seems that when your grandfather was still here, my father used the authority of the city lord to dig it and set up a large number of shielding runes, so even Andres could I can’t realize that we are not the only ones who have this kind of thing, several families must have it.”

Liya looked back at the servants who were placed on the ground.

Is it really okay to put those housekeepers and servants here?

Then there is no other way. We can only do this first. Taking them with us will harm them.

The white-haired girl said: I am only halfway through my promotion. I am stuck due to lack of materials. When I complete my promotion, I will go back and bring your mother back. As long as she is not stupid, she will not leave her field casually. An Dres's strength is not to the extent that he can tear open the closed realm world of a fifth-level transcendent.

Liya asked worriedly: But can you complete the promotion normally?

Also, does their family have some censorship?

Whether it was my grandmother, my mother, or myself, my husband died long ago.

That kid Wei'er won't kill Luo Xi too...

Probably not, that Luo Xi looks like a very lucky person.

It's not a big problem...

The white-haired girl's voice was a little soft.

Liya knew at a glance that her grandmother was trying to show off her strength.

I don’t know if it’s because her appearance has become younger, but now my grandmother’s personality seems to be more childish.

She sighed softly and followed the girl to continue groping forward.

I thought I could be promoted to level five this time when I returned home.

I didn't expect that my family would encounter such a crisis.

Fortunately, Weierina and the others were not brought back.

Thinking about it this way, Liya was a little lucky to have handed over her two daughters to Luo Xi. It was impossible for them to encounter a more dangerous situation than her own.

After walking in the tunnel for about an hour, the two came to a stone wall.

The white-haired girl said: I don't know what it is outside. It should have been a few kilometers away from the city wall. Now...

boom! —

Then Ciya saw white runes flowing on her good granddaughter's fist, and she punched the stone through.

Suddenly, a large amount of water poured into the interior.

No, it's sea water!

Ciya grabbed Liya and wanted to run back.

She has personally experienced the strangeness of the trapped ocean.

The kind that can gradually corrode people's minds, as well as the almost endless degenerate creatures, can kill a fifth-level transcendent.

It's okay, grandma, this seawater is not the seawater in our world.

In Liya's hands, the white rune light flowed, creating a space that belonged to them and repeling the sea water.

At the same time, he pulled his grandmother out, and then used rune magic to block the hole again.

Ciya said in surprise: Oceans in other worlds?

Well, I saw ships from other worlds before.

Liya brought Ciya up quickly. She had to first confirm how far they were from the Twilight City. If the distance was too close, the people of the Enstein and Hekmadia families might catch up at any time.

About two minutes later, with the sun shining, Liya poked her head out of the sea.

The location of the Dusk Tree is about ten kilometers away from their current location, and it is also seven or eight kilometers away from the shore visible to the naked eye.

Escaped from the city!

I just left my mother there...

Liya could only pray in her heart that her grandmother would give her some strength.

We have to find a place first. Is there an island here... huh?

A giant steel wheel came into Liya's field of vision.

It was an American cruiser that chose to return because it found that it could not return.

Is it a ship?

Without time to think, Liya carried the white-haired girl and quietly swam towards the cruiser.

However, after she got within a few hundred meters, a fierce crackling sound sounded, and a large number of bullets hit her vicinity and the rune shield.


Liya hesitated, dived into the seabed, and avoided the bullets that swept over her again. She was going to find a way to seize the ship first.

With myself and my grandmother here, even if there are fifth-level extraordinary beings above, I should be able to...

Grandma, grandma, what are you doing? Wake up!

Only then did Liya realize that her grandmother was already fast asleep, with glistening saliva oozing from the corners of her mouth.

After being shaken awake by Liya, the white-haired girl rubbed her eyes and said, I'm so sleepy... Ya'er, don't you feel tired? I feel like the power in my body is draining away.

Have it?

As soon as Liya finished speaking, she realized that her ability to control runes had suddenly dropped by 10%.

As a result, the barrier created by her using the runes of the creation system became unstable. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

Liya turned back abruptly.

Isn't it possible to be too far away from the City of Twilight?

As the loss of strength in her body intensified, Liya decided to swim back towards the Twilight City.

But not long after swimming, a popping sound was heard on the sea.

Someone came down.

Chai, that must be a native of Dream World!

Are there any torpedoes?

You want to blow them to pieces?

What should we do?

Catch it yourself, idiot!

While several people thought they were swimming in the direction where Liya was going, Liya was floating in the same place with a cold expression.


It's better to seize that ship.



It was already a day later when Luo Xi and his party arrived at the sea area by boat.

Xia State dispatched a large number of warships this time, but they also knew that when it came to extraordinary fields, human technological creations were not of much use.

So it's just for peace of mind.

On a destroyer, Luo Xi looked at several beast-eared girls running from the cradle with a headache.

The clothes they asked to change were all maid uniforms.

This made Ai Xue look at him strangely.

Ai Xue came close to his ear and whispered: Senior, if you like what they do, I can change into a maid outfit and have sex with you tonight, okay?

...Okay. Luo Xi said with difficulty.

[Note: Loli maid, very torture~]

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